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"Everything's light and everything's upwards, the dance of elephants being uppermost". The metaphors of the movement in poetry of the poet Vladimir Holan.
Hudcová, Zuzana ; Heczková, Libuše (advisor) ; Wiendl, Jan (referee)
The purpose of the thesis is to deal with a writings of Vladimir Holan as a thematic unity, where the motifs are transformed. The metamorphosis depend on a time, when they have been written in. Our used method of his writings is in a chronological order. This thesis is focused on the motif of a movement and his metamorphosis in poetry of Vladimir Holan. The aim is to penetrate the problems of the movement as a physical activity and approached the movement as a confirmation of existence on a basis of Patočka's phenomenological phylosophy. Other chapters pay attention to analysis of motifs of movement, which are recognizable in Holan's poetry. Their feature change from lightness and freedom to heaviness and limitation. Afterwards the point of this work reaches the axis: a wind - a wave - a water flowed - a bird - a cloud - a stone - a snake - a wall. Due to the better understanding of Holan's work, we make a passing comment about the motifs which are connected with notised above. These connections will able to put our thoughts about Holan's conception in order.
Word That Matters. Humanity and Ethics in the Thought of Emmanuel Lévinas
Vik, Dalibor ; Vogel, Jiří (advisor) ; Pelcová, Naděžda (referee) ; Altrichter, Michal (referee)
In five chapters, this thesis traces the question of humanity in the thought of the French philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas, mainly in his works De l'évasion (1935), De l'existence à l'existant (1947), Totalité et infini (1961) and Éthique comme philosophie première (1982), which represent various stages of his philosophical development. It offers an exposition of Lévinas's most original concepts, follows their development and sketches their parallel and/or polemic concepts in the European thought, placing them within the context of Lévinas's life-work. For Lévinas, the question of humanity appears as a transpostition of the question of God, who can not become an object of rational inquiry. In conclusion, the question of humanity becomes the theological issue par excellence. This study tries to show how theology can draw inspiration from Lévinas's concepts in various manners: (1) methodology: Lévinas shows what happens to our thought when we follow the principle Sein-lassen in questionning God and when we take this principle as a basis of our theological research; (2) re-thinking: Lévinas offers a critical revision of traditional theological concepts and endows them with existential meaning, (3) marginalized phenomena: Lévinas thoroughly analyzes phenomena, which has been neglected or marginalized by the...
The Role of Imagination in Aesthetic Experience in Mikel Dufrenne's Thought
Borecký, Felix ; Ševčík, Miloš (advisor) ; Fulka, Josef (referee) ; Hrbata, Zdeněk (referee)
1 Summary: F. Borecký, The Role of Imagination in Aesthetic Experience in Mikel Dufrenne's Thought The aim of this dissertation thesis is to present Dufrenne's original conception of imagination and to highlight its significance for philosophical aesthetics. We focus on a critical interpretation of two alternative approaches which Dufrenne considers in his work. The first approach is based on a noetic perspective, the other on an ontological one. In both cases, Dufrenne claims that imagination is a productive, effecting activity which in a formative manner participates in knowledge of a priori truths regarding human being in the world. Such knowledge is most fully accomplished in the aesthetic experience. Only there a man opens oneself to the external world while maintaining with it a relation of primordial corporeity, which they both - i.e., both humans and the world - share. Imagination and its correlate, the imaginary, in an aesthetic experience stimulate each other and enable a reverberation of the most fundamental possibilities of human being in the world. It is imagination and the imaginary which enable a man to penetrate the superficial empirical level and reach the deep level of the a priori. On the level of the a priori, a man can experience the original corporeal unity which is of the same kind...
Husserl's phenomenology of attention
Grimmich, Šimon ; Čapek, Jakub (advisor) ; Švec, Ondřej (referee)
(in English): The diploma work Husserl's phenomenology of attention systematically presents Husserl's conception of attention. The first part deals with the presentation of Husserl's static phenomenology of attention, taking into account in particular of Logical Investigations and Ideas I. The second part is devoted to genetic phenomenology of attention, which is reconstructed mainly upon Experience and Judgment and Analyses Concerning Passive and Active Synthesis. In it's conclusion the work offers other possible perspectives of investigation of the phenomenon of attention from the phenomenological positions.
To thin from psychedelic experiences - a transdisciplinary interpretation
Pokorný, Vít ; Komárek, Stanislav (advisor) ; Horák, Miroslav (referee) ; Dadejík, Ondřej (referee)
Pokorný, V., To think from psychedelic experiences. Transdisciplinary interpretation. Diseration Thesis, Departement of General Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University Prague, 2016 Abstract: The goal of this text is to think from and according to psychedelic experiences. To think from psychededic experiences means to introduce a transdisciplinary model of psychedelic domain. This model is based on autoethnographic, cognitive, phenomenological and psychopharmacological types of analysis. These analyses allow to demonstrate: 1) place of psychedelics in contemporary globalised czech society; 2) possible heuristic (theoretical and experiemental) value of psychedelic experience for understanding human situation. This text interprets psychedelic experience as a process of deteritorialization and reteritorialization that occurs on different, intertwinned levels of our experience, and, thus, it is a contribution to explication of a philosophical concept of intertwinning. Keywords: psychedelic experience, transdisciplinarity, autoethnography, cognitive anthropology, anthropology of experience, enactivism, phenomenology, embodiment, analogy, intertwinning
Slib a jeho etika
Põhjala, Priit ; PETŘÍČEK, Miroslav (advisor) ; BERGAN, Ronald (referee)
Zvolil jsem si téma etiky ve filmu Slib (1996) tvůrců Jeana-Pierra Dardennea a Luca Dardennea jakožto příkladovou studii užití filozofie, v tomto případě filozofie francouzského filozofa Emmanuela Levinase (1906–1995), a jak jeho filozofie ovlivňuje všechny aspekty vyprávění. Ačkoliv se nejedná o jedinou možnou interpretaci jejich díla, myšlenky Levinase jsou nejvíce relevantní jak pro příběh, tak i pro vyšší intelektuální cíle filmu. Zde je jeho pojem etiky jádrem postav a vyprávění až do bodu, kde se film sám o sobě stává testem pro přijatelnost Levinasovy filozofie, jako myšlenkového experimentu ve filmové podobě. Přijatelnost Levinasovy filozofie zůstává na konci filmu neprokázána. I přes filozofické a vyprávěcí nedostatky je Slib dobrým příkladem užití filozofie ve filmu, v jehož lepších částech se ukazuje síla tohoto přístupu, nicméně v horších částech můžeme vidět nebezpečí, které z tohoto přístupu vychází. V následujících filmech je zřejmé, že se bratři Dardenneové poučili ze svých chyb.
Matoušek, Jaroslav ; Hradecká, Irena (referee) ; Ponešová, Barbora (advisor)
Anenský dvůr used to be a farm surrounded by fields just a few dozen meters from the Austrian border. It worked even during the fifties before the creation of the Iron Curtain. Agricultural activity slowly subsided, people disappeared. Nature began quietly but ceaselessly, in small portions, getting on its side after the interval division. Buildings and their surroundings started to change. Nature has changed in fifty years place unrecognizable. Clearly defined boundaries are erased, flash greenery spread to the surrounding area and has created a specific single entity defining the surrounding chaos. Such a situation is the basis for the layout of the new cemetery. Current enhanced peripheral borders are strengthened by planting oaks, while the interior is modified. Most of invasive acacia and other shrubs are removed. The original character of the place, floodplain meadow is reinforced by planting new trees, such as birch or cherry.  The new cemetery consists of two main areas - internal groomed lawn under clearly defined square walls, which leads to deposition of ash and vice versa in the outer belt informal grown meadows are individual pavilions cemetery.
Filosoficko-metodologické problémy ekonomie: projekt ekonomické fenomenologie
Svoboda, Miroslav ; Schwarz, Jiří (advisor) ; Loužek, Marek (referee) ; Klamer, Arjo (referee)
In recent years, the economic approach to human behavior has been challenged by contributions of cognitive science. Thus two methodological strands in economics disagree with each other: the objectivistic approach favors the methods of natural science; the subjectivistic approach takes the teleological structure of human action as its cornerstone. It is argued that the position of the latter has been undermined and often degraded to a mere instrumentalist tool because it builds upon the primitive version of the teleological structure. Its deeper realist analysis is needed, which is the task for economic phenomenology: it identifies invariant pragmatic structures of human action, with various degrees of their anonymity. If the economic approach is founded on those structures adequately, then both rational choice theory and bounded rationality theories become compatible, as they differ in their degrees of anonymity only; they both belong to the body of the (subjectivistic) economic approach to human behavior. Economic phenomenology also offers a solution to the phenomenon of inconsistency of human action which is documented by cognitive sciences as a proof of human irrationality. The thesis shows that once the decision maker's description of the choice is allowed, inconsistency may disappear. Consistency is a matter of thinking, not acting. Therefore, a conceptual analysis of human thinking is needed. An example of the analysis is presented. It concentrates on the phenomenon of Self and works up the concept of the horizontality of Self. With this concept, inconsistency of human action is derived as a natural characteristic of our being-in-the-world. Inconsistency of human action is a pragmatic structure of human action, which even allows the decision maker some intentional control.
Silencio Club
Kudláč, Jakub ; PETŘÍČEK, Miroslav (advisor) ; KOPECKÝ, Pavel (referee)
In our text we examine aesthetical impact of synchronized sound on film media.
Jean- Paul Sartre´s ontology, it´s consequences and criticism
This work deals with Jean- Paul Sartre´s philosophy. It´s ontological principles examined in Being an nothingness, consequences of this principles for practical philosophy described in Existencialims is humanism and finally selected critical response. First part of the work is focused on terms being in itself and being for itself. Second part tries to present Sartre´s thoughts in the way author presented it in lecture Existentialism is humanism. And the third part deals with critical response.

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