National Repository of Grey Literature 31 records found  beginprevious22 - 31  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Gender variation of selected Czech toponyms ending with a soft or ambiguous consonant
Pešková, Kateřina ; Synková, Pavlína (advisor) ; Adam, Robert (referee)
In Czech, the assignment of grammatical gender to certain place names ending in (what is known as) soft or hybrid consonants is inconsistent, especially in the spoken language. These toponyms used to be treated as masculine nouns but today are overwhelmingly codified as feminine nouns. The present paper takes a look at the way these toponyms are described in linguistic guides and compendia which specify their gender, their origination and their meaning, or describe their use in local dialects. Based on the data in those manuals, the author has created a list of gender-shifting toponyms, with a brief specification of the grammatical gender and colloquial use (exactly as described in the said manuals), so as to allow for their easy comparison. Selected toponyms (which are analyzed in more detail in the grammatical guides, or which were assigned a different gender by different guides and compendia) are the subject of a broader discussion within the context of this work. In another section, the present work references the results of an internet questionnaire designed to map the actual use of grammatical gender for these toponyms by native speakers. This questionnaire examined a number of toponyms that were selected for being generally known, or based on their frequency in various districts. Respondents were...
Auxiliaries haben/sein in the composed past tenses
Váňová, Dana ; Dovalil, Vít (advisor) ; Šemelík, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis is concerned with the auxiliary verbs haben/sein in the composed past tenses of selected motion verbs. The theoretical part focuses on the differences among these verbs and the problems of genres. The latter serves as the base for the classification of texts in which the use of mutually competing auxiliary verbs or the separability/ inseparability of the prefix durch may be illustrated. It is also important to distinguish whether the examined texts incorporate conceptually spoken features or conceptually written features. The final part of the thesis introduces and summarises the results of the conducted analysis.
English as a Lingua Franca in the Context of the Czech Educational System
Kadlecová, Hana ; Matuchová, Klára (advisor) ; Červinková Poesová, Kristýna (referee)
Despite the predominance of English used by non-native speakers in international communication, the approach to teaching this language is still centred on the notion of acquiring English for the purpose of communication with native speakers. This thesis argues for acknowledgement of English as a lingua franca in the approach to teaching English. It also stresses the necessity of further investigations into the global use of English to better understand this phenomenon. A questionnaire was conducted with ten English teachers to see their opinions about some of the key issues of English as a lingua franca (for instance the concept of nativeness, the role of a teacher and the understanding of an error). As a result, it was found that despite some slow changes in individual opinions, the traditional view on teaching English is still prevalent. Both the theoretical research and the analysis of the questionnaire stress the need of implementing the concept of English as a lingua franca into teaching English as it is necessary to prepare students for the reality of global use of this language. Key words: English as a lingua franca, second language acquisition, nativeness, error, variation
Linguistic variation in the Spanish of Cuba
Laurencio Tacoronte, Ariel ; Zavadil, Bohumil (advisor) ; Čermák, Petr (referee)
Variation in Cuban Spanish Abstract The aim of this thesis is to deal with the topic of variation in Cuban Spanish, with a special emphasis on the Havana variety, one of the most innovative and recognizable within the island's linguistic landscape. The work is divided into three sections: phonetics and phonology, lexis and semantics, morphology and syntax. The cases described are illustrated with entries taken from a lexico- graphical work of personal authorship, or likewise with usage examples mainly taken from the Reference Corpus of Contemporary Spanish (CREA). On the basis of the analysis of the collected data, this paper examines the state of variability and balance inherent to the system, in order to deepen in the understanding of the mechanisms that shape this language variety. Keywords: Spanish language, Cuban Spanish, variation, dictionary of Cuban Spanish Variación lingüística en el español de Cuba Resumen El objetivo de la presente tesis es abordar el tema de la variación en el español hablado en Cuba, con especial énfasis en la modalidad de La Habana, una de las más innovadoras y representa- tivas del panorama lingüístico insular. El trabajo se halla dividido en tres grandes bloques: fonética y fonología, léxico y semántica, morfología y sintaxis. Los casos descritos se hallan ilustrados con...
Some Notes on Breaking German Word-Formation Rules in the Language of Advertising
Chmelařová, Eliška ; Vachková, Marie (advisor) ; Berglová, Eva (referee)
In this thesis has been considered that the language of advertising should be viewed as an autonomous functional style due to its unique formulations. Existing literature which is concerned with the language of German advertising or advertising in general provides to this subject ambiguous information. My goal was to compare interpretations of different authors and on the strength of my own collection of examples to assess if the language of advertising is an autonomous functional style. This work focuses on breaking German word-formation rules especially on elements of spoken language, occasionalismus and comparison of adjectives. It was considered the function of the language of advertising as well which hangs nearly together with the choice of expressions. The function turned out to be the decisive argument by setting of the functional style.
The Proposal of Costing of Selected Product of the Product Portfolio
Tran, Trung Kien ; Kuba, Karel (referee) ; Jurová, Marie (advisor)
Bachelor thesis deals with variance analysis and design proposals for more accurate calculation of product portfolio. The work includes analysis of the current method calculations product of product portfolio and designs creation of eliminating variations in precalculation. Klíčová slova
Analysis of EMG Signal for Prosthetic hand based on Fuzzy Logic Technique
Ollé, Tamás ; Kolářová, Jana (referee) ; Pathak, Pawan Kumar (advisor)
Lidská ruka je koncový orgán horní končetiny, který slouží k důležité funkci uchopení, stejně jako důležitý orgán pro vnímání a komunikaci. Je to úžasný příklad o tom, jak komplexní mechanismus může být implementovaný, schopný chápat velice komplexní a užitečné úkoly používáním velmi efektivní kombinace mechanismů, snímání a řídicích funkcí. Elektromyogram (EMG) byl původně vyvinutý pro vyšetrování svalnatého nepořádku. Klinické aplikace se brzo rozšířila, nejpozoruhodněji ve výzkumu epilepsii a nakonec se stal populární po zavedení protéz, specificky tělem poháněných protéz. EMG nahrávání je použito pro studování funkčního stavu svalu během různých pohybů. Cílem tohoto projektu je vyvinutí elektromyogramové (EMG) metody třídění, která bude pomáhat v aplikacích jako systém pracující v reálném čase. První část tohoto projektu bylo získávání informací. Údaje reálného času byly zaznamenaný pomocí EMG monitorovacího systému (BIOPAC) a kompletní datová sada různých osob byl zaznamena. Tyto EMG data byly konvertované ze souboru ASCII do čitelné formy pro MATLAB. Druhou částí projektu byla extrakce vlastností. Pět tradičních parametrických rysů bylo vypočítáno, jmenovitě Integrovaný EMG (IEMG), variance (VAR), Zero Crossing (ZC), Slope Sign Changes (SSC) a Vlnová délka (WL). Třetí část projektu byla klasifikace EMG vzorů s použitím fuzzy logiky. Výsledky jsou docela slibné.
Paraphrase of art work - changes in time
This diploma thesis is divided into two main parts - the teoretical and practical part. The teoretical part deals with the topic of paraphrase in the classical art, surveys the creation of paraphrases in the context of art evolution from the 16th century to the present time and tries to find the answers to the questions which relate to reasons of their creation. It tries to answer the questions what reason the artist of the paraphrases had and what made the artist create a paraphrase of a piece of art which was made a long time before. The teoretical part is a negligible glossary whose meaning is to show a range of different attitudes. The practical part is focused on authorial paraphrases which were made on the basis of the teoretical part and use different views and approaches to the process which the phenomenon of the paraphrase offers.
Variation in the \kur{Melampyrum sylvaticum} group
This study deals with morphological variation in the Melampyrum sylvaticum group (Orobanchaceae). Populations of the Hercynian Massif, Western and Eastern Carpathians were investigated using both conventional and geometric morphometric methods. Individual morphological characters were evaluated in detail. Preliminary taxonomic concept of the group is presented. Biogeographical context of detected morphological variation is discussed.

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