National Repository of Grey Literature 22 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Development Module for Radar Safety Sensor in Single-Track Vehicles
Ťavoda, Martin ; Kubíček, Michal (referee) ; Honek, Marek (advisor)
Táto práca sa zaoberá návrhom hardvéru a softvéru vývojového modulu pre senzor bezpečnosti jednostopových vozidiel. Tento produkt je vyvíjaný spoločnosťou ALPS ALPINE Co., Ltd. a využíva radar s technológiou frekvenčne modulovanej postupnej vlny na sledovanie objektov, nachádzajúcich sa za jednostopovým vozidlom. Aktuálna verzia sledovacieho algoritmu dosahuje výrazné nepresnosti pri jazde v zákrute, keď sa nakláňa zorné pole radaru. Predpokladaným riešením je pridanie dát z inerciálnej meracej jednotky do sledovacieho algoritmu. Vytvorený vývojový modul obsahuje práve túto jednotku, vývojové rozhranie, výstupné periférie, riadenie napájania a upevnenie radaru. Zahrnutý softvér implementuje tento modul do existujúceho vývojového prostredia pre radar, pričom sa pre komunikáciu využíva Robotický Operačný Systém 2 (ROS2).
Design of a wireless unit for controlling a piano pedal by head movement
Mylbachr, Radovan ; Bastl, Michal (referee) ; Adámek, Roman (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the development of a wireless unit for controlling a piano pedal by head movement serving mainly as an aid for disabled electronic piano players. In the theoretical research, the thesis focuses on existing solutions and on the description of the pedal function that the wireless unit is supposed to replace. The practical part of the thesis deals with the design of the electronics, the construction of the protective case and the programming of this unit's prototype, followed by an analysis of the functionality and user-friendliness.
Real-time propojení senzorů pro navigaci
Kaczmarek, Adrian ; Rohm, Witold ; Klingbeil, Lasse ; Tchórzewski, Janusz
The development of satellite techniques in the field of precise positioning and the availability of mobile devices with a built-in multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receiver allow us to determine positions with better accuracy than a dozen or so years ago. At the same time, there is a growing demand from users for more and more accurate positioning while reducing the costs of the final device (e.g., a navigation system for autonomous lawn mowers). This work presents the concept of a solution that integrates different positioning techniques: gyroscopes, odometers, and GNSS using a loosely coupled Kalman filter. The sensor integration model was developed for horizontal components (2D) with simultaneous determination of azimuth and precise position. Additionally, the integration filter uses a dynamic weight matrix, the values of which are selected depending on the type of GNSS solution (FIX, FLOAT, etc.). Tests of the measurement platform were carried out under ideal conditions and in places where the horizon is obscured (passes along a high wall, under openwork steel trusses, etc.). The accuracies obtained during tests using EKF and the dynamic weight matrix are RMS 0.019 m for the North and East components. However, the accuracy of the azimuth determination was 0.59°. In addition, the presentation will present a platform concept that integrates low-cost sensors in real time. This work was supported by Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (Poland) under the project “POMOST” (grant no. N110/0002/22).
Measuring unit for race swimmers motion analysis
Kumpán, Pavel ; Hrbáček, Jan (referee) ; Krejsa, Jiří (advisor)
The master’s thesis deals with a design of the computational method for the analysis of swimmers training with the use of an inertial measurement unit. The developed algorithm uses quaternion-based Unscented Kalman filter and merges accelerometer and gyroscope measurements. The proposed method enables analysis of velocity, acceleration and inclination of a swimmer. Verification of the method was based on an underwater video camera capturing and a tethered velocity meter.
Integration of inertial navigation with global navigation satellite system
Štefanisko, Ivan ; Otava, Lukáš (referee) ; Blaha, Petr (advisor)
This paper deals with study of inertial navigation, global navigation satellite system, and their fusion into the one navigation solution. The first part of the work is to calculate the trajectory from accelerometers and gyroscopes measurements. Navigation equations calculate rotation with quaternions and remove gravity sensed by accelerometers. The equation’s output is in earth centred fixed navigation frame. Then, inertial navigation errors are discussed and focused to the bias correction. Theory about INS/GNSS inte- gration compares different integration architecture. The Kalman filter is used to obtain navigation solution for attitude, velocity and position with advantages of both systems.
Augmented reality applications in embedded navigation devices
Jaroš, Martin ; Slanina, Martin (referee) ; Frýza, Tomáš (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá aplikací rozšířené reality v oblasti navigačních zařízení. Popisuje možnosti zpracování videa za účelem projekce virtuální scény pomocí dat získaných satelitním a inerciálním navigačním sybsystémem. Práce klade důraz na využití moderních hardwarových prostředků pro zpracování videa v mikroprocesorech pomocí grafických akcelerátorů. Součástí je návrh aplikace a realizace prototypu.
Waterproof wireless IMU cover design
Kračmar, Filip ; Březina, Lukáš (referee) ; Krejsa, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the design and realization of waterproof wireless inertial measurement units cover to measure data of swimming training. The model of casing was created in 3D CAD software. IMU is fixed to lower back by using belt. Easy access to electronics and charging connectors are guaranteed. The shape corresponds to hydrodynamic requirements. Manufacture was made by 3D printing. Casing was tested of waterproof and used for measurement of swimming training.
9DOF sensor for weapon orientation measurement
Růžička, Jiří ; Richter, Miloslav (referee) ; Šedivá, Soňa (advisor)
This thesis deals with multi-axis position sensors, their nature and individual parts and types of these sensors. It is outlined their historical origin and the most used modern types, such as micro-electro-mechanical sensors. Further, the properties of these sensors, error sources and their compensation are discussed. Output data formats are also discussed here, such as Euler angles, their calculation and applications. The selected sensor is implemented in the simulator electronics, and the graphical application demonstrates its functions.
Estimating Human Movement Using Accelerometers
Matula, Tomáš ; Růžička, Richard (referee) ; Dobai, Roland (advisor)
Tato práce je zaměřena na analýzu lidského pohybu, zejména měření úhlu kolena, co je důležité především při procesu rehabilitace u pacientů s protézy kolenního kloubu nebo po operaci. Pro měření IMU - inerciální měřící jednotky od firmy Xsens jsou použité, přičemž pouze data z 3-osého akcelerometru a gyroskopu jsou zahrnuty. Vhodné umístění jednotek je vybráno, jakož i metody pro kalibraci a následný výpočet úhlu ze zaznamenaných dat. Tyhle metody jsou implementovány a experimentálně ověřeny. Experimenty ukazují, že výsledky jsou docela přesné, a toto řešení je použitelné při analýze pacientů například provedením monitorování chůze.
Construction of a Pen with Hidden Acquisition of Behavioral Signature Samples
Müller, Dominik ; Sakin, Martin (referee) ; Drahanský, Martin (advisor)
This thesis deals with the construction of pen for hidden acquisition of behavioral signature samples. The proposed system provides realtime data acquisition with recording possibility. Signature samples are acquired using inertial sensors and pressure sensor. The custom printed circuit board with pen model have been developed. The special application has been developed for pen control. Received data are further processed for pen movement recognition. Bluetooth Low Energy has been used for communication and data transfer.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 22 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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