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Sport and Physical Activities in Quadriplegic Patients as a Complement to Physiotherapy
Zikmundová, Tereza ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Bartůňková, Staša (referee)
Title: Sports and physical activities m patient with quadriplegia as a complement of physiotherapy. The aims of the work: The aim of the work was to show training effect on physiological capacity of man with quadriplegia by spirometry, ergometry and motoric tests and by the Spínal Cord Independent Measure (SCIM) and interview to sum up how the physical capacity changes influence the psychical condition and daily life activities managing. The other aim was to make some guide for people with the sirnilar dificulties and to show them how could improve their abilities with the help of sport. Methods: The work has character of case study. We realized three exarninations of ergometry, antropometric parameters, spirometry, motoric tests and observed the changes during one year. Patient filled up the SCIM at the begining and in the end of monitored year and was interviewed because of himself subjective level rating in the end. Results: After four months of training (the first exarnination) all measured physiological factors on ergometry got better. Spirometry was also quiet better. There was no evident changes in motoric tests. In the end of observing, after one year, majority of physiological factors was lower than after four months, but almost all of them achieved higher level than at the begining....

The Comparison of the Training Practice during Power Plays and Short-Handed Plays in Players of 8th and 9th Elementary School Classes in HC Slavoj Český Krumlov, HC Klatovy, HC Jindřichův Hradec, HC B
Nejedlý, Radek ; Eysselt, Jan (advisor) ; Koňák, Luboš (referee)
Name: Comparison of game practise at power plays and at weakness at the players from 8. and 9.classes HC Č. Krumlov, Klatovy, J. Hradec, HC Benešov in the season 2004 - 2005 Work target: Target ofthis work is to analyse the training ofpower plays and weakness at the players ofjunior class, exactly at the pupils of 8. and 9. classes. I will be engaged in a question in which quantity and quality is included the game training in power plays and in weakness and what are the differences oftraining structure. Method: For the research will be used inquiry method. I will send the questionnaires to the participants per mail, e-mail or I will pass it to them personally. They will be determined to the coaches ofice hockey players of 8. and 9.classes. I will put the results into the tablets. 1) selection of the questionnaire 2) questionnaire application 3) processing and evaluation (results put in tablets) 4) comparison ofthe results 5) drawing a conclusions Results: Survey the training and game in disequilibrium number ofplayers on ice in junior classes. The conclusions could help the coaches in their practice. Key words: Iee hockey, players ofjunior classes, power plays, weakness 5

Physical Activity during Hemodialysis and its Impact on Physical Fitness in Patiens with End-stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
Táborská, Silvie ; Mahrová, Andrea (advisor) ; Heller, Jan (referee)
Title Physical activity during hemodialysis and its impact on physical performance at patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Objective: To verify efficiency of exercise training during hemodialysis with emphasis on improvement or preservation ofphysical performance in patients with ESRD. Methods: 13 patients with ESRD on hemodialysis participated in exercise training programme during hemodialysis. Senior Fitness Test (SFT), dynamometry of hands and multifrequency bioimpedance analysis were used to evaluate physical performance before and after 12 weeks of exercise training programme during hemodialysis. 1Onon-exercising patients with ESRD served as a comparsion group. Results: Physical performance in patients participating in exercise programme increased significantly (p<0,05) for SFT (by 16% for chair stand test (p<O,Ol), by 53% for 2-minute step test (p<0,002), by ll % for up-go (p<0,04)) and by 6 % for dynamometry test (p<0,04). No changes in body composition were noted in both groups after 12 weeks. Conclusions: Twelwe weeks of exercise training programme during hemodialysis can improve physical performance at patients with ESRD. Key words: end-stage renal disease; hemodialysis; physical activity; physical performance

Effects of Intensity and Volume on Developing General Endurance in Triathlon
Kovalovský, Jan ; Horčic, Josef (advisor) ; Šeflová, Iva (referee)
Name: KOVALOVSKÝ Jan Title: Effects of Intensity and Volume on Developing General Endurance in Triathlon Keywords: aerobic threshold anaerobic threshold respiratory quotient power equivalent aerobic capacity aerobic max. performance triathlon At present time, high-quality training documentation is a necessary part of the training process. Computed records referring to training load allow to broaden accounting of parameters influencing the training process, and improve the training analysis, which will consequently allow for improving the training load analysis. In this dissertation I tried to point out that power demands ofphysical activities can be used as a specifying indicator ofthe training load in developing long-term endurance in triathlon. In triathlon events I focused on cycling and running. When determining power demands of an activity, physiological values referring to running laboratory tests were used. The power demands were calculated according to Di Prampero. As based on the power demand assessment ofthe given person's activity, training plans with current testing were elaborated. At the end of the two-year training cycle, accounting the effects of power demands on the triathlon training process was evaluated. Supposed contributions: - more accurate training load accounting - better...

Exercises for Development of Cycling Technique on Cycling Indoor Track
Petr, Lukáš ; Šafránek, Jiří (advisor) ; Hendl, Jan (referee)
Exercises Enhancing the track cycling technique Aim: The aim of this thesis is to compile and verify in practice exercises for inventory development and training proper techniques bike ride along the bike path. These exercises should be included in the beginning and during the cycling training. In conclusion, the thesis is whether Applications should exercise for the development of proper riding techniques on the bike path positive impact on the group of competitors, or if they had no effect. It is assumed that even with competitors, having behind Track racing experience occurs after the adoption of emerging exercises riding technique on the track to improve driving techniques. A method: In compiling the inventory we initially created different types of exercise. individual exercises It was applied to athletes in the sports center, youth cycling club Favorit Brno. When the work was continued applied research literature. I gained knowledge He added their knowledge and experience with the ride along the bike path. Without a perfect mastery riding technique on the track cycling on the bike path can not be expected in the future top performance. Adoption exercises described below competitor wins the prerequisites for the harmonious development of all components of sports performance. Since the track cycling is...

Methodical Material for Indoor Cycling ? Artistic Cycling
Štěpánková, Martina ; Šafránek, Jiří (advisor) ; Oponent B, (referee)
Methodological materials for indoor cycling - artistic cycling Objective: To prepare a new comprehensive study methodical material for aspiring coaches, complemented by modern knowledge in the field of indoor cycling and sport in general. Method: Distribution krasojezdeckých exercises into 5 basic methodological groups. supplementing methods and measures that lead to better and faster learning techniques krasojezdeckých elements. Creating instructions on versatile training without wheels and processing motoric - functional preparation krasojezdců. Results: my job, I worked only in theory, practical research and verification of their knowledge of teaching techniques I krasojezdeckých exercises carried out. The literature shows test large-scale set of people, more than 200 (Měkota, 1983), which in the conditions of Czech Artistic cycling is a requirement impracticable. The results of physical condition circus riders They showed that it is necessary to focus on physical fitness training and all-round preparation without wheels I describe them. Keywords: Methodical group exercises Methodical figure cycling series Helping and utilities Physical fitness krasojezdců Motoric - functional preparation Kinetic concept, perception and experience Powered by TCPDF (

Education in Hearing for Hearing-Impaired Children in Cyprus
Papathanasiou, Maria ; Hádková, Kateřina (advisor) ; Mrkosová, Eva (referee)
The subject of my diplomatic project is the reeducation of children with acoustic loss in Cyprus. I chose this subject because I believe that by exercising the acoustic sense with sound, is very important for the ability of speech and that is very helpful to communicate with other persons. In the theoretical part of my diplomatic project I will present and develop the school systém of Cyprus and mainly the speciál education based on the Law for the Training and Education of Children with Speciál Needs 113(I)/1999. Additionally, theoretical part refers to the hearing and its problems. Also in finál chapter of this part I refer to reeducation and meaning of the acoustic sense and how the schools of Cyprus take action in the education of the children with hearing looses. For the practical part of my diplomatic project I have prepared a questionnaire which I distributed to a number of parents of deaf children in Cyprus. As well, for the practical part, I make presentation of some acoustic exercises that I accomplished with the children in school of Deaf in Cyprus. Powered by TCPDF (

Weight-lifting as a Part of Compensation Training for Pupils in the Lower Grades of Primary School
Vinšová, Jitka ; Zachariášová, Jana (advisor) ; Mojžíš, Otakar (referee)
Das Ziel der Diplomarbeit ist die Analyse der Kraftübungen. Die Betonung der Gesundheitsfolgen der Kraftübungen. Es wurde beschreiben, welche es Formen und Arten in den Kraftübungen gibt. Durch eine Forschung stelle ich fest, welche Kraftübungen am häufigsten in Sportstunden in Grundschulen benutzen sind.

A Qualitative Analysis of Modern Basketball in the Conception of Youth Sports Training
Holubec, Jan ; Velenský, Michael (advisor) ; Kaprálek, Tomáš (referee)
Název: Kvalitativní analýza současného basketbalu v pojetí sportovního tréninku mládeže Cíle práce: Na základě vědomostí získaných studiem na UK FTVS, odborné literatury a praktických zkušeností, s přihlédnutím k pojetí současného elitního basketbalu na mezinárodní úrovni určit koncepci tréninkového procesu mládeže. Metoda: Podklady pro teoretickou část byly získány na základě vyhodnocení strukturovaných rozhovorů s 28 náhodně vybranými návštěvníky utkání našich nejvyšších soutěží, a to v průběhu základní části sezóny 2005/2006. Výsledky: Výsledky odrážejí názory basketbalových trenérů, hráčů, rozhodčích a především diváků na moderní pojetí elitního basketbalu z hlediska jeho atraktivity. Tyto výsledky jsou konfrontovány s vlastními představami a použity pro sestavení teoretických závěrů ve smyslu koncepce a pojetí tréninkového procesu dětí a mládeže. Klíčová slova: basketbal, atraktivita, sportovní trénink, herní výkon.

Military Physical Training in the Historical Context of the Evolution of Society
Valtová, Hana ; Stančík, Vladimír (advisor) ; Přívětivý, Lubomír (referee)
Title of thesis: Army physical training in the historical context of society development A Military Physical Training in Historical Context of Evolution Society Aim: The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the development of physical exercise with a focus on elements of the Army physical training in relation to the contemporary context, with placing emphasis on development in the Czech lands in the 19th century. A method: The work was conceived as a developmental study the phenomenon of military physical training in historical the context of social development with partial use of the methods of historical research. foundation scientific approach has been criticism of external and internal, as well as methods were used: direct, indirect induction, progressive, retrospective, comparative. Keywords: The company, army, army physical training Překladač Google pro firmy:Translator Toolkit Powered by TCPDF (