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Zikmund Reach, photographs of the old Prague. Focusing on smaller archive collections.
Žabžová, Michaela ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Biegel, Richard (referee)
The master thesis "Zikmund Reach and his photographic collection" focuses on Zikmund Reach's photographs of old Prague. Firstly theis describes the life and familly of the publisher and follows by gradual work of an publisher. The subsequent chapter focuses on photography as a commodity and presents briefly life and work poof a French photographer Eugène Atget. The next part of the thesis devotes on the main photographic topics of the work od Zikmund Reach including an extensive collection of "Prague types" which is a sociological reflecion of society in the second half of 19th century compared with a similar collection of "Viennies types". The main topic is based on the photographic albums of "Disappeared Prague" which aren't known yet. In conclusion the thesis focuses on archives in which the collection of Zikmund Reach is stored in and their mutual thematic coherence.
Zikmund Reach, photographs of the old Prague. Focusing on smaller archive collections.
Žabžová, Michaela ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Biegel, Richard (referee)
The master thesis "Zikmund Reach and his photographic collection" focuses on Zikmund Reach's photographs of old Prague. Firsty theis describes the history of Czech photography, which if followed by the topic of Prague's redevelopment and its influence on photography. The main topic is based on the photographic albums of "Disappeared Prague" and a extensive collection of "Prague types", which is a period, sociological reflecion of society in the second half of 19th century. Finally the thesis focuses on archives in which is the collection of Zikmund Reach stored in and their mutual thematic coherence. In conclusion the thesis focuses on the Institute of Art History Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and its collection of photographs which come from the collection of Zikmund Reach.
Zikmund Reach, photographs of the old Prague. Focusing on smaller archive collections.
Žabžová, Michaela ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Biegel, Richard (referee)
The master thesis "Zikmund Reach and his photographic collection" focuses on Zikmund Reach's photographs of old Prague. Firstly theis describes the life and familly of the publisher and follows by gradual work of an publisher. The subsequent chapter focuses on photography as a commodity and presents briefly life and work poof a French photographer Eugène Atget. The next part of the thesis devotes on the main photographic topics of the work od Zikmund Reach including an extensive collection of "Prague types" which is a sociological reflecion of society in the second half of 19th century compared with a similar collection of "Viennies types". The main topic is based on the photographic albums of "Disappeared Prague" which aren't known yet. In conclusion the thesis focuses on archives in which the collection of Zikmund Reach is stored in and their mutual thematic coherence.
Portraits of reformators of 16th and 17th century
Žabžová, Michaela ; Nespěšná Hamsíková, Magdaléna (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
In the first part of my thesis Portriats of the Reformators 16th and 17th century, I would like to focus on the historical view on the new reformation movement which had a big influence on history of whole Europe. On this historical part I would like to write the preface of this work. In the second, main part of the thesis I want to introduce the art process during the 16th and 17th century, specifically portriats and group portraits of the reformators in that time. According to this topic I want to mention the artists who worked for the reformators, as Lucas Cranach elder/younger, Albrecht Dürer and others, who made a contribution with the growth of this historical period. In the last part I will evaluate the research and iconography of portraits of John Huss, Martin Luther and another important man of the reformation. Finally the thesis is concluded by clarifying the catholic and protestant group portrait called "Le Chandelier" and its differences between these two similar graphics. The content of my thesis are articles and expert opinions of many research workers who are concerned into the relation between visul art and reformation. In the last part of this work are reproductions and photogrphs of written topics. Key words Reformation, portraits, Lucas Cranach, Albrecht Dürer, Martin Luther,...
Zikmund Reach, photographs of the old Prague. Focusing on smaller archive collections.
Žabžová, Michaela ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Biegel, Richard (referee)
The master thesis "Zikmund Reach and his photographic collection" focuses on Zikmund Reach's photographs of old Prague. Firsty theis describes the history of Czech photography, which if followed by the topic of Prague's redevelopment and its influence on photography. The main topic is based on the photographic albums of "Disappeared Prague" and a extensive collection of "Prague types", which is a period, sociological reflecion of society in the second half of 19th century. Finally the thesis focuses on archives in which is the collection of Zikmund Reach stored in and their mutual thematic coherence. In conclusion the thesis focuses on the Institute of Art History Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and its collection of photographs which come from the collection of Zikmund Reach.

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