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The importance of audits of banks with respect to the Czech national economy within years 1993 – 2014
Rott, Michal ; Zamrazilová, Eva (advisor) ; Štěpánek, Pavel (referee)
The aim of this master thesis is to evaluate the importance of audits of banks with respect to the Czech national economy within years 1993 - 2014. The primary purpose of this study is to determine the value of both external and internal audits as well as of internal control systems and of bank supervision in order to maintain a long-term stability of banks on the Czech financial market. In the light of knowledge gathered from the Czech banking crisis (late nineties of the 20th century) and from the latest widely-spread economic and financial crisis (2008), it has been proved that low-quality audits may consequently contagiously affect a great deal of financial institutions. As for the economies, a collapse of a larger number of banks in the short run may cause higher social costs (mainly due to government budget deficit when bailing out affected banks and to economic downturn). Analyses suggest that these crises have been a result of a confluence of many factors. In particular, a poor a management of banks and its interest in short-term profit-maximizing goals, trades with highly risky financial instruments (especially in the US and in the EU), likewise failures of both auditors and bank supervisors, account for some of the main factors. Moreover, it has been concluded that an institutional background (a weak law system in the Czech Republic) played an important role, too. The quality of audits was also influenced by an everlasting conflict of interest of statutory auditors who have been paid by the audited banks. This probably resulted in an unethical behavior of auditors. Furthermore, auditors were lacking the state-of-the-art knowledge in terms of rapidly developing financial instruments. As a matter of fact, auditors did not address all the risks the banks were facing to the stakeholders. This study indicates that both external and internal audits along with a bank supervision are important, nonetheless, not sufficient conditions assuring a long-term stability on financial markets.

Influence of the Insuline Resistence on the Utilization of Energetic Substrates
Komárová, Tereza ; Štich, Vladimír (advisor)
Obesity and its hand-in- hand insulin resistance in recent decades become the most common diseases in the world. The increase in the incidence of obesity and metabolic syndrome is a worldwide public health-care and clinical problem . what is worse , obese people every day constantly increasing enormously and gets so nature of the global epidemic . The increasing incidence of obesity is related to the take-over American lifestyle . People today spend their time watching television and especially in their offices, eat fast foods and instead of moving to carry in cars. this way of life passed on to their children , and so today we observe a significant increase in obesity even in the youngest age groups. These children have unfortunately increased chance of staying obese in adulthood. The world today is 1.1 billion adults are overweight or obese and these are about 320 million people obese ( BMI > 30). Different regions of the world differ significantly with regard to the prevalence of obesity. More and more , however, to global epidemic of obesity contributes to the developing world . Obesity is becoming progressively problem even in countries where it was previously almost occur. prevalence of obesity in European countries reaches 10-40 %. [1 ] Although the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, together...

Political and economic relations between Great Britain and its colonies in north America in the Seven years' war
Nevrkla, Lukáš ; Kovář, Martin (advisor) ; Soukup, Jaromír (referee)
Great Britain and thirteen British American mainland colonies in the age of the Seven Year's War. My principal objection was to analyse the impact of the war on the development of these relations during the war in connection with the preceding historical development and with respect to the moovement of the events in the 1760s and 1770s of the 18th century. The chapter one gives a short survey of the structure of colonial economic and colonial commerce of Great Britain and "thirteen colonies" in Norht America. Futhermore it presents a concise cultural and social portrait of British colonial merchants and their counterparts in American colonies. The chapter two consists of an analysis of the effect of the political and economical connections of the Seven Years' War on the political structure of the colonies. This process is ilustrated by an example of the emacipation of colonial assemblies as in relation to Great Britain as well as in local politics. The Chapter three deals with the changed post-war conditions in North America and provides a short account of her old animosities and new problems. Moreover it analyses the first steps of British policy in years after the signature of the peace of Paris. The Seven Year's War had shaped the state of affairs in 60's and 70's of the 18th century. However amazing the...

History variational calculus
Höschl, Cyril
This paper present a short historical overview of evolution of infinitesimal and variotional calculus.Some of the classical variational problems ara formulated and described.

Building of light fortification in Orlické hory
Formánek, Ivo ; Kuklík, Jan (referee) ; Kvaček, Robert (advisor)
This essay called Bui1ding of light fortification in Orlicke hory describes not only one chapter on building of Czechoslovak fortification from 1935 to 1938, but it also bring closer bui1ding of this defensive system as one entity and make better knowledge about regional history. First part describes building of light fortification mk. 37 in Orlicke hory and for lucidity is divided into chapters according to single building sectors. Bui1ding of each one is described from competition for its building to the end ofworks in September 1938. This essay also treat of problems during bui1ding. In second part are included chapters treating groups of people, who took a share in bui1ding of fortification, Ol' this activity touched them. In this part is described work of mi1itary bui1ding supervisors, workers working on fortification and life of people in the neighbourhood offortresses. In the end was insert chapter about preparations on fortresses defence in Orlicke hory.

Role of physical activity in the prevention of childhood obesity
The thesis deals with physical activity in the prevention of childhood obesity. It is focused on children, namely pupils of the eighth and ninith grades of elementary school. Obesity is responsible for more human lives than both of the world wars and if we want this epidemic of obesity and problems associated with inactivity minimized, we have to start where it is most efficient and that is with children. The main objective is to explore physical activity in a selected group of pupils. Partial aim is to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the investigated group of students using somatometric measurements in the selected location. Another objective is to determine how many of childrens parents did sports in the past or actualy do sports. The final goal is to prepare educational material for students about the importance of physical activity. The work is divided into two parts theoretical and practical. The theoretical part was compiled as a secondary data analysis. Sources of data and information originated from the Czech Republic and abroad in the form of scholarly books, journals and electronic resources. The contents of the theoretical part is focused on explenation of terms such as obesity, its consequences, complications, ways to prevent obesity, physical activity, appropriate kinds of physical activity and its effects on the human body. Distinctive part is the chapter dealing with the myths of obesity some of them are really surprising. The second part is practical part and includes its own research. The investigation was conducted in a primary school Komenského alej in Žatec for pupils of the eighth and ninth grades. File featured 107 pupils. The research was conducted as a quantitative survey complemented by measurements of somatometric indicators. The data were collected using a custom non-standardized questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 14 questions and two columns separated by line for recording the exact weight and height. We checked these data at pre-agreed periods.

Pick´s disease and the specifics of the nursing care of a patient with this disease
Pick's disease is a degenerative-atrophic process that primarily affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Besides Alzheimer's disease, it is a lesser known form of dementia which affects people of younger age. Although the exact range of Pick's disease occurrence varies in the literature, the average reported age is between 50-60 years. The disease can change eating habits, cause emotional swings, inappropriate behaviour and sloppy appearance of the patients. The behaviour to others is often selfish, the patients are unable to listen to others and ignore their surroundings. Pick's disease is also characterized by inappropriate sexual behaviour. Globally, the number of dementia patients is still growing and according to expert guesses the increase will continue. Nursing care for patients with dementia is therefore becoming a very actual topic as dementia is called a quiet epidemic of our century. Nurses in their departments quite frequently encounter patients suffering from dementia of various origins at different stages of disability and the staff at healthcare facilities often regard these people as a burden. The aim of this thesis, which is called Pick's Disease and Specifics of Nursing Care for Patients with this Disease, is, based on the theoretical knowledge, to map definitions and diagnosis of Pick's disease, to define the needs of such a patient, and to list the most common problems in the nursing care. It focuses on people with dementia within medical facilities. For proper understanding of the problem, the thesis starts with the anatomy and physiology of the brain and the description of cognitive functions which are affected by the dementia syndrome and the definition of dementia. Based on the studied literature, dementia is divided according to various criteria. It has been found out that dividing dementia is not entirely uniform, but the essential facts and overall opinions of the authors do not diverge. Pick's disease belongs to a group of frontotemporal dementia and its position in this group has changed over time, as it is recorded in the literature. The thesis includes recommendations resulting from the studied literature in the approach to patients with dementia and emphasizes personal communication with the patients and empathetic and humane approach. Although medicine cannot prevent dementia, an early diagnosis of a specific type of dementia and correctly targeted treatment can increase the quality of life not only of the patients but also of their families. I have chosen this topic because I find it very current and interesting. During my nursing practice at the Surgery Department and Aftercare Department, I have met patients suffering from dementia and I did not know how to properly and efficiently communicate with them. For the theoretical part of my work, the methods of explanation, synthesis and induction on the basis of Czech and foreign information sources have been used. The most frequently quoted Czech authors in my thesis are doc. MD. Roman Jirák, PhD., the head of the center for diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimer's disease at the psychiatric clinic of the General University Hospital in Prague, the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University. This thesis can serve as an informational and educational source both for nurses and the general public who may experience the disease within their families. It would be considered a great success if it helped nurses or family members to diagnose Pick's disease or other dementia at an early stage.

Development assistance in sub-Saharan Africa - a success?
Dědinová, Nikola ; Bureš, Jan (advisor) ; Polášek, Martin (referee)
"Chudoba1 znamená mít hlad, nemít střechu nad hlavou. Chudoba znamená nemoci chodit do školy a nikdy nemít příležitost se naučit číst a psát. Chudoba také znamená nemít práci, žít ze dne na den v neustálých obavách z příštího rána. Chudoba znamená, že vaše dítě zemřelo na infekci z nakažené vody. A především žít v chudobě znamená žít v bezmoci a nesvobodě. Chudoba má mnoho podob. V každé části světa je jiná a mnoho se o ní napsalo."2 I když se o ní už napsalo mnoho, rozhodla jsem se i já, že o ní napíšu. Tématem této práce je rozvojová pomoc v subsaharské Africe a její úspěšnost. Na počátku 21. století má zásadní význam problém odstraňování chudoby a potřeba udržitelného rozvoje. Tento problém se musí řešit v kontextu stále globalizovanějšího, vzájemně závislejšího a měnícího se světa. Rozvojové problémy a procesy jsou složité a nelze je redukovat najedno nebo několik málo správných řešení. A to zvláště platí o chudobě v subsaharské Africe. Protože mezi faktory, které chudobu způsobují nebo zhoršují a které patří i k jejím důsledkům patří hlad a podvýživa, šíření infekčních nemocí jako HIV/AIDS, tubera, malárie, omezený přístup ke vzdělání, zdravotní péči, kvalitní vodě, diskriminace podle pohlaví, vyznání, vládní korupce, občanské války, vojenské převraty. Díky těmto faktorům se dostává subsaharská Afrika...

The image of the "Prague spring" and the year 1968 in the Czech literature of the 2nd half of the 20th century as a problem of emblematic reduction
Čmejrková, Anna ; Holý, Jiří (referee) ; Bílek, Petr (advisor)
The thesis presents an analysis of the image of the "Prague Spring" and the year 1968 in Czech literature of the 2nd half of the 20th century. It focuses on the issue of emblematic reduction which occurs in the representation of the social situation in 1968, and analyzes the emblems which participate in the construction of the literary image of the Prague Spring in particular texts. The first part focuses on texts of the official literature of 1970s and 1980s, which attempt to create an image of the Prague Spring as a period of crisis in accordance with the conclusions of the document Poucení z krizového vývoje ve strane a spolecnosti po 13. sjezdu KSC (Lesson drawn from the crisis development in the Party and Society after the 13th Congress of the C.P.Cz.), as well as the contemporary requirements of socialist literature. In these texts the principle of emblematic reduction proves to be abundantly applied, in full concordance with the idea that simple notions and stereotypes guarantee unambiguous reading and add the necessary cogency. The emblems, based on the main ideological pillars of the normalization period (the principle of the class struggle, the cult of work and family etc.) and thus having fixed meanings at the time, play a vital role in the representation of characters, milieu and the situation...

The assessment of equine housing systems in terms of welfare
Morávková, Kateřina ; Hofmanová, Barbora (advisor) ; Majzlík, Ivan (referee)
Nowadays, the conditions of animals' breeding are better than they were in the past and bigger emphasis i sput on their compliance and improvement. To secure/provide a good welfare is not an easy task for the breeders. Generally, we know how good welfare should look like, but we do not know, if the animal is satisfied. Various studies and experiments of good and bad life conditions appear. On the other hand, there still are lots of things about the welfare topics, which could be discovered and explored. Other question is, if a bad welfare has something common with animals' cruelty, or does not. One of categories, which is welfare focused on is stablig. When horse breeding and stabling, we should consider their native lifestyle and behaviour. We should do this, if we want to secure a good welfare. In many of cases there is a problem, because as it has been said, there is no strict rule, what is a good and bad welfare. Some horses can be satisfied in a box, and the other can feel bad in the box -- they can have depression and they will feel best when they are out with other horses. Every system and style of stabling has its pluses and minuses. Some of the systems seem to be less suitable for horses, but it depends on the horses' character. But horses do not chooses their kind of stabling, it is choosen by the breeder. The stabling has been solved for centuries, and it must have been solved in the past, it is in the peresent, and it will be in the future. But we still come with new and improved ways of stabling. A modern guy can not imagine, that nowadays stabling should be the same as it was in the past. Today, we do not know, if this way of stabling was found as a good type of welfare and if horses were satisfied with it. It is a question, if better welfare is a box stabling or a styling out. For working horses the best stabling is the lashing one, where horses work in a wood and they want a lot of relax -- through this kind of stabling the rest can be enabled. But according to the law foals can not be roped. To stable the horse with the rope for 22 is a breach of a welfare. So we must alway take the reasons of stabling into consideration and if an exgerrated care about stabling does not verge on a horse's satisfaction. Through the behaviour and understading the horses a guy should be able to recognize, if the horse is fully satisfied and the welfare is arranged in the best way. It should be a reward for the breeders, if the horse has the good lifestyle.