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Commented translation: Men's Experience of Birth (Chapter 6), p.161-177 and 205-210 (Reed, Richard K. Birthing Fathers: The Transformation of Men in American Rites of Birth. Rutgers University Press, New Brunsvick, USA 2005. Electronic version at http:, 12. 11. 2011)
Kadaňková, Monika ; Šťastná, Zuzana (advisor) ; Mraček, David (referee)
This thesis consists of two parts: the first one is a Czech translation of two parts of the 6th chapter from the book "Birthing Fathers: The transformation of Men in American Rites of Birth" by Richard K. Reed, the second one is an analysis of the translation. The analysis begins with an outline of the intratextual and extratextual factors of the original text (according to Christiane Nord), it is followed by an overview of the most salient issues, which emerged during the process, and their solutions, then the analysis deals with the translation shifts and ends with the description of the chosen translation method. The text itself tackles the issue of men in the pocess of birth and is based on an anthropological research. Key words: translation, translatological analysis, translation problem, translation shift, translation method, pregnancy, birth, birthing men
Commented Translation: Love and Stockholm Syndrome: The Mystery of Loving an Abuser. Joe Carver, PhD. http:
Vašková, Adéla ; Šťastná, Zuzana (advisor) ; Jettmarová, Zuzana (referee)
This bachelor's thesis consists of a Czech translation of an article Love and Stockholm Syndrome: The Mystery of Loving an Abuser written by an american author Joseph Carver, Ph.D., and a commentary on the translation. The commentary is divided into four parts: an analysis of the source text based on the model of Christiane Nord, the translation problems and their solutions, typology of the translation shifts based on the theory of Anton Popovič and the chosen translation method.
Annotated Translation: : Владимир Путин ( Roj Medvedev, Moscow 2007, p. 9 - 27)
Kuchařová, Blanka ; Oganesjanová, Danuše (advisor) ; Csiriková, Marie (referee)
The main of this thesis is a Czech translation of one part of Vladimir Putin's biography. An essential part is constituted by a commentary on the translation. The commentary consist of several parts, namely of a translation analysis of the source text in which Christiane Nord's model is used and intratextual and extratextual factors analyzed. Further, there is an overall approach to the translation, the translation method. Finally, the last part - translation problems typology and translation shifts - deals with the problems which occurred in the translation process. Key words: translation, translation analysis, translation problem, approach to translation, translation method, translation shift
A commented translation: Die Wikinger (GEO Epoche, selected parts)
Jirásková, Anna ; Kloudová, Věra (advisor) ; Drahotová, Markéta (referee)
This bachelor thesis consists of a translation from German into Czech, an expert commentary and an attachment - the original text. The commentary has four parts: translation analysis according to Christiane Nord, description of the translation method I chose for my translation, solutions of translation problems in the area of lexis, syntax, stylistics and pragmatics and the same typology of the shifts I have done during translating. The aim of the thesis is to present some articles of GEOEPOCHE and, at the same time, to show possibilities of working with a translated text and to solve translation problems so that they do not sound inappropriate in the final translation. Key words Vikings, commented translation, translation shift, translation problem, translation method
Annotated translation: the positive hero in pre-revolutionary fiction." IN: Katerina Clark, he soviet novel: history as ritual. Chicago - London: The University of Chicago Press 1981
Burianová, Markéta ; Kalivodová, Eva (advisor) ; Šťastná, Zuzana (referee)
The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to provide a commented translation of an English text. The thesis consists of two parts. The first one is a translation of the second chapter of the book The Soviet Novel. The subject of the chapter is the positive hero in Socialist Realism, his genesis and evolution. The second part provides a commentary to the translation comprising a source text analysis and from that basis defines the translation method, the translation problems and the most frequented translation shifts. The conclusion summarizes the aims and results of the work.
Commented translation: L'Homme et le chien. Bien communiquer. (Pageat, Patrick. Odile Jacob. Paris 1999, str. 135- 155).
Šenkeříková, Irena ; Belisová, Šárka (advisor) ; Šotolová, Jovanka (referee)
Thesis Abstract This final bachelor thesis consists of two parts, czech translation of the french text and its commentary. The first part of this thesis is a translation of one section of the French breedes guide L'Homme et le chien. Bien communiquer. written by french veterinarian and entomologist Patrick Pageat. In this first part which consists on translation, I focused on creating a comprehensible and straightforward text for the czech recipient. I perserved the essential function of the original text - to provide information and give to the breeders the useful advice. The second part of the work consists detailed translation analysis of the original text. Then I focus on individual translation issues that I had to deal with in the czech text. The conclusion of the work summarizes the methods used in translation and provides the typology of problems.
Annotated Translation: Ahbe, Thomas. Ostalgie. Erfurt: LZT, 2005. Selected parts.
Hájek, Matouš ; Žárská, Monika (advisor) ; Svoboda, Tomáš (referee)
The bachelor thesis comprises two main parts: the translation and its theoretical reflection. The first part contains a translation of Thomas Ahbe's sociological studyfrom Germaninto Czech. The study deals with Ostalgie, a phenomena relatively little-known in the Czech Republic. In the theoretical part of the thesis, translation analysis based on Cristiane Nord's model is carried out, followed by the setting of the translation method and the description of the translation problems and shifts. The conclusion sums up, primarily, the intercultural aspect of the translation.
Annotated translation: Last Laughs: Batman, Masculinity, and the Technology of Abjection Calvin Thomas In Men and Masculinities, vol. 2/ 1996, no. 26, pp. 26-46
Stolínová, Barbora ; Kalivodová, Eva (advisor) ; Ott, Libor (referee)
This bachelor thesis contains a translation of Calvin Thomas's article "Last Laughs: Batman, Masculinity and Technology of Abjection", which was published in a gender- oriented magazine Men and Masculinities. The second part of this thesis is a commentary on the translation. The commentary includes a translation analysis; it focuses according to relevance on extratextual and intratextual factors and on various translation problems that occurred in the process. The commentary describes strategies for dealing with the problems as well as the typology of translation shifts that occurs in the target text. Key words: Translation, translation method, translation problem, style, lexis, syntax, gender, masculinity, abjection, psychoanalysis, film

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