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Origin of nanopartical nuclei: Formation of dimers in pulse magnetron discharges
Čurda, P. ; Hippler, Rainer ; Čada, Martin ; Straňák, V. ; Hubička, Zdeněk
The study focuses on the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) by gas aggregation of magnetron sputtered atoms. Such NPs have gained significant attention because of their wide potential applications. For that reason, the cost-efficient and energy-effective synthesis of NPs is wanted. The growth of NPs follows processes of dimer seed nucleation, atom adsorption, and coagulation, the initial nucleation of the seed, i.e., dimer origin, is considered the most limiting part of growth. Hence, it is believed, that if dimer seeds are produced effectively, the NPs growth will follow this trend, too. Various pathways exist for the synthesis of diatomic molecules in magnetron sputtering. The three-body collision reactions, involving two metal and one gas atom M+M+G, suffer from relatively low reaction coefficients indicating practically negligible contribution of this reaction to dimer production. Two-body collision reactions, driven by ionization events and electron release, have gained significance due to their higher rate coefficients. However, direct sputtering of metal dimers from the target material offers straight forward and effective way that yields the highest and direct production of dimers M2. This study investigates pulsed magnetron discharges, namely the pulse repetition frequency and the pulse width, to reveal the optimal conditions for direct dimer sputtering. The dimer sputtering efficiency is estimated from energy-resolved mass spectroscopy measurements. Overall, this study underscores the significance of fine-tuning production processes for diatomic molecules, offering a pathway to advanced nanoparticle synthesis.

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Correlative probe electron microscopy analysis of plasma-treated gallium-doped zinc oxide nanorods
Rutherford, D. ; Remeš, Zdeněk ; Mičová, J. ; Ukraintsev, E. ; Rezek, B.
Correlative Probe Electron Microscopy (CPEM) was used to investigate the topographical and electronic emission properties of gallium-doped zinc oxide nanorods (ZnO:Ga) after low pressure hydrogen or oxygen plasma treatment. Simultaneous secondary electron (SE) and back-scattered electron (BSE) emission information from the same nanorods enabled true correlation with the topographical information obtained by atomic force microscopy (AFM). All nanorods were analyzed in-situ on the same substrate using the same experimental parameters which allowed for accurate comparison. ZnO:Ga nanorods displayed the largest SE emission intensity as well as the greatest BSE emission intensity. Hydrogen plasma treatment reduced both SE and BSE emission intensity, whereas oxygen plasma treatment only reduced SE emission. These effects may help elucidate various optical as well as biological interactions of ZnO:Ga nanorods.

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Effect of spin coating on electrical properties of MXene films deposited from non-aqueous solvents
Gutsul, O. ; Szabó, Ondrej ; Pfeifer, R. ; Sasitharan, K. ; Jackivová, Rajisa ; Slobodyan, V. ; Kromka, Alexander ; Rezek, B.
We investigated the effect of spin coating parameters on the electrical properties of Ti3C2 MXene thin films deposited from non-aqueous suspensions in N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) on gold interdigitated electrodes (IDE). The electrical properties of DMF-MXenes and NMP-MXenes films are characterized by impedance spectroscopy (4 Hz - 8 MHz at 1 V) using gold IDE with 25 µm gap. The electrical conductivity of MXene films decreases with increasing spin coating speed from 300 to 900 rpm. The series resistance (Rs) and double layer capacitance remain similar (Cdl). In all cases, MXenes deposited from DMF have five orders of magnitude higher electrical conductivity (lower Rct) than MXene films deposited from NMP. It is correlated with the thin film morphology obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These findings can be useful for possible application of MXenes as charge transport layers in hybrid photovoltaic devices.

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Surface changes induced by plasma treatment and high temperature annealing of silicon dioxide microparticles
Babčenko, Oleg ; Remeš, Zdeněk ; Beranová, Klára ; Kolářová, Kateřina ; Lörinc, J. ; Prošek, Z. ; Tesárek, P.
Due to the high surface to volume ratio, the particles’ surface properties modification defines its properties in general, which is crucial for their use. From this point of view, plasma processing or high temperature annealing can be considered as the universal techniques for efficient modification of materials in the form of powder. In this study, the silicon dioxide microparticles have been treated in a hydrogen, oxygen or vacuum by low temperature plasma or annealing. The change of SiO2 microparticles properties was investigated by photoluminescence spectroscopy at room and low temperature. High temperature annealing in hydrogen induced under UV excitation photoluminescence in the near UV and visible light indicating the change of defect states on the surface of the microparticles. We believe that observed findings clearly demonstrate useful method for analysis of SiO2 microparticles surface modification attractive also for fundamental research.

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Gas sensors based on diamond heterostructures for air quality monitoring
Kočí, Michal ; Szabó, Ondrej ; Izsák, T. ; Sojková, M. ; Godzierz, M. ; Wróbel, P. ; Husák, M. ; Kromka, Alexander
Currently, great emphasis is placed on air quality and the presence of pollutants. Attention is therefore focused on new gas-sensing materials enabling detection even at low (up to room) temperatures with sufficient response and short reaction time. Here, we investigate the suitability of H-NCD films and their heterostructures with MoS2, GO, rGO, SH-GO, or Au NPs for gas sensing applications. Electrical properties are measured for oxidizing gas NO2, reducing gas NH3, and chemical vapor of ethanol, and at temperatures varied from room temperature to 125 °C. In contrast to the individual forms of employed materials with limited response to the exposed gases, the HNCD heterostructures revealed better sensing properties. In particular, the Au NPs/H-NCD heterostructures revealed a higher response at 125 °C in contrast to H-NCD, MoS2/H-NCD had quite good response even at room temperature and GO/H-NCD revealed high sensitivity to chemical vapor, which further improved for the SH-GO/HNCD.

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Photo-active liquid crystalline materials: effect of lateral substitution far from the chiral center
Mironov, Sergei ; Suchánek, T. ; Marhoul, J. ; Cigl, Martin ; Hamplová, Věra ; Bubnov, Alexej
Photosensitive liquid crystalline (LC) materials give a fascinating possibility to tune and control the optical properties of soft systems distantly by illumination by UV-Vis light. Lateral substitution on the molecular core is an effective tool to tune the behaviour of chiral LCs. The effect of lateral substitution (by F, Cl, Br and methyl group) on the self-assembling behaviour, several new LCs with substituents placed on the benzene ring far from the chiral centre are and studied. All compounds, with exception of Br-substituted one, possess the cholesteric phase. The photosensitive behaviour, in particular the conversion of the E-Z isomers, was studied in toluene solution by HPLC. The kinetics of the photo-isomerization was identified under illumination by UV light. Due to presence of a photo-active azo group these materials can be used as functional dopants for design of smart photo-active liquid crystalline mixtures targeted for various applications in optoelectronics.

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Technological challenges in the fabrication of MoS.sub.2./sub./diamond heterostructures
Varga, Marián ; Sojková, M. ; Hrdá, J. ; Hutar, P. ; Parsa Saeb, S. ; Vanko, G. ; Pribusova Slusna, L. ; Ondič, Lukáš ; Fait, Jan ; Kromka, Alexander ; Hulman, M.
Nowadays, 2D materials are one of the most studied classes of materials. In addition to the most famous graphene, progress has been achieved in studying and using fundamental properties of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD). Complementary, diamond as a representative of 3D materials has gained a reputation as an extremely versatile material due to its extraordinary combination of physical/chemical/electrical/optical properties. Besides these particular forms of 2D and 3D materials, their heterostructures have become very attractive due to new phenomena and functions (bandgap engineering, enhanced charge transport, optical interaction, etc.). However, individual technological procedures are still minimally investigated and described. Here, we will demonstrate a proof-of-concept for the preparation of MoS2/diamond heterostructures, where two different strategies were employed: a) growth of MoS2 layers on diamond films, and b) growth of diamond films on Si/MoS2 substrates.

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Book of Abstracts of the 32st Joint Seminar Development of Materials Science in Research and Education (DMSRE)
Kožíšek, Zdeněk ; Král, Robert ; Zemenová, Petra
Conference topics. Trends in the development of materials research. Information about the research programs of individual institutions. Results of materials research. Education of materials science at the universities. Information about equipment for preparation and characterization of materials.\n

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Book of abstracts of the 1st outdoor seminar of the Department of Optical Materials: Advances in the new materials engineering and study
Buryi, Maksym ; Král, Robert
The seminar is dedicated to the main activities of the department of Optical Materials, FZU - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in the course of national and international collaborations. In particular, the advanced methods of the (nano)materials synthesis, fabrication, and characterization are presented and discussed in detail. The aim of the seminar is to establish more of the effective paths of communication and data exchange by creating and maintaining links among the teams of national and international experts in various fields of physical and chemical knowledge, both experimental and theoretical.

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Room temperature ethanol detection using carbon materials
Kočí, Michal
Allotropic forms of carbon, in particular graphene oxide (GO) or nanocrystalline diamond (NCD), attracted the attention of many research groups due to their unique electronic structures and extraordinary physical and chemical properties, preferable for many different applications, including sensor devices. This work focuses on responses of various sensing layers (NCD with hydrogen termination (H-NCD), graphene oxide (GO), reduced graphene oxide (rGO), thiol-functionalized graphene oxide (GO-SH) and their hybrid structures to ethanol vapor with concentrations up to 100 ppm in synthetic air at room temperature. The measured parameters of the tested sensors, especially stability, reproducibility and regeneration, are compared and critically evaluated. The high sensitivity of tested sensors achieved at room temperature makes them very promising for monitoring ethanol vapor as well as other volatile substances (e.g., isopropyl-alcohol or acetone).

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