National Repository of Grey Literature 44 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Prohibition of the Socialist Reich Party in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1952
Ladka, Marcel ; Handl, Vladimír (advisor) ; Nigrin, Tomáš (referee)
This bachelor thesis "Prohibition of the Socialist Reich Party in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1952" is delas with the right-wing extremist and the fist neo-nazi political party in Bonn Republic, which existed between 1949 and 1952. This work compares SRP with NSDAP, to which SRP awoved itself and became considered as its successor organization. The author of this bachelor thesis describes the origin, ideology and leaders of SRP, which confirms the theory that the SRP is actually the successor organization to the banned NSDAP. The introduction outlines mechanisms to legally ban political parties. In the next part of the thesis the author describes the struggle of the federal government against the party after the election successes in the federal states of Lower Saxony and Bremen. In 1951 a federal government proposal was field to ban the SRP to the Federal Constitutional Court. The conclusion is being analyzed by a judgment of the German constitutional court, which marked the SRP as a party threatening the existing constitutional order and the banning of the SRP and the fate of party members after the abolition of the SRP.
The Influence of Asylum Discussion on Attacks against Immigrants in Federal Republic Germany in the Years 1992 - 1993: Cases Mölln und Solingen
Judová, Kateřina ; Dimitrov, Michal (advisor) ; Janura, Lukáš (referee)
The wave of attacks against national minorities in the Federal Republic of Germany in the first years after The German reunification in 1990 became on the background of asylum debate discussing the necessary change of asylum right and influx of asylum seekers became a burning problem. The culmination of moods against migrants was the attack in Mölln in November 1992, where were 3 persons of Turkish origin killed. The reactions were massive demonstrations all over Germany and finally an effort of political parties to give in their strict attitudes and agree on the amendment of asylum right. On 6th December 1992 CDU/CSU and SPD agreed on so called Asylkompromiss that should stop the influx of asylum seekers but still should keep the right of asylum and from that almost all the parties expected the end of the aggression against immigrants. The amendment of law was passed in German Bundestag on 26th May 1993and came into force on 1st July 1993. However the approved restriction of gaining the asylum didn't discourage the right-wing extremists and before coming into force they committed one of the most terrific arson attacks in Solingen on 29th Mai 1993, which entered in the German post-war history as the one with the most victims at all. The thesis comes to the conclusion that the influence of media had...
Right-wing extremism and its legal consequences under Nazism and today
Šimonek, Patrik ; Kosek, Jan (advisor) ; Ondřejková, Jana (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the influence of right-wing extremism on the legal order and compares the consequences that activities of right-wing extremists had and have on the law. The basic principles of right-wing extremism, as well as the basic theses on which right-wing extremist ideologies are based, are described in the diploma thesis. The diploma thesis "Right- wing extremism and its legal consequences under Nazism and today" is divided into ten chapters and a conclusion and discusses the manifestations of tribal nationalism in the legal order of Nazi Germany and describes the implementation of Nazi legislation in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The attention is also paid to the development of national particularism, its ideas and to the idea of national exceptionality. However, the idea of national exceptionality puts the unexceptional "others" on the opposite pole of the same axis and subsequently leads to their discrimination and persecution. The law then becomes the perfect tool to discriminate against and persecute these "others". Main attention is thus paid to racial legislation of the Nazi Germany, which were based on conclusions of eugenics "scientists" of the time. The diploma thesis therefore in detail discusses the Nuremberg Laws, as well as other subsequent by-laws,...
Roles Women Play in the Alt-Right: Aspirations and Limitations
Chagas Linhares, Dominique ; Aslan, Emil (advisor) ; Plechanovová, Běla (referee)
Despite women's historical involvement in far phenomenon is a mismatch between analysts' expectations and far right women's be The lack of substantial research that focuses on women's narratives and recollections of their women's positions. A recent replication of this phenomenon is right women's motivations in en the movement is aligned to their interests. Additionally, I engage with women's perspectives on right and the lack of space and support for women's the subjects of women's interests in the alt right' women's perspectives in women's terms, as such an approach will provide analysts and
The Socialist Reich Party and her prohibition in 1952
Ladka, Marcel ; Handl, Vladimír (advisor) ; Nigrin, Tomáš (referee)
This bachelor thesis "The Socialist Reich Party and her prohibition in 1952" focuses on topic of the right-wing extremist and the first neo-nazi political party in the Bonn Republic, which existed between 1949 and 1952. This work compares SRP with NSDAP, to which SRP awoved itself and became considered as its successor organization. The author of this bachelor thesis describes the origin, ideology and leaders of SRP, which confirm the theory that the SRP is actually the successor organization to the banned NSDAP. The introduction outlines mechanisms how is it legally possible to ban political parties. In the next part of the thesis the author describes the struggle of the federal government against the party after the election successes in the federal states of Lower Saxony and Bremen. In 1951 a federal government proposal was field to ban the SRP to the Federal Constitutional Court. The conclusion is being analyzed by a judgment of the German constitutional court, which marked the SRP as a party threatening the existing constitutional order and the banning of the SRP and the fate of party members after the abolition of the SRP.
"Oi! Warning" and "Dazlak - Skinhead" - Skinheads as a threat for German society?
Koryntová, Eva ; Lizcová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Zelená, Alena (referee)
This thesis deals with the German skinhead subculture in the 1990s and its presentation in the contemporary films Dazlak - Skinhead and Oi! Warning. Firstly, the theoretical part describes the origin and attributes of the skinhead subculture in Great Britain and its evolution in Germany. Afterwards, it focuses on the two films, puts them into the context of the history of the skinhead movement in Germany and introduces their storyline and characteristics. Furthermore, the presentation of skinheads in these films is analysed. The basis of the analysis are four theses, which the specialist literature defines for the skinheads characteristic: tendency to right-wing extremism, violence and aggression, the working-class origin and specific lifestyle characterized by listening to skinhead music, drinking alcohol and attending parties and concerts. Most of these statements are confirmed by the two films. However, both of them present the subculture in a different way. The black and white film Oi! Warning does not focus on the issue of right-wing extremism but on violence, aggression and skinhead lifestyle. For its overall aesthetics, tragic ending and the negative character of the "real" skinhead Koma, it can be argued that this film presents the subculture in a negative way. Dazlak - Skinhead tries to disprove...
Content analysis of the Stř website
Olšáková, Martina ; Charvát, Jan (advisor) ; Jüptner, Petr (referee)
This bachelor thesis provides a comprehensive insight into the content of the far-right website Stř The work tries to reveal which topics, which are also typical topics for far- right, are dominant for the website as a whole and at the same time for each of the tree examined section separately. The three main sections are Home Front, World and Fortress Europe. In the theoretical part, the work briefly introduces far-right movement, its ideology and current development. In the practical part of the thesis, the method of content analysis of selected articles published on the website in 2017 and 2018 is preformed, which revealed the main topics dominant on the website. After the compilation of dataset and the coding scheme, seven categories were created, which represented individual topics important within the far right, and into which the text were sorted, after these steps it was possible to proceed to the coding process. The results of the content analysis discovered that the main topic of the site is resistance to multiculturalism. For all of the three sections in both years, the dominant topic was the same. The analysis revealed that the second most emphasized topic on the website is racism. Resistance to multiculturalism and racism are connected, and coding units have been...
Political Extremism in France with a Focus on the National Front (" Le Front national")
Nejedlý, Vladimír ; Stracený, Josef (advisor) ; Hauser, Michael (referee)
The topic of this thesis is political extremism in France, mainly focused on Front National. In the first part, there is defined term extremism, described its typology and its connection to the political system - political parties and its form at present. The content of the next part is to map historical developments of right-wing extremism in France, roots and its tradition. This thesis is mainly focused on development of Front National - since the formation to the present. The aim of this thesis is to map political extremism in France, mainly The Front National, comparison of the political party's development in the different stages. The focus is put on the comparison of its policy agenda and electors especially in connection to the change of leaders of the Front national during its existence (from Jean-Marie Le Pen to Marine Le Pen). Specialised literature in Czech and French and authentic documents were used for the preparation of this thesis. KEYWORDS extremism, right-wing extremism, political parties, Front National, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen
International activities of Youth workers
Štekl, Jakub ; Charvát, Jan (advisor) ; Prokůpková, Vendula (referee)
The Workers' Youth (DM) is called a political youth organization united with the Workers' Party of Social Justice. It is opened for the Workers' Party supporters aged between 15 a 35. The members of (DM) can fulfill more easily due to lack of focus given to the activities of political youth organizations in the Czech Republic as they are often pushed away from politicking under the patronage of their home political parties. However, DM is regularly initiating riots, protests and marches in many czech cities. For DM, as an organization fully connected and patroned by the Workers' Party, is difficult to aggregate a sufficient number of supporters for their events, in order to maintain required attention. Due to limited resources of citizen willing to join - caused by so typical partition of the far-right parties - DM has to approach similar organizations abroad. After that, they actively support their new "friends" by participating on marches in foreign cities and vice versa. The main objective is to describe and analyse forms of cooperation between DM and similar foreign politcal youth organisations, especially in Europe. This thesis aims to show the forms and mechanisms and eventually assess the efficiency of this kind of cooperation based on several criteria such as changes in public opinion,...

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