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Access to Information and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in the Republic of Irealand and the Czech Republic
Vítková, Martina ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Sobotka, Michal (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with access to environmental information and access to justice in environmental matters introduced by Aarhus Convention in the specific conditions of Czech Republic and Ireland. These rights are considered to be very important tools for environmental protection. At a time when people threaten their own existence by negative interference with the environment it is necessary that effective means for its protection exist. These means are access to environmental information and access to justice in environmental matters, which together can be called as environmental procedural rights. The first chapter of this thesis presents the sources of environmental procedural law and observes the development of law at international, European and national level. The most important international document in this field is the Aarhus Convention that was adopted in 1998 by most of the European countries and that provides for access to environmental information, access to justice and public participation in environmental decision-making. This convention has largely affected the law of the European Union, where several directives has been adopted, including most importantly the Directive 2003/4/EC on access to environmental information and the Directive 2003/35/EC on public participation in...

The Valley's Topoclimate and Its Influence on the Vegetation
Kuželová, Hana ; Sládek, Ivan (advisor) ; Klabzuba, Jiří (referee)
The Valley's Topoclimate and Its Influence on The Vegetation Abstract The thesis as presented deals with specific valley's topoclimate of a chosen example of one particular valley located near the city Jílové u Prahy. The main objective of the thesis which has been defined is to evaluate the topoclimate of the determined area and its influence on the phytogeographical and phenological situation of the valley. The outdoor temperature measurements carried out by using Assmann's psychrometer as well as the observations of the plant's phenological state have been taken in the course of repeated expeditions into the valley in 2011 and 2012. The formations of night valley's inversions have been confirmed. The temperature gradient of 6 řC and three and half an hour long inversion following the sunrise have been recorded as a result of the measurement performed on 28th April 2012. As a consequence of the valley's parts shading the temperature differences have been proven. As a referential meteorological station the faculty's own station situated on the peak of Pecný hill and the automated personal weather station in Okrouhlo were used. The lower temperatures in the valley have a clear impact on the commencement of the plant's phenological stages. A detailed phenological scale was created in order to observe...

Folk culture in memories of people born in 20s and 30s of 20th century
Horová, Kateřina ; STAVĚLOVÁ, Daniela (advisor) ; FRIČOVÁ, Marie (referee)
This thesis is focused on memories of people born in 20s and 30s of 20th century about traditional folk culture. It is focused on observing original traditions and celebrating traditional festivities and what sense had these traditions for them and how they ment it. First part of this thesis is focused on narratives life stories. Second part is about memories of traditional customs and habits and how was changing their way of celebrating during prewar period, war and in time of socialism. Last part is dedicated to dancing. Storytellers spoke about dancing opportunities, their own dance experience and dance perofrmances in the theatre.

Sorption and Stabilization of Metals/Mettalloids by Innovative Synthesized Sorbent Amochar.
Ouředníček, P. ; Trakal, L. ; Komárek, M. ; Pohořelý, Michael
Remediation of contaminated soil which is based on stabilization and immobilization of potential\nhazardous substance by sorption materials has been studied intensively nowadays. Biochar – activated organic carbon belongs to this group of stabilizing agents which can adsorb wide range of contaminants, including metals/metalloids. Surface area of the biochars is quite large in general and functional groups (e.g. COO–) can form chelates or alkaline elements on the surface, which is represented by cation exchange capacity. Altogether with the high pH values (7.00 – 10.00), biochars are quite effective sorbents and can adsorb metals/metalloids from the solution (ground water), especially in acidic soils (in the environments affected by intensive mining activities). Sorption\neffectiveness can be increased (especially for As (V) or Cr (VI) sorption) by modification of biochar by various types of secondary oxides. Innovative sorbent AMOchar (AMO + biochar) has been synthesized currently. The product was prepared by adding of biochar to the reaction solution during amorphous manganese oxide (AMO) synthesis. The AMOchar was formed mainly by Mn-oxalates which had coated surface of the pristine biochar. AMOchar composite was able to remove significantly higher amounts of various metal(loid)s from the solution despite the rather high pH of the material. Sorption effectiveness was high not only in case of Pb (II) sorption (almost 99%), and Cd(II) (51.2%), but also a very high amount of As(V), 91.4%. Additionally, both AMOchar composite was able to reduce Mn leaching. This can avoid potential post-contamination caused by the dissolution of less stable Mn-oxalates as observed in the pure AMO.
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Arctic tundra dendrochronology
Lehejček, Jiří ; Svoboda, Miroslav (advisor) ; Monika, Monika (referee)
Historically unprecedented environmental change in the Arctic ecosystems is often given into the context of its past and possible future development. In the region where instrumental meteorological observations are scarce archives need to be investigated in order to address this issues. The comprehensive synthesis one of the archives: long-live circumpolar evergreen Juniperus communis L. shrub is presented here. 20 individuals from southwest Greenland were investigated at the cell anatomy level to understand the ecology of the species and unhide its potential for environmental and climate reconstructions. The findings are as follows: i) Stop of exponential cross-sectional conduit-lumen widening with increasing age is in contrast with conduit-lumen nature of trees. This indicates that shrubs do not need to saturate their water and nutrient demands via traits of classical hydraulic conductivity law but rather developed different mechanisms. Extreme weather conditions result in prostrate growth form. However, different weather factors probably influence shrub growth differently: While snow and wind act mechanically (a), temperature influences the form of growth physiologically (b). a) So long as the young shrub stem has high resilience to bend back to an upright position after snow melt and so long as it can withstand the wind during the vegetation season it most likely grows upright and the conduit-lumens widen. b) Temperature, resp. freeze-thaw events are responsible for the shrubs preference of safety (finite size of conduit-lumens) over hydraulic efficiency, thus not allowing for more primary growth. All of these (and other) factors are apparently working together and the transition of vertical to more horizontal growth is gradual. As a consequence, the conduit-lumen sizes may not have to be further increased (due to ecophysiological restrictions possibly also must not) because water is no longer transported against gravity. ii) Observed age/growth trend has to be taken into consideration for further employment of the wood anatomical parameter in paleoenvironmental studies. That is, shrub cell parameters can only be used for this purposes if correctly detrended. This allows for more accurate as well as longer reconstructions because youth trend was often neglected in reconstructions based on shrub annual-rings. iii) The south-western Greenland Ice-Sheet (GrIS) melt rates reconstruction is presented for the whole 20th century. This part of GrIS is considered as the most active. According to the presented reconstruction current GrIS melt rates are not uncommon for the last century being comparable to first decades of 20th century. This finding is particularly important contribution to the debate on Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). Too high fresh water inputs into the Northern Atlantic from GrIS melting may slow down or even stop the AMOC which would result in more continental climate in Europe. Presented results indicate that this threshold lies higher than observed current melt rates of GrIS. Fascinating Juniperus comunnis species has shown to be able to address many ecological as well as environmental open questions and due to its longevity and abundant distribution has a great potential to become an important player in the Arctic research.

Information content in vocalization of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus): individual distinction and recognition of predators
Baklová, Aneta ; Baranyiová, Eva (advisor) ; František, František (referee)
Guinea pigs represent domesticated precocious rodents which became common pets. From the first day after birth they are fully vocal. This thesis was devoted to the vocalization of pups. The aim of the thesis was to 1) determine the age when the vocal individuality in whistle sound is demonstrable; 2) test possible ultrasonic signals emitted by young guinea pigs; 3) study the antipredator reactions and alarm calls to aerial (bird of prey) and terrestrial (dog) predators and human (control test). A total of 16 guinea pig pups were tested for vocal individuality, 28 pups for ultrasonic vocalization and 27 adolescents for predator recognition. When testing vocal ontogeny during the first 9 days after birth, I observed changes in temporal, frequency and parameter of intensity . When I test vocal individuality by cross-validated discriminant function analysis (DFA) based on ten acoustic parameters, calls were classified to correct animals with following success: day 1 = 71.9%, day 3 = 58.8%, day 5 = 53.10%, day 7 = 50.60% and day 9 = 63.10%. The highest frequency in whistle was 30.03 kHz. In predator discrimination reactions as freezing, fleeing and vigilance were observed. In the presence of dog, guinea pigs reacted for the longest time and most frequently by freezing. When confronted with a bird of prey, I observed for a longest time and most often fleeing and then freezing. When exposed to a human, guinea pigs showed mostly vigilance. Almost no vocalization was observed except for two events of alarm calls - drrr as in the presence of dog and chirrup as reaction to bird of prey. The following conclusions can be drawn from the presented results: 1) vocal individuality of guinea pigs is demonstrable immediately after birth and the rate of individually different vocal parameters changes with age; 2) guinea pigs are able to produce sound up to 30 kHz, i.e. within the ultrasound range, but signals of high frequencies are not crucial for their communication; 3) guinea pigs discriminate between terrestrial and aerial predators, but they emit alarm calls rather rarely.

Visual preferences for wind turbines
Běťáková, Vendula ; Sklenička, Petr (advisor) ; Janečková, Kristina (referee)
This dissertation is a selection of three papers focused on visual preference of wind turbines. Visual impact presents the connectivity of the articles, whereas each one deals with the topic from different perspective. First paper "Wind turbines location: How many and how far?" analyses in detail the characteristics of wind turbines themselves, i.e. their number and distance from observer or vantage point in relation to landscape quality. Second paper "How education orientation affects attitudes toward wind energy and wind farms: implications for the planning process" concentrates on respondents´ characteristics, in particular educational orientation, general attitude, occurrence of WTs in respondents´ vicinity and willingness to live close to WTs. Whereas first two papers use same assessment method to analyse differences of WTs perception from different point of view, the third paper "Futuristic Wind Power Systems Suitable as Artistic Sculptures" presents review of WTs appearance in general and proposals of possible future look as an alternative to traditional wind turbines.

Playing as a means of increasing motivation in teaching vocational subjects
Kolmanová, Linda ; Hanušová, Marie (advisor) ; Drahomíra, Drahomíra (referee)
Bachelor thesis called A play as a means of improving motivation in teaching vocational subjects, is used for the needs of their insight into the problems of motivation in school and its improvement through the activation methods specifically games. The theoretical part brings basic concepts that relate to the themes of the motivation in school and activation methods in education, which are the basis for the development of the practical part. In the practical part is through the observation and the final test in the learning block validated the proposed board game of economic, as the activation method for increasing the motivation of the economic sector. Last but not least, the results are presented and carried out.

Possibilities in monitoring of laser welding process
Horník, Petr ; Mrňa, Libor
With increasing demands on the quality of the welds, it is usual to apply automated machine welding with monitoring of the welding process. The resulting quality of the weld is largely affected by the behavior of keyhole. However, its direct observation during the welding process is practically impossible and it is necessary to use indirect methods. At ISI we develop optical methods of monitoring the process based on analysis of radiation of laser-induced plasma using Fourier and autocorrelation analysis. Observation of keyhole inlet opening is partially possible through a coaxial camera mounted on the welding head and the subsequent image processing. A high-speed rear camera to understand the dynamics of the plasma plume. Through optical spectroscopy of the plume, we can study the excitation of elements in a material. Shielding gas flow can be visualized using schlieren method.

Comparison of house prices in different parts of the city of Brno in 2015 and 2016
Drcmánková, Hana ; Komosná, Milada (referee) ; Lorencová, Marie (advisor)
Diploma thesis deals with price comparison of family house in Brno – Královo Pole between 2015 and 2016. This family house is located near of the town center and then will be as a simulation moved to the outskirts, Brno – Líšeň. House prices are determined by observed price and market value. The task is to find out and evaluate the price differences, dependents to the valuation time and the place. I will make summary of factors that affect these prices.