National Repository of Grey Literature 34,299 records found  beginprevious34280 - 34289next  jump to record: Search took 1.39 seconds. 

Literary and linguistic innovation within Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things
Szilágyiová, Ester ; Volná, Ludmila (referee) ; Nováková, Soňa (advisor)
In October 1997 it came as a great surprise that Arundhati Roy's novel The God of Small Things was awarded a Booker Prize for fiction, which in the last three decades had become the "paper Nobel" for writers from the Commonwealth. The book was chosen from a list of six other novels in which Roy was, besides Mick Jackson, the only first time novelist. 1 The novel, according to R.K. Dhawan, was not the most favoured by the judges. He writes "There was - a general feeling amongst the critics that, despite its popular appeal, it might not win the Booker.,,2 Nevertheless, the decision turned to Roy's book and almost five years of hard and creative work brought its reward. The book became a best selling "mega wonder" over night and sold more copies than any other Booker winner in the history of the contest. The novel has been translated into more than forty languages3 and became a popular subject of academic studies. There is little room for doubt when stating that the path to popularity and importance for The God of Small Things has already been pre-paved by Salman Rushdie "who put Indian writing on an International literary map,,4; by Rushdie, the "messiah" for the Indian novel in English of the penultimate decade of the twentieth century. The appearance of his Midnight's Children "brought about a renaissance...

English pronouns referring to the general human agent (you, we, they, one) and their Czech counterparts
Kratochvílová, Pavla ; Šaldová, Pavlína (referee) ; Malá, Markéta (advisor)
The present study focuses on the way of expressing the general human agent in the English language by means of personal pronouns you, we and they, and the indefinite pronoun one.

Verbs in the textbooks of Italian language with a focus on indicative tenses
Prokopiusová, Jana ; Špaček, Jiří (referee) ; Štichauer, Pavel (advisor)
The main impulse for this thesis work, called Verbs in the Textbooks of Italian Language with a Focus on Indicative Tenses, were some findings and conclusions made by renowned Italian linguists who specialise in the field of second language acquisition. The problem in its general aspects is summarized in the first part of the work: I outline briefly various aspects of language acquisition, the process of acquisition in Italian language, and then I am reflecting on the practical usage of this issue. The largest space is devoted to individual stages of acquisition of verbal tenses in indicative, which is the main focus of the thesis. According to the selected and quoted studies, it is possible to determine certain chronology of grammar tenses acquisition generally applicable when studying a foreign language. The order should preferably be: present tense (presente) - passato prossimo - past imperfect (imperfetto) - future tense (futuro) - (passato remoto). After describing these tenses, their functions and usage based on various Italian grammar books, I concentrated on how these tenses are described and explained in selected study books for students of Italian. My main interest was to map up to which extent these books are in concordance with the mentioned natural chronology of grammar acquisition. The result...

The relationship of pulmonary function tests and exercise tolerance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Chlumský, Jan ; Vízek, Martin (advisor) ; Radvanský, Jiří (referee) ; Mareš, Jan (referee)
Výsledky studie přinesly několik zásadních zjištění: 1. Tolerance zátěže je u pacientů s CHOPN významně omezena, přičemž různé typy zátěže jsou tolerovány značně rozdílně. Hlavní limitací obou typů zátěže však zůstává nemožnost zvyšovat VT (a následně VE) v odpovědi na zvýšený ventilační drive doprovázející fyzickou zátěž. 2. Limitace vzestupu VT (a následně VE) je určována stupněm plicní hyperinflace a její změnou v průběhu zátěže samotné, která se dá při absenci náročné přístrojové techniky nepřímo odhadovat podle hodnot IC nebo IVC. 3. 6-MWT je na rozdíl od ergometrie doprovázen rychlejším nárůstem dynamické plicní hyperinflace, která je odpovědná za významnou poruchu oxygenace. Proto lépe, než jiné testy tolerance fyzické zátěže odráží schopnost běžných denních aktivit.

Between image and reality: art education at a four-year high school and RVP GV
Kitzbergerová, Leonora ; Slavík, Petr (advisor) ; Šamšula, Pavel (referee) ; Horáček, Radek (referee)
Ve své práci se zaměřují především na postižení změn funkcí a cílů výtvarné výchovy, jak se projevují v každodenní praxi. Snažím se zachytit dynamiku procesu komunikace a poznávání v jednotlivých vyučovacích hodinách či v rámci tematických celků, které, ač nejsou explicitně definovány v žádném z dokumentů školního kurikula, jeví se jako podstatné pro výchovně vzdělávací obsah výtvarné výchovy. Zaměřuji se především na otázky týkající se vzájemného dorozumění a z něj vyplývající věrohodnosti týkající se předávaných hodnot a stanovisek. Jedná se především o dynamiku postupné orientace studentů v oblasti vnímání, uvědomování si a vytváření symbolických významů. Zaměřuji se na způsoby rozvíjení dovedností rozpoznávat kulturně, historicky, sociálně i individuálně podmíněné významové struktury, v jejichž rámci chápeme, reflektujeme a posuzujeme nejen díla výtvarného umění a produkty své vlastní tvůrčí činnosti, ale také svoje úsudky, výroky a postoje k nim vztažené. Má práce je tvořena třemi vzájemně propojenými a úzce souvisejícími obsahovými celky. První je věnován reflektivnímu dialogu jako základní metodě komunikace a vzdělávání a výchovy v hodinách. Druhým tématem je nacházení a reflexe vztahů mezi obrazy a skutečností v podobě a rozsahu, které umožňuje prostředí gymnázia. Ve třetí části se zaměřuji na práci...

Two types of Chinese phraseological units - chengyu and xiehouyu
Roček, Jakub ; Pavlík, Štěpán (referee) ; Sehnal, David (advisor)
The presented paper is devoted to the description of two important phraseological units in modern chinese language - chengyu and xiehouyu. It describes their origins, nature and function. The paper is devided into three main sections. The first section introduces issues of the general phraseology, the second and the third part speaks about the analyzed phraseological units. The last short sections compares revealed characteristics of the Chinese phraseological units with Czech ones.

The Importance of Cooperation between the Clinical Speech Therapist and an Occupational Therapist in People with Disabled Phatic Functions
Dvořáková, Kateřina ; Svěcená, Kateřina (referee) ; Stančáková, Zuzana (advisor)
The main idea of rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary team collaboration. In my bachelor thesis I tried to highlight the team work of the clinical speech therapist and an occupational therapist in people with language disorders. The main objective was to determine how clo-sely these two professionals work and what is important for a person with aphasia. The re-search within the practical part was carry out by a questionnaire that I sent to clinical spe-ech therapists and occupational therapists in various workplaces. Respondents to the ques-tionnaire often mentioned that the work of speech therapist and occupational therapist blends in some situations. However, it does not mean, they do the same tasks. Both disci-pline look at the issue from their own angle, thus ensuring comprehensive care. The result of quantitative research clearly show the fact that in people with impaired communication is cooperation speech therapist and an occupational therapist beneficial, but in many cases is not the ideal level. The end of the thesis highlights the importance of teamwork.

Paradigmatic system of Hungarian verbs
Patloka, Radek ; Tóth, István (advisor) ; Sólyom, Réka (referee)
The main results of the Hungarian verbal paradigms' analysis can be summarised as follows. 1. From the perspective of applied morphology, the Hungarian verb is always verbal-formed. 2. The verbal form in Hungarian consists of two parts: (a) stem part: absolute stem, potentially absolute stem, relative stem; (b) suffixal part: foundation of suffixes, or word-forming suffixes, grammatical characters, ending. 3. The above mentioned suffixes become attached to a stem - or to each other - either directly or using the "conjunctive vowels". I call this vowel - in terms of applied morphology and language pedagogy - a "pre-sound" with a conjunctive sound function. 4.On the basis of applied morphology knowledge and my personal experience with teaching of the Hungarian language as a foreign language, I came to a conclusion that the grammatical character of a present tense in Hungarian either does not have a real implementation, which stands for a null morpheme, or it has a real implementation in the form of non-generalized -sz. 5. I divided Hungarian verbs on the strength of their formal structure and behaviour within conjugational paradigms. Based on this, ten separate groups of non-ik verbs were identified. As far as -ik verbs are concerned, I distinguish three groups. In addition, I dedicated my thesis to a...

Stability of Vitamins in Intralipid Emulsions and Degradation of Ascorbic Acid
Khýnová, Lucie ; Nováková, Lucie (referee) ; Solich, Petr (advisor)
Malnutrition is a state in which a deficiency of energy, protein and other nutrients causes measurable adverse effects on tissue, body form, composition, function or clinical outcome1 . Parenteral nutrition (PN) is an alternative method of providing nutritional support for patients via the intravenous route3 . PN admixtures consist of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, trace elements, electrolytes and fluids. Vitamins are believed to be among the least stable ingredients in PN mixtures and should be added immediately before commencing infusion. The purpose of this thesis was to obtain more punctual information on stability of the vitamins in Intralipid® emulsion depending on different storage conditions and different time. Water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins were investigated in the mixture of Intralipid® emulsion (Fresenius Kabi) with Solvitio® N (water-soluble vitamins) and Vitlipid® N (fat-soluble vitamins) Adult Injections. There were prepared six 50ml Luer- Lock Syringes in total. Each of them was filled with 47 ml of the Intralipid® mixture and closed by Multi-Ad Luer-Lock Syringe cap. Assessing the chemical and physical stability was carried out after: zero time, 7, 14 and 29 days in a refrigerator followed by 24 and 48 hours storage at ambient temperature and day-light...

Selected Sampling Methods in SAS Software
Voříšek, Jan ; Vrabec, Michal (advisor) ; Berka, Petr (referee)
In the present work we study methodology of different kinds of sample surveys and their design in SAS software. Creating of SAS Enterprise Guide Add-In was the fundamental creative part of this work. This Add-In enables to compute important statistics of sample surveys, without need of being familiar with SAS code. Add-In was created in MSFT Visual Studio 2003 in C # language using a tamplate for Add-Ins provided by SAS. This work contains a general description of the creation of an Add-In as well as the description of the created Add-In for handling the sample surveys and its usage.