National Repository of Grey Literature 23 records found  beginprevious14 - 23  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Classification of eMail Communication
Piják, Marek ; Herout, Adam (referee) ; Szőke, Igor (advisor)
This diploma's thesis is based around creating a classifier, which will be able to recognize an email communication received by Topefekt.s.r.o on daily basis and assigning it into classification class. This project will implement some of the most commonly used classification methods including machine learning. Thesis will also include evaluation comparing all used methods.
Story - saint and saint
Štěrbová, Terezie ; Kornatovský, Jiří (advisor) ; Uhl Skřivanová, Věra (referee)
SHRNUTÍ / ABSTRAKT/ ZÁVĚR Během psaní této bakalářské práce jsem se pokusila popsat obsahovost a význam světců a světic v jejich obecném teoretickém a společenském chápání. Především mne zaujala společenská úloha světců a světic, jakožto patronů v rámci lidové zbožnosti a zvyklostí. S vybranými světci jsem se pokusila netradičním způsobem propojit místa v krajině, ve které jsou právě oni uctívání a jsou mocnými ochránci těchto posvěcených míst. Tato specifická místa jsem vybírala ve své rodné krajině Beskyd. Krajina této oblasti a mnou vybraná posvátná místa, mne silně inspirovaly nejen v mé výtvarné realizaci, ale také v plánování pedagogických úkolů pro děti ve věkovém rozmezí 6-10 let. Posvátná místa, mající svého patrona, ukryta i v těch nejhlubších lesích nebo označující bod, ve kterém se křižují dvě polní cesty, budou vždy důležitým prvkem pro naši společnost. Člověk věřící nebo ne, vždy bude cítit něco nepopsatelného z těchto míst. Bude si říkat, že daný patron zde drží svou ochranou ruku, nebo bude věřit v magickou sílu ukrytou v přírodě z předkřesťanských dob. Stále však tato místa v sobě ponesou příběhy a legendy svatých. A nejen ty. Skrze tato místa se budou stále vanout příběhy lidí, jako podzimní chladný vánek, který vdechuje krajině posvátnou energii. Posvátná místa, která jsou zasvěcená už...
From Brief to Solution - Commercial Communication in Sociological Perspective
Novák, Michal ; Tuček, Milan (advisor) ; Hendl, Jan (referee)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe the issue of transfer of information in commercial communication and advertising. Using the essential sociological theories it tries to describe the process of designing meaningful and successful commercial communication and points out all the complications which can appear. The increased emphasis is put on the importance of understanding the participant's (sender, receiver) behavior and motivations - in commercial communication represented by the knowledge of target group and the brand itself. Based on the theoretical approaches to the communication process - mainly Stuart's Hall reception theory, Cacioppo's Elaboration Likelihood model and Petty's Laswell formula - the thesis describes how to design the advertising campaign properly. It is always helpful to analyze the current situation you are in, analyze your customer's interests and when you finally decide which message you want to use in communication, the keystone of the successful transmission is to code it correctly. You also have to take into consideration the definition of target group, market analysis, media-mix etc., as condition of proper encoding/decoding, minimizing external interferences, therefore maximize effectiveness of message transferring - achieve preferable reading. Practical...
Sports PR events - Football exhibition - Gambrinus Stars 2015 vs. Czech team Legends
Verner, Dominik ; Voráček, Josef (advisor) ; Crossan, William Morea (referee)
Today organizations use sports events in suppor of public relations as way of communiaction to their target markets. The form of these events is gathering different directions. The aim of this work is to design a project representing sports event in support of PR. The project is built on the basis of theoretical methods derived from the literature devoted to the project and sports management and event management. The content of the proposed project are the basic steps that are trying to show way how it is possible to design the concept of the event. Keywords Sports event, event management, project, project management, public relations, goals, message
Czech Luxembourges in french contemporary historiography
Jedináková, Petra ; Bláhová, Marie (advisor) ; Nejedlý, Martin (referee)
Petra JEDINÁKOVÁ, CZECH LUXEMBOURGES IN FRENCH CONTEMPORARY HISTORIOGRAPHY, Prague, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University in Prague 2012. The aim of this thesis is to consider the relationship of Czech Luxembourg dynasty towards the French dynasty and the impact of their policies in western Europe. The work also focuses on different ways of perception of the Luxembourgs in both Czech and French environment and reasons for such observations. The Luxembourg dynasty, being originally an earl family of the French from Luxembourg, always had a strong relation towards France and its ruling dynasty which was based on mutual respect, friendship, similar opinions and also family bonds, the successors were educated at the French court. The two countries supported each other in fight andalso by mutual contact, visits and in terms of diplomacy. We have testimonies regarding these events thanks to medieval sources such as chronicles, annals, documents, correspondence and texts of authors from the French environment, who personally met Czech kings from the House of Luxembourg and therefore left us important insights into the situation of that time. John of Luxembourg has been perceived in as a model of knightly virtues and a brave fighter always loyal to the French king. In Bohemia, he was for centuries...
EYOWF 2011 and mytologization of the comercial strategies in a market campaigning (discoursive and semiotic analysis)
Hoffmannová, Aneta ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Kraus, Jiří (referee)
The diploma thesis "EYOWF 2011 and mythologization of the commercial strategies in a market campaign" deals with a semiotic analysis and mythologization of the promotional video for 10th European Youth Olympic Winter Festival 2011. This study is drawn up as semiotic analysis comprised of the theories of symbolic interactionism and mythologization as a secondary narrative. The thesis is based on theories of the meaning construction and the terminology of the linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, a French semiotican Ronald Barthes and a triadical concept of the sign by Charles Sanders Peirce. The study works on the construction of a commercial message, market communication and use of the specific sign as a primary structural element. An analyzed sample is an audiovisual commercial - 2 minutes and 52 seconds which contents the elements of the entire communicative campaign. The used method is a semiotic analysis which offers insights via description and interpretation of the particular encoded signs. The main focus is concentrating on the camera take and cuts, graphics, colour, characters and the entire mythologization process.
Petr Eben - music as a way to God
Šmardová Koulová, Jana ; Špačková, Alena (advisor) ; Tvrdek, Petr (referee)
Petr Eben. Hudba jako cesta k Bohu. Jana Šmardová Koulová Resumé Svou prací jsem došla k závěrům, že přínos skladatele Petra Ebena je pro českou a světovou duchovní hudbu opravdu velký a jeho skladby jsou skutečnou pomocí v ekumenické práci. Autorova vlastní upřímná víra v Boha se, díky jeho usilovné smysluplné práci, nese tóny skladeb dál k posluchači, kterého skutečně oslovuje. Pochopil služebnost hudby a podřídil ji moudrosti slov, jejich pravému významu a obsahu, čímž její význam naopak pozdvihl. Vznikla díla, která opravdu k posluchači promlouvají svým poselstvím, dokonce ho i formují. Na základě této práce a získaných poznatků, se určitě pokusím Ebenovu Truvérskou mši, pro její jednoduchost a přitom nádhernou melodičnost, citlvě propojenou hudbu se slovy, která byla inspirována vírou v Boha, zařadit do katecheze dětí. Petr Eben. Music as the way to God. Jana Šmardová Koulová Summary In my work I have come to the conclusion that Petr Eben's music means really great contribution not only to Czech but even to the whole world sacred music with his compositions that help a lot in ecumenical efforts. The author's own true faith in God, thanks to his concentrated and meaningful work, conveys onto the listener and addresses him/her with direct impact. He understood the subservience of music well, and he...
On-line Communication Client
Húserka, Jozef ; Zukal, Martin (referee) ; Číka, Petr (advisor)
Main focus of this thesis is protocol XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) and its implementation into on-line client built in JAVA programming language. Purpose of XMPP protocol is to deliver messages in real-time between two or more users. It’s standardized protocol with open specification based on XML (Extensible Markup Language). This thesis describes various aspects and specifications of XMPP protocol, the way the messages are exchanged between users, various types of XML information contained in stream which is exchanged between entities in network and generally describes functioning of XMPP protocol. The output of this thesis is an on-line client for instant messaging developed using Smack API package for JAVA – various aspects of this package are described in this document alongside explanation of implementation of the client.
The pilgrimages to Medjugorje and their influence on deepening laymen´s religious lifes
This thesis describes the influence of pilgrimages on deeping of believers´s religious life. It approaches spiritual life in the pilgrimage site in Medjugorja. It evaluates the effects of the spiritual aspiration and it shows evidence of conversion. It refers to the consequence of the Marian message and it specifies the resources for acquisition of the mercy of God. Thesis extracts information from the available literature and also from author´s own personal experiences. In the final result it brings the recognition of the love and the mercy of Father God. It is appointed to everybody who wants to find the right meaning of its own life.

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