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Decrees of the President of the Republic - constitutional and international contexts
Velebil, Petr ; Gronský, Ján (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Václav (referee)
- anglický jazyk In my thesis I deal with presidential decrees in constitutional and international context. It consists of 5 parts. There are preconditions for the emergence of decrees in the first part. This international-legal recognition of the Czechoslovak government in exile, the theory of legal and political continuity of Czechoslovakia, uninterrupted presidency of dr.Beneš and the withdrawal of the Munich Agreement. The second part talks about the concept of issuing decrees. In the third part is the most important content of constitutional decrees. The fourth section deals specifically about formal-legal, material-legal and political continuity. In the last part I deal with today's issue of the validity of the decrees and decrees of the Czech Republic by accession to the European Union. Government in exile was recognized by Great Britain in 1940. It was very important because it could arise decrees. It arranged the constitutional decree Nr. 2/1940 official bulletin of Czechoslovakia, which established the emergence of decrees. Decrees of the President of the Republic published a proposal to the government. The State Council worked on decrees since 1942, received as an advisory vote. This decree suspended formal-legal continuity. The situation changed even Slovak National Council, because...
The Munich Dictate and its consequences from the constitutional point of view
Dvořák, Petr ; Gronský, Ján (advisor) ; Hřebejk, Jiří (referee)
- 80 - Munich agreement and the results in terms of constitutional law Czechoslovakia was found in 1918 as a democratic country. The countries democratical character was grounded even in it's constitution. Main political leaders of the state supported the development of international law, system of collective security and the peaceful co-existence with other countries. In internal relations the state ensures the observation of human right and equality of conditions for everyone. "Our republic is an ideally democratical state" said foreman of Jewish party in 1938. But it was not enough for the others which sacrificed this democratic country to avoid contention with his totalitarian neighbour. On 30th September 1938, Great Britain, France, Italia and Germany signed the Munich agreement. Czechoslovakia which was not contracting party was contrainted on abandonment of large frontier areas on behalf of Germany. It was the British prime minister's policy of appeasement plan, which he hoped would sacrifice a little peaceful country, avoiding war with Germany. History showed us he was wrong and in one year the biggest tragedy in modern history befell the world in the appearance of Second World War. The Munich agreement is a document comparable with no others. Today it is considered to be void from the beginning. It...
The President of the Czech Republic as a part of executive power
Cellar, Milan ; Janstová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Gronský, Ján (referee)
English This thesis is an analysis of the position of the President of the Czech Republic as a part of the executive power. Firstly is described the position of the President according to different forms of government. The main part is focused on the relationship between the President and the supreme body of executive power - the Government. This thesis also attends to another central body of state administration, the relationship between the President and Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, and the position of the President in situations with an international element. Attention is also paid to President's liability and proposed legislative changes. All of the chapters are supported by legal theorist's opinions and examples from practice.
The constitutional National Assembly in 1946-1948
Tkadlec, Jaroslav ; Gronský, Ján (advisor) ; Kudrna, Jan (referee)
99 ZÁVĚR Předkládaná práce si v úvodu položila několik otázek, na které měly být v jednotlivých kapitolách nalezeny odpovědi. Na hlavní z nich, sice na otázku, zda Ústavodárné Národní shromáždění splnilo zadání k vypracování a přijetí nové ústavy, je třeba odpovědět záporně. Formálně ÚNS svůj hlavní úkol splnilo, nicméně Ústava 9.května z výše popsaných důvodů nemůže být považována za ústavu demokratického právního státu, obsahující ve svých ustanoveních garanci základních lidských práv a svobod, nezávislou justici, dělbu moci a další instituty právního státu. Na druhou stranu se dá souhlasit s názorem, že i přes únorové události zakotvovala spíše poměry předúnorové, což by se s jistou dávkou zjednodušení dalo považovat za splnění zadání spočívající v ústavním zakotvení poválečných změn. Následující léta však tento částečný úspěch poněkud mění. Přebíráním sovětských vzorů je ústavní listina opakovaně měněna a doplňována a také v masovém měřítku porušována, obcházena a široce a svévolně interpretována. Na druhou stranu je třeba poukázat na fakt, že vina za nesplnění hlavního úkolu neleží v převážné části na samotném zákonodárném sboru. Ten již od počátku své činnosti znamenal určité zrcadlení sporů a následující krize odehrávající se ve vládě a na půdě Národní fronty, čemuž odpovídala i jeho nečinnost při...
The change of the substantive attributes of the democratic, law-abiding State in the case law of the Czech Constitutional Court
Preuss, Ondřej ; Gerloch, Aleš (advisor) ; Gronský, Ján (referee) ; Bartoň, Michal (referee)
Paper: The change of the substantive attributes of the democratic, law-abiding State in the case law of the Czech Constitutional Court Author: Ondřej Preuss Abstract: The paper "The change of the substantive attributes of the democratic, law-abiding State in the case law of the Czech Constitutional Court" aims to present the approach of the Czech Constitutional Court to the change or modication of the substantive requisites of the democratic, law-abiding State and their understanding. The papaer is concluded that the examined approach of the Czech Constitutional Court is obviously possible, however pro futuro it would seem more appropriate to proceed cautiously and with considerable self-restraint. Otherwise the values protected by the Constitutional Court could be in stake because of the activist approach of the Constitutional Court itself.
Appointment power of the President of the Republic under the Constitution of the CR and its comparison with the Constitutional Instrument of 1920
Brázdilová, Jana ; Gronský, Ján (advisor) ; Kudrna, Jan (referee)
Appointment powers of the President of the Republic under the Constitution of the CR and its comparison with the Constitutional Instrument of 1920 Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and summarize appointment powers of the President of the Republic under the Constitution of the Czech Republic and compare them with the appointment powers of the President under the Constitutional Instrument of 1920. This topic was chosen because the valid Constitution of the Czech Republic is based on the Constitution Instrument of 1920 and the two constitutions in question are similar. In closer look those similarities are not so strong and differences maybe seems small but they are significant. This thesis is composed of four chapters. Chapter one is dealing with overall questions around the appointment powers of the president. It is divided to two parts. One is mentioning deputization of the president. Second is handling responsibilities of the president and counter-signature. Second chapter describes common appointment powers which occur in both Constitutions. It is divided into four subchapters. President and his relationship to executive, judiciary, constitutional authorities and other appointment powers. Each subchapter consist many parts regarding the power in question. Each part is divided to three...

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