National Repository of Grey Literature 78 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Lost Children of Europe: European Union and Unaccompanied Migrant Children
Abuselidze, Salome ; Šlosarčík, Ivo (advisor) ; Stepanovic, Vera (referee)
The issue of unaccompanied migrant children (UAM) in the European Union is one of the most acknowledged and one of the most under researched topics. Close to 100,000 minors arrived in Europe in 2015 alone, without parents or guardians. And more than 10,000 disappeared shortly after. These children have been and continue to be under high risk of human trafficking, child labour, sexual and physical abuse, and exploitation of some other kinds. It has been 6 years since the initial crisis, but the statistics are not getting better. Tendency remains as close to 19,000 UAMs have perished in the past 3 years, which accounts to 17 disappearances a day. Despite the European Union's commitment to protect the rights of UAMs, the conditions of these children are dire. In some member states the situation is so much poorer, that basic human rights are violated. This raises the following questions: Q1: Why does the EU struggle to adopt common policies on unaccompanied migrant children? Q2: How does the EU contribute to the disappearance of UAMs? Qualitative and quantitative data, as well as large amount of primary and secondary sources help navigate through the problem of UAMs. Content analysis of European media contributes to the illustration of perceptions towards migration and unaccompanied children. Social...
Competitiveness and solidarity of high school students
Karasaridu, Klára ; Hájek, Martin (advisor) ; Spalová, Barbora (referee)
This master's thesis deals with competitiveness and solidarity among high school students. Students are required to have good results and achievements at school, which leads to competition among students to determine who is be the best. In addition, the class counts on cooperation and solidarity to function well as a group. These two phenomena can put pressure on students, and although they seem to be mutually exclusive, they are interconnected. This research focuses on these two elements in class relationships. I conducted qualitative semi- structured interviews. Due to the current pandemic situation, the interviews took place online. The main finding of the research is that competitiveness does not manifest itself in the usual way for students: it is not required by their surroundings, but they rather motivate themselves to compete with each other. Solidarity is reflected in how they work together and how they understand each other. For students it is important to have friendly relationships in the class, which makes them want to cooperate more (classmates with whom the students do not have such friendly relationships are not selected for cooperation to such an extent). Relationships are built not only through help and cooperation in the classroom, as expected, but above all through friendships...
The Application of Ethical Principles in the Development of the Health Care System
Válková, Monika ; Holmerová, Iva (advisor) ; Pinc, Zdeněk (referee) ; Jurašková, Božena (referee)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Fakulta humanitních studií Název oboru Filozofie Disertační práce (obor Aplikovaná etika) Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému The Application of Ethical Principles in the Development of the Health System Mgr. Monika Válková Vedoucí práce: Doc. prim. MUDr. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D. Praha 2013 2 Anotace Disertační práce na téma Uplatňování etického principu při tvorbě zdravotnického systému je zaměřena na etické principy, které se promítaly ve vývoji zdravotnického systému v České republice. Solidarita, spravedlnost , rovnost a právo na zdraví jsou základní etické principy uplatňované ve zdravotnických systémech Z historického hlediska je solidarita nejstarším etickým principem , která měla vliv na utváření jednotlivých typů sociálních států v Evropě. Solidarita je zkoumána z pohledu vývoje sociálního zabezpečení v době nemoci a chudoby. Zdravotnický systém v České republice je hodnocen z hlediska uplatňování etických principů v různých etapách společenského uspořádání země od Rakouska Uherska a ž do současnosti. V praktické části disertační práce byly srovnávány s Českou republikou zdravotnické systémy Švédska a Francie dle etických principů solidarita, spravedlnost, rovnost a právo na zdraví Hlavním cílem disertační práce bylo prokázat na základě vybraných...
Environmental Migration - Reflection of the Migration Policy Segment from the Point of View of Global Justice and Christian Social Ethics
Váňa Jirků, Tereza ; Štica, Petr (advisor) ; Fošum, Jan (referee)
The thesis aims to familiarize readers with the basic concepts of environmental migration at such a pace as to enable discussion and reflection on the subject. The first chapter is introductory and defines basic concepts such as migration, environmental migration, refugee. The second chapter deals with environmental migration. Environmental migration is nothing new. Natural and human-induced disasters have been the cause of migration in the past and are likely to be the cause of migration. The third chapter deals with legislation on environmental migration. It examines refugee law, human rights law, or international humanitarian law. It points out that the existing legislation is not sufficiently developed. So far, there is no legally recognized definition of an environmental migrant. The fourth chapter looks at migration as a moral question, primarily in the optics of the social doctrine of the Church, the universal determination of goods, solidarity, and the direction towards the integral good. The fifth chapter deals with the little discussed or neglected ethical issues associated with migration. The last chapter is devoted to possible suggestions and solutions to environmental migration. It describes the most common proposals such as broadening refugee definition, enhancing disaster protection...
Solidarity Academies in Turkey: An analysis of academic activism, parrhesia, and commoning practices
Demirkır, Öykü ; Hájek, Martin (advisor) ; Císař, Ondřej (referee)
This research seeks to interpret the academic activism of Academics for Peace in Turkey. It argues that the occurrence of the Academics for Peace results from the intertwinement of neoliberal and authoritarian ideology. The writer of this research suggests that Academics for Peace build networks of solidarity based on resistive critique and truth-telling practices. Solidarity (alternative) academies in Turkey are the seeds of this engagement in solidarity, self- adapting practices, activist truth, and parrhesia, and they appear as phenomena that carry out prefigurative-instituent practices. The research suggests that Solidarity academies can be evaluated as a 'threshold' cultivating our understanding of the 'commons' and 'commoning practices.'
Olga Havel contribution to assisting and caring for people with disabilities
Hons, Jindřich ; Mužáková, Monika (advisor) ; Mlčková, Marie (referee)
My diploma thesis named " Olga Havel contribution to assisting and caring for people with disabilities" analyzes information from various testimonies, media sources or literary sources and aims to provide the reader with the most realistic picture that could portray Mrs. Olga Havel. My research follows the legacy of Olga Havel that she left in the field of care for people with disabilities. The main intention is to observe her ingress to disadvantaged people. On top of that, I wanted to highlight how her personality and her social role as the first lady in the Czech Republic shaped approaches to the people in the Czechoslovak Republic before year 1989 and also in the time period after the Velvet revolution. The practical part was based on the processing of the results of qualitative research carried out in the form of interviews as well as information taken from related literature. The main qualitative method, for processing data, is called "oral history" and it is based on interviews. Powered by TCPDF (
Social Farming and Czech Social Farms (A Case Study)
Hudcová, Eliška ; Dohnalová, Marie (advisor) ; Lubelcová, Gabriela (referee) ; Moudrý, Jan (referee)
This thesis deals with the phenomenon of social farming; its aim is to describe this phenomenon, understand it and critically discuss it in the context of social economics and social entrepreneurship. The text also proposes other frames of thought - social integration and social work, multifunctional agriculture, the Green Care concept and the social entrepreneurial theory in which social farming can be considered. The thesis also gives insight into foreign and Czech socio-agricultural practice. It uses methodology based on the principles of exploratory and descriptive case studies since it focuses on a small sample of a phenomenon not yet described in which context and content are observed. The study is divided into two sections: a theoretical part and a research part, each of which draw on professional literature, semi-structured in-depth interviews with representatives of social farms, other primary data and documents and secondary sources. The analysis of the research results displays an assessment of Czech social agriculture, which can be described as delayed when compared to western Europe, mainly due to the historical development of agriculture and social arenas of the last seventy years, while also serving as a reaction to certain contemporary social trends. The outputs suggest typology of...
Ethical aspects and possible social effects of free childlessness
Haškovcová, Eva ; Ovečka, Libor (advisor) ; Štica, Petr (referee)
This thesis maps Czech social and expert discussions on the theme of child-free people childnessness. It is directed on those aspect with implicit ethical content. Subsequently it chooses the most often argument, what are discussed in the ethical reflection. To be child-free is more and more becoming phenomenon, in the Czech Republic especially in the last thirty years. In spite of that it is considered to be rather as alternative life style, what is often exposed to moral evaluation, with mostly negative tone. The criticism of the child-free people can be sumarized into two main streams, when the first one directs on the social impact of the declining birth rates, the second one focuses on personal features of the child-free people, to whom it reprehends either defective hierarchy of values or unnaturalness of their behavior. These two groups of arguments are confronted with the philosophical concept of inclinationes naturales (natural tendencies) of Thomas Aquinas.
Migration and refugees in today's globalized world with regard to the social aspects
Sufčák, David ; Nová, Monika (advisor) ; Čedík, Miloslav (referee)
The thesis focuses on "Migration and refugees in the current globalized world with regard to social aspects" and its key objective is to map attitudes of the population in the Czech Republic to refugees and migrants in the shadow of the European migration crisis. The thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part contains a detailed presentation of the refugeeism and migration phenomena. It provides basic definitions of the terms "migration", "migrant" and "refugee". Further, it also describes the history and present of migration and refugees and provides prediction of the future. A deep analysis is provided of the current European migration and refugee crisis and its social, political, legislative, economic and security aspects. The thesis also focuses on causes of migration, its impacts, cultural conflicts and potential solutions. The theoretical part also contains an analysis of social work with migrants and refugees in the Czech Republic. The thesis also addresses the role of media and disinformation (the so-called fake news) on the Internet. The theoretical part also presents different approaches of individual countries to migration and refugees across the continents. The second part of the thesis is empirical and it uses the strategy of quantitative research;...
Ethics in social services: Involvement of peer consultants in social services for people with mental illness
Balková, Miluše ; Holmerová, Iva (advisor) ; Hradcová, Dana (referee) ; Páv, Marek (referee)
Involvement of people with experience of disease as a peer consultant in social and health services is a new phenomenon in the care of people with mental illness. The way the peer consultant works and his involvement in the team of experts is related to the different ethical contexts and aspects that each organization must prepare if it wants to implement this position. The experience of peer consultants is also a testimony of the status of people with mental illness in society, stigmatization and the need to help people in a similar situation. Klíčová slova illness, mental, care, psychiatric, altruism, solidarity, society, belonging, ethics, services, social, health, helping, sharing

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