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Religious Roots of Comeniu's Universal Pedagogy in Via Lucis
Winkler, Nina ; Vik, Dalibor Jiří (advisor) ; Vogel, Jiří (referee)
65 Abstract The thesis examines Comenius' writing The Way of Light in the context of Comenius' universal pedagogy and religious roots. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter introduces the reader to the historical context of the writing of the work, which is related to Comenius' stay in England and his work for the Hartleb`s Circle. The second chapter introduces the reader to the content of the work and analyses it in terms of its pedagogical and religious motives. The third chapter traces the existing commentaries on the work, especially as found in Patocka`s interpretations, within his Comenius writings. The main themes and contexts with which these analyses are associated are: pansophism, pampaedia, pedagogy, chiliasm, omniscience, reform, and the syncretic method. The main aim of this thesis is to show that the writings of The Way of Light link pedagogy and religion in a specific synthesis. One of the sub-objectives is to show the writing as still relevant for today. Another aim is to see how Patocka comments on the writing, since his understanding of Comenius stems primarily from his pedagogical efforts. I am also interested in the genesis and historical context of the work, as Comenius wrote the work under specific circumstances, namely in Hartleb's circle in England. The method...
Selected church documents relating to environmental protection and design criteria for eco-theological document of the CČSH
Hurych, Petr ; Vogel, Jiří (advisor) ; Vik, Dalibor Jiří (referee)
In my diploma thesis I deal with the issue of environmental protection and official expression of selected churches on this issue. I chose the question of environmental protection because it is one of the burning problems of today, which also touches on each individual. Moreover, the prey approach of man to nature is often given into a relationship with Christianity. This is mainly due to anthropocentrism based on inappropriate interpretation of the biblical rumor and the associated detachment of man from creation. In addition, some environmental movements are followed by a certain way to contemplate and spiritual perception of nature, thus becoming a competition of traditional churches. The churches must respond to these accusations and threats and I focus on their official reactions and statement at work. As a member of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, I primarily focus on documents of this church. When I perceive The foundations of the social ethical orientation of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church as a key document relating to this issue. And after studying it, unfortunately, I have to say that this document is completely inappropriate and unusable for today. This insufficiency will excel even more in its comparison with the documents of other churches. In my work, I evaluated the documents of...
The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart 1623- 2023.
Vik, Dalibor Jiří ; Schifferová, Věra (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee) ; Beneš, Jiří (referee)
The dissertation thesis deals with the topic of the "afterlife" of Comenius's most notable Czech work, The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart, and the constitution of its position in the history of ideas. In six main historical periods, spreading over four centuries from the writing of the manuscript (1623) to the present day (2023), it examines the reception of the work in cultural-social and scholarly realms, traces their interaction and describes shifts in the interpretation of the work in relation to changing paradigms of the day. From the source material, it analyses primarily a wide range of various editions and translations of the work, mentions, commentaries and scholarly publications on the work and objects of artistic nature, based on which it aims at reconstructing various historical images of the work, which symbolically and factually accompanied the Czech society in its historical transformations. The work contains the most complete list of Czech editions and translations of the work and relevant secondary literature to date. It was written on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the work.
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The Message of Karel Makoň
Krůza, Jan Oldřich ; Vogel, Jiří (advisor) ; Vik, Dalibor Jiří (referee)
Poselství Karla Makoně Abstrakt Český mystik Karel Makoň (*1912 †1993) po sobě zanechal rozsáhlé a vý- znamné dílo v psané a mluvené podobě. V desítkách knih, které napsal, rozvádí návod k využití pozemského života pro vstup do vědomého spojení s Věčností. Hovořil ke skupinkám příznivců, z čehož se zachovalo přes tisíc hodin magneto- fonových záznamů. Pro šíři jeho hovorů je těžké určit, jaké jsou hlavní body jeho poselství, a dostupná literatura o něm je velmi sporadická. Vyskytují se závažné výroky, které v obměnách opakuje po více než dvacet let svého auditivně zazna- menaného působení. Mezi tyto opakující se výroky patří například: "Trpnost je nezbytnou součástí cesty k Bohu.", "Modlitba nesmí být mechanická, aby měla spojovací účinek.", "Milost Boží je zákonitým jevem." Tyto lze s jistotou zařa- dit mezi stěžejní pilíře jeho nauky. Jaké jsou ale ty ostatní? Pomocí počítačové analýzy přepisů nahrávek lze dospět k seznamu kandidátských témat, jenž může být základem pro vyčerpávající seznam pokrývající celý mluvený korpus. V mlu- veném korpusu Karla Makoně lze nalézt odpovědi na všechny základní otázky systematické teologie. Mnohé z těchto odpovědí jsou v kontroverzi k církevním naukám. Esence Makoňova poselství lze shrnout starověkým citátem "Tento život je mostem do věčnosti." Jiní jeho příznivci...
The Message of Karel Makoň
Krůza, Jan Oldřich ; Vogel, Jiří (advisor) ; Vik, Dalibor Jiří (referee)
The Message of Karel Makoň Abstract Karel Makoň (*1912 †1993), a Czech mystician, has left behind an extensive and significant opus, both written and spoken. In the dozens of books he has written he elaborates on a how-to for entering the conscious Life Eternal. He was talking to several groups of followers, which resulted in over a thousand hours of magnetophone tape recordings. The breadth of his talks makes it hard to deter- mine the main points of his message, and available literature about him is very sporadical. There are repeated significant statements appearing over the span of more than twenty years of his recorded oral activity. Some of these repeated sta- tements are: "Passivity is an essential part of the path to God.", "Prayer must not be mechanical if it is to have its connecting effect.", "God's grace is a phenomenon subject to law." These statements can certainly be included in the foundation of his teaching. But what does the foundation include otherwise? A list of candidate topics in Makoň's spoken corpus can be obtained through computational analysis of his transcribed recordings. This can be a basis for an exhaustive list of topics covering the entire material. All foundational questoins of systematical theology can be answered using Makoň's talks. Many of these answers are controversial...