National Repository of Grey Literature 40,221 records found  beginprevious40212 - 40221  jump to record: Search took 2.36 seconds. 

Time, plan and market
Kollár, Martin ; Mlčoch, Lubomír (advisor) ; Gregor, Martin (referee)
The thesis of this work is to enlighten the process of decision making of an individual in time, which is in the end integrated into market system, where many individuals, who are deciding simultaneously, interact together,. The fundamental principles of decision making contained in this work are drawn from the work of G. L. S. Shackle, which chief characteristics are instantaneousness and uncertainty caused by the lapse of time. Hence, the decision making of an individual takes place in the specific instant through generation of conceptions about possible future outcomes of action. The generation of these concepts is based on instantaneous and apriory conceptions, which represent the description of the working of system. Further decision making consists of application of expectations and assignment of future value to the imagined outcomes. As every individual lives in a society comprised of a large number of individuals, diffusion of knowledge and expectation takes place by means of realization of plans and price mechanisms. Thus, every individual achieves to gather sufficient amount of knowledge to be able to make meaningful decisions in this complex system, which is changing in the lapse of time. Powered by TCPDF (

The Immovable Property Tax in Slovakia -- Analysis of the Chosen Town
Smiková, Martina ; Sedmihradská, Lucie (advisor)
The thesis deals with an analysis of immovable property tax in the town Levoča. It proceeds from comparison of the most considerable differences in property taxation before reform which came in force in 2005 and after its implementation.The attention is focused on changes as a result of this reform with emphasis on behaviour of tax administrator (community). This point is resulting in goal of thesis, that is appreciation of these influences through analyses. The main part of thesis consists of those analyses, the analysis of general rules and analysis of tax incomes.

LG.Philips ? srovnání reorganizace a vyrovnání
Kamený, Štěpán ; Schönfeld, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Louda, Lee (referee)
V práci jsou vedle sebe postaveny proces vyrovnání (Zákon č. 328/1991 Sb., o konkursu a vyrovnání) a reorganizace (Zákon č. 182/2006 Sb., o úpadku a způsobech jeho řešení - insolvenční zákon). V první části práce jde o toretický popis obou řešení úpadku. Průběh vyrovnání v praxi je pak ilustrován na případu hranické továrny LG.Philips a dále jsou popsány možné změny při aplikaci nové právní úpravy. V závěru jsou shrnuta předpokládaná pozitiva i negativa insolvenčního zákona.

The Czech presidential election law and its comparison with presidential election amendments of European Union countries
Šutka, Pavel ; Pavlíček, Václav (referee) ; Janstová, Kateřina (referee)
The dissertation investigates a constitutional amendment to the 2012 legislation of the presidential election. The amendment introduced an election of the president through a popular vote, which was a historical milestone for the Czech legal system. However, the new adjustment was adopted in haste and evinces many deficiencies; that was proven in the 2013 presidential election. Therefore, the aim of the dissertation is to describe problematical parts of the new legal adjustment and find some possible solutions. The main topics are as follows: 1) modification of the basic concepts of the election system, 2) candidate nomination process, 3) election campaign funding and 4) ethical aspects of the election campaign. A comparison of legal adjustments of 14 EU countries with the direct presidential election (the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Croatia, Ireland, Cyprus, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) was done, in order to find appropriate solutions. Apart from the results of comparison, the dissertation is based on reports by GRECO, OSCE and the corresponding Czech judicature. In conclusion, the Czech adjustment of the presidential election meets every democratic principle, but, at the same time, contains many mistakes. Especially the queries of "election campaign...

Internet specifications "RFC" and a current state of its global digital collection
Novák, Petr ; Bratková, Eva (advisor) ; mimo FF UK, (referee)
Tématem práce jsou internetové specifikace RFC a posouzení aktuálního stavu jejich světového digitálního fondu. V jednotlivých kapitolách jsou popisovány a analyzovány důležité aspekty tvorby, zveřejňování a zpřístupňování tohoto specifického typu dokumentu, doprovázejícího rozvoj sítě Internet a odrážejícího jeho historii. Světový digitální fond je popsán jak prostřednictvím shrnutí repozitářů poskytujících plné texty specifikací RFC a další navazující služby, tak i analýzou bibliografických informací popisujících vlastní dokumenty RFC. Významná část práce je věnována podrobnému rozboru významu, struktury a obsahu tohoto typu dokumentu. Práce se také zabývá institucemi, které realizují standardizační proces nebo se na tomto procesu podílí (ISOC, IETF, IAB, IANA, IESG aj.). Součástí práce je popis některých rozdílů standardizační činnosti internetových institucí a tradičních normalizačních institucí (ISO, ITU-T aj.). V závěru práce jsou prezentovány některé filozofické názory, zamýšlející se nad významem specifikací pro Internet a internetovou komunitu.

Supply optimalization of assembly hall in a chosen company
Tuscherová, Helena ; Lukšů, Vladimír (advisor) ; Šafránek, Ondřej (referee)
The aim of the work is to make a proposal of a new process of material supply the hall and to customize the logistical process to the standard of the chosen company. Desription and valuation the actual estate of supply the assembly hall in a chosen company. Application fundamentals lean logistics in the assembly hall in the searched company. Interpretation of ascertained problems in the supply process of the assembly hall in a chosen company. Proposal of the corrective activities for eliminating detected problems.

Castables with Inorganic Nanofibers
Zogata, Stanislav ; Keršnerová,, Lucie (referee) ; Sokolář, Radomír (advisor)
This work deals with the use of inorganic nanofibers in refractory castables. The thesis describes some of the results of previously conducted research on nanofibers. Also description of nanofibres, production and distribution. The experimental part is focused on studying the interaction of Al2O3 and SiO2 nanofibres with aluminate cement. The main subject of investigation is a dispersion of nanofibers using a surfactant and ultrasonication.

Strategic analysis of an enterprise
Bohatyrov, Dmytro ; Dvořáček, Jiří (advisor) ; Krause, Josef (referee)
This bachelor thesis is dedicated to an analysis of strategic position of Plzensky Prazdroj, a.s. Theoretic body describes the thought sources of strategy view as a process of searching for a match between opportunities, which stem from the micro environment structure, and internal capabilities, which allow the enterprise to use these opportunities; further, it describes techniques used and characteristics evaluated during the analysis. Practical body applies these techniques upon Plzensky Prazdroj and eventually offers a conclusion on its strategic position and possible future directions of development. Thesis is concluded with several general recommendations on strategy formulation based on the preceding analysis.

Tangible fixed assets in the accounting perspective with the focus on tax view
Krejčík, Martin ; Janhubová, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Molín, Jan (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on the tangible fixed assets of the accounting and tax perspective. The analysis of the first part of this thesis proceeds in basic theoretical and legislative framework, both in Czech and international perspective. There is also analyzed the cycle of tangible fixed assets, which is dealt with in detail their acquisition, use and disposal. In the practical part there are selected facts, which took place at the company engaged in property lease and tangible assets directly related. These facts are then commented on accounting and tax perspective.

Design of user interface and implementation of application for test execution in TestLink
Skalický, Tomáš ; Buchalcevová, Alena (advisor) ; Veselka, Marcel (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to design a user interface and to implement an application that is used for test execution in test management tool TestLink. This application is designed to streamline and simplify the process of test execution in this tool. The theoretical part of the thesis describes features and the interface of TestLink and compares it with other similar tools. The practical part is focused on analysis, user interface design, and implementation of the application. The outcome of this thesis is in addition to the application itself also a library written in PHP, which is used for communication with the application programming interface of TestLink and which simplifies the creation of similar applications.