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Care for employees, corporate strategy
Janatková, Kateřina ; Hájková, Ivana (advisor) ; Zdeněk, Zdeněk (referee)
This Thesis, called Care for Employees, Corporate Strategy addresses the issue of care for employees in practice. This Dissertation analyses its level in the particular, observed company and it is composed of two main parts. The first part explains the theoretical bases which are needed to understand the context of the issue, based on the studied literature. It acquaints the readers with the Labour Code and defines basic concepts such as working mode, working environment, personal development, human resources department, company s strategy, and many others. The second part describes the selected company, including its system of care for employees. The level is determined through a questionnaire focusing on the employee development, communication, working conditions, and working environment, catering, corporate culture, job evaluation, and employee benefits. The results are clearly processed and evaluated in tabular or graphical form. On the basis of the results, problem areas are determined and proposals leading to improvement of the care for the employees and the overall satisfaction are then processed.
Profile of contemporary managers and opportunities of their development
Tolarová, Šárka ; Mudd, Dana (advisor) ; Vinopal, Jiří (referee)
Anotace: Tématem této bakalářské práce je profil manažera a možnosti jeho rozvoje. Práce je rozdělena do několika částí, které mají vliv na definování této problematiky. V první části jsou popsány pojmy management a manažer. Dalším krokem je sestavení samotného profilu manažera (ten je rozdělen na profil pracovní, profil společenský a profil osobní). Popisuji tedy, co všechno obnáší kvalitní práce manažera, jaký na něj má vliv společnost a svět celkově a jak ho ovlivňuje to, jakou má povahu a charakter. V práci je také část zaměřená na rozvoj a vzdělávání manažerů. Zmiňuji zde, proč je pro manažery rozvoj důležitý a jaké existují metody rozvíjení. Cílem práce bylo sestavit teoretický profil manažera, definovat rozvojové možnosti a inspirovat k samotnému rozvíjení se. Klíčová slova: Management, manažer, profil manažera, osobní rozvoj, rozvojové možnosti, motivace k rozvoji. Annotation: The theme of this bachelor thesis is Profile of a contemporary manager and opportunities of his development. The thesis is divided into several parts, which have an influence on defining this issue. The first section describes the terms like management and a manager. The next step in the thesis is the assembly of the very profile of a manager. (It contains bussines profile, social profile and personal profile). I describe how...
Competences and their development in the new scout educational program
Kuberová, Kateřina ; Pelikán, Jiří (advisor) ; Valenta, Josef (referee)
The thesis deals with the development of key competences through Scout training. It focuses on the transformation of educational program in the Junák - Association of Scouts and Guides of the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The first part describes the history, the mission and ideals of Scouting. It deals with the development of Scouting in Czechoslovakia (or the Czech Republic) after 1990 and also explains how Junák is perceived by the public. It was found out by studies that were done in 2003. This thesis compares the historical and current educative documents that are used to support the development of children and young people's personalities. The thesis describes the initial impulses that led to the program's modification. Also the system of competences, which is essential for the new program, is developed in the thesis. The practical part contains instructions and suggestions for effective development of skills and deals with the further education for scout leaders. The work is accompanied by attachments that contain examples of previous and modern materials and a table summarizing the development of competences.
The Human Development System in the Organisation
Kohoutková, Adéla ; Urbancová, Hana (advisor) ; Jaroslav, Jaroslav (referee)
Topic of this thesis is Human Development System in the Organisation. Main objective is to identify and evaluate current development of HR in ABC, a.s. Development of human resource is part of human resource management. It includes training, talent management, career planing and competence management. In practical part of this thesis was analysed HR development in ABC, a.s., based on research and there are desined improvements for current situation. When were searching for suitable recommendations were taken into account primarily the views of employees obtained quantitative research and the trends in this area. Suggested is the introduction of interactive methods of education, implementation of program Action learning and webinary.
The coaching and its importance for leadership
Effenberger, Viktor ; Horáková, Jana (advisor) ; Fiedler, Jiří (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the coaching and its importance for personal leadership. The first part of the research in literary sources clarifies the fundamental term of coaching and its application. Consecutively, it also explains different models of coaching. Next topic of the literary research is the figure of coach, his role and qualities, and also the characteristics of internal and external coach. The last part of the literary research is dedicated to the issues of personal leadership and management. The core of this thesis uses the pen and paper interview with managers of the ČEZ company to examine the quality of coaching and personal leadership in one of the biggest companies in the Czech Republic, how managers perceive additional training courses, and also to survey the overall leading structure of ČEZ. In the conclusion I summarize the acquired findings.
Staff Adaptation and Training & Development in Selected Organisation
Hajtmar, Michal ; Fejfarová, Martina (advisor) ; Zuzana, Zuzana (referee)
The thesis is focused on the process of adaptation of employees and their development in the Prison Service, specifically Mírov. The main objective of this thesis, considering the outcomes of empirical research conducted to evaluate the control system adaptation and development of employees in terms Mírov and in case of deficiencies, propose appropriate measures. For this purpose it has been through surveys conducted by the prison staff survey of satisfaction with the process and their further development. In the theoretical part are summarized and characterized the concepts and knowledge concerning the process of hiring, orientation, training and personal development of employees. The practical part describes the organization and describes the process of hiring, orientation and training of new employees Mírov. Following a survey and analysis of collected data, their graphical representation and description of the facts. In conclusion sums up the shortcomings identified on the basis of their proposed innovation process of adaptation and development of employees, which can be applied to the whole Prison Service.
The Impact of Unemployed Education on Their Applicability in the Labour Market
Gabrielová, Jitka ; Jirsáková, Jitka (advisor) ; Nataša, Nataša (referee)
This bachelor thesis examines the impact of unemployed education on their applicability in the labour market. The theoretical section delimits the basic terms concerning unemployment and describes its development and state of present-day in the Czech Republic, especially focusing on the South Bohemian Region. Afterwards it summarizes possibilities of unemployment education a characterizes demands of labour market in the region in question. It informs as well about former projects for the unemployed in the South Bohemian Region funded by the European Social Fund. The aim of this thesis is attained in the practical section through several case studies, where five stories of clients who participate on some project for the unemployed in the South Bohemia are described. For each of these clients there are personal and family analyses and the situation in the labour market before the beginning of project. Using an interview method, reasons contributing to taking part in the project, educational activities attended and skills acquired during it, and finally the impacts of this education on clients' applicability in the labour market and their personal development from the long-term view are discussed.
Use of information sources specialized on options of education and professional career
Růžička, Karel ; Očenášek, Vladimír (advisor) ; Jiří, Jiří (referee)
This bachelor thesis is concerned with longlife education and learning issue and information sources relevant with that. In theoretical part reasons for importance of education and following further education for modern human are examined, importance of impact of its social surroundings on its development in continuity with choice of his future profession. Further it is consulting process along with its phases, options of education for adults and trends in a sphere of specialized education and importance of motivation and aspiration trials of individual. In practical part individual information sources are analyzed with its consecutive ratings. Outcome of this work should be systematical whole of individual information sources, which can serve as a tool for counselors (in schools, employment offices o in any other institution concerned with education), which work with clients in sphere of specialized counseling and education.

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