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The Enlightenment and its Impact on the National and Spiritual Formation of People in the Czech Lands during 18th and 19th Century
Karasová, Ivana ; Veverková, Kamila (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
This master thesis deals with the spiritual progress pointing to a national self-awareness in the Enlightenment era from the beginning until 1848. The Enlightenment is an European phenomenon, which is characterized by a change of thinking, and self-awareness. This idea of tolerance and human emancipation contributed to the reforms of fundamental social, political and ecclesiastical changes. These changes result not only from a philosophical influences, but also from royal reforms during the reign of Maria Theresa and Joseph II in particular. The Teresian enlightened Catholicism and Josephinian reformism fully started the journey from the Enlightenment to liberalism. Powered by TCPDF (
Ecclesiology Tomáš Bavorovský († 1562)
Havrlant, Jaroslav ; Pospíšil, Ctirad Václav (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee) ; Machula, Tomáš (referee)
Charles University in Prague, Catholic Theological Faculty Thesis, Prague 2013 ABSTRACT Ecclesiology of Tomáš Bavorovský († 1562) Jaroslav Havrlant Catholic preacher Tomáš Bavorovský (Thomas of Bavorov) is still a quite unknown personality of Bohemian renaissance. He is the representative of the Church loyal to the Pope in Rome shortly before the end of the Trident council and the arrival of Jesuits to Prague. The result of my study aimed at his ecclesiological approach is my thesis, which contains five chapters. The first three chapters are concerned with common historical facts of his time as well as with life and work of the preacher. The others focus on his interpretation of the Church and the Kingdom of God. The first chapter describes specific situation of Bohemian reformation, which was different from the neighboring countries because of its Hussite tradition and Utraquistic Church. Tomáš Bavorovský worked mostly in Catholic south and west Bohemian towns (Bavorov, Český Krumlov, Jindřichův Hradec, Plzeň). Therefore I describe in short also their religious history in this chapter. The part concerning the personality of the preacher starts with describing him as a writer. In chronological sequences it presents the writers who have written about him. Even though Tomáš Bavorovský was quite famous author...
Women in Reformation
Hanušová, Barbora ; Vlnas, Vít (advisor) ; Čornejová, Ivana (referee)
Women in Reformation The position of women developed throughout history. Religious reformation, which took place in the early 16th century in the German speaking countries and hundred years earlier in the Czech Kingdom, was one of the movements which changed radically the position of women in the society. First, the religious leaders beginning with Martin Luther changed the clerical view which saw women as incompetent, incomplete and sinful beings into one of respect to the gender and its specifics and to the biological role played by women - motherhood. As a result, women were respected in the society as wives and mothers; nobody wrote preaching about them being danger to men anymore. But with the attack on the monasteries women were deprived of the only way for higher education and independence offered to them in these institutions. The Czech reformation never fully changed its view on marriage. Celibacy and virginity were still considered better ways to salvation then marriage and especially its consummation. In the end both Utraquists and the Unity of Brethren accepted Luther's view on marriage, especially the marriage of priests, but never fully. They tended to see celibacy as the better although for most people impossible way. But the position of women in these branches of Czech reformation was...
The Changes of the Sociocultural Role of Carnival and Charivari in the Historical Perspective
Hillebrandová, Olga ; Horský, Jan (advisor) ; Šalanda, Bohuslav (referee)
The thesis discusses the changes of the sociocultural role of Carnival and Charivari in the Western culture from the Late Middle Agges to the end of the early modern period. The thesis is graunded in the analysis of secondary literature about the carnival and charivari , which is considered to be paradigmatic in history. The analysis follows the thesis of theoretical concepts of N. Elias and M. Foucault. Both of these authors deal with establishing specific individuality of modern man based on the necessary self-control a courtesy codified by social consensus. Carnival and charivari are examples of ritualized collective transgression, which helps create the values and norms of society. Carnival is primarily an expression of popular culture, which includes ritual, play and festivities. It celebrates human nature; the bodily pleasure food, drink, sex and violence, everything that should be civilized by culture. The goal of the thesis is to examine the process of civilizing or disciplining carnival , to determine the initiators and agents of this change. Following the previous then to check whether originally spontaneous carnival festivities, games and rituals in the historical development, which is characterized by a loss of spontaneity, commercialization and professionalization, completely lost their...
Interpretation of Freedom in the Work of Jan Hus and his Sources at St. Augustinus
Schmitzer, Jiří ; Blažková, Miloslava (advisor) ; Hogenová, Anna (referee)
The paper focus on Jan Hus and T.G.Masaryk and their contribution to the Czech philosophy. The emphasis is given mainly to the parts of their lives and work which include timeless moral message. The aim of the paper is not to offer detailed analysis of the philosophical texts but rather to track fundamental moral accents they include and their impact on Czech philosophical landscape. Brief overview Hus' and Masaryk's important life events and decisions is used to describe a practical dimension of their philosophy. The reflection of the Hus' and Masaryk's works follows approach and intepretation of Erazim Kohák's books. With their help the paper tries to indentify meaning of Czechness as it was defined and shaped by Masaryk and Hus.
Portraits of reformators of 16th and 17th century
Žabžová, Michaela ; Nespěšná Hamsíková, Magdaléna (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
In the first part of my thesis Portriats of the Reformators 16th and 17th century, I would like to focus on the historical view on the new reformation movement which had a big influence on history of whole Europe. On this historical part I would like to write the preface of this work. In the second, main part of the thesis I want to introduce the art process during the 16th and 17th century, specifically portriats and group portraits of the reformators in that time. According to this topic I want to mention the artists who worked for the reformators, as Lucas Cranach elder/younger, Albrecht Dürer and others, who made a contribution with the growth of this historical period. In the last part I will evaluate the research and iconography of portraits of John Huss, Martin Luther and another important man of the reformation. Finally the thesis is concluded by clarifying the catholic and protestant group portrait called "Le Chandelier" and its differences between these two similar graphics. The content of my thesis are articles and expert opinions of many research workers who are concerned into the relation between visul art and reformation. In the last part of this work are reproductions and photogrphs of written topics. Key words Reformation, portraits, Lucas Cranach, Albrecht Dürer, Martin Luther,...
The reformation in Transylvania and its responses in the Romanian-speaking environment
Plíšková, Dora ; Valentová, Libuše (advisor) ; Vajdová, Libuša (referee)
Lutherská větev reformace do Sedmihradska pronikala v šestnáctém století prostřednictvím saského obyvatelstva, kalvínská prostřednictím maďarského. V roce 1566 bylo v Sedmihradsku založeno tzv. rumunské kalvinistické biskupství, jehož cílem bylo šířit reformovanou víru mezi místní rumunské obyvatelstvo, a to dosažením vysluhování mší v rumunštině (místo církevní slovanštiny), podporou tisku rumunskojazyčných náboženských knih, zvyšováním vzdělanostní úrovně kněží a administrativní reorganizací církve. Po období vlády knížat z rodu Báthoryů se reformace v Sedmihradsku opět prosazuje zhruba od třicátých let sedmnáctého století, v letech čtyřicátých získává pod vedením kalvinistického superintendenta Istvána Gelejiho Katony značně netolerantní charakter. Metropolita sedmihradské pravoslavné církve musí před svým zvolením podepsat body tzv. kalvinizačního programu. Z doktrinárního hlediska však reformace, jejíž šíření mezi sedmihradskými Rumuny definitivně končí se vznikem řeckokatolické církve (r. 1700), nezanechala v rumunském prostředí žádné stopy kromě prosazení rumunštiny jako liturgického jazyka - to se v Sedmihradsku podařilo zhruba s náskokem půldruhého století oproti Valašsku a Moldavsku. Pozoruhodné je soužití reformované a pravoslavné dogmatiky v rumunských dílech připisovaných vlivu...
Jews in the Thought of the Society in Czech Lands on the Threshold of a Modern Era
Lochovský, Jan ; Holý, Martin (advisor) ; Šedivá Koldinská, Marie (referee)
The focus of this bachelor's degree thesis is on the perception of the Jews in Czech lands society during the 16th and 17th century based on analysis of anti-Semitic stereotypes such as blood libel, poisoning, collaboration with Turks and usury. The aim of this thesis is to characterize early modern anti-Semitism as an integral part of the then society and also to present it in the light of broader historical processes including religious, economical and cultural development. To achieve such a goal, a broad selection of primary sources was used - theological treatises, historiographical works, inflammatory pamphlets and more. The author also indicates the continuity of the European anti-Semitic tradition - from medieval times to contemporary era. Keywords Anti-Semitism, Czech lands, Jews, Reformation, Stereotypes
Mythological subjects in the work of Lucas Cranach the Elder
Hájková, Zita ; Konečný, Lubomír (advisor) ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (referee)
This thesis deals with the production of Lucas Cranach the Elder. After the introductive encounter with the life of Lucas Cranach the Elder the emphasis is put on the mythological subjects with respect to their origin in historical sources and classical literature. The thesis also considers the different influences on Cranach's work in context with contemporary painters and humanism and presents the conditions mainly in the court of the Saxon Prince-electors where Cranach worked.

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