Drop forging of pinion
Cvrček, Jan ; Dvořák, Milan (referee) ; Štroner, Marek (advisor)
The final project has been elaborated in a frame of Bachelor’s studies branch Manufacturing technology assesses design of production pinion by method of die forging. The pinion is manufactured from alloyed structural steel 14 220 (1.7131). Size of production is set on 100 000 pieces per year. The pinion will be forged on the vertical forging press LMZ 1000 A with forming force 10 MN. The forging is formed in two operations. Forming tool is manufactured from alloyed instrumental steel 19 552 (1.2343). In the last chapter of the project is described the price comparison and costs for manufacture of die forging and machining.
Identified collections of human skeletons: Importance, characteristics and ethical issues
Soukupová, Adéla ; Pilmann Kotěrová, Anežka (advisor) ; Cvrček, Jan (referee)
The scientific value of the identified osteological collections that have been and continue to be established around the world is invaluable. Among other things, they are essential for the development and validation of biological profiling methods. This paper presents the documented identified human skeletal collections, their history, significance, limits of their use and the main types according to the origin of the skeletons, together with their specificities. It also focuses on modern identified collections and provides an overview of the most well-known ones. The ethical level of the management of human remains and the possibility of using digital technologies are not neglected, offering solutions to some of the fundamental issues related to the management of human remains. Keywords: identified skeletal collection, human skeletal remains, forensic anthropology, virtual anthropology, ethics
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Kinship relationships and morphological features of the human skeleton in genealogically documented osteological assemblages: use in bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology.
Cvrček, Jan ; Velemínský, Petr (advisor) ; Stingl, Josef (referee) ; Beňuš, Radoslav (referee)
The influence of biological relationships on the morphology of the human skeleton is a current theme in bioarchaeology and forensic research. Whether it is the discovery of kinship relationships in an anonymous cemetery or the question of individual identification based on familial similarity, research is limited by a number of factors. Above all, there is the shortage of osteological assemblages with genealogical documentation. Most such samples also include only a small number of individuals, and thus the number of different degrees of their relatedness is limited. Related to this is the lack or absence of methods suitable for either the exact expression of the degree of morphological similarity between individuals or the statistical evaluation of results. However, for this dissertation an opportunity arose to analyze several osteological assemblages with genealogical documentation from the 17th to 20th centuries, comprising almost one hundred individuals. This represents one of the largest such units in the world to date. The individual samples also include several cases of consanguineous marriages with subsequent generations. The aim of the first part of the dissertation is to propose new methodological approaches to expressing the degree of similarity of individuals based on different types of...
Development and forecast of esport
Cvrček, Jan ; Štědroň, Bohumír (advisor) ; Jarošík, Richard (referee)
Title: Esports Development and Prognosis Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to identify the video game market and selected aspects of the esport and to create a prognosis of future development which can serve the companies interested in participating in this market. Methods: Prognostic methods, mainly time series analysis and the least squares method, based on analytical data from the Analytical part were used to predict future development of esports and its aspects. Secondary data were used from verified Internet sources. Results: The resulting forecasts for 2030 are displayed by graphs and tables and predict the growing development of esports and the video game market in the coming years. At the same time, recommendations are compiled for entities interested in participating in the esports market. Keywords: Esports, electronic sport, videogame, esports market, videogame market, gaming, prognosis, prognostic methods, forecast, competitive playing.
Determinants of Football Players' Market Value
Cvrček, Jan ; Kalabiška, Roman (advisor) ; Vávra, Jan (referee)
This thesis investigates determinants of football players' market value in the top 5 European leagues. It focuses on the differences among defenders, midfielders and forwards. Moreover, it extends the existing knowledge by delving into the unexplored world of goalkeepers. Using the ordinary least squares method on a sample from season 2018/19, it finds several significant factors, such as goals, assists and passes accuracy. The results show that defenders seem to receive more credit for just joining the match than midfielders and forwards, indicating that the latter group is thereby expected to bring added value on the pitch. Furthermore, goalkeepers seem to reach their turning point at the age of 22.4, which is similar to the field players. Nevertheless, the peak was anticipated to be distinctly higher for goalkeepers, making this outcome surprising. Lastly, the set of the significant variables explaining the goalkeepers' market values comprises, for instance, received goals to 90 minutes ratio and team rank at the end of the season, while the proportion of successful saves turned out to be insignificant. Therefore, their market values appear to be driven to a greater extent by the overall team performance than by the statistics directly related to them. All the findings were subject to the...
Marketing research of customers satisfaction in chosen company
Cvrček, Jan ; Janák, Vladimír (advisor) ; Holánek, Michal (referee)
Title: Marketing Customer Satisfaction Research in chosen company Objectives: The aim of this bachelor thesis was to find out, by means of marketing research, the customer satisfaction with the 20min Fitness services offered. The opinions and comments received served for working out a proposal to improve the services offered. The proposal will be presented to the management of 20min Fitness. Methods: Quantitative research in the form of written and electronic questioning was conducted to determine the customer satisfaction. Results: The results of the research are shown by using graphs and tables in the analytical part. The results of the survey revealed some shortcomings, but in general, the customers are satisfied with the services provided. Keywords: Sports marketing, services, sports services, customer satisfaction, marketing mix of services, marketing research
Verification of biological kinship based on the degree of morphological similarity of individuals with known genealogical data
Cvrček, Jan ; Velemínský, Petr (advisor) ; Sládek, Vladimír (referee)
This research deals with the verification of the biological kinship of individuals with known genealogical data. It is dividend into two main parts: a) theoretical introduction to detect biological relationship at skeletal remains; b) practical verification of the biological kinship of individuals within genealogically documented sample and the anonymous sample. Genealogically documented sample consists of the remains of thirty seven members of related Andres, Cvrček, Vávra, Palma and Mizera families in the range of four generations in the years 1895 - 2006. The biological kinship is verified using several approaches: analysis of skeletal non-metric traits, analysis of non-metric dental traits, and assesment of morphological and metric similarities of frontal sinuses (sinus frontalis). Certain pathological conditions on the skeleton are taken into account as well. The degree of similarity between individuals from genealogically documented sample, recorded on the basis of skeletal non-metric traits, is further compared with the degree of similarity between randomly selected individuals from the early medieval Frankish necropolis Cherboug-Notre-Dame (7th - 11th centuries). It also investigates the influence of consanguineous marriage (inbreeding) on the degree of similarity of individuals in other...
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Drop forging of pinion
Cvrček, Jan ; Dvořák, Milan (referee) ; Štroner, Marek (advisor)
The final project has been elaborated in a frame of Bachelor’s studies branch Manufacturing technology assesses design of production pinion by method of die forging. The pinion is manufactured from alloyed structural steel 14 220 (1.7131). Size of production is set on 100 000 pieces per year. The pinion will be forged on the vertical forging press LMZ 1000 A with forming force 10 MN. The forging is formed in two operations. Forming tool is manufactured from alloyed instrumental steel 19 552 (1.2343). In the last chapter of the project is described the price comparison and costs for manufacture of die forging and machining.