National Repository of Grey Literature 25 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 

Petition and judgment (their interrelation)
Balaš, Matej ; Zoulík, František (advisor) ; Smolík, Petr (referee)
57 7 Summary Action and judgment (mutual relation) I have chosen this topic for my Master's degree thesis, because I am interested in civil law, especially in a civil litigation. In my thesis I tried to explain institutes of both law action and judgment and of course the mutual relation between them. Civil procedure is a procedure carried out by state courts as judicial bodies of power. Civil process takes place before the courts, which decide disputes and other legal matters arising from civil, labor, family and business relationships. People are requesting the protection of their endangered or broken rights by bringing an action. Person who brings an action we call the suitor and person against whom the dispute is called defendant. Both these parties are given the same procedural rights and obligations, therefore, in the proceeding they are equal. Finally, the dispute is decided by a court from a position of an independent third party. Judgment is a form of judicial decision, which terminates the proceedings and resolve the dispute. Only the court is entitled to make judgments and decide authoritatively on the rights and obligations between the suitor and defendant. Court makes an response to suitors request for protection of his rights. Court is bound by action, and may depart from it only in specific...

The Olympic Games in Barcelona 1992 as a factor of changes in Catalan nationalistic discourse of political parties
Balík, Jiří ; Matějka, Ondřej (advisor) ; Kasáková, Zuzana (referee)
Interrelation between sports and politics in the specific case of the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992 offers a wide range of opportunities to strengthen nationalist tendencies of the Catalan society. This thesis examines how the organization of this event affected the development of Catalan nationalistic discourse of political parties. These changes are analysed on two levels. The first level is the evolution over time - the thesis compares the periods before and after the Olympics and looks at trends across each period. The second level is the development in the level of debate - the thesis looks at the category of political parties, at the category of Catalan politics and at the category of the Spanish nationwide politics, while it analyses the moves of the topics and trends across the levels. Thus, the thesis examines trends of the political discourse in the electoral programs, in speeches at annual meetings at the level of the Catalan parliament and in speeches at annual meetings at the level of national Spanish Parliament. The basic parameters of the research work are themes of language policy, cultural policy, the issue of state structure juristic reform, linguistic forms of the discourses and relation to the Olympic Games. The main basis of this work is the contribution of sporting events...

Taboo and noa in communication. Realization of linguistic taboos in the print media
Junková, Anna ; Chejnová, Pavla (advisor) ; Janovec, Ladislav (referee)
Taboo and noa in communication. Realization of linguistic taboos in the print media. This thesis deals with issues of the taboo and noa in language and communication. The core of this thesis is to identify the essential tabooed themes in contemporary society and ways of their linguistic realization in the print media. In the theoretical part of this thesis is the first explained substance of the terms such as taboo, noa, communication and linguistic taboos with regard to the interrelations between these terms. In the empirical part are then defined tabooed themes occurring in the concrete texts of the diary Mladá fronta DNES and Blesk and of the periodical Rytmus života and ways of their linguistic grasping. The thesis focuses above all on the manifestations of speech restrictions in the lexical plan of the language.

The claim and the judgment (mutual relation)
Kapuscinská, Kristína ; Zoulík, František (advisor) ; Smolík, Petr (referee)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Právnická fakulta Kristína Kapuscinská ŽALOBA A ROZSUDEK (VZÁJEMNÝ VZTAH) Diplomová práce Abstrakt v anglickém jazyce Action and Judgment (mutual relation) Action and judgment are the key instruments of procedural law. The central topic of my thesis is the mutual relation between them; nevertheless we can not define the mutual relation without the basic definitions and a brief description of the action and judgment as process instruments, especially concentrating on its requirements, so that it should be possible to formulate the essence of its procedural consistency. I tried to express its mutual relation and complex context in my thesis. The mutual relation is evident when interpreting the law action theories, which tried in more or less successful way to resolve the relation between substantive and procedural law. Finally, the whole development of the action is illustrated by the comparison with the system of actions in Roman law which were understood as pure substantive institutes. The mutual relation is reflected in the components of the action and judgment. It is clearly evident in the case of the petit and the body of judgment which follows. The mutual relation is also evident in the case of the dispositive acts, the applicant may within his procedural rights dispose of the...

Nurse {--} patient relation in emergency room sector
"Nurse {--} patient relation in emergency room sector{\crq}q was the topic of my thesis. The bachelor thesis was divided in two parts. The theoretical part dealt with questions of those factors which influence the nurse - patient interrelation. The thesis tried to describe the most important factors which effect the establishing of the patient {--} nurse interrelation; it tried to describe nurses{\crq} points of view as well as patients{\crq} points of view because their views can be fundamentally different and in a way they can zoom in some out-patients{\crq} aspects. The length of waiting time for treatments, overall impressions related to their visits in emergency rooms, patients{\crq} characters and the level of emergency room nurses{\crq} stress play significant roles. Two targets were set in the practical part of my thesis. The first target was to map factors which take share in forming a positive client {--} nurse relation in emergency room care. The second target of my thesis was to map factors which take share in forming a positive nurse {--} client relation in emergency room care. Furthermore, five hypotheses were set. The first hypothesis was: ``Waiting time before treatment influences nurse - client relation.{\crq}q The second hypothesis was: ``Women are more willing to cooperate than men.{\crq}q The third hypothesis was: ``The shorter the client{\crq}s waiting time for treatment, the more willing s/he is to cooperate.{\crq}q The fourth hypothesis was: ``Emergency room nurse{\crq}s high stress influences her relation to clients.{\crq}q The fifth hypothesis was: ``A large number of clients waiting for treatment are a strong stress factor for nurses. The qualitative method with the anonymous questionnaire technique was used for the real status discovery. Two kinds of questionnaires were used. The patients{\crq} questionnaire contained 24 questions. The questions were closed ones and half-open ones - for amending of brief answers. The introductory questions were identifying ones. The other questions were focused on positives and negatives which are closely connected with visits in emergency rooms. Nurses{\crq} questionnaire contained 29 questions, which were closed ones and half-open ones - for amending of brief answers and one question was open one - for expressing of their own opinion. The introductory questions in the questionnaires were identifying ones. The other questions were focused on positives and negatives which are connected with providing care to patients who come into emergency rooms for treatments. Treated patients, emergency room nurses and ordination nurses in Písek, Strakonice and Brno were my research population. 200 questionnaires were distributed; 100 questionnaires were distributed to emergency room nurses and 100 questionnaires were distributed to patients who were treated in emergency rooms. Findings were illustrated in diagrams, which reflect the answers of nurses and patients. The discussion was confronted with technical bibliography. In the conclusion there are stated the summarised results of the thesis, corroborated or refuted hypotheses as well as possible suggestions how to influence positively the forming of interrelations between nurses and patients in emergency rooms.

Nation State in the Era of New Globalisation
Charvát, Martin ; Plchová, Božena (advisor) ; Nigrinová, Lenka (referee)
The thesis aims to describe the changing position of a nation state in contemporary economic-political structure as a result of globalization processes. The object of interest is the interrelation of state with transnational actors, but also other states with regard to the concept of competitiveness.

Easements and rights of neighbours
Zíková, Pavlína ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee) ; Hendrychová, Michaela (referee)
In my doctoral thesis I have focused on legal regulation of easements and rights of neighbours as interrelated legal institutes. The introductory passages illustrate both fundamental concepts of this work, namely easements and rights of neighbours with regard to the current legal regulations, as well as their mutual relation. A short presentation of the historic legislation of both institutes in our territory since the early 19th century until today might help better understanding of the actual legal regulation of these institutes in Civil Code. By determination of easements and rights of neighbours and by analysis of their establishment in current Czech law I attempted to incorporate in my work the actual cases of the most frequently established easements, as well as very common violations of neighbourhood rights. Another part of my thesis is devoted to legal instruments serving to protect the rights corresponding the legal regulation of easements and rights of neighbours in Civil Code. Last section of the thesis contains a brief treatise on the law of easements and rights of neighbours in the Federal Republic of Germany, particularly as codified in the German Civil Code. Within the scope of treatise of the various types of interference to the rights of neig hbours according to German law I tried to...