National Repository of Grey Literature 91 records found  beginprevious41 - 50nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Impact of Subjective Visual Perception on Automatic Evaluation of Dashboard Design
Hynek, Jiří ; Herout, Adam (referee) ; Kuric,, Eduard (referee) ; Hruška, Tomáš (advisor)
Analýza vlastností uživatelských rozhraní založená na použití metrik a kvantitativních pravidel grafického designu se zdá být slibným přístupem pro automatické hodnocení vizuální kvality uživatelských rozhraní. Přestože tento přístup nemůže plně nahradit uživatelské testování, může poskytnout dodatečné informace o možných problémech návrhu uživatelských rozhraní v počátečních fázích vývoje a ušetřit tím čas a výdaje v budoucnu. Příkladem je analýza použitých barev a rozvržení grafických elementů na obrazovce. Návrháři uživatelských rozhraní mohou měřit vlastnosti uživatelských rozhraní za použití známých metrik založených na analýze pixelů bitmapy (např. barevnost) nebo grafických elementů (např. vyvážení, symetrie). Problémem použití metrik nicméně je, že tento přístup zpravidla nezohledňuje subjektivní vnímání uživatelů (např. subjektivní vnímání barev nebo grafických elementů rozmístěných na obrazovce). Dnešní uživatelská rozhraní (jako například rozhraní dashboard) jsou komplexní. Skládají se z několika barevných vrstev, obsahují překrývající se grafické elementy, což může zvyšovat nejednoznačnost vnímání tohoto rozhraní uživateli. Může být proto komplikované vybrat takové grafické elementy, které odpovídají elementům rozpoznaným uživateli v souvislosti s principy shlukování vnímaných tvarů (jak je popsáno Gestalt psychologií). Vývoj objektivních metrik a kvantitativních pravidel grafického designu obvykle vyžaduje dostatečně velkou trénovací množinu vzorků uživatelských rozhraní anotovaných dostatečným počtem uživatelů. Tato práce se zaobírá automatickým ověřováním vzhledu uživatelských rozhraní dashboard. Práce kombinuje obecné znalosti týkající rozhraní dashboard s poznatky z oblasti vizualizace dat, vizuálního vnímání a ověřování kvality uživatelských rozhraní a následně zkoumá myšlenku automatického hodnocení vzhledu rozhraní dashboard s využitím metrik. Práce analyzuje vybrané metriky založené na analýze pixelů bitmapy a grafických elementů. Konkrétně zkoumá, jakým způsobem uživatelé rozpoznávají grafické elementy v rozhraních dashboard a výsledky aplikuje pro hodnocení schopnosti metrik (analyzujících grafické elementy rozhraní) objektivně rozpoznávat dobře navržené vzorky rozhraní dashboard. Dále představuje framework pro návrh a vylepšení metrik, který využívá pro vylepšení vybraných metrik. Následně navrhuje metodu pro segmentaci rozhraní dashboard do regionů, které mohou být použity jako vstupy pro tyto metriky. Závěrem práce porovnává vybrané metriky s hodnocením rozhraní uživateli a pokládá otázky vhodné pro budoucí výzkum.
Client for Displaying OLAP Cubes
Zahradník, Jan ; Stryka, Lukáš (referee) ; Bartík, Vladimír (advisor)
The purpose of this work is in analytical tool supporting manager decision making. The goal was to develop a reporting system which simplifies company customer's orientation in key performance indicators. As implementation environment has been used .NET Framework 3.5 with C\# language and database server Microsoft SQL 2008 with Analysis Services extension, for web interface has been used ASP.NET.
Visualization of Czech Statistical Data
Rybnikářová, Hana ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Hynek, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis describes design and implementation of information system, which visualizes Czech statistical data of employment, unemployment and average salary. The goal is to approach these informations to students who need to determine their future job. Data are taken from Czech statistical office and Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. For visualization was chosen information dashboard which is visual display of the most important information arranged on a single screen.
Quality management in selected company - supplier evaluation
MATIKO, Oleksandr
The diploma thesis is focused on the performance evaluation of key suppliers in the terms of quality in selected cosmetic company. The aim of this thesis is to propose a solution of the assigned project task, based on short-term internship and theoretical knowledge, concerning the graphical visualization of key suppliers performance evaluation. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes basic information about management quality system, it´s principles, conceptions and tools. There is also a closer look at the importance of purchasing department and the suppliers performance evaluating methods. The practical part includes characteristics of selected cosmetic company and processes of the quality control department are described, including laboratory tests. Withing the given project, the practical part is further divided into 6 tasks. The main task involves designing a platform for a simple and effective evaluation of the key suppliers performance in terms of quality. Other sub-tasks involved the compilation of strategic suppliers, a proposal for categorizing suppliers, and for the needs of the organization, also a procedure for communication with suppliers in case the quality requirements were not met.
Analysis of Dashboard Attributes Based on Automatic Decomposition of Screen
Mejía, Santiago ; Rudnitckaia, Julia (referee) ; Hynek, Jiří (advisor)
The aim of this paper is to propose a method for automatic segmentation of dashboards so that they can be analyzed using aesthetic by means of metrics. These metrics analyze the properties of the screen objects by region. This method is based on bottom-up segmentation method and creates objects based on proximity. The main result is a faster and more accurate analysis of dashboards, as there is no need to manually segment the image.
Information System Design
Pisarčíková, Michaela ; Kindlová, Dita (referee) ; Koch, Miloš (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the design of the information system segment, the application which provides monitoring and company management while taking into account the company needs. The design of the new system is preceded by an analysis of the current state of the company itself, its system and processes. Based on the obtained information we create a draft project of development and implementation of the mentioned application while applying the technics of project management and describe individual activities leading to the achievement of the objective of this project.
Analysis of Customers' Business Potential Based on Business Intelligence and Statistics
Šípeková, Alexandra ; Neuwirth, Bernard (referee) ; Dydowicz, Petr (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to summarize existing facts about Business Intelligence and to point out the benefits of using those applications in the company. This thesis therefore contains both theoretical and practical findings regarding Business Intelligence, used technologies and attitudes, and also areas for improvement with suggested solutions. Moreover, there is mapped a practical example with implementation of BI tools.
Business Intelligence as a Tool for Data Analysis
Slaninková, Michaela ; Novák, Lukáš (referee) ; Dydowicz, Petr (advisor)
The diploma thesis focuses on the usage of Business Intelligence for the analysis of the provided employee data. It describes the process of creating dashboards in the chosen Business Intelligence tools, compares them based on the defined criteria and chooses the most suitable tool. The diploma thesis also contains a description of an implementation process of the created solution and an economic evaluation including costs and benefits.
Influence of boundary walls on the flow from the ventilation outlet
Molčan, Filip ; Jícha, Miroslav (referee) ; Jedelský, Jan (advisor)
The goal of this work is to experimentally assess the influence of limiting walls of Škoda Octavia 3 automobile cabin to the air jet flowing from the right-front situated automotive vent which is part of a car dashboard. The experiment is performed by the smoke visualization method. There is a single construction option measured for an experiment. The setup of the vanes direction and the air flow rate are modified for this option. The experiment is divided into two phases. In the first phase, the visualization of the free air flow is conducted. In the second phase, exit plates are constructed and consequently, the visualization of the wall-jet flow is conducted. The results of both are compared to each other. The results imply that the influence of the surrounding surfaces must be taken into account with the increasing flow rate for the vanes set in the direction of upper-right, middle-right, and middle-middle. There is a direct interaction between the flow and exit plates (the flow impact, the Coanda effect). The free flow does not contain the information about the mutual interaction between the flow and the exit plates, as it is in the case of the wall-jet flow. In the case of the wall-jet flow, the opening of the flow takes place due to the effect of the impact and the subsequential suction caused by the Coanda effect. The exit plates substituting the car dashboard and the front window contribute to the prevention of the air intake from surrounding space and consequently to earlier flow opening from the vent. The present work also contains the measurement methodology and the image evaluation, the comparison with previous free flow measurements (70% match) and the comparison to the measurement of hot-wire anemometry method.
Analytical Dashboard for Indoor Locating System
Petrovič, Lukáš ; Ščuglík, František (referee) ; Veselý, Vladimír (advisor)
The main purpose of this work is to create an application which will provide visualisation of historical data from position sensors. The data are being obtained from closed spaces, for example shops, gymnasiums or halls. These data are valuable but without easily usable visualisation they will lose their potential. Right visualisation allows user to better evaluate situation which the data represents. Result of this work is a tool with which the user is able to easily analyse data gained in certain time interval. For the needs of analysis, the application provides various kinds of data representations, which assign the data specific purpose. Data might be presented in graphs for example for the purpose of representation of the total overcomed distance of monitored object. They can also be used in maps which provide good representation of positions due to monitored area. All created visualization elements are put into interactive blocks. These blocks make up almost whole control panel. It is easy to manipulate with these blocks and to edit created visualisation with their help.

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