National Repository of Grey Literature 33,821 records found  beginprevious33812 - 33821  jump to record: Search took 1.22 seconds. 

Autoflurescence spectroscopy of colorectal carcinoma
Ducháč, Vítězslav ; Horák, Ladislav (advisor) ; Hoch, Jiří (referee) ; Poučková, Pavla (referee)
The submitted dissertation addresses the issue of autofluorescence diagnostics of colorectal carcinoma. The following objectives were set: to verify the possibilities of exploiting the autofluorescence properties of normal colon tissue and tissue changed by tumour to differentiate them and to verify the possibility of using an experimentally created portable measuring set to carry out an "optical biopsy" during the colorectal carcinoma operation. The project solution was divided into three phases: Phase I focused on experimental verification of the fluorescence characteristics of normal colorectal tissue and tissue changed by tumour with the use of argon and a helium-neon laser. The obtained values confirmed the possibility to differentiate not only in terms of quality (change in the spectral curve) but quantity as well (change in intensity of the autofluorescence emission at selected wavelengths). When excited by the He-Ne laser, an approx. 30 a.u. contribution was observed practically throughout the measured interval, the maximum being between 670 - 700 nm, which corresponds to the fluorescence spectre of porphyrins. Normal tissue did not show hardly any activity. When the Ar laser was used, intensity discriminant values ranged only in individual units. Phase II was devoted to verification of the...

Assessment of Teacher of Nursing Subjects by Pupils and Students
Bednářová, Markéta ; Jedlička, Richard (advisor) ; Koťa, Jaroslav (referee)
The dissertation Assessment of a teacher of nursing subjects by pupils and students focuses on finding the opinion of pupils of secondary nursing schools and students of higher nursing schools and universities on teachers of nursing. The subject of the interest was particularly qualities and skills of the nursing teachers which pupils and students consider important and desirable. The theoretical part of the work summarizes conclusions from thematically similar studies. The empirical part of the work describes the applied quantitative research carried on by the indirect inquiry method with 805 respondents (out of this number was 74 men and 731 women) - pupils and students of secondary and higher nursing schools and universities specialised on nursing. The respondents were chosen from fourteen schools, seven towns of a different size and five regions in order to ensure the representativeness of the sample. In terms of the gender structure the studied sample corresponds to the usual quantitative representation of men and women who study nursing at nursing schools. The original questionnaire which was drawn for this purpose was tested by two preliminary studies. The obtained results confirmed the basic hypothesis that images of pupils of an ideal nursing teacher are different from those of more matured...

Socializing processes during the child's adaptation in the kindergarten
Šafránková, Tereza ; Koťátková, Soňa (advisor) ; Opravilová, Eva (referee)
The dissertation is concerned with socializing processes of pre-school children around three years of age. The first theoretical part is globally concerned with personality socialization and highlights the significance of socialization in the healthy psychical progression of human beings, as well as the importance of understanding the problems of socialization for the pedagogical profession. This knowledge is specific and generalized in a situational context when the child comes to the kindergarten for the first time and gets slowly untied from the family, developing new relationships outside the family sphere. Socialization in the kindergarten is influenced by many internal and external factors. These factors matter if the child coming to the new kindergarten environment will incorporate to this society without any complications. If any complications appear during the incorporation, internal and external factors also influence the period how long they will last and also they influence the manner how the child will manage them as well. Adaptation programm can facilitate the entrance to the kindergarten for parents and their children. By means of this support programme, alongside the familiar person, children can gradually get acquainted with the new kindergarten environment even before the start of...

Environment for female employment in Oman: public policy and legal framework
Spring, Eva ; Gombár, Eduard (advisor) ; Malečková, Jitka (referee) ; Novotná, Yvona (referee)
Resume Presented dissertation discusses the topic of environment for female employment in the Sultanate of Oman as created by the state. The research is done on two levels. In the first one analysis of public policy and its implementation is presented, the second one examines the laws and legislative process. Besides analysis of the environment for female employment, the dissertation aims to pinpoint the gaps and obstacles in current planning and legal framework, and to offer recommendations for improving the situation. The study uses qualitative research methods, primarily contents and gender analysis, complemented by chronological descriptive method.

The influence of elderly care for dependent senior to the relationsships among family members
Konrádová, Kateřina ; Jeřábek, Hynek (advisor) ; Kandert, Josef (referee)
This paper deals with the relationships between family members in a later stage of the family life-cycle, parents have lost their full self-sufficiency. Adult children support their parents, interaction is frequent and this situation often leads to relocation. The basic question of this study is how these circumstances affects a relations between family members and especially intergenerational relationships between adult children and their parents. The paper is mainly based on the concept of ambivalence and the model of intergenerational solidarity. The research conducted in Czech Republic is a further important background. Data from the research titled "Family Cohesion in the Elderly Care" are analyzed. This research is implemented under the guidance of Prof. PhDr.Hynek Jerabek, CSc. and has a qualitative and quantitative part. Author uses the concepts such as conflict, ambivalence and affectual solidarity to describe intergenerational relationships. The conclusion is that intergenerational relationships in families are characterized by a very strong emotional bond, although high degree of conflict and negative emotion also appeared.

Motivation of volunteers working with seniors in non-profit-making organizations in Prague
Matějková, Tereza ; Holda, Dalibor (advisor) ; Salačová, Lucie (referee)
The main target of my thesis is to chart the motivation of volunteers working with seniors in non-profit-making organizations in Prague. The theoretical part of my thesis targets the explanation of theory of motivation and possibilities of motivating people in practice. Next it targets the work with seniors, its difficulties and specifics. I also illustrate volunteer work in non-profit-making organizations, first of all activities which they can do and then possibilities of working with them. The last chapter of the theoretical part describes activities (services provided for clients, work with volunteers) of four Prague's non-profit-making organizations in which my research was made. The results of this research are analysed and elaborated in the practical part of my thesis. The research was made by a qualitative method, in the concrete by semi-standardized interviews with informants - volunteers from the above mentioned four Prague's non-profitmaking organizations. I consider the research by this method really good for the theme of my thesis because we can get a lot of interesting information about the theme motivation from different points of view of the informants. I investigated their motivation for volunteering and motivation for work with seniors. Next theme was how volunteers face difficulties of...

Development of handball goalkeepers joints movability focused on selected elements of their skill
Balážová, Lucie ; Tůma, Martin (advisor) ; Táborský, František (referee)
My dissertation's name is : Development ofhandball goalkeepers joints movability focused on selected elements oftheir skill Aim : The aim of my dissertation is to make and prove a model of development hip joint movability which is applied at the same time with practice and getting better of sdected goalkeepers skill. Methods: I used observation method for proper survey and record of goalkeepers' activity. In my case it was about observation during matches, also filled in with indirect observation from video records. I needed to measure goalkeepers' hip joint movability and spine flexibility in my dissertation - I used measurement of distances and measurement of angles (goniometry). I assessed goalkeepers' quantitative and quality locomotive faculties. Results : On the basis of the acquired results we can see that goalkeepers improved their movability ofhip joints and spine flexibility. They also improved their percentage successfulness in catching shoots during matches, on average, by 13%. They also improved their skill of goalkeeping but I expected that they would improve more. KEY WORDS : handball, goalkeeper, joint movability, quantitative and quality assessment of locomotive faculties

Development of the Czech language in context of socio-cultural changes with emphasis on current state
Toaderová, Wanda ; Matějů, Martin (referee) ; Hubáček, Ondřej (advisor)
This dissertation focuses on the language as a part of the cul ture. In the theoretical part it describes speech and language as such, deals with one of the most fundamental ethno-linguistic theories - the Sapir-Whorf theory of linguistic relativism, which describes the relation of language and thought. It follows the development of the Czech language in the broader context of socio-cultural changes stressing the periods of our history that have influenced it profoundly. It mentions the work of the prague Linguistic Circle and the Institute of Czech Language. However, it mainly deals with the state of the Czech language in the recent years when it is going through pronounced changes mainly in the area of lexicology and when the whole language structure is changing. The thesis compares the language of different professions, so cal led slangs (of journalists, employees of promotion agencies, computer experts), and describes coining of new words. It addresses the contemporary phenomenon of electronic media that have profound influence upon the language. It further describes the two different points of view concerning the language development - the conservative and the liberal. The thesis contains a qualitative study on the relation to the mother tongue and its perception based on the categories of age and...

Determinants of using life insurance focusing on unit linked insurance in Czech Republic
Veselý, Matyáš ; Ducháčková, Eva (advisor) ; Daňhel, Jaroslav (referee)
The main topic of this dissertation is life insurance. The first part contains a description of principles, reasons for providing and the evolution of life insurance products. The dissertation looks for related values based on characteristics of life insurance and discusses the reference to the insurance premium volume. The second part of this dissertation is engaged in unit linked insurance -- its construction, investment status and flexibility. In this part is described a profitability diference between investing in different assets as well. This dissertation also describes some matters like broker interestedness and financial crisis impacts.

The Choice of Occupation of People with Mental Disabilities
Figallová, Kateřina ; Klusák, Miroslav (advisor) ; Kučera, Miloš (referee)
As their café training programme comes to a close, the mentally disabled persons involved face an important decision: "What next?" They usually enter a follow-up transit programme, which helps them to deal with the transformation from the café environment to a different one. The objective of this dissertation was to map, understand and gain a deeper view into the process o f career choices among mentally disabled people who have made use o f the transit programme. The research group consisted of a group o f five subjects who entered the transit programme in 2003 and 2004. Data was collected until the end of 2005 when the transit programme was completed by the last of the five subjects. The data processing proceduře was inspired by the qualitative grounded theory of Strausse and Corbin (1999). The data were obtained particularly through active observation and ethnographic interviews with the subjects, and an employee of the transit programme (working consultant). The process of a career choice is considered to be an issue of professional identity. All subjects entered the transit programme with a certain idea about their future careers. We generally speak about a desirable professional identity, represented by jobs which the subjects find attractive for some reason. However, such attractive jobs are often...