National Repository of Grey Literature 27,291 records found  beginprevious27282 - 27291  jump to record: Search took 1.46 seconds. 

Reason for development of childhood obesity not related with health condition
Horáková, Petra ; Hráský, Pavel (advisor) ; Dvořák, Martin (referee)
Title: Reasons for development of childhood obesity not related with health condition. Objectives: This thesis is focused on the subject matter of reasons for development of children's obesity not related with the health condition. I will work with children aged 11 to 15 years from the primary school ZŠ Velké Přílepy and the grammar school Gymnázium Nad Štolou in Prague. The target of this thesis include assessment of life style, movement activities and diet habits of children in an urban and a rural school. Namely such factors or conditions will be covered like lack of movement and sedentary life style, unsuitable diet habits and excessive eating, pressure of the environment, family conditions, social and economic life conditions, etc. Differences between the two mentioned schools will be examined and BMI of all children considered. Methods: The quantitative method - an inquiry - is used to achieve the results. A series of 14 closed questions focused on obtaining information from children of the two different schools. From the closed questions (age, body weight and body height) their BMI will be calculated. Together 160 children submitted the inquiry. The questions are focused on their diet regime and habits, questions related with movement activities and life style of the children. Results:...

Respecting human dignity in nursing care for patients in long stay hospitals
Řádová, Veronika ; Kutnohorská, Jana (advisor) ; Mareš, Jiří (referee) ; Pečenková, Jaroslava (referee)
88 Synopsis Author: Veronika Řádová Institutions: Charles University in Prague Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové Institute of Social Medicine Department of Nursing Title: Respecting human dignity in nursing care for patients in long stay hospitals Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Jana Kutnohorská, CSc. Number of pages: 102 Number of attachments: 3 Year of viva voice: 2010 Keywords: geriatrics, human dignity, respect for the patient, nursing care, nursing ethics The thesis deals with respect for human dignity in nursing care. The human dignity is a fact that becomes increasingly important with the length of human life. The care of geriatric patients has its own characteristics, due to changes, which pass through the body in old age. High demands are placed on the nursing staff not on only technical but also on human and ethical aspects of nursing care. The research tasks deal with specific types of human dignity, as the nursing staff encounters them during their work. The investigation is focused on the quantitative expression of respect for various types of human dignity in nursing practice from the perspective of the nursing staff. During the research, the staffs were also asked questions about the interpersonal response to the undignified behaviour, interviewees using their discretion were supposed to create a...

The effectiveness of exercise on unstable surfaces for physiotherapy students at the University of South Bohemia
ČEJKOVÁ, Veronika
The topic of my thesis is ?Effectiveness of exercising on shaky planes with students of physiotherapy?. Shaky planes and exercising on them positively influences our organism, especially our deep stabilization system. The deep stabilization system is imporatnt for the right body posture. The deep stabilization system is formed by the muscle coordination of the diaphragm, muscles of the abdominal wall, basinal bottom and mm. multifidi. The muscles of the deep stabilization system influence the stabilization of the backbone. If there´s not the right muscle coordination, the backbones is unprotected. The dysfunction of the stabilization of the backbone causes pains of the musculosceletal system, after a longer time degenerative ilnesses emerge. To avoid these problems we have to strengthen the muscles of the deep stabilization system and for this we can use exercising on shaky planes. In me thesis the tested people are using the Bosu ball. The study has been made on the basis of a qualitative survey. The case study has been used. The examination of the tested people has been made on the basis of investigating the biggest possible amount of inforamation. An anamnesis of every tested person has been made and also an aspect and palpation examination has been made. Next a breath stereotype of every tested person has been made, walk and the deep stabilization system. The examination was made before the therapy, as an entry examination. After 4 weeks of exercising, a final examination was made. The final examination consists of the same tests as the entry examination. The final examinatiuon also contains an interview with every tested person, in which I was trying to find out how each tested person was feeling during the exercising and how the exercising influenced each tested person and wheather they want to continue exercising. Exercising lasted for 4 weeks and every tested person worked out 3 times a week. There were two groups of three tested people. The first group used the Bosu ball. All tested people did the same kinds of exercises. There were ten kinds of exercises for every week. When first trying each kind of exercise, the people were checked and I explained them how to do it correctly. Next week there were new kinds of exercises and the old ones were checked again. In the second group of tested people, every person chose their kind of exercise according their concerns. They tried pilates, swimming or going to the gym. After 4 week the results were checked and the effectiveness of the exercises on the deep stabilization system of the backbone. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the anatomy of the deep stabilization system, its examination, function. The therapy and aids that can be used for influencing the deep stabilization system are decribed in the theoretical part. Also the history and the development of the topic of human perceptual and motor skills in the Czech Republic and in other countries has been described. In the practical part the aimes of the thesis are described, the research tasks and the methods used. The most important part is the case interpretation of the tested people with the results of the research. In the attachment there are photographs of the tested people made at the time of the entry and final examinations. There is also a brochure containing a list of exercises which were used. From the results we got from every tested person, it is obvious that their deep stabilization system was positively influenced. The other tested people showed a total or partial pain elimination, but the deep stabilization system was not influenced except the case of pilates. The results of this thesis can be used by other physiotherapists for the need of instruction or for other research. There is also a brochure added containing a list of exercises, which can be used by physiotherapists exercising on the Bosu ball or by the public.

Body image in TV commercials
Bednaříková, Jana ; Zamazalová, Marcela (advisor) ; Větrovský, Filip (referee)
Target of my final thesis is to explore elements of body image in TV commercials. In the thesis I focused on body image, marketing communication and advertisement. I tried to map what are people like in TV spots through content analysis. I did also analyze marketing research data of Market & Media & Lifestyle agency. I chose those data with due regard for perception of body image by consumers and I focused on TV advertisements issues.

Invalidity of the resolution of a General Meeting
Berglová, Jitka ; Eichlerová, Kateřina (referee) ; Patěk, Daniel (advisor)
64 Resumé Neplatnost usnesení valné hromady (Invalidity of a general meeting resolution) Zám rem této práce bylo vytvo it komplexní materiál zahrnující problematiku neplatnosti usnesení valné hromady. Práci na toto téma jsem si vybrala zejména z d vodu, že již n kolik let pracuji v advokátní kancelá i, která se specializuje na oblast obchodního práva a korporátní otázky tvo í v tšinu mé pracovní nápln . Práce je složena z deseti kapitol, které systematicky zachycují jednotlivé instituty související s touto materií. V první polovin práce je popsána právní povaha úkon valné hromady, d vody pro vyslovení neplatnosti a jejich výjimky a p ípady nicotnosti usnesení valné hromady. V druhé ásti jsou ešeny procesní aspekty, náhrada škody, odpov dnost a ru ení jednatel a len p edstavenstva a na záv r zachyceny hlavní body návrhu zákona o obchodních spole nostech a družstvech. Hlavním cílem této práce bylo postihnout oblasti nezachycené samotným zn ním zákona, tedy výkladové stránky této materie ešené judikaturou a odbornou literaturou, a zasadit je do širšího rámce popisujícího ostatní, ale nikoli nevýznamné, aspekty institutu neplatnosti usnesení valné hromady. The aim of the thesis is to create a complex material involving the issue of invalidity of resolutions of the General Meeting. I chose the work on this topic...

Correction of lumbar spine strain during aerobic exercises
Tomšovicová, Jitka ; Nováková, Pavlína (referee) ; Hošková, Blanka (advisor)
Title: Correction of lumbar spine strain during aerobic exercises Goal of the study: Awareness of excessive lumbar spine strain during the aerobic lessons, suggest of correctional practices, and to determine if the correction is useful and effective. Method: The task is executed as an experiment with the focus on the correctional exercises for lumbar spine. Experimental group was created using sixty women from three different exercising groups. The aerobic lessons tracked were the same in length and content. Two groups were subject to corrective intervention while one control group was left without intervention. The two groups with intervention were using suggested breathing and compensation exercises. All sixty members of the experimental group answered a questionnaire with questions focused on subjective feelings in lumbar spine. Significance of subjective feelings was measured using VAS scale. Results: Painful feeling in the lumbar spine was reduced after using breathing and compensation exercises. Key words: aerobics, lumbar spine, lumbar spine strain, correction of strain, compensation exercise, individualoptimal body pose deep stabilization system

Crime scene inspection
Rousek, Tomáš ; Musil, Jan (referee) ; Štourač, Petr (advisor)
68 English résumé: Crime scene examination The diploma paper considers analysis of criminology method called crime scene examination. The introduction of the thesis shortly deals with progress of proofs during criminal proceedings. Author presents the crime scene examination as a creative and a systematic activity of the bodies in charge of criminal proceedings, which targets the detection of criminality and criminals. The second chapter treats conceptual signs of crime scene examination. There is accomplished the analysis of examination as a criminology method, whereat the bodies in charge of criminal proceedings discover, by the help of direct observation, all the matters, which are useful for clearing the perpetrated criminal activity. Sequentially the focus is paid to criminal scene. At this moment the author of the diploma paper compares the ideas of character of criminal scene. He mentions two opinions. The crime scene can be the area, where the crime is perpetrated or according to the second opinion the crime scene can subsume also other areas, which are connected with the crime scene somehow. The examination procedure itself is content of another part of the thesis. It deals with tactics, methods and principles of crime scene examination. It broods the procedure from the moment, when the complaint...

Political and economical context of piracy in the American shores
Frýda, Jiří ; Baďura, Bohumil (referee) ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor)
The story of piracy in Spanish America begins with Treaty of Tordesillas. But its origins laid in the comercial and political rivalry between Spain and European states. However first challengers of Spain's monopoly weren't pirates but more interlopers. Spanish's bullion from Peru and other products from West Indies was according to law exchangeable only for Spanish merchandise and only by Spanish subjects. This state was in the second half of the sixteenth century attacked by attempts of England - one of the rising modern national states. From this point of view the Pirate zone in New world was a important stage of international warfare among European realms-states. Apart off this international turmoil stood, but not too far, rejection of Catholicism by Henry VIII. and later again by Elizabeth I. This issue was in the air for more than fifty years. Not even assaults of Spanish Armada could shut down voices of protestants in England in such twilight. The religious struggle should be considered like one of many episodes which defined the emerging nation states. Centuries of legendizing created myths about Francis Drake and John Hawkins. But for the first time in the Carribean they were more icons of the early modern spirit of enterprise than pirates. Hawkin's trade passion for 'negros' ironically stands in...

The string quartets of Iša Krejčí
Kvasnička, Libor ; Slavický, Milan (advisor) ; Douša, Eduard (referee)
Práce se snažila zachytit rozmanitost Krejčího hudebního vyjadřování a jeho původní přínos pro českou tvorbu předválečné i poválečné doby. Při zkoumání kompoziční práce se dospělo zejména k zajímavým motivickým souvislostem nejen mezi smyčcovými kvartety navzájem, ale i symfoniemi, na které dostupná literatura nepoukazuje; vidíme tedy, že Iša Krejčí dokázal vedle všeobecně zdůrazňovaného klasicizujícího nádechu, hravosti i humoru ve svých kompozicích přemýšlet a hudební materiál zkoncentrovat do pevné formové struktury. Některé otázky, na které zde už nezbyl prostor a čas, však stále zůstávají otevřeny. Jednak by bylo určitě (z důvodů některých zjištěných motivických souvislostí) zajímavé hlubší porovnání s dalšími jeho díly (zejména se symfoniemi), případně i podrobnější srovnání neoklasických impulsů u většího množství smyčcových kvartetů vzniklých v českých zemích; jednak podrobnější pohled na styčné body kompoziční práce Iši Krejčího s některými francouzskými autory (kromě některých autorů pařížské Šestky by si zasluhovalo porovnání třeba s některými díly méně známého autora Jeana Francaixe), zejména pokud jde o motivickou práci a harmonickou složku.

Euthanasia in a film - an analysis of selected pieces
HRUBÁ, Ludmila
The diploma thesis titled Euthanasia in the film an analysis of selected pieces, is divided into theoretical and practical parts. I devoted to a description of a current state of euthanasia in the theoretical part. First I focused on definitions of euthanasia, assisted suicide etc. A chapter is also devoted to a history of euthanasia. I wanted to highlight the fact, that euthanasia is not only a problem of the modern society, but beginnings of a discussion about euthanasia we could find already in the ancient world. Through the concept of euthanasia in the Middle Ages and modern times I got up to the World War II, which is in my opinion an important milestone in the history of euthanasia, because at that time euthanasia was perceived as a tool for a disposal of persons who, in the context of its time, seemed to be undesirable. Among such people there were classified for example people so called racially unsuitable, weak and sick. Because there are legally different views of euthanasia, in chapters I mention the fact how euthanasia is perceived in the world. In terms of acceptance of euthanasia and assisted suicide I particularly emphasize the Netherlands and Switzerland. One chapter I also dedicate to euthanasia in the Czech Republic. It includes a description of the discussion and arguments for and against euthanasia. One more separate chapter I devoted to questions whether to legalize or not to legalize euthanasia. I found out that a discussion on this topic is very extensive and here could be applied the rule that each man has his own opinion. It turned out that even experts in one area, doctors of philosophers, are not unanimous in the issue of euthanasia and its pros and cons are from both sides argued with plenty of arguments that are worth thinking about. A separate chapter I devoted to a man, who I consider to be the main promoter of euthanasia and assisted suicide and if you pronounce his name, people would link him with that theme. This is Dr. Jack Kevorkian, nicknamed Dr. Death. Jack Kevorkian, who understood his acts as medical services for terminally ill people, helped with the voluntary termination of life to several hundred of people. Although he had written certain "rules" about the situations when he can people "help" to solve their suffering and pain, it turned out that those people in many cases had no anatomical evidence of disease in their body. Jack Kevorkian has had and even currently has many supporters and opponents. In case of Jack Kevorkian there are arguments for and against euthanasia as in the whole debate about it. The aim of the study was to analyse how the topic of euthanasia has been reflected in the film production. At the beginning of the research I have asked this research question: Which are usual attitudes to euthanasia reflected in filmmaking? In order to find out the given objective and to answer the research question I chose a qualitative research based on the method of disinterested observation of six selected movie titles. Titles in their alphabetical order were following: Doktor smrt (You Don´t Know Jack, USA, 2010, 134 min), Hlas moře (Mar adentro, Španělsko/Francie/Itálie, 2004, 125 min), Hodinu nevíš, Česko, 2009, 94 min), Invaze barbarů (Invasion barbares, Kanada/Fancie, 2003, 99 min), Millon Dollar Baby, (USA, 2004, 132 min) a Skafandr a motýl (Le Scaphandre et le papillon, Francie/USA, 2007, 107 min).