National Repository of Grey Literature 31,830 records found  beginprevious31821 - 31830  jump to record: Search took 2.57 seconds. 

Power and Media Comparism of Development of the Russian Media During Yeltsin and Putin Eras
Vyhnálek, Tomáš ; Litera, Bohuslav (advisor) ; Běloševskyj, Dmitrij (referee)
The Diploma project Power and Media - Comparism of Development of the Russian Media's is devoted to the history of Russian media during the Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin eras. Main goal of the work was to follow development of media during those two different stages of reborn of Russian state and to compare attitude of two presidents towards media and influence of media back to state and society during important political battles such as parliamentary and presidential elections or during Russo-Chechen wars. Powered by TCPDF (

Formation of Czech Labour Migration Policy : Influence of the World Economic Crises
Šupíková, Barbora ; Novotný, Vilém (advisor) ; Dobiášová, Karolína (referee)
This Bachelor Thesis focus on labour migration in the Czech Republic and attempt to point out the impact of economic crisis on the formation of political discourse. I am approaching to the topic by discourse analysis. The discourse is considering as a concept the topic is regarded. Data for the analysis are political documents and secondarily also references in the Czech mass media. Purpose of it is a tendency to illustrate which migration policy topics are presented in media. I am working with the data from 2006 to 2010. There is a field for the description of migration in a political discourse, introducing of the main actors of the migration policy, description about the most signifiant projects of this policy as well as for related legislative framework and the topic of integration policy. In particular chapters there are notes about how was the discourse of migration policy affected by the economic crisis.

Allooimmunosensitization in left ventricular assist device recipients and impact on post-transplantation outcome
Urban, Marián ; Netuka, Ivan (advisor) ; Ošťádal, Petr (referee) ; Mrázek, František (referee)
Background: In recent years mechanical circulatory assist devices became an established option in bridging patients with refractory heart failure to heart transplantation. One of the alleged limitations of mechanical devices is a high degree of antibody production with possible deleterious effect on subsequent heart transplantation outcome. Aim: The main goal of this study is to assess the role of antibodies on the outcome of surgical treatment of patients with end- stage heart failure. Method: Firstly, we present a literature review on the current state of knowledge of possible immunologic mechanisms involved in antibody production in left ventricular assist device (LVAD) recipients, new methods of antibody detection, desensitization strategies and overview of published evidence assessing the impact of sensitization on post-transplantation outcome. In the experimental part of our study we prospectively evaluated the presence of anti-Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (AT1R) antibodies in 83 Heart Mate II (HMII) recipients who were implanted at our institution between 2008 and 2012 and survived the first 60 days. On-device survival and device malfunction, major infection, major bleeding and neurologic dysfunction were compared between antibody positive and antibody negative recipients. Out of a total...

Phenomenon of digital labor and its diverse practice in use of blogs in the Czech Republic
Umlaufová, Pavla ; Jirků, Jan (advisor) ; Švelch, Jaroslav (referee)
This diploma thesis, The phenomenon of digital labor and its diverse practice in use of blogs in the Czech Republic, aims to bring the current definition of the concept of digital labor and its applicability into the Czech blogosphere. The theoretical part of this work focuses on the demarcation, definition of, and perception of the concept of digital labor, and the blogosphere, which is mainly based on theoretical concepts of Christian Fuchs, Sebastian Sevignani, Ursula Huws, Trebor Scholz, that proceeded the political economic theory of Karl Marx. The analytical part of the thesis presents the environment of the Czech blogosphere, which is based on the interpretation of the data of quantitative research conducted in the Czech Republic as part of a wider project IPREX BLOGBAROMETERM in 2014 and 2015 and secondly on qualitative research, which aims to answer the research question, if Czech bloggers perceive their creative activity as work and leisure activities, or merge their very different activities in one. Keywords Digital labor, digital work, blog, blogosphere, playbour, prosumption, Fuchs

Ideas on future Slovakia (Conceptions of Slovakia after the Great War 1914-1918)
Bandžuch, Tomáš ; Doubek, Vratislav (advisor) ; Just, Petr (referee)
The goal of this dissertation is to describe an evolution of visions of the Slovak future, as they were introduced during the Great War (1914-1918) by groups of Slovaks living mainly abroad. It strives to decide, which of these visions had a chance to become real and which were only fantasies without real political importance. To reach this goal it tries to describe Slovak relations to other relevant nations in pre-war years and also the position of Slovaks in their fatherland or abroad including the ideologies by which they were influenced. One of most decisive goals of this dissertation should be answering the question if the Czecho-Slovak orientation was the only alternative to the idea of Hungarian state for Slovak politicians, or if the victory of this conception in 1918 was just a result of unpredictable processes, and whether other conceptions had their chance to influence the Slovak future, too.

The structure of trade-unionistical press between 1945-1948
Seemanová, Petra ; Sekera, Martin (referee) ; Köpplová, Barbara (advisor)
This diploma thesis "Structure of Trade-Unionstical Press Between 1945-1948" is focused on the period from May 1945 till 25th October 1948. The first part is mainly concentrated on the situation within this period. At first it was needed to mention the political background and afterwards the proces of the formation of "ROH" (Revolutional Trade-Unions) itself. There are introduced the heads of "ÚRO" (Central Council of the Trade-Unions), who had influence in shaping the trade press. In particular there is noted the charakter of Otakar Wünsch - editor URO and President of the Association of Czech contemporary journalists.On his example here is shown the influence of KSČ (Communist Party) on the members of another political parties going through Trade-Union as well. This work is also trying to highlight the links with trade union politics, specifically the policy of the Communist Party and their influence on post-war press. The following are mentioned as well the problems that accompanied the beginnings of print publishing of trade press. They concerned mainly the lack of qualified journalists, the economic situation of individual journals and their readers. The second part describes the structure of the Trade Union's press. The press was divided into basic categories: newspapers, press for officers,...

Proposal of the new strategic development plan of Pyšely
Nešporová, Josefina ; Silovská, Hana (advisor) ; Jílek, Petr (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with strategic planning and its main goal is to design a new strategic document for the city Pyšely. The theoretical part deals with the development and principles of strategic planning in regional politics and provides basic definitions of related concepts. The practical part consists of independently processed socioeconomic analysis of Pyšely, related SWOT analysis and evaluation of the questionnaire. The final part offers proposed strategy, which includes vision, global goal and priority areas. The result of this thesis is functional proposal of the strategic development plan for the city Pyšely, which does not contain financial and monitoring part given the scale of the thesis.

Comparison of Selected chapters of Economic Policy during the Labour Goverment (1974-1979) and Thatcherism
Pavlíčková, Ivana ; Kovář, Martin (advisor) ; Brhelová, Jana (referee)
This bachelor thesis compares the approach of economic policy of Labour government in the years 1974 to 1979 and Thatcherism. At first the thesis introduces the economical and political context of post-war consensus and periods under government of Margaret Thatcher. Then it analyses working of Welfare State in areas of health care and education. Margaret Thatcher had partial success in application of principals of market economy here. The thesis continues by descripton of nationalization and analysis of issues of privatisation process. The aim of thesis is complex analysis of Thatcherism in contrast with interventionist economy policy of previous Labour government.

Influence of pressure-pain and vibrotactille sensitivity by isometric relaxation in a location with myofascial trigger point
Medunová, Kateřina ; Čech, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Otáhal, Jakub (referee)
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of post-isometric relaxation (PIR) on pressure pain treshold and vibrotactile theshold in the area of myofascial trigger point. Methods: The change in pressure pain threshold and vibrotactile treshold was taken from the area above myofascial trigger point number one trapezius muscle - pars ascendens, and the vibration treshold at dorsum of metacarpal bone of the index finger. Fifty myofascial trigger points were examined (twenty-four from a group of probands with chronic cervicalgia or cervicobrachialgia syndrome, twenty-six in the control group). Results: The pressure pain threshold and vibrotactile threshold did not change after the PIR in the group of patients. But the threshold of vibration sense significantly decreased (nearly by 18%, p = 0.001). The result was opposite in the control group. Pressure pain threshold increased by 11% (p < 0.001) and vibrotactile threshold fell by almost 16% (p = 0.001). Vibration threshold did not change. Conclusions: The study confirmed that PIR can affect not only the pressure pain treshold, but also vibrotactile and even vibration treshold. PIR revealed an alteration to pain perception, vibrotactile and vibratin sensation in the group of patients. This alteration had not been obvious (visible) before...

Nations and terrorisms in speeches by V.V. Putin and G.W. Bush
Dyurych, Pavlo ; Kabele, Jiří (advisor) ; Kandert, Josef (referee)
In this cross-national case study the author, as a former appreciator of Vladimir Putin's policy toward Chechnya, has tried to interpret the war on terrorism as a constructed entity by political leaders in crisis situations. Being inspired by the structural analysis of mythology he tries to identify the similarities and differences in the narratives about terrorism constructed by Vladimir Putin and G.W. Bush. The author argues that the both situations - in Russia in September 1999 and in USA after 11.9.2001 - could be regarded as crisis situations, and that is why the similarities could be found in the narratives about terrorism, articulated by both political leaders. In the first part of this paper, the author has shown the historical context of crisis in both countries. The second and the third part of the work is a qualitative content analysis of Bush's and Putin's speeches related to terrorism. The author has analytically divided speeches into two major blocks: "before" (speeches produced by the leaders in the short period after the crisis) and "after" (speeches produced by the leaders during their military campaigns on terror). The author argues that despite the minor mutations in the narrative, the structure of the myth was not affected. The main achievement of this case study is the finding that the...