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Influence of yoga group excercising on children diagnosed with dyspraxia.
Hojková, Lýdie ; Nývltová, Marcela (advisor) ; Králová, Aneta (referee)
This diploma thesis researches the effect of yoga group exercising on children diagnosed with developmental coordination disorder. The theoretical part provides an overview of knowledge about the developmental coordination disorder, it mentions the issue with nomenclature and summarizes the options of treatment. It also deals with yoga, especially it's use as a form of therapy for wide range of diagnosis in adults as well as in children population. The aim of the practical part was to find out if there is any improvement in motor and other abilities after group exercising of yoga. Children were examined by Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2 and by selected subtests from Sensory Integration and Praxis test, specifically Postural Praxis, Bilateral Motor Coordination, Postrotary Nystagmus, Manual Form Perception and Localization of Tactile Stimuli. Parents of children filled Short Sensory Profile and Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire. The study demonstrated improvement in MABC-2 test results, specifically in Aiming and Catching and Balance subtests. There was also significant improvement in these subtests of Sensory Integration and Praxis test: Postural Praxis, Bilateral Motor Coordination and Localization of Tactile Stimuli. Both questionnaires did not show any improvement.
Perception of verticality in patients with developmental coordination disorder
Žídek, Radim ; Čakrt, Ondřej (advisor) ; Demeková, Júlia (referee)
Bibliographic identification Author's first name and surname: Bc. Radim Žídek Title of the master thesis: Perception of verticality in patiens with developmental coordination disorder Department: Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, 2nd faculty of medicine, Charles University and FN Motol Supervisor: PhDr. Ondřej Čakrt, Ph.D. The year of presentation: 2017 Annotation: Developmental coordination disorder is typical for poor motor learning and motor coordination that cannot be related to any neurological or mental disease. The exact reason of it stays still unknown. There are theories that say that dysfunctional collaboration of afferent systems causes developmental coordination disorder. Thanks to afferent systems a human organism is able to perceive different modalities. One of the modalities is a perception of verticality. In theoretical part of this thesis we summarized information about developmental coordination disorder and postural and balance control. In experimental part we tested 35 pupils of primary school (age 13-15). Using MABC-2 we classified the pupils into children with and without predispositions for developmental coordination disorder. Then we tested their ability of perceiving subjective visual and subjective haptic verticality. According to statistical evaluation there is no...
The level of physical fitness and the detection of the motor skills level of primary school age children
Munia, Jan ; Kokštejn, Jakub (advisor) ; Musálek, Martin (referee)
Name: The level of physical fitness and the detection of the motor skills level of primary school age children. Objectives: To find out the current level of physical fitness and basic motor skills of primary school age children. Methods: The main method of the research was an observation. The study included 54 children (8.9 ± 0.6 years old, 31 girls and 23 boys). For the evaluation of physical fitness, we used the Unifittest (6-60) and for the evaluation of motor skills was used the MABC-2 motor test. The Student's test and the Cohen's d effect size coefficient, were used for the evaluation of group differences. Results: In the MABC-2 motor skills test, 22 % of children achieved the result in a zone above the 84th percentile, 20 % of children were between 51-84th percentile, 50 % of children were in the range between 17-50th percentile, 4 % of children were between 6-15th percentile and another 4 % of children were in the range of <5 percentile. The results of the Unifittest test battery (6-60) showed us that 41 % of children were average, 20 % of children were below average, significantly below were 17 % of children, above average were 15 % of children and 7 % of children were well above average. Girls achieved significantly higher overall MABC-2 performance compared to boys (11.5 ± 2.7 vs 10.0 ±...
Utilization of yoga in pediatric physiotherapy
Šonská, Kristýna ; Ptáková, Karolína (advisor) ; Králová, Aneta (referee)
This bachelor thesis summarizes possibilities of yoga utilization in rehabilitation of pediatric patients. The theoretic part lists basic terms necessary for understanding of this topic. Then it focuses on some yoga techniques, the influence of exercise on human body and its advantages. It also describes how a yoga lesson for children should look like and what approaches to avoid. The next part contains overview of published articles. The practical part of bachelor thesis includes three cases of patients with different diagnosis who attended eight week yoga course in FN Motol. Their examination contains kinesiology analysis, standardizes MABC-2 test and a PedsQL questionnaire. The effect of incorporating yoga into their therapy is described as positive.
The evaluation of motor performance in soccer in category of older children
Stehlík, Jiří ; Kokštejn, Jakub (advisor) ; Hráský, Pavel (referee)
Title: The evaluation of motor performance in football in category of older children Objectives: The goal of the thesis is to identify and evaluate a level of the motor performance of the older preparatory category in the football club Xaverov. Methods: The main scientific methods of theoretical - empiric character are in-field testing and observation. The research group contained of seventeen nine- year old soccer players of older preparatory group (9,7 ± 0,2 years). To evaluate the physical capability examined kids passed UNIFITTEST 6-60. The MABC-2 motoric test helped to find out the basic motoric level. BMI index and the sum of the skin fold thickness were both used to evaluate the body content. Basic descriptive statistics (the arithmetic average and standard deviation) and correlation analysis were used to analyse gained data. Results: The found level of the physical capability was average. Even though 10 out of 17 players gained above average value in UNIFITTEST 6-60. Young football players gained above average score in evaluation of aiming and catching abilities (AC), and slightly below average score in evaluation of the balancing ability (BAL) in comparison with the standard for Czech kids of the same age. Significant correlation were found between the total UNIFITTEST score and the amount...
The developmental coordination disorder/developmental dyspraxia in patients with the idiopathic scoliosis - A Pilot Study
Mašíková, Darina ; Lepšíková, Magdaléna (advisor) ; Vránová, Hana (referee)
The thesis is foccused on the problematics of the developmental coordination disorder and its presence within the patiens with the idiopathic scoliosis. The theoretical part deals with the explanation of the terms of developmental coordination disorder, sensory integration and idiopathic scoliosis. The experimental part looks for the connection among the idiopathic scoliosis and the dvelopmental dyspraxia. Thirty patients took part in it. Eighteen of them were patiens with the idiopathic scoliosis, these were divided into two groups according to the age. The first group at the age of 7 to 10 years counted four patiens, the other group from 11 to 16 years contained fourteen patiens. The controll group involved twelve children from the fifth class of the common primary school. The children were tested by the standardized Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2 (MABC-2). Furthermore the measurement was completed by two questionnaires for parents. In the DCDQ'07 they assessed the motor abilities of their child compared to children of the same age and gender. The other questionnaire was aimed at closer information obout the pregnancy, development of the child, presence of any disease or impairment, etc. The difference between motor skills of children with the idiopathic scoliosis and the controll group in...
Fine Motor Skills Testing of Children in the Preschool Age Visiting Montessori Kindergarten by the battery test MABC-2
Nejdlová, Eliška ; Vařeková, Jitka (advisor) ; Daďová, Klára (referee)
Title of the Bachelor Thesis: Fine Motor Skills Testing of Children in the Preschool Age Visiting Montessori Kindergarten by the Battery Test MABC-2 The Aim of the Thesis: We will measure fine motor skills of children in preschool age visiting Montessori kindergarten. We will compare measured results with children who visit common kindergartens. Method: We used battery test MABC-2 for measuring. We also used data from measuring fine motor skills among children from selection of kindergartens in Prague. This research is done by Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn, Ph.D. and has not been publishet yet. We also used data presented by Mr. Ludvík Valtr. We compared results between children from the Montessori kindergarten and children visiting prague kindergartens- sample one. Then we compared our results with results from the Diploma thesis by Mr. Ludvík Valtr- sample two. Results and Discussion: We found statistically significant result only in measuring of motor skill number one. In first mentioned sample we found better results between children from common kindergartens. In second mentioned sample we found better results between children from the Montessori kindergarten. We can not confirm or disprove the hypothesis where we expected significantly better results between children visiting Montessori kindergarten....
Testing dyspraxia of children and adolescents dancing acrobatic rock'n'roll and of children and adolescents with specific abnormalities.
Metlická, Martina ; Kraus, Josef (advisor) ; Zounková, Irena (referee)
Bibliographic identification METLICKÁ, Martina. Testing dyspraxia of children and adolescents dancing acrobatic rock'n'roll and of children and adolescents with specific abnormalities. Prague: Charles University, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Department of rehabilitation and sports medicine, 2015. 91p. Supervisor MUDr. Josef Kraus, CSc. Abstract The theoretical part of this thesis briefly summarizes the findings of developmental dyspraxia and briefly characterizes different diseases encountered by tested subjects from a test sample of children with specific abnormalities, neurofibromatosis type 1 and Asperger's syndrome, and explores their relationship with developmental dyspraxia. The possibility of using dance therapy is also mentioned. The practical part is focused on evaluating the level of motor skills of children with specific abnormalities and children's rock and roll dancers using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2. Another objective is to determine whether the level of motor skills correlates with the level of attention tested by the Test of attention d2. The final goal is to assess the degree of physical activity of rock and roll dancers using the accelerometer ActiGraph GT3X. We confirm the presence of motor difficulties of children with specific abnormalities, however we did not confirm...
Special educational diagnosis and intervention for people with developmental dyspraxia/development coordination disorder
Smékalová, Barbora ; Hájková, Vanda (advisor) ; Šumníková, Pavlína (referee)
The thesis "Special educational diagnosis and intervention for people with developmental dyspraxia, developmlent coordination disorder" summarizes in it's theoretical part the current findings about developmental dyspraxia. It focuses especially on the informations of diagnostics and intervention, which are used or can be usable in special pedagogy. The practical part of the thesis pursues the current state of developmental dyspraxia diagnostics in the Czech republic and by the help of questionaries, which were addressed to pedagogical-psychological clinic workers, tries to describe the current situation. The accent is put on Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2, which is currently one of the most widespread standardized methods used to development dyspraxia diagnostics.
The possibilites of diagnostics and treatment of children with developmental dyspraxia / developmental coordination disorder
Smékalová, Barbora ; Kraus, Josef (advisor) ; Zounková, Irena (referee)
Diploma thesis "The possibilites of diagnostics and treatment of children with developmental dyspraxia / developmental coordination disorder" deals in it's theoretical part with the explanation of the terms "developmental dyspraxia" and "developmental coordination disorder" and summarizes the newest findings about the classification of children's motional disorders and possibilities of their treatment. In it's practical part, the thesis deals with certain possibilities of the DCD diagnostics. It uses Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2, which is instrumental to identify children movement difficulties. It is also engaged in praxis clinical examination of the chosen children and uses the DSDQ ‚07 questionary. The thesis proves the existence of movement difficulties on certain children with ADHD, learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder, as well as it proves the significant difference between standard scores of single components on children with learning disabilities. There has been discovered a worse quality of certain practical functions on chosen children and the result matches DCD in DCDQ ‚07.

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