National Repository of Grey Literature 115 records found  beginprevious94 - 103nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Painting as a physical, gestical action. Gesture and physical space experience of reality in the landscape
Lešková, Kristýna ; Hůla, Zdenek (advisor) ; Velíšek, Martin (referee)
Lešková, K.: Painting as a physical, gestical action - Gesture and physical space experience of reality in the landscape. [MA thesis] Prague 2012 - Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, Departement of Art Education, 84 pages. This work seeks to bring selected moments in the history of painting, which combines the gestural element and the physical and gestural actions. This award is largely bordered by landscape theme. Part is a philosophical reflection about the nature of painting as a physical object. Based on new findings related to the reflection of own artistic creation, author created a set of artworks with an emphasis on gestural expression. Linking acquired knowledge and creative experience led to the creation of didactic art range of tasks suitable for teaching elementary school pupils from which consist effort to achieve creative thinking and developing the gesture and action at work. Great emphasis is placed on the motivational process. Part of the task is verified by experience in elementary school. The whole work is regularly supplemented by the visual documentation.
Analysis of BK virus life cycle
Bakardjieva - Mihaylova, Violeta ; Drda Morávková, Alena (advisor) ; Mindlová, Martina (referee)
Polyomaviruses are small unenvelope DNA viruses, whose replication take place in cell nucleus. Despite its small genome size, these viruses can cause significant changes in the host cell, one of the most significant is cell transformation. Most studies of human pathogens from this family is the focus of clinical research, but do not provide enough information about the individual events of the life cycle of viruses. This thesis mainly aims to determining the exact time when the creation of the individual viral products and generate a timeline of events during natural infection in cells that are targets for BKV in the human body. It was found that the time course of the life cycle of BKV is very similar to those for model polyomaviruses MPyV and SV40 and in permissive cells takes about 40 - 50 hours.
Facebook and Types of Communication
Klemperová, Aneta ; Janovec, Ladislav (advisor) ; Holanová, Radka (referee)
This text deals with specific communication features of Czech Facebook users. The work is focused on written way of expression and explains it in all linguistic disciplines. The aim of this thesis is to record mainly those expressions that are really typical of Facebook writings. Theoretical part is supplemented with concrete examples that appear on Facebook and it is testified by findings and theory about this type of written communication. We can come to the conclusion that Facebook users often do not observe the rules of using dashes, on the other hand they use frequently exclamation marks and question marks. Users often multiply punctuation marks, vocals and consonants. In lexicology we can find many expressive words, argot, and English words that make the writing original and special. Non- standard suffixes are other proofs that writing on Facebook is similar to communication in common speech.
Painting as physical and gesticc Action. Gesture and flesliness in fine Art
Weberová, Sylvie ; Hůla, Zdenek (advisor) ; Bláha, Jaroslav (referee)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Pedagogická fakulta Katedra výtvarné výchovy Diplomová práce MALBA JAKO FYZICKÁ, GESTICKÁ AKCE GESTO A TĚLESNOST VE VÝTVARNÉM UMĚNÍ Autorka: Sylvie Weberová Studijní obor: Výtvarná výchova pro ZŠ, SŠ, ZUŠ Magisterské studium, 5. ročník Vedoucí práce: doc. ak. mal. Zdeněk Hůla Konzultantka: doc. PhDr. Marie Fulková, Ph.D Duben 2012 Title: Painting as physical and gestic Action Gesture and flesliness in fine art Summary: This paper examines the gesture as a set of internal and external processes, which snaps into the world and which he also hit. The first part is devoted to definitions that make up the basic problems of my work. The second part presents the processes by which we gain knowledge and experience, a sensory perception and cognition of reality. The third part is devoted to thinking like an ever-permuting dynamic structure that integrates pre- vious and newly acquired knowledge upon which creates images (ideas) and concepts. Thought to share the images should be a medium. The choice of this medium is a gestu- re, which in this sense is given to the fourth part of the work. Didactic part, conceived as an art project exploring the expression and spontaneous gesture as a means of artistic expression. Art refers to the use of gestures as visual resource. Keywords: Expression, self...
Influence of the RWCT Methods on Development of Selected Communication Skills of Preschool Children
Halamová, Hana ; Šmejkalová, Martina (advisor) ; Kropáčková, Jana (referee)
This work deals with development of preschool children vocabulary. It focuses on speech self, on its development in relation to thinking and the development from the ontogenetic perspektive. Further, its maps the view on speech development in the past and present. The part dealing with RWCT follows. The thesis tries to outline the basic ideas of this programme and its application in kindergarten. It aims to familiarise readers with new approaches and methods of language and speech development, and to outline the basics of this programme. The thesis also compares this programme with the Start Together programme, which issues from RWCT. Another topic of the thesis is a comparison of the objectives of RWCT and the Framework Education Programme for Preschool Education, where the relationship between RWCT and Framework Education Programme for Preschool Edication objectives is shown. In the practical part of the thesis, statistical data from two kindergartens show whether using RWCT methods in kindergarten positively impacts development of select communication skills of preschool children. The thesis aims to prove that the RWCT methods positively support the overall communication skills and abilities of preschool children.
Man and horse (Another friend)
Peštová, Jana ; Kornatovský, Jiří (advisor) ; Brejcha, Šimon (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE PEDAGOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra výtvarné výchovy Téma diplomové práce ČLOVĚK A KŮŇ (Jiný přítel) Jana Peštová 7. ročník Učitelství výtvarné výchovy pro ZŠ, SŠ a ZUŠ Prezenční studium Vedoucí diplomové práce: Doc. ak. mal. Jiří Kornatovský Konzultant: Doc. PhDr. Marie Fulková, Ph.D. Doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Bláha, Ph.D. Korektury: Mgr. Zuzana Hrubá Praha, červen 2012 CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF EDUCATION Department of art education Master thesis: MAN AND HORSE (Another friend) Jana Peštová 7th year full-time studies Art education for Elementary school, Hight school and School of Arts Supervisor: Doc. ak. mal. Jiří Kornatovský Consultant: Doc. PhDr. Marie Fulková, Ph.D. Doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Bláha, Ph.D. Proofreading: : Mgr. Zuzana Hrubá Prague , June 2012 Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto diplomovou práci zpracovala samostatně a uvedla jsem veškeré použité zdroje. Práce byla prověřena systémem na kontrolu plagiátorství dostupném na Praha, červen 2012 ............................................... Poděkování: Za podnětné nápady při zpracovávání práce děkuji Doc. ak. mal. Jiřímu Kornatovskému, Doc. PhDr. Marii Fulkové, Ph.D. a Doc. PhDr. Jaroslavu Bláhovi, Ph.D. Za korektury textu děkuji Mgr. Zuzaně Hrubé. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA: kůň, člověk, sebereflexe, kvalita, zkušenost, forma,...
Burjanová, Zuzana ; Hůla, Zdenek (advisor) ; Arbanová, Linda (referee)
Burjanová, Zuzana: Portrait /Bachelor work/ Prague 2011 - Charles University in Prague - Faculty of Education, Department of Art Education 43 pages In this work, the significance of the portait for the contemporary man is discussed. The relation between painting and photography is referred. Some pecularities related to the creation of a portrait, e.g. modification of the appearance, are mentioned. The significance of consciousness of own identity is analyzed. Problems of self-portrait are dealt with. Some attention is devoted to the use of colours and to the way how to deal with the surrounding space. In the pedagogical part, a project related to the given subject is suggested. Keywords: identity, expression, appearance, pose, idealization, deformation
Preparation of the 14-3-3 Protein Binding Partners for Structural Studies.
Kopecká, Miroslava ; Obšil, Tomáš (advisor) ; Teisinger, Jan (referee)
Tyrosine hydroxylase belongs to the group of hydroxylases of aromatic acids and catalyzes a key step in the biosynthesis of catecholamine neurotransmitters. The tyrosine hydroxylase possesses the homotetrameric structure and contains three structural domains: the N-terminal regulatory domain, the catalytic domain and the C-terminal tetramerization domain. The activity of tyrosine hydroxylase is regulated by phosphorylation and through the regulation of its expression. Phosphorylation at Ser-19 induces binding of the 14-3-3 protein, which affects the structure of the regulatory domain and protects it against both dephosphorylation and degradation. Since the structure of the regulatory domain is still unknown, we decided to perform its structural characterization using NMR techniques. First, the expression and purification protocol of the regulatory domain of tyrosine hydroxylase was optimized. The protein was expressed as a His-tag fusion protein and its purification is composed from two steps: the chelating chromatography and the size-exclusion chromatography. The dynamic light scattering and the 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance were used to verify its monodispersity, and hence its suitability for further experiments.
Prolyl endopeptidase of the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni
Fajtová, Pavla ; Konvalinka, Jan (advisor) ; Ryšlavá, Helena (referee)
Prolyl endopeptidase SmPEP from the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni is investigated here for the first time. This enzyme is potentially interesting as a drug target for the treatment of schistosomiasis. SmPEP was detected in the extract of adult worms by enzyme activity and immunoreactivity. Enzymatically active SmPEP was produced in the E. coli expression system and was chromatographically purified. The pH optimum of recombinant SmPEP was about 8. Substrate specificity analysis revealed that SmPEP cleaved peptide substrates by endopeptidase activity, however, macromolecular substrates were not fragmented. The residue preferences in the positions P3 to P1' were determined using synthetic fluorogenic peptide substrates. SmPEP was found to be highly sensitive to the inhibition by Z-Ala-Pro-CMK and Z-Arg-Pro-CHO. Primary screening of crystallization conditions for recombinant SmPEP was performed. " (In Czech)"

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