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Šlépěje by Jakub Deml
Plátová, Martina ; Binar, Vladimír (advisor) ; Wiendl, Jan (referee)
Tématem této práce jsou Šlépěje Jakuba Demla. Jedná se o podrobnější pohled na dvacet šest svazků Šlépějí, které vyšly v rozmezí let 1917-1941. Primárním úkolem je postihnout specifika tohoto ojedinělého díla v české literatuře. Nejprve bude potřeba zabývat se vznikem Šlépějí a zjistit, zda jim předcházela díla podobného charakteru. Předpoklad je, že taková díla existují, pak je nutno najít styčné body a také určit, v čem se naopak liší. Následně se budeme zabývat komplexním popisem Šlépějí, který bude zahrnovat jak pohled na stránku praktického vydávání, tak pohled na stránku vnitřní, tedy otázky žánrové charakteristiky, naplňování, či rušení žánrových struktur, případně problém žánrové nazařaditelnosti. Nevyhneme se ani hypotéze o novém specifickém žánru. Chceme přehodnotit vnímání Šlépějí jako chaotického a nesouvislého periodika, a proto se pokusíme najít nějakou spojovací linii, která z dvaceti šesti svazků činí jeden celek. Další problematika se týká možností členění Šlépějí na subtilnější kompaktní celky, se zohledněním klíčových okamžiků Demlova života, které zanechaly v jeho díle výraznou stopu. V tomto okruhu otázek budeme vycházet především z koncepce Vladimíra Binara a Bedřicha Fučíka, jak je navržena ve Zprávě o uspořádání Díla Jakuba Demla.

Effect of jumping training on the postural functions of the spine
For my bachelor thesis I chose the theme ?The Effect of Jumping Exercise on Postural Functions of the Spine.? Jumping is safe and gentle aerobic exercise on mini trampolines, which has beneficial effect on virtually all systems of the human body. Speaking about the deep stabilization system, we mean muscle interplay mm.multifidi, diaphragm, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, which together regulate intra-abdominal pressure. This muscular interplay which ensures stabilization of the spine is activated throughout all movements. Its dysfunction is one of the most significant factors causing back pain. The jumping exercise strengthens these important muscles and improves the overall stability of the body. The objective of the research was to assess the deep stabilization system with respect to kinesiology and kinesiotherapy and to find out whether and how the jumping exercise influences the postural functions of the spine. The data for the thesis were collected by means of qualitative research, by the method of case study and the technique of personal case study. The examination of probands includes a brief history, palpation and visual examination, the examination of deep stabilizing system by functional tests and then also the testing by L.A.S.A.R posture device. Based on the comparison of the initial examination and the final examination, which followed after 10 weeks of jumping exercise, a previously set research question was answered. The thesis involves the theoretical part, which describes the jumping exercise, anatomy, examination of the deep stabilization system and its importance for our body. The practical part involves objectives of the thesis, research questions, the description of methodology, discussions with the authors from which I drew information and primarily, processed results in the form of case reports. The research results show that there were clear positive effects of the deep stabilization system and other structures in all probands. On the jumping lessons the probands were regularly forced to activate the muscles of the deep stabilization system, which resulted in reduction of back pains, in reduction of knee pain in one case and the overall stability of the body improved. The results of the thesis could be used in therapeutic procedures of physiotherapists, for the purposes of further research, in teaching and also in the implementation of more efficient jumping lesson, etc.

Neuroeconomics: The analysis of consumer behavior and perception of TV spots
Červenka, Petr ; Chytilová, Helena (advisor) ; Máslo, Lukáš (referee)
The thesis deals with the detailed study of two television commercials of an unnamed energy company. The aim of this work is to determine whether people's subjective evaluation is similar or different to values that were detected during the measurement, after viewing each commercial and in subsequent in-depth interviews. A sample of 24 respondents, who participated in the research, represented the composition of the economically active population in the Czech Republic. These were people of various ages, a combination of educational attainment and an evenly balanced gender ratio. Neurological measurement was done through an eye camera, brain responses were measured using electroencephalography (EEG), and changes in heart rate, skin resistance and body temperature were measured by photoplethysmography. The resulting data ispresented in graphs indicating emotional polarity and activity. The results show that respondent's verbal evaluation of their perception of ads is not necessarily identical with the values that are measured by the devices. The thesis concludes by recommending how to successfully target the so-called end user who uses the services of the company.

New Approaches in Numerical Aeroelasticity Applied in Aerodynamic Optimization of Elastic Wing
Navrátil, Jan ; Slavík, Svatomír (referee) ; Komárek,, Martin (referee) ; Hlinka, Jiří (advisor)
Aeroelasticita je nezbytná vědní disciplína zahrnuta do návrhu letounů. Zaměřuje se na předpovídání jevů, které vznikají vlivem interakce aerodynamických, elastických a setrvačných sil. Tyto jevy často vedou ke katastrofickým následkům, proto musí být prokázáno, že nevzniknou v rozsahu rychlostí ohraničujících letovou obálku. Aplikace moderních materiálů při konstrukci draku, spolu se snahou navrhnout aerodynamicky efektivní tvar křídel, vede ke zvyšování poddajnosti letounů. To má za následek změnu aerodynamických vlastností a také k výraznějšímu vliv na aeroelastické jevy, které mohou být vyvolány snadněji vlivem pohybů tuhého tělesa než v případě tužších konstrukcí. Aeroelastické jevy mohou vznikat v širokém rozsahu rychlostí zahrnujícím i transsonickou oblast. V této oblasti je ovlivněna zejména rychlost, při níž dochází k třepetání, a to vlivem nelineárních jevů v proudu. Běžné nástroje, které jsou založeny na lineárních teoriích, nejsou schopny tyto nelineární jevy popsat. Cílem práce je proto navrhnout, implementovat a otestovat nástroj pro výpočetní (numerickou) simulaci aeroelasticity. Nástroj má využívat řešič proudového pole, který je schopen předpovědět nelineární jevy. V práci je kladen důraz na simulaci statické aeroelasticity. V práci jsou popsány metody, které je nutno zahrnout do numerické simulace statické aeroelasticity. Dále je popsán vlastní nástroj a je provedeno zhodnocení konvergence statických aeroelastických výpočtů. Funkčnost nástroje byla ověřena na příkladech, kdy byly použity různé aerodynamické a strukturální modely. Nástroj byl také aplikován při aerodynamické tvarové optimalizaci poddajného křídla. Výsledky optimalizace a její výpočetní náročnost byly porovnány s případem optimalizace tuhého křídla. Na závěr je v práci prezentován příspěvek autora do výzkumu zaměřeného na zhodnocení vlivu časové synchronizace mezi CFD a CSM řešiči. Použitý testovací případ je transsonické obtékání křídla na začátku třepetání (flutteru). Výsledky byly srovnány s experimentálními daty poskytnutými NASA.

International migration and the gender
Koropecká, Markéta ; Janská, Eva (advisor) ; Schovánková, Soňa (referee)
My bachelor thesis explores the connection between international migration and gender. Gender, defined as a social, not a biological term, has a huge impact on the migration process. Statistics and expert studies that have been gender sensitive since 1970s demonstrate that women form half of the amount of the international migrants depending on the world region and representing a wide range of the kinds of international migration: family formation and reunification, labour migration, illegal and forced migration. Women and children represent the most threatened group of migrants; in various phases of their migration they often face discrimination, and emotional and physical abuse. To give a solution to these problems it is necessary for the STUDIES to pay more attention to the specific needs of both genders and the problems they both have to face. It is then possible to adjust the politics of migration and the activity of various non-governmental organizations which deal with the migrants more efficiently. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the studies of the connection between migration and gender further, and fill in gaps in gender sensitive studies. Key words: gender, gender-sensitive research, women, international migrantion

Transtibial prosthesis for recreational swimming
Křemen, Jan ; Mazůrek, Ivan (referee) ; Paloušek, David (advisor)
This thesis deals with the construction of an active transtibial prosthesis for recreational swimming. Its aim is to create a working sample of such a prosthesis. The device will primarily serve the patient to move in water - it will be attached to the stump and it will be driven forward. Secondarily, the prosthesis can be used for walking, in the sense that the patient attaches the prosthesis near to a water surface (pool, lake, ocean) and comes with it to the shore. As part of the design and electronics it will be necessary to determine the characteristics of the human resistance in water depending on speed and to determine the necessary propulsion (thrust) strength of the propeller, which will serve as the driving force. Subsequently there will be formed structural variants and selected the best one. This will become default for design and construction of simplified testing device, which will be tested for static thrust. After verifying the functionality and reliability, the final functional sample will be manufactured and tested too.

Changes of the town of Ceska Kamenice beetwen the years 1945-1951
Müllerová, Vanda ; Václavů, Lubor (advisor) ; Zilynskyj, Bohdan (referee)
As it results from the title, the work is focused on the historical evolution of Ceska Kamenice in the period of years from 1945 to 1951. May 1945 seems to be the turning point of the further development of Ceska Kamenice. The German inhabitants, who had represented the majority population so far, were at once qualified as political unreliable and in light of important changes that were expected, discriminating regulations started to be carried out against them. In the meantime the Czech from various parts of the Republic began to come there. Some of them beholded their arrival just as an oportunity to feather their nests, but of course there were those too, who decided to stay and settle down in the town. They gained the national stewardship and started their new lives. However, some of the new settlers had to leave the town again because the stewardship was not always taken over by people who were the most competent and qualified. Assigning to this office as well as being resigned from, often became the demonstration of potencial power. The first months in Ceska Kamenice were accompanied by injustice and tyrany. Units of troops and guerrilla forces that settled in the town tyrannized both, Czech and German inhabitants and the endeavour to stop it was suppressed. These events were only revealed in 1947...

Microworld of guards and prisoners in Theresienstadt.
Dušková, Lucie ; Soběhart, Radek (advisor) ; Soukup, Jaromír (referee)
The main task of this thesis is to explore the relationship between the prisoners and the guards at Theresienstadt. Given the complexity of the Therezin ghetto guards hierarchy -- and in order to aim at the very hub of this problematic question -- this paper will focus primarily on the gendarmes, who were in everyday contact with the prisoners. Were conditions of the forced occupants of the given ghetto so dramatic without any exceptions -- or -- was there at least anyone willing to help them? Why were some prisones being ill-treated and brutally murdered while others were being priviledged? The key role in the different living conditions of the "Forced communities" (as H. G. Adler often calls them) played the relationships between gendarmes and the prisoners -- that is why these two "social roles" are the dominant feature of this paper. The Holocaust witnesses evidence stored in the Jewish Museum in Prague and the published origins and the latest sources of literature were used as some of the primary sources.

Democratization in Guatemala 1985-1999
Beňová, Monika ; Novák, Miroslav (advisor) ; Mlejnek, Josef (referee)
Guatemala, the most populous and potencially the richest country in Central America happened from geopolitical reasons to be the center stage for the cold war battles in the region. After a brief ten years of democracy after the World War II, long era of military regimes followed. From the 1960, leftist guerrila movement operated in the country with the purpose of throwing over the incumbent governments. Given the length of the contest, officially called the internal armed confrontation, that had spread accross decades, both military governments and insurgents were forced to adapt to changing international situation. At the beginning of the 1980s, the Army decided the war cannot be won unless the major cause of the gerilla fight is not eliminated. This cause being one of the most extremely unequal societies in the hemisphere, the reformist part of the brass challenged guatemalan traditional landed oligarchy as to make them give up a small fraction of their hefty income to finance development in the rest of the society. The oligarchy refused, causing this part of the Army to act on their own. Headed during the first phase by Gen. Rios Montt, young officers got rid of the existing old type of oligarchy-friendly cliqué and seized the power and government. With the prelude of very bloody contrainsurgent...

The Town and Nature
Tupá, Jana ; Czumalo, Vladimír (advisor) ; Lapka, Miloslav (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyzes relationship between town and nature within the city, the inner nature, and its changes during the history of Western culture. This relationship is revealing through culturological point of view, thus interdisciplinary. This bachelor thesis goes from fields of historical anthropology, philosophy, philosophical anthropology and architecture. I perceive town as one of the most important features of human culture, that this artificial living space created, and it's further influenced. The relationship of city and nature is treated as expression of natural forces with which the man met during its existence, in the form of architecture, and the transfer of the nature into this artificial world in the form of gardens and parks, as an inner nature. KEY WORDS Town Nature Inner Nature Human Culture