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Analysis of suitability of the application of process management in the company Auto Hégr, a.s.
Hégr, Jaroslav ; Dědina, Jiří (advisor) ; Cejthamr, Václav (referee)
The main target of this paper is to analyze suitability of the application of process management in the company Auto Hégr, a. s. This target also includes finding correct answers to the following questions: Is the use of process management a suitable tool that would improve the productivity of the whole enterprise or not? Is it suitable to undergo the whole process of changing the company Auto Hégr, a. s. towards process management? Would it not be more purposeful and efficient to take a different way of improvement? Is it not the best solution to make no change? The method used for achieving the main target of this paper is the analytical and synthetic cognitive procedure. The examined situation in the company Auto Hégr, a. s. is divided, in terms of thoughts, into the individual parts that are the subject of further examination. Deeper knowledge of the partial sections enables to get to know better the situation in the company Auto Hégr, a. s. as a whole. The author of this paper carried out the input analysis of change the output of which is the argumentative report including the decision that it is suitable to launch the project of the application of process management in the company Auto Hégr, a. s. Hereby the author performed all preliminary work that always must be carried out prior to the realization of the implementation project itself. The author summarized the main results of carrying out the input analysis of change at the end of this paper. This paper and its results are fully usable in practice of a specific enterprise, in this case of the company Auto Hégr, a. s. The correct application of process management in the company Auto Hégr, a. s. cannot be carried out without necessary documentation, i.e. the implementation project. Its first part is carrying out the input analysis of change that is completely covered in the practical part of this paper. As another suggestion for solving the given subject, the dealing with the other parts of the implementation project just presents itself. This procedure is completely logical and its following is one of the conditions of the correct application of process management in the company Auto Hégr, a. s. Only high-quality carrying out the pre-investment phase of realization of the implementation project will guarantee its overall high quality.

Options computed tomography with high resolution in the diagnosis pulmonary complications in haematological malignancies
Mírka, Hynek ; Kreuzberg, Boris (advisor) ; Neuwirth, Jiří (referee) ; Heřman, Miroslav (referee)
Value of HRCT in the diagnostics of pulmonary complications of malignant haematologic diseases. Early diagnosis is one of the essential conditions for successful therapy of heamatologic malignancies and their complications. Imaging methods play an important role in their detection and patient's management. HRCT is the most contributing method in the diagnostics of pulmonary involvement, which is very common in this group of patients. The aim of this thesis was to find out the potential of this method in the diagnostics of pulmonary complications in patients with haematologic malignancy. For this purpose were assessed 4 objectives: 1) comparison between HRCT and chest X-ray; 2) determination of capability of HRCT to make a specific diagnose; 3) definition of indication criteria for HRCT and 4) assignment of the suitable examination technique. In the time period from January 2000 until December 2005 were performed 214 HRCT examinations of the lungs in the group of 162 patients with haematological malignancy and pulmonary symptomatology. 176 examinations were compared with chest X-ray, which was performed 48 hours or less before HRCT. Pulmonary lesion was discovered in 180 cases (84,1%). 123 findings were confirmed by another method (response to a specific therapy, cultivation, serology, BAL or...

Yield of preventive examinations in the office of general practitioner in the meaning prevention of colorectal carcinoma
Havlíková, Šárka ; Hovorová, Helena (advisor)
The topic of his thesis "The yield of preventive examinations in surgery practitioner for adults in prevention of colorectal cancer " I chose based on the seriousness of this issue, and therefore the estimated High probability with which this problem will meet in their further exposure to the medical field, anticipated surgery. My selection partly due to several weeks of practice and the department of surgery at the hospital Sisters of Mercy of St.. Charles Borromeo Petrin hill in Prague, where I could stand by and assist at several operations for colorectal cancer under leadership of head physician. Sequens, PhD. To me again revealed in complexity of the whole issue and the need for early preventive measures such as the above-mentioned preventive examinations in general practitioner doctor The incidence and the mortality rate for colorectal cancer include the Czech Republic compared to the sad world firsts. More precisely, the relative first mortality in men and second in women (1995). Another alarming fact is the fact that mortality from this neoplasm is increasing (for both women and men). Since 1970 to 1995 increased mortality from colorectal cancer in the Czech Republic 61% for men and almost 44% in women. It is therefore very important research within identify risk factors for the development of...

European Commission and its role in forming collective identity in the EU
Havlíček, Tomáš ; Müller, Karel (advisor) ; Reschová, Jana (referee)
The work deals with the formation of a European public sphere through cultural policies and European collective identity. It starts with premise that in today's globalized world the function of nation-states is weak. I believe it is good option for European states to delegate some of its powers to an international organization such as the European Union. I believe that if the European public sphere were developed more it would helped to increase the competitiveness of EU in the economic, political and social sphere. My work tries to answer the question how this European public sphere could be formed. Therefore I focused on the European Commission which is the only one operational executive body of the EU which aims to promote European (supra-national) interests. So In my work I analyzed one of their program. This program became the ERASMUS program - a program for university student exchange. By analyzing the cultural policy and the ERASMUS program I was able to answer the question why it is important to create a European public sphere and if the European Commission wants to reach this objective.

The creation of ecclesiastic organization in Jihlava and its surroundings in early and high middle ages
Vodáková, Dana ; Scholz, Stefan (advisor) ; Oulíková, Petra (referee)
Resume This bachelor thesis considers the vast theme of habitation and first Church organization in Jihlava and its close surroundings in early and peak period of the Middle Age. First of all it pursues to summarize the up to now findings and to create the compact view on this theme. The resources were the literature, written and image sources, as well the building of the St. Jan Křtitel church to which the roots of pre-location habitation of Jihlava town are definitely related. The most original appearance of the church is unknown, thus the reconstruction of the original appearance is more likely the working hypothesis that uses the knowledge and researches from the year 1984. In part, this thesis also considers the aspect of the natural conditions that undoubtedly influenced the habitation process. The attempt of the definition of old Jihlava parish and localization of its villages coheres very closely with it. The possible questions for the future research are proposed in the conclusion.

Czech baroque coronations
Hrbek, Jiří ; Maur, Eduard (advisor) ; Hojda, Zdeněk (referee)
The Bohemian coronations in the baroque period certainly ranked among the most significant politi cal events in the entire Habsburg monarchy in the 17th and 18th centuries. In my study, I tried to compare the coronations of Ferdinand III. (1627), of his two sons Ferdinand IV. (1646) and Leopold I. (1656) and of Leopolďs son Charles Vl. (1723). I discussed four spheres, in which we can see these events. The first one was the political sphere: after the battle on the White Mountain, Bohemia became a hereditary monarchy, so it was never more necessary for Habsburgs to deal with the Bohemian estates, when the son of the King should be coronated. But the vote of the new king was only one limitation of the King's power, another limitations, which originated from the early modem political philosophy, continued further in the baroque period. There was no responsibility to the estates, but King was responsible to the God and to this effect he took an oath during the coronation mass before the unction. When the archbishop of Prague as a consecrator was pouring the holy oil with balsam ( chrisma) on the head of the King, he received the Goď s Grace like the jewish kings of the Old Testament (David, Salomon). The coronation connected the politics with the religion and only after the unction the King could receive the...

Political and economical context of piracy in the American shores
Frýda, Jiří ; Baďura, Bohumil (referee) ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor)
The story of piracy in Spanish America begins with Treaty of Tordesillas. But its origins laid in the comercial and political rivalry between Spain and European states. However first challengers of Spain's monopoly weren't pirates but more interlopers. Spanish's bullion from Peru and other products from West Indies was according to law exchangeable only for Spanish merchandise and only by Spanish subjects. This state was in the second half of the sixteenth century attacked by attempts of England - one of the rising modern national states. From this point of view the Pirate zone in New world was a important stage of international warfare among European realms-states. Apart off this international turmoil stood, but not too far, rejection of Catholicism by Henry VIII. and later again by Elizabeth I. This issue was in the air for more than fifty years. Not even assaults of Spanish Armada could shut down voices of protestants in England in such twilight. The religious struggle should be considered like one of many episodes which defined the emerging nation states. Centuries of legendizing created myths about Francis Drake and John Hawkins. But for the first time in the Carribean they were more icons of the early modern spirit of enterprise than pirates. Hawkin's trade passion for 'negros' ironically stands in...

Developing characters in Óe Kenzaburó's early fiction
Weber, Michael ; Tirala, Martin (referee) ; Švarcová, Zdeňka (advisor)
V historii teorie literatury se objevily zásadní otázky týkající se výzkumu literatury. Problém zkoumání literatury lze nahlížet z několika úhlů podle toho, jak se po opodstatnění jejího výzkumu ptáme. Úhel pohledu zkoumání nám vymezují, stejně jako v jakékoli jiné oblasti lidského zájmu, tázací slova Proč? Co? a Jak?. Ptejme se tedy: proč literaturu zkoumat? A je možné ji zkoumat? Je-li to možné, je nutné ji zkoumat, když bychom ji mohli pouze číst a těšit se jí, jak argumentovaly skeptické směry v historii literární teorie? V Teorii literatury se dočteme, že "nelze postulovat žádný obecný zákon, který by naplňoval smysl zkoumání literatury: čím bude obecnější, tím se bude jevit abstraktnějším, a tudíž prázdnějším, a tím více nám bude unikat konkrétní předmět uměleckého díla." 1 Můžeme k problému čtení přistupovat jako k individuálnímu a tedy individuálně řešenému. Zabýváme-li se však zkoumáním literatury v širším významu, veřejně, či dokonce profesně, pak je nutné mít pro takové počínání důvod a spatřovat za výsledkem takové činnosti smysl. Určitý "zákon", čili definici formulovat, stanovit hranici vymezující naši činnost. Např. stačí, budeme-li se domnívat, že zkoumání samo o sobě pouze jako vyšší forma "čtení" má za výsledek kvalitativně vyšší formu interpretace. Interpretace "literárních světů" je...

SPECT regional cerebral blood flow in diferential diagnosis of dementias.
Švehlová, Dana ; Lang, Otto (advisor)
To assess the importance of testing single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT ) of the brain in patients with cognitive disorders, a retrospective Data analysis examined patients over four years to compare the clinical diagnosis conclusions SPECT brain. Of 33 patients with clinically probable Alzheimer's disease ( AD ) had 87 % brain SPECT image of AD , half of them was present finding of mixed dementia ( MIX) . U 13 with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) were found heterogeneous patterns of brain perfusion matching mixed population of individuals with MCI and their significance can be evaluated only after a longer interval . In the next phase we test the hypothesis of hypoperfusion in the cingulate gyrus posterior patients with MCI (4 ) could be a promising marker for early detection of AD in a heterogeneous group of these patients. We performed measurements of regional perfusion in the posterior cingulate gyrus in the 10 AD patients , a 7 patients with MCI and 6 standard. Low perfusion in this field has been demonstrated in patients with AD . Keywords : 99mTc - HMPAO SPECT brain , dementia , cognitive disorders , Alzheimer's disease

Effect of a cultivar and thermal treatment of seeds in selected vegetables at early growth phase on the sensitivity to infection by important fungal pathogens
Novotný, Čeněk ; Koudela, M. ; Svobodová, Kateřina ; Nedorost, L. ; Aust, R. ; Kocourek, F.
The methodology is focused on the effect of selected factors on the development of important vegetable illnesses: Alternaria brassicicola dark leaf spot of cabbage, A. dauci carrot leaf blight, and Botrytis aclada onion neck rot and Peronospora destructor onion downy mildew. In the case of A. brassicicola, A. dauci and B. aclada, the plants in a defined stage of development were infected by the strains of fungal phytopathogens originating from acknowledged collections. In the case of P. destructor the plants were infected by a fungal strain obtained from a field plant culture massively affected by this phytopathogen. The effect of the cultivar used and of the seed thermal treatment on the development of the above given phytopathogens was investigated. It was found that, in the case of the cultivars used, the interpretation of the results had to include the factor of the cultivar´s earliness that was important with respect to the resistance to the fungal pathogens.