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Problémy velmi malých sídel na příkladu Hořic u Blanska
Jochymková, Kateřina
Jochymková, K.: Problematics of very small settlements as shown on the example of Hořice u Blanska Bachelor thesis. Brno. Mendel University in Brno, 2014 The countryside and rural districts used to be an important part of our landscape and our country. The aim of my BC work is to deal with the problems of life and existence of small and very small settlements which are a significant contribution to the rural societies in our country. In the theoretical part of my BC thesis, I worked with the data and conclusions available in the professional literature dealing with this particular topic.In the practical, core part of my thesis, I made comparison of various problem categories of different kinds of societies via field and questionnaire investigation.Within this problem comparison I tried to find out generally valid points for thein definitions, and on that basis to join the discussion on possible sources of their solution. Key words: community, very small settlements, problems of small societies

The situation of disabled persons in the labour market in the main City of Prague in 2014 and 2015
Majorová, Michaela ; Vostrovská, Zdenka (advisor) ; Barák, Vladimír (referee)
The topic of this thesis are disabled people. The main goal of this thesis is describe the situation th these people in the labor market of Prague. This description is based on the founded data and the specialized literature. There will be explained the concepts of labour market, unemployment, aktive employment policy first in the theoretical part. There are for the next time explained the concepts of disabled people, thein characteristics, different type of these disabilities, legislativ of the employnment of these people, rehabilitation programmes and the enterprises with more 50 % share of employed disabled people. The practical part is based on the analysis of the selected dates of Český statistický úřad and Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí. There is included my own anonymus questionnaire research of selected eemployers. The goal of this research is to show, how is the situation of the employers and the diabled people in Prague. It was found by using this research, that the situation in our main city is very positive. Employers offer many employments to disabled people, althoug they don't have to do that and they don't have any statutory obligation.

The system and the financing system of psychiatric care in the Czech Republic in the period 2010-2016
Křížová, Natálie ; Lukášová, Tereza (advisor) ; Bartůsková, Lucia (referee)
The bachelor thesis focuses on mental health, which is becoming a socio-economic problem these days. Since there is a constant prevalence of patients with mental illnesses and thus an increase of a burden in the economic system, this work explains the system of psychiatric care, which is crucial for the future development of mental health of Czech population. Based on the analysis of the issue it is evident that the effort to manage the care system to community care will do not contribute to the reduction of treatment costs, but on the other hand, will facilitate the accessibility to psychiatric facilities for patients. The funding of psychiatric care is not based on the national health system, which influences the direction of a large part of the funds for treatment in psychiatric hospitals.

The consequences of the monetary reforms in Czechoslovakia in 1953
Martincová, Petra ; Chalupecký, Petr (advisor) ; Szobi, Pavel (referee)
The thesis focuses on monetary reform in Czechoslovakia in 1953. It concentrates especially on the impact of monetary reform on the population. Based on the hypothesis that the economic situation of the state and of the population has not improved as the monetary reform planned. The thesis describes postwar period of Czechoslovakia for a better evaulating and understanding of the monetary reform. The conclusion of the thesis is that monetary reform didn´t increase economic growth and damaged greatly all social strata of the population. The way how the monetary reform was proclaimed caused loosing population´s confidence in the government and in the currency.

Tax and legal issues of real-estate business in Austria
Banctel, Kristýna ; Filipová, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Drozen, František (referee)
The purpose of this study is to compare tax and civil-law issues concerning property business in Austria and in Czech Republic in 2016 and to investigate the efficiency of the current legislation against the real estate bubble. The theoretical part of this study contains selected demographic and price statistics concerning real estate in both countries and focuses on the description of the existing law currently in effect in both compared countries. The practical part analyses tax and transactions costs that concern property trading and a comparison of possibilities of amortisations and rentability of a rented flat in both countries.

The impact of the economic cycle to finance the defense of the Czech republic in years 2004-2014
Heres, Ondřej ; Chmelová, Pavla (advisor) ; Strejček, Ivo (referee)
This bachelor work examines the impact of economic performance on financing the defense sector in the Czech Republic in the years 2004-2014. The main questions are whether this influence is clear and the extent to which is essential for funding this sector. The work also provides a basic overview about development and structure of the Ministry of Defence budget in these years. The theoretical part contains theories of business cycle and public sector and briefly introduces the basic institutions that are tasked to provide a defense. The analytic part analyzes the expenditures and revenues of the Ministry of Defence and assesses their mutual influence and simultaneously the influence of GDP on these indicators. To compare with previous findings, the GPD growth rate and the growth rate of defense expenditures in selected countries of NATO are analyzed in brief in the last chapter. While findings based on data from the Ministry of Defence have rather anticyclical development of defense expenditures, in selected countries of NATO, the development is more procyclical. It highlights the very ambiguous impact of the economic cycle on expenditures in the defense sector.

Transport of Dangerous Substances in the Czech Republic
The topic of the diploma written assignment is "Transport of Dangerous Substances in the Czech Republic" and it was chosen for elaboration of the wholesome view on the road, train, ship and plane transportation of the hazardous materials and mixtures. These transportations represent a possible risk of damage to life, health, property or environment for the society. Hazardous materials and mixtures nowadays are being transported in large measures and there is an assumption in the future that the volume of the transported hazardous materials and mixtures will increase. For elaboration of this written assignment three hypothesis were given: a) Legal regulations of the European Union and the Czech Republic solve the problematic of the transportation of hazardous materials and mixtures well enough. b) The public has enough information about the transportation of the hazardous chemical substances or mixtures. c) People that work in the field of the transportation of hazardous materials or mixtures are well informed about the transportation of hazardous chemical substances or mixtures. For determining whether the legal regulations solve the problematic of the transportation of hazardous materials and mixtures well enough the literary sources which deal with this issue, legal regulations of the Czech Republic and the European Union and other international agreements were used. After working through these sources it was found out that the international, the EU and Czech legal regulations or agreements solve this issue well enough and emphasis is given on convergence of legal regulations of all transportations. Implementation of international agreements and legal regulations of the European Union into the legal regulations of the Czech Republic happens in the present time very fast and without failures. For figuring out the awareness of the public and awareness of the people working in the field of the transportation of hazardous materials and mixtures for the diploma written assignment on the topic of "The Transportation of Hazardous Materials and Mixtures on the Territory of the Czech Republic" there was a quantitative research made. The quantitative research was made with the help of handed out questionnaires. The public was represented by the employees of the Regional Municipalities of the Czech Republic. Both of the groups were given the same questionnaires. The results of the questionnaire research were evaluated, expressed in percentage and statistically assessed. For the statistical assessment the double selection T-test was used to find out whether the difference between the assessed groups is statistically important. People working in the transportation of hazardous substances and mixtures have sufficient information which was confirmed by the questionnaire research. By the made statistical assessment it was found out that the difference between the groups is statistically significant and so the public does not have sufficient information related to the transportation of hazardous substances and mixtures. Due to the results of the questionnaire research and mainly that the hypothesis b) - The public has enough information about the transportation of hazardous chemical substances or mixtures was not confirmed. In the conclusion of the written assignment there are a couple of suggestions for improvement of the awareness of the public. For example as a part of education at primary and high schools and training schools where this education is already running as a part of The Protection of Human during Incidents. This education has been going on since 2003. And that is why the older people in the public are not well met with this issue and they should be introduced to it by for example a media campaign by means of short TV spots on public television channels or by means of spots that already the Independent BESIP Department of the Ministry of Transportation makes up. These spots are called Besipky.

Makroekonomický dopad mateřské (a rodičovské) dovolené ve srovnání České Republiky s Brazílií
Kalkusová, Marie ; De Castro, Tereza (advisor) ; Neumann, Pavel (referee)
This thesis aims to estimate the macroeconomic impact of maternity and parental/paternal leave in the Czech Republic and Brazil. In addition, the thesis stresses out the costs of Czech model application to Brazil and vice-versa. The first chapter brings a theoretical framework. It compares the analyzed policies in both countries and introduces the relevant terms. The second chapter estimates the costs of maternity and parental/paternal leave related to public expenditure and GDP for the years 2005-2014 and brings own simulation model for Czech model application to Brazil and vice-versa. The third chapter analyses the inefficiencies and suggest possible mitigation. The results show the costs of 0.71% of GDP and 1.66% of public expenditure in the Czech Republic and 0.50% GDP and 2.27% of public expenditure in Brazil in 2014. The Czech model applied in Brazil would be very costly and the opposite scenario would lead to the decrease of macroeconomic burden in the Czech Republic. The thesis also analyzes the influence of maternal and parental leave in other areas, such as labor market, where the current structure may penalize Czech women in long term. By this analysis, the thesis contributes to the current debate about the impact, the length and costs of maternity and parental leave.

Supervision of volunteers in nonprofit organizations
Beerová, Michala ; Kopecký, Martin (advisor) ; Šerák, Michal (referee)
The theme of the presented bachelor thesis is the process of supervision and the volunteerism. Volunteering is an important subject in today's society and essentials workforce in social work. The aim of this work is to focus on the non-profit sector and try to describe it. Furthermore, there is an explanation of the position of volunteers in these organizations and supervision in social work. Supervision is one of the managerial function in non-profit organizations, which is widely and long-term applied. The thesis wants to show basics, consequences and benefits of volunteer's supervision. Providing supervision is one of the main objectives of the organization to support staff or their volunteers. This bachelor thesis explores volunteering and supervision in two countries, the Czech Republic and Sweden. This thesis compares two different approaches, based on history of these two countries. Volunteering and supervision are very interesting features of the non-profit organizations. The practical part of this thesis comprises from qualitative investigation of different nonprofit organizations. The organizations were interviewed to get information about the purpose of the volunteering, educational potential of supervision and the current situation of volunteer supervision there. The aim of this investigation...

Míry podobnosti pro nominální data v hierarchickém shlukování
Šulc, Zdeněk ; Řezanková, Hana (advisor) ; Šimůnek, Milan (referee) ; Žambochová, Marta (referee)
This dissertation thesis deals with similarity measures for nominal data in hierarchical clustering, which can cope with variables with more than two categories, and which aspire to replace the simple matching approach standardly used in this area. These similarity measures take into account additional characteristics of a dataset, such as frequency distribution of categories or number of categories of a given variable. The thesis recognizes three main aims. The first one is an examination and clustering performance evaluation of selected similarity measures for nominal data in hierarchical clustering of objects and variables. To achieve this goal, four experiments dealing both with the object and variable clustering were performed. They examine the clustering quality of the examined similarity measures for nominal data in comparison with the commonly used similarity measures using a binary transformation, and moreover, with several alternative methods for nominal data clustering. The comparison and evaluation are performed on real and generated datasets. Outputs of these experiments lead to knowledge, which similarity measures can generally be used, which ones perform well in a particular situation, and which ones are not recommended to use for an object or variable clustering. The second aim is to propose a theory-based similarity measure, evaluate its properties, and compare it with the other examined similarity measures. Based on this aim, two novel similarity measures, Variable Entropy and Variable Mutability are proposed; especially, the former one performs very well in datasets with a lower number of variables. The third aim of this thesis is to provide a convenient software implementation based on the examined similarity measures for nominal data, which covers the whole clustering process from a computation of a proximity matrix to evaluation of resulting clusters. This goal was also achieved by creating the nomclust package for the software R, which covers this issue, and which is freely available.