National Repository of Grey Literature 206 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Discourse on Future in Politics, Media, and Ecological Activism
Simon, Michal ; Zmrzlá, Petra (referee) ; Kotásek, Miroslav (advisor)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na diskurz o budoucnosti týkající se extrémních výkyvů počasí a klimatických změn. Pomocí diskurzivní analýzy zkoumá, jakým způsobem je budoucnost predikována v politickém a mediálním diskurzu a také v příspěvcích klimatických aktivistů na sociálních sítích. Analyzovaný politický diskurz obsahuje části projevu prezidenta Bidena a slyšení výboru Senátu Spojených států amerických. Mediální diskurz je ilustrován analýzami dvou článků ze zpravodajských médií a YouTube videa z kanálu magazínu The Economist. Zatímco analýza politického diskurzu v této práci zdůrazňuje rétorické prvky, modalitu a persvazi, analýza mediálního diskurzu se zaměřuje i na senzacionalismus v nadpisech článků a obrázcích. Prostředky, jako jsou například rétorika, modalita a senzacionalismus, přispívají k ovlivňování a případné manipulaci publika. Cílem této práce je posoudit, jak politici, média a klimatičtí aktivisté ovlivňují vnímání budoucnosti a jakou roli mohou mít při vyvolávání klimatické úzkosti.
Jazykové charakteristiky úvodních sekcí v odborných článcích v elektrotechnice
Ondryáš, Radek ; Šťastná, Dagmar (referee) ; Haupt, Jaromír (advisor)
V této práci použijeme analytický rámec navrhnutý Swalesem k analýze vědeckých článků z oboru elektrotechniky, abychom mohli zkoumat jejich strukturu a lingvistické prvky. Každý text je rozdělen na takzvané tahy („moves“), neboli jednotky textu, které reprezentují část textu se stejnou komunikativní funkcí. Tahy jsou pak rozřazeny podle Swalesova modelu, analyzovány a jsou v nich vyznačeny lexikální prvky. Pokud možno, tahy jsou dále rozděleny na menší jednotky zvané kroky („steps“). Naše analýza se shoduje se Swalesovým modelem skoro ve všech bodech. Jedinými výjimkami byly některé kroky, které se v elektrotechnických textech nevyskytovaly, jelikož pro tuto vědní oblast nejsou důležité. Alternativní pohled na vědecké články je poskytnut vzorce textu („patterns“) popsanými Hoeym. Tyto vzorce na rozdíl od Swalesova modelu byly navrhnuty pro všeobecné texty spíše než specificky pro žánr výzkumných článků. I přes jejich rozdíly ukazuje analýza, prezentována v této práci, že se tyto metody navzájem výrazně překrývají.
English Language in AJEI-H Technical Courses
Tomanová, Michaela ; Šťastná, Dagmar (referee) ; Zmrzlá, Petra (advisor)
Cílem této práce je poskytnutí přehledu technicky zaměřených předmětů vyučovaných programu Angličtina v elektrotechnice a informatice a poskytnout konkrétní diskurzní analýzu dostupných vyučovacích materiálů. Přehled obsahuje metody vzdělávacích kurzů a jejich cíle, stejně jako předpokládané výstupy. Dále se práce zabývá metodami a kritérii hodnocení, strukturou portálu informačního systému E-learning a doporučenou literaturou. Nakonec je popsán vyučovací přístup. Pro diskurzní analýzu byly vybrány výňatky z prezentací, skript nebo knížek doporučené literatury. V těchto analýzách je popsána struktura obsahu, gramatická a lexikální koheze a obsažnost terminologie. Tyto výňatky jsou také srovnány s teoretickými poznatky o profesionálním vědeckém stylu.
Carpathian German Minority 1953-1990: Changes of Homeland Images in Expellee Journal Karpatenpost
Ďurková, Mária Kristína ; Emler, David (advisor) ; Konrád, Ota (referee)
The master's thesis deals with the linguistic images of homeland (Heimat) in the expellee journal Karpatenpost. The research subject is the newspaper of the displaced Carpathian Germans, Karpatenpost, which began to be published in the Federal Republic in the early 1950s under the auspices of the Carpathian German Expellee Association. This periodical dealt with issues of homeland and intensively discussed the state of the Carpathian German minority. It contains memories from the old homeland and information about the state of the Carpathian German minority in the Federal Republic. Therefore, Karpatenpost can be considered an authentic source of the displaced Slovak German-speaking minority. Discourse analysis was chosen as the method, which shows that in the expellee journal Karpatenpost, there are semantic shifts in the concept of Heimat. The loss of the territorial old homeland forced the expellees to retreat into the homeland of memory. Their ideas about the old homeland are often idyllic and exalted. However, the confrontation with transforming familiar spaces during the expellees' journeys conditioned a re-definition of the concept.
Disinformation in France: A Strategy of Information Warfare in the Digital Age
Bourdas, Annabelle Marie Amelie ; Střítecký, Vít (advisor) ; Scotto, Thomas (referee)
Political elections are a fertile ground for disinformation campaigns to prosper as have shown studies on Brexit and the 2016 US elections. The 2022 presidential French elections took place in a particular setting due to the social and political context marked by the rise of far-right parties and movements as well as the succession of crises such as the 2015 terrorist attacks, 2018 yellow vests movement, the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. This context and the health crisis in particular have given a new lease of life to far-right movements. Indeed, they spread disinformation, mainly on social media, on the pandemic and fuelled anti-system feelings to advance their agenda. In this context, the far-right political candidate to the 2022 elections, Éric Zemmour, a famous polemicist, thrived and managed to impose himself in the national political landscape. He did so notably by using discursive practices and his media presence. As a result, there has been a banalisation of far-right rhetoric and conspiracy theories in society. This has two major consequences: first, the undermining of democratic and electoral processes and second, the risk of a resurgence of domestic terrorism. Therefore, disinformation is a threat for democracies as they exacerbate social tensions and divisions which can...
Fears and fantasies in human interactions with sex robots: USA media discourse analysis 2016-2023
Gavrilova, Iuliia ; Lorenz - Meyer, Dagmar (advisor) ; Kolářová, Kateřina (referee)
This thesis employs a feminist critical discourse analysis to investigate the fears, desires, and pleasures invoked by sex robots in users, as well as the representation of sex robots in media discourse. Feminist critical discourse analysis is used to provide insight into the ways in which technology is shaping human sexuality and changing our perceptions of sex and love. My sample includes 59 articles published in contemporary American media between 2017 and 2023 that focus on human interaction with sex robots. This thesis examines how the current dramatic prognosis of harm of sex robot use is empirically grounded. It also identifies multiple main themes that are present in the media discourse, namely sex robots' human-likeness, future of human relationships, as well as the tendency to associate the use of sex robots with rape and pedophilia. The artificial nature of the robot in the most intimate aspects of life such as love and sex is perceived as threatening, potentially making us less human. However, there are also positive aspects of human-sex robot interaction as framed by media discourse. Sex robots allow people to have a more satisfactory sexual life even when they have difficulties to build interpersonal relationship, for example, for elderly or socially awkward people. Moreover, a rising...
Rhetoric of US Foreign Environmental Policy: Case Study of the Paris Agreement
Štěpařová, Tereza ; Hornát, Jan (advisor) ; Fiřtová, Magdalena (referee)
The Paris Agreement represents a landmark international environmental agreement that received extensive political, journalistic, and academic attention, and the United States played a key role in the negotiation process. This thesis presents a comprehensive overview of determinants that can impact the U.S. approach to international environmental politics, and it focuses on a detailed discourse analysis of U.S. federal political elites' rhetoric on the Paris Agreement, comparing two time periods - the second term of the Obama presidency and the Trump administration. The analysis demonstrates a strong alignment of political ideology with partisanship, dividing the Democratic and Republican argumentation into rhetorical opposition, and proves the significant influence of the highly polarized two-party system on the U.S. environmental rhetoric. However, applying Putnam's two-level game framework, the case study also demonstrates that even Democratic politicians approached pragmatic rhetoric on topics such as the U.S. economy, economic growth, or U.S. leadership, and employed creative narratives that addressed the pragmatic concerns of the American public to gain support for their progressive foreign policy agenda represented by the Paris Agreement in the end result. The paper presents the rhetorical...
The position of the CDU in Baden-Württemberg on the issue of asylum policy
Prokhoshin, Aleksei ; Kunštát, Miroslav (advisor) ; Filipová, Lucie (referee)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the topical issue of the asylum policy, which is one of the most pivotal topics in contemporary German politics. It focuses on the state politics of Baden- Württemberg and deals with one political party, namely the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, which is one of the key actors on the state level. This thesis analyses the period 2011-2021, so it intentionally avoids the Ukrainian refugee crisis as a consequence of Russian aggression. The bachelor's thesis presents basic information about the position of the CDU on asylum policy and provides the historical context of immigration to Germany and specifically to Baden-Württemberg. Afterwards, it analyses the development of the attitude towards the asylum policy of CDU Baden-Württemberg's key personalities chronologically, also analysing the argumentation of their stances, for which primary and secondary sources are used. The primary sources are session protocols from the Landtag of Baden-Württemberg; the secondary sources are regional news articles and several chosen monographs, which serve to provide the thesis with political and social context, which is crucial for a more precise interpretation of CDU Baden-Württemberg politicians. Based on the conducted analysis, one may conclude that the biggest shift in...
Discourse analysis of language of tabloids
Gazdošová, Sára ; Walek, Agata (referee) ; Langerová, Petra (advisor)
Tato práce obsahuje popis jazykové analýzy textů z hlediska lexikálního, gramatického a stylistického. Dále jsou probírány termíny jako koheze, koherence a kontext. Tato práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. První část se zabývá teorií a obecnými informacemi o diskurzní analýze a obsahuje obecné příklady. Tyto informace jsou důležité pro pozdější pochopení analýzy jazyka bulváru. Je zde také zmíněna historie a základní typy masmédií. Druhá část se zabývá analýzou praktických příkladů z online verzí bulvárních deníků Daily Mail a The Sun. Je zde krátce popsán vzhled a rozložení stránek těchto deníků. Vybrané prvky analýzy jazyka jsou aplikovány na příklady z těchto bulvárních novin.
Discourse Analysis of Islamic Terrorist Propaganda on the Internet
Fuxa, Filip ; Střítecký, Vít (advisor)
Thesis Discourse Analysis of Islamic Terrorist Propaganda on the Internet uses the method of thematic discourse analysis to study jihadi discussion forums in the cyberspace. Since the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century the Internet has became one of the most powerful communication tools through which are jihadi terrorists able to reach thousands of Muslims worldwide. After the traditional Western media had intensively begun to filter terrorist messages shortly after 11/9/2001, jihadists found a perfect way how to draw attention of these media once more - not directly, but through the Internet communication which is widely used by traditional media as a source of their content. The first part of this thesis presents theoretical framework for the second, purely practical part. Firstly, this paper deals with propaganda as a form of communication, shows the Internet as a medium that has absorbed all other media, and analyses the terrorism spread through the Internet. The main part of this study focuses on the jihadi discourse, through which jihadists view the Islamic world as suffering under the oppression of the West to persuade passive Muslim audience to join the jihad. This paper deals not only with different types of propaganda, but also with intentions of propagandists and the means...

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