National Repository of Grey Literature 5,011 records found  beginprevious5002 - 5011  jump to record: Search took 0.24 seconds. 

Church law of the Evangelican Church of Czech Brethren
Pařenica, Jan ; Tretera, Jiří Rajmund (advisor) ; Horák, Záboj (referee)
3.2 Závěr Každý člověk je nositelem náboženské svobody. Tradičně se náboženská svoboda dělí na dvě složky, první je svobodou mít své vlastní přesvědčení (forum internum) a druhá je svobodou projevit toto své přesvědčení navenek (forum externum). Aspektem vnitřní složky je i právo být bez náboženského přesvědčení. Právo mít vnitřní náboženské přesvědčení musí být chráněno bezpodmínečně a je zásadně neomezitelné. Projev náboženského přesvědčení navenek však může podléhat omezením, které si nezbytně žádá zachování veřejného pořádku a ochrana práv jiných. Náboženská svoboda úzce souvisí s jinými lidskými právy - zejména se svobodou projevu, svobodou shromažďovací a sdružovací, s právem na respektování soukromí a se zákazem diskriminace.229 V České republice je na ústavní rovině náboženská svoboda chráněna ustanoveními čl. 15 a čl. 16 Listiny základních práv a svobod,230 která je součástí ústavního pořádku České republiky, a další mezinárodní smlouvy týkající se základních práv a svobod.231 Ustanovení listiny provádějí zákony, zejména zákon č. 3/2002 Sb., o svobodě náboženského vyznání a postavení církví a náboženských společností a o změně některých zákonů, který nově blíže reguluje výkon 228 229 230...

Infuence of Tourism on China's Economy
Osetrova, Maria ; Gullová, Soňa (advisor) ; Laschoberová, Libuše (referee)
Nowadays tourism is a very important economic sphere. It brings a lot of finance to the tourist destinations and employes a many people. The growth of tourism is very high now. The biggest growth is in China. Tourism has not only a direct influence of economy. Tourism also influences the work in other braches and inderectly influence the employment there. The main goal of this work is to find out advantages and disadvantages of the tourism and sum up the influence of tourism on economy.

Employees' stimulation (selected problems)
Petříčková, Jitka ; Filipová, Alena (advisor) ; Zeman, Jiří (referee)
Work's topic is employees stimulation with systems of benefits or other non financial incentives. First part discusses employee's motivational theories. Second practical part analyzes self made questionnaire investigation between employees of different firms. Relation between benefit offer and significance for employees is analyzed. Also satisfaction of employers is analyzed as well.

Theory and praxis of medical professionals' information behaviour
Jarolímková, Adéla ; Papík, Richard (advisor) ; Vlasák, Rudolf (referee) ; Špála, Milan (referee)
There were huge changes in spreading and use of scientific medical information in last fifteen years due to development of new information and communication technologies and changes in medicine as well. The research described in this thesis adresses possible changes in information behaviour of physicians and other healthcare workers both abroad and in the Czech Republic. Foreign studies were reviewed and summarized. A survey method was used for the Czech research, the survey was spread with the help of medical libraries and information centers both in print and online version. 228 valid answers were collected. Several factors were supposed to influence information behaviour (age, sex, affiliation, healthcare occupation, job description), but only the influence of affiliation and occupation was confirmed. There were significant differences between information behaviour of physicians and nurses and between research workers and hospital employees. It can be said that information behaviour of healthcare workers is influenced by the character of their occupation, that entails responsibility for life and that demands both a lot of information and lifelong education. On the other hand the high workload does not offer enough time to saturate information needs. Emphasis is placed on reliability of resources, but...

Aspects of financing the LBO acquisitions
Durdil, Lukáš ; Jílek, Josef (advisor) ; Rybáček, Václav (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the acquisition of companies by means of the Leveraged Buyout (LBO) method. This method differs in many respects from the standards M&A. This work examines the specific features of the given business transactions from the viewpoint of the target companies, procedures and entities involved in these transactions. As the key element of the LBO method is the debt financing of the acquisition, the work also deals with this aspect and evaluates the positions of the creditors from the viewpoint of the influence on the stability of the financial system. The thesis further analyses the question whether the LBO method has an effect leading to an increased effectiveness of processes in a company, or whether, conversely, the proceeds of acquisition investors are a consequence of a transfer of values from other entities. The text is based on available theoretical and empirical sources which are supplemented by the author's analyses.

Specifics of social work in different types of hospitals in the Olomouc region, the Czech Republic
Řezníčková, Alena ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Matoušek, Oldřich (referee)
This diploma thesis examines the scope of activity of social workers in Czech hospitals and the role that hospitals play in relation to social services. The main goal of this thesis is to describe and provide research on the main responsibilities of social workers in hospitals. The research was carried out in the Olomouc region (north-east of the Czech Republic), which has eight hospitals. The methodology used in the theoretical part of this project provides secondary analyses of all available literature and resources. In the practical part of the project, the methodology of an interview was used to gather information from selected hospital staff (doctors and nurses) and some patients. Currently, hospitals in the Olomouc region are not obliged to follow the regulations laid down in law 108/2006 Sb., because they do not provide social beds or capacities. The range of social workers' competencies is described in general public notice No. 424/2004 Sb., regulating the activities of social workers, specialists and other healthcare employees. Under current legislation in the Czech Republic, social work can be carried out two types of social workers in hospitals. The nature of the work is determined by a social worker's qualifications. The research showed that any increase in the numbers of such social workers...

Authorship identification in case of songs for several voices in Czech hymnal from museum in Hradec Králové that were not written by Adam Václav Michna z Otradovic
Janosik-Bielski, Marek ; Hošna, Jiří (referee) ; Kolár, Jaroslav (advisor)
Od nepaměti člověk vyjadřuje všeliká hnutí ducha také navenek, ať už neurčitým zvukem, nebo slovem. Slovo jako takové může často vyjádřit více než pouhý zvuk, někdy však je bud' nedostatečné, nebo naopak na škodu. Člověk proto skloubil slovo s vlastnostmi jiných, neurčitých zvuků a vytvořil slovo zpívané, které plněji vyhovuje jeho vyjadřovací potřebě v případě uvedeném výše. A jako je slovo na počátku všeho Gak krásně - ačkoli v jiném kontextu - praví svatý Janl ) aje základem řeči, tak slovo zpívané tvoří základ zpěvu. Zpěvem lidé od pradávna vyjadřovali své city, nálady a přesvědčení (zpěvem mezi sebou i komunikovali); toto se později přeneslo i do prostředí církevního, v němž se nakonec především chrámový zpěv a různé druhy hymnů a sekvencí napevno usadily a staly se jeho samozřejmou součástí. Avšak daleko dříve, než se tak stalo v celém církevním prostředí, staly se zpěvy v národním jazyce pevnou součástí liturgie slovanské, a to především české, kde zcela v rozporu s dosavadními zvyklostmi římskokatolické církve bylo s bohoslužbou spjato několik zpěvů, které žádná světská ani církevní moc nedokázala vymýtit (ne nadarmo se říká "co Čech, to muzikant"). Musela na to být papežem udělena výjimka. Tak tomu bylo na samém prahu chrámového zpěvu v Čechách a tato skutečnost dala ráz i praxi budoucí. Další,...

Alternativní pohledy na politiku centrálních bank v rámci Velké hospodářské krize v USA v roce 1929
Zajíčková, Jitka ; Tajovský, Ladislav (advisor) ; Váňa, Daniel (referee)
Velká hospodářská krize, nebo-li Velká deprese, je jedním ze stále živých témat, ač se tato historická událost odehrála před více jak 70 lety. První ekonomiku, kterou postihla byla ekonomika Spojených států odkud se později prostřednictvím mezinárodního obchodu a provázanosti ekonomik dostala i do jiných zemí světa. Centrální bankovní systém, tedy Federální rezervní systém v tomto období hraje velmi významnou roli, na kterou přední ekonomové různých myšlenkových směrů reagují odlišně. V práci srovnávám náhled na průběh konce 20. let 20. století J.M. Keynese, Miltona Friedmana a Rakouské školy, kam se řadí jména jako Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek či v Čechách Josef Šíma. Každý myšlenkový proud vychází ze svých základních teorií a ve výsledku je patrné, že na jednoznačném viníkovi se neshodnou.

Direct Presidential Election, Competence of the President: Comparative Study 1.150
Kolář, Petr ; Pecháček, Štěpán ; Syllová, Jindřiška
The position and competence of the head of state plays decisive role in the constitutional system. In the republics, the position of the head of state is closely connected with the presidential electoral system Traditional classification of the forms of government is not sufficient enough, especially because of leaving out several important variables. Most of authors nowadays tend to classify forms of government into following models: parliamentary system, half-presidential, prime minister-presidential, presidential, presidential-parliamentary system. The paper surveys the position of president in France, Ireland, Finland, Poland, Portugal, Austria and Slovakia. The conclusions of this study may be summarized: a) there is no direct implication between direct presidential election and importance of president in the constitutional system of the country, b) it is necessary to distinguish between importance of the presidency in the constitutional system, as it results from the formal constitutional regulation on one side and the manner how the president is functioning in practice, mainly considering the presidential position in the party-political system on the other side. Whereas in the light of the formal constitution we could consider Finland and Portugal as the states with the strongest president, in reality we could unambiguously identify France as country with the strongest president. The weakest president is then, in both lights, in Ireland. c) The fact of outstanding personality of the first president elected in the direct elections may be the very important factor affecting the importance of presidential position. The example of such a personality which engraved the style of the presidential function for following periods was Antonio Salazar in Portugal or Lech Walesa in Poland. d) Another element affecting the presidential position within the constitutional and political system is the extent of his participation in political life. In some countries the president is taken as non-party man and independent arbiter (Ireland), in other countries, president is a leader of main political party regardless if it is a governing or opposition party (France). In Austria the directly elected president may be an active member of the political party while the federal chancellor is its chairman. e) Presidential legal and political responsibility determines the constitutional status. The direct election causes that constitutional authority of the president arises from other source than the Parliament and which creates conditions for political unaccountability of the president. Majority of constitutions of European countries define a certain grade of criminal immunity during presidential electoral term, appended by some form of impeachment. President may be charged by one of parliamentary chambers, the judgement is completed by one of the top judicial instances or by a special judicial body. Besides, in some countries (Poland, Portugal, Austria), there exists limited criminal responsibility of the president. In Austria and Slovakia the constitution contains political responsibility of the president. In Austria the president is accountable to the Federal Assembly, in Slovakia the constitution even enables the possibility to remove the president by the plebiscite.
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Outward FDI in the Czech Republic
Vejdovec, Ondřej ; Kopalová, Helena (advisor) ; Tyll, Ladislav (referee)
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one of the most important topics for small open economies such as the Czech Republic. Inward FDI played very important role during the transition and it was probably one of the key factor which helped to succeed. There were several interesting papers written about the impact on the host economy. As the Czech economy grows, local market becomes too small for some of the Czech successful companies, which means that that outward FDI are more and more important. In this thesis, we have focused on the development of Czech outward FDI, its key determinants and structure by regions and industries. We have also compared Czech outward foreign direct investment with other countries from CEE region. Last part of the thesis is devoted to the support of Czech outward FDI from the state.