National Repository of Grey Literature 10,799 records found  beginprevious10790 - 10799  jump to record: Search took 0.85 seconds. 

The role of special teachers in schools in inclusive education of children, pupils and students with disabilities
ROMOVÁ, Eliška
This bachelor thesis deals with a special education teacher?s role in inclusive education of children (pupils, students) with special eduacational needs in the ordinary school. The aim of this thesis was to focus on the role of a special education teacher in inclusive education. It explains and emphasize the importance of this profession. The theoretical framework defines the concept of integration and inclusion. It describes the history of integration and its existence in documents. The process of inclusive education is analyzed with respect to different special needs. Educational consultancy facilities and consulting services for individuals with disabilities are also mentioned. The practical part investigates teacher?s activities and responsibilities in inclusive education. The method of participant observation and structured interviews with teachers and parents of integrated children (pupils) were used. Special Education Centre and Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling were contacted. Two nursery schools and an elementary school were visited by the author of this thesis (along with special teachers). Children with different dissabilities were observed. Finally, the thesis presents the research results: A great importance of a special teacher?s role in inclusive education is blatantly obvious. Positive relationships among a special teacher, a child, a teacher and child?s parents are essential. A comprehensive approach to an integrated child is apparent: a special teacher is a kind of mediator during an integration. He informs and presents the process and procedure of all activities to teachers and teaching assistants. Therefore, his profession is extremely important and almost indispensable. The thesis can contribute to all the students who are interested in this issue. It can also help the schools with inclusive education. Last, but not least, parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) find many answers for their questions here.

The meaning of hope in nursing practice
Veselá, Marcela ; Mareš, Jiří (advisor) ; Švarcová, Eva (referee) ; Kutnohorská, Jana (referee)
The aim of my thesis was to describe how love and hope phenomenon relates to nursing care in general. Therefore, in empirical part of my work I focused on a survey conducted among students and practising nurses. Comparing these two target groups, I discovered great differences in views. Students are more oriented on a patients' requirement for love because they are not drudged by day-to-day problems encountered in nursing care. This gives them greater capacity to understand. Having said that, I must stress that many nurses treat their patients with love and understanding of patients' hope. One of the purposes of this work has been to provoke survey participants to think about this problem. The responses I obtained were eloquent, which suggests a successful accomplishment of my thesis.

The problems of the European integration at the turn of the 60s and 70s
Vojkůvková, Kateřina ; Kovář, Martin (referee) ; Horčička, Václav (advisor)
At the end of 1960s the European integration had been encountering a deep crisis. The state members of European Communities supported different ideas of future progres of the Communities, its form of cooperation or the areas of further integration. New iniciatives in European integration were the results of some changes both in international relations and in developpement of internal politics of member's states of EC. The new approach was expressed during the Hague conference, which was iniciated by new french President Georges Pompidou as a forum for searching of European problems resolution. The main priority for France was finishing financial questions of European common agriculture pohcy but the other countries preferred the entry of Great Britain into the Communities. Finally both of demands were satisfied and all the countries considered the Hague conference as successful resolution of the crisis of the end of sixties. As a part of results of The Hague conference the final statement accepted an agreement about a new cooperation in foreign pohcy questions. The result of negociations of ministres of foreign affaires was the Davignon report, w hich proposes regulary meetings of ministres of foreign affaires twice a year. The ministres should develop through common consultations the new European foreign...

Health assessment of the selected pig management
Aim of the thesis is to evaluate health in selected pig stock. Adherence to vaccination programs and good veterinary prevention principles, provision of appropriate stall, good care and feeding, piglets wean timing, selection of breeding animals, choosing of reliable personnel and other factors have great impact on health in pig stock. Considering above mentioned factors, the aim of the thesis was to asses health of sows, piglets and fattening pigs in chosen farm Ponědraž ltd. and asses influence of vaccination on production in time period 2010 to 2011. Further it was neccesary to asses observance of good hygiene praxis in enterprise, including using of hygiene loop by personnel and to find out, if the enterprise is equiped with systematic protection against infectious diseases. To evaluate stall by pig categories, animal welfare and positive influence on health and increase of pig production as a whole. Further to asses compliance with EU legislation. Aim of the thesis is to evaleuate new vaccination scheme against respirational diseases, it´s influence on increase of production and improving of healt in observed stock. In the end are all above mentioned requirements evaluated.

Rethinking the Animal: Post-Humanist Tendencies in (Post) Modern Literature
Gridneva, Yana ; Vichnar, David (advisor) ; Procházka, Martin (referee)
This thesis posits post-humanism as a philosophy that engages directly with the problem of anthropocentrism and is concerned primarily with the metaphysics of subjectivity. It studies five literary texts (James Joyce's Ulysses, Virginia Woolf's Flush, Djuna Barnes' Nightwood, Brigid Brophy's Hackenfeller's Ape and J.M. Coetzee's Elizabeth Costello: Eight Lessons) that challenge the humanistic or classical subject through critical engagement with what this subject traditionally saw as its antithesis - the animal. These texts contest various fixed assumptions about animality and disrupt the status-quo of the human. Breaking with the tradition that treats animals exclusively as a metaphor for the human, they attempt to see and understand animality outside the framework of anthropocentric suppositions. This project aims to describe the strategies these texts employ to conceptualize animality as well as the methods they apply to delineate its subversive potential and to disrupt the human- animal binary. Its theoretical framework combines the work of thinkers belonging to the new but thriving field of Animal Studies with the ideas of Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. It is this project's great ambition to contribute towards the development of new post- humanist ethics defined by its...

Development of Retaining Structures of the Prague Metro
Koudelka, Petr
The Paper shows a state of theoretical and practical knowledge in design of retaining structures at beginning 60ties when a project of underground system started (the 1st section of line C- IC) and after. The project brought great stride and development in Czech geotechnics which had to solve tasks not solved before (e.g. big excavated pits of depths more than 8 m in built-up area, applications of new technologies). The paper concentrates on a designer practice and a development of the earth pressure theory.

Strategy of tourism development in the Vysočina region
Kačírková, Sabina ; Vaško, Martin (advisor) ; Kondrashov, Alexey (referee)
Tourism is dynamically developing industry of its kind and an important economic factor in a whole world. It acquires an importance in the Czech republic and its regions, in Vysočina region as well. Vysočina region has got a great potential for tourism development but it has not been utilized enough so far. The goal of this dissertation thesis is to create an image of current state of tourism in Vysočina region, evaluate its prerequisites and possibilities that should be taken into account in the future. On the basis of medium-term documents and strategies created by the region and tourism organisation particular goals and mesures are introduced and subsequently evaluated. Thanks to findings from the SWOT analysis and strategies some solutions and projects are suggested at the conclusion of the thesis. They could help for further development. The dissertation thesis reports the view to current tourism issues of in Vysočina region.

Managerial skills
Zahradník, Jan ; Kříž, Josef (advisor) ; Zdeněk, Zdeněk (referee)
In today's hyper-competitive market environment is put great emphasis on managing man-agerial skills and the personality of the manager himself at all management levels. In order to set in such a market-based environment, the need to constantly prepare managers to new and unfamiliar situations in the course of their practice may encounter. Accordingly, there was also this thesis, which aims to inspire managers in one such venture, for which, thanks to its field of business, knowledge and application of effective managerial skills determi-nant of success. The theoretical part deals with the principles of management, personality of manager, the advantages and disadvantages of each type personalities in leading positions in business management and also analyzes problems of management skills. The practical part is focused on the identification, analysis and evaluation of managerial skills in both line and middle managers working with the network of franchise outlets "Bernard pub". In the next step, based on the evaluation, are made recommendations which are designed to improve the level of managerial skills of executives.

Strategic analysis
Dvořák, Miroslav ; Krause, Josef (advisor) ; Boukal, Petr (referee)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the position of Groupe Renault within the current automotive industry with strategic analysis´ tools and methods. These methods of external and internal environment analysis are described in the theoretical part, and then applied to the practical part. Great emphasis is put on the automotive industry and portfolio analysis. Financial analysis in this thesis gives the brief overview of Groupe Renault´s financial situation and factors, that affected final economic results. The last part contains SWOT analysis, which summarizes all individual parts into SWOT matrix and is followed by a summary and recomendations for further development of all brands within Groupe Renault.

Ekonomické efekty reformy Nového Zélandu
Varga, Peter ; Urban, Luděk (advisor) ; Chalupníček, Pavel (referee)
New Zealand has gone through remarkable reforms which have encompassed of wide range of government policies which have changed the incentives in private and public sector. This article tries to show the development of New Zealand economy before reform period, shows development of the reforms and tries to assess the economic effects of these reforms. First it analyses the effects in the primary sector, where it defines primary sector as itself and then analyses the incentives that have changed the sector output and conditions. Next the firm dynamics is being analysed as per the effects of the reforms. It is shown that first in some sectors the output proportion in GDP is lowering because of reforms were being made, later it shows this proportion to be rising again. Last, the view is made in effects analysis in labour market, where it has been found, that labour productivity is not growing enough, so the reforms were made too agresively. Next part of this article analyses macroeconomic effects such as public debt, which in brutto has been lowered through reforms to less than 30% of New Zealand GDP. First, inflation which was few years after reforms still in very high rates, but in 1990s it has been reduced well. And finaly the GDP growth itself, where it has been found out, that New Zealand has sacrifised a part of its GDP amount for agressive and fast reforms. Overlooking the period and its effects it has to be said that New Zealand has now a great market economy with transparent public sector, and the sacrifises were probably worth it.