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Design of a wireless unit for controlling a piano pedal by head movement
Mylbachr, Radovan ; Bastl, Michal (referee) ; Adámek, Roman (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the development of a wireless unit for controlling a piano pedal by head movement serving mainly as an aid for disabled electronic piano players. In the theoretical research, the thesis focuses on existing solutions and on the description of the pedal function that the wireless unit is supposed to replace. The practical part of the thesis deals with the design of the electronics, the construction of the protective case and the programming of this unit's prototype, followed by an analysis of the functionality and user-friendliness.
Robust wheeled robotic chassis
Jirges, Radek ; Chalupa, Jan (referee) ; Bastl, Michal (advisor)
This thesis deals with the issue of the proposal of mobile wheeled robotic chassis. In the introductory theoretical part gives an overview of the division of mobile chassis inclu-ding representatives of each group. In the begining of the practical part describes se-lection of suitable components for the chassis from drivetrain to controlling electronics. Constructional part of this thesis at first deal with selection of suitable material for each part of chassis and than follows construction of these components including decsription of used constructional solutions for each issue. Result of this thesis is robust wheeled chassis fitted with drivetrain and basic electronics.
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Design and realization of data processing system from environmental sensors in IoT environment
Maraczek, Patrik ; Bastl, Michal (referee) ; Věchet, Stanislav (advisor)
The master’s thesis deal with design and realization of measuring station, which process data from environmental sensors in IoT environment. Thesis includes research of sensors, cloud services for IoT, microcontrollers and environmental data available online. Thesis contains detailed procedure for realization of designed system, including code description for microcontrollers STM32W55 and STM32 B-L475E-IOT01A2 Discovery kit, configuration of IBM Watson IoT Platform cloud service and procedure for correct programming of Node-RED application responsible for logic of whole system. Source code, which might be used for simple implementation of designed system, is attached to the master’s thesis.
Design of airsoft gun control electronics
Šindelář, Jiří ; Adámek, Roman (referee) ; Bastl, Michal (advisor)
This thesis deals with control electronics of airsoft gun type AR15. To create a prototype, it was necessary to select applicable components, design a printed circuit board, and create intelligent control software. Thanks to the designed electronics, the user will be able to fully control the behavior of his weapon.
Generating code for processing the raw image on a graphics device
Pojsl, Jakub ; Bastl, Michal (referee) ; Appel, Martin (advisor)
This bachelor thesis explores generating CUDA code using Matlab GPU Coder, deploying code to Jetson Nano, and processing depth data from Intel RealSence depth camera with generated CUDA functions. The theoretical part introduces CUDA code, Intel RealSence D415, Jetson Nano, and Matlab GPU Coder. The practical part describes generating CUDA code from simple Matlab functions and generating executables using Matlab GPU Coder and CMake compiler. This is followed by the description of developing the application that gathers depth data from Intel RealSence depth camera, processes the data, and displays the processed data on the screen. Finally, the developed application is analyzed and CUDA code advantages in raw computation are demonstrated.
Design of miniature thermal chamber
Červínek, David ; Bastl, Michal (referee) ; Chalupa, Jan (advisor)
This thesis is about designing and bulding temperature chamber. Main use for this chamber is to test devices which are designed in Mechlab laboratory. While I was developing this chamber I used Simuling for simulation of thermodynamic events. For LC filter simulation I used LTspice IV. Peltiers device is used as cooling/heating element. For calculation and control is used 3.5“ touch screen programmed in 4D Workshop. Final device is capable to automatically maintain set temperature in range of -13°C to 80°C. Temperature can be set as stationary or cyclic between two predefined temperatures. User can also choose temperature that will be used by regulator.
Control Rotational Inverse Pendulum Laboratory Model
Šnajder, Jan ; Bastl, Michal (referee) ; Brablc, Martin (advisor)
Aim of this bachelor thesis is modeling, identification and control of rotational inverted pendulum. The thesis describes parts of real system and its control. The work also contains creation of simulation model in Matlab/Simulink. Simulation model is respresented by mathematical equations created by second type Lagrange equations. Estimation of parameters is based on reduced systems and these parameters have been validated. Control of system is based on state-space model. The paper includes description of linearization, design of state-space control created by LQR method and creation of state-space observer. The last part of the study is focused on state observer experiments, friction compensation by few static friction models and by adding noise to compensation.