National Repository of Grey Literature 65 records found  beginprevious41 - 50nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Wahhabi/Salafi Rhetoric in the Northern Part of the Caucasus Region
Kováčiková, Zuzana ; Ťupek, Pavel (advisor) ; Beránek, Ondřej (referee)
Salafism is considered a powerful mobilising ideology used by many Islamist and terrorist movements worldwide. This ideology was also adopted by the Caucasus Emirate, a once influential terrorist organisation that used to operate in the mountains of Russian Northern Caucasus. This paper thoroughly analyses religious ideas and trends behind North-Caucasian Salafism, as the body of academic sources concerning this issue is quite limited up to now. The analysis deals with main topics and narratives of the Caucasus Emirate Salafist propaganda, but also considers religious authorities that grant theological legitimacy to these ideological concepts. Both Arab and North-Caucasian spiritual leaders and ideologues are under scrutiny of this analysis. Concluding part of this paper outlines shifts in the rhetoric, which are caused by the conflict between the Caucasus Emirate and the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. Analysis of the rhetoric draws conclusions using previously published academic work as well as the authentic internet sources, i.e. jihadist websites and videos in the Russian language. The paper suggests that the rhetoric of North-Caucasian Salafists is generally similar to the rhetoric of any other jihadist movement, but at the same time it contains number of inconsistencies as it...
Impact of the Economic Crisis on Immigration Policy: Case Study of Great Britain
Hronová, Tereza Edita ; Šánová, Lucie (advisor) ; Kofroň, Jan (referee)
This thesis explores the impact of economic crisis on immigration policy in Great Britain. This thesis will start with the theoretical framework. Historical overview of British immigration policy will follow, together with its culmination into the current situation. At the same time, this thesis will focus on integration policy in Great Britain. Afterwards, this thesis will examine the current composition of the immigrant population living in Great Britain, also compared to other countries of the European Union. Chapter on public opinion will be included as well. The main body of this thesis follows the evolution of anti-immigrant rhetoric in times of the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Two traditional political parties of Britain will be observed, Labour and Conservatives, together with UKIP, infamous for its xenophobic statements. The result of this thesis is an evaluation of the effects of economic crisis on anti- immigration rhetoric as well as on realpolitik. This thesis confirms that in certain cases, economic crisis can intensify anti-immigration sentiments by creating conditions suitable for development of anti-immigration rhetoric. UKIP shrewdly took advantage of this fact and managed to attract significant portion of the 'left- behind' electorate. The real changes in British immigration...
American Foreign Policy and the Arab Uprisings in Egypt, Libya, and Syria
El-Ahmadieh, Jakub ; Kozák, Kryštof (advisor) ; Bečka, Jan (referee)
The Master Thesis American Foreign Policy and the Arab Uprisings in Egypt, Libya, and Syria concentrates primarily on the conflict between democracy promotion and pursuit of strategic and security interests within the U.S. foreign policy with respect to uprisings in Egypt, Libya, and Syria that broke out in the beginning of 2011. The thesis also concentrates on the processes and the tools used by the United States to support either democratization efforts or their vital interests and how these processes were publicly communicated. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes history of democracy promotion in the U.S. foreign policy and its conflict with interest-based stability promotion. The second, and the most extensive, part examines the uprisings in Egypt, Libya, and Syria with an accent on the U.S. foreign policy. The third part seeks to identify patterns and features of the U.S. foreign policy with respect to the uprisings in the mentioned countries using the facts mentioned in the previous two chapters. The thesis uses mainly newspaper articles and expert opinions as the principle sources. As the topic is a very current issue there is no huge number of academic sources available especially concerning the later phases of the uprisings. Also, official sources like analyses...
Presidential Speeches of Miloš Zeman
Kůsová, Lucie ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Štoll, Martin (referee)
Miloš Zeman as the first directly elected president is among the most significant personalities of the Czech political scene and he is also one of the most capable speakers of the post-communist era. Public speeches are almost the only medium for communication between the president and the public. The thesis aims to analyse the presidential speeches of Miloš Zeman. The relevant period for this research was set to 8.3. 2013-31.12. 2014. The author analysed the speeches in terms of structure, length of sentences, figures of speech used, vocabulary, argumentation, manipulative and persuasive techniques and recurring themes. In the end of the paper, the author also compared Czech media's interpretation of the speeches with foreign media's interpretation.
Multiculturalism in crisis? Rhetoric vs, policy changes in the new century (cases of Canada and the United Kingdom)
Menyhard, Filip ; Váška, Jan (advisor) ; Rovná, Lenka (referee)
According to the recent speeches of David Cameron and some other European politicians, multiculturalism has failed and it is necessary to make significant changes in immigration and integration policies. In Canada, however, multiculturalism is still a state policy, which is widely supported by the general public. The bachelor's thesis Multiculturalism in crisis? Rhetoric vs. policy changes in the new century (cases of Canada and the United Kingdom) is trying to answer a question if the critical rhetoric of British politicians has triggered real policy changes towards ethnic minorities and immigrants or if it only follows the changes that were started before they came to power. In Canada, the thesis is trying to learn, if the rhetoric supporting multiculturalism does not omit some policy changes, that would be in contradiction towards the original idea of multiculturalism. The author claims that multiculturalism in Canada has much deeper roots than in the UK and that the Canadian model differs signifiantly from the one in Britain. These facts directly affect the rhetoric of politicians, for whom is the criticism of multiculturalism not advantageous. The current Canadian government therefore does not reflect in its rhetoric on its current policy changes, that are in contradiction towards the original...
Language correctness and incorrectness as an argument used in online discussions
Trojanová, Monika ; Švelch, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kraus, Jiří (referee)
The diploma thesis titled "Language Correctness and Incorrectness as an Argument Used in Online Discussions" deals with a language criticism which is used as an argument in online discussions. Firstly, the thesis frames language and speech, argumentation, rhetoric, and communication. Then it introduces online discussions and describes how they work, and how they contribute to communication. It is also focused on the users as creators of content in online discussions. The thesis analyzes the corpus of online discussions in which the argumentation based on language correctness and incorrectness is contained. According to communication situations, the thesis classifies by what language criticism is started, what arguments are used by the critics, how the critized react, and how the others perceive language criticism. The research also examines the consequence of language criticism in online discussions. The goal of the thesis is to determinate whether and how language incorrectness may affect information value of particular post, and how the arguments based on language correctness and incorrectness are used.
Evident and Hidden Manipulation in Political Speeches of Socialistic Era
Švejda, Zdeněk ; Janovec, Ladislav (advisor) ; Schneiderová, Soňa (referee)
This thesis is concerned with identifying and describing the linguistic elements of manipulative strategies of selected political speeches from 1948 till 1957. In the first part the work is focused on the principles of political communication, further persuasion and manipulation with respect to the relationship of these terms. In the next sections we find formal and functional description language means with regard to their pragmatic semantic components, mechanisms of propaganda and political line of reasoning. Knowledge of various aspects of language allows description of specific manipulative tendencies in political speeches and their burden in terms of evident and hidden action to the addressee.
The Politics of Interpretation. Rhetoric, Discursive and Textual Games in Literary Criticism in the Era of the So-Called Normalisation
Andreas, Petr ; Bílek, Petr (advisor) ; Bauer, Michal (referee) ; Pullmann, Michal (referee)
Bibliografický záznam ANDREAS, Petr. Politika interpretace. Rétorické, diskursivní a textové hry v normalizační literární kritice. Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav české literatury a komparatistiky, 2014. Vedoucí disertační práce: prof. Petr A. Bílek, CSc. Anotace Tématem této disertace je politika interpretace v normalizační literární kritice a publicistice (1968-1989). Práce kategorizuje a analyzuje diskursivní, rétorické a textové strategie, které používali literární kritici a publicisté (a jednotlivé profesní a názorové skupiny) publikující v oficiálním publikačním prostoru. Metodologicky vychází z konceptu politiky interpretace podle P. C. Hogana, rozvinutého o teorii jednání a teorii řečových aktů. V první, teoreticko-metodologické části (kapitoly II-IV) je představen a rozvíjen pojem politiky interpretace a analyzovány metodologické problémy interpretace literárněkritických a publicistických textů z normalizační éry. V druhé, analytické a interpretační části (kapitoly V-VII) jsou rozlišeny tři roviny politiky interpretace podle umístění ve struktuře kritického aktu a identifikovány kategorie rétorických, diskursivních a textových strategií. V třetí, závěrečné části (kapitola VIII) je zobecněno a syntetizováno poznání o podobě a fungování kritického aktu v normalizační éře. Annotation...
The Rhethoric of Justification of Political Parties in South Africa
Bílá, Lucie ; Císař, Ondřej (advisor) ; Slačálek, Ondřej (referee)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is mainly to make an analysis of political speeches and oficial documents of two South African political parties, National Party and Economic Freedom Fighters, with a discoursive analysis as a methodology. The focus of the thesis is on the discourse of justification which concentrates on justification of own existence and claim on representation. This claim on representation is then analysed with regards to a declared group which the party claims to represent and to which, at least, these politics are supposed to serve. The part of the analysis is also a matter of consistence of the rhetoric.
Affect and expression in the society of enlightenment
Smyčka, Václav ; Činátl, Kamil (advisor) ; Tinková, Daniela (referee)
This work deals with the changes of rhetorical education and emotional orders in the second half of the 18th century. The aim of the research is to assess the relations among language education, funtions of medias, anthropological models and expression of emotions on the Threshold of enlightenment. The background of the research shapes the transformation of rhetorical tradition. The research of the broad field of pedagogical, rhetorical and moral discurs is focused on the collegium of Karl Heinrich Seibt.

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