National Repository of Grey Literature 37,474 records found  beginprevious37465 - 37474  jump to record: Search took 0.93 seconds. 

The cooperation beween comercial and non-government organizations in realization of social projects
Vojtíšek, Petr ; Šiklová, Jiřina (advisor) ; Hlavatá, Taťjana (referee)
Stěžejní myšlenkou této práce je představa spolupráce neziskových organizací s komerčními firmami při realizaci společensky prospěšných projektů. Jedná se však o spolupráci, ve které je vzájemný vztah obou stran vyvážený a partnerský. Pro neziskové organizace, které oslovují potenciálního komerčního partnera, je nezbytné, aby působily profesionálně, důvěryhodně a přinášely zajímavé projekty, kterými dokáží oslovit co nejširší auditorium. Aby těchto kvalit dosáhly, musí se vyhnout chybným krokům, které uvádím v kapitolách o slabých místech neziskových organizací a o překážkách ve vzájemné spolupráci. Ovšem klíčem k úspěchu je zároveň i pochopení a motivace ze strany komerčních organizací a firem. V tomto ohledu, i přes některé již fungující partnerské programy a projekty, se ve srovnání se státy západní Evropy (Německo, Rakousko, Skandinávské země...) nachází ČR zatím ve stavu dospívání. Aby se situace ve firemním dárcovství a spolupráci komerčních a neziskových subjektů u nás obrazně řečeno dospěla, tzn. aby snesla západoevropská měřítka, je podle mého názoru nutné, aby došlo k následujícím změnám a vývoji: 1. Paradoxně si myslím, že neziskové organizace mají trochu navrch, protože si uvědomují, že finanční zdroje od komerčních partnerů mohou významně přispět k realizaci různých projektů. Mnohé NNO dnes...

Outsourcing success factors and comparison of the most successful countries and the Czech Republic
Soukup, Jan ; Basl, Josef (advisor) ; Očko, Petr (referee)
This paper topic are outsourcing success factors and situation in this branch in India, China, Russia and Ireland as they are considered to be the most successful countries in outsourcing nowadays, and in Czech Republic. The goal of this work is to analyse the most important outsourcing success factors and describe the possibilities to break through which Czech companies potentially may have in this branch. This work deals with different ways of seeking the information which are related to outsourcing and to the compared countries. Main attention is focused on professional database centres, services which they provide and query languages which an information specialist will meet while using these database centres. There are different types of operators and query languages described, highlighted are differences between the so called visible and nonvisible web. Every chosen country is evaluated by few particular criteria, e.g. government support or the most important industries in which outsourcing has been applied or might be applied in the future. Special attention is dedicated to the support of foreign investments in Czech Republic

Yugoslav Experiment as an Inspiration for Reform Process in Czechoslovakia
Uxa, Šimon ; Tejchman, Miroslav (advisor) ; Šístek, František (referee)
The paper Utilisation of the Yugoslav experiment as an inspiration for the Czechoslovak reforms in the period of the Prague Spring deals with a comparison between the fundamental elements of the Yugoslav self-management model, which started to develop in the Balkan country from the end of the 1940s, and the prevailing visions and targets of the Czechoslovak reform process of the second half of the 1960s. The economic system of the Tito Yugoslavia represented, in fact, the only alternative to the directive Soviet model which was copied from the Soviet Union by other countries of the East Block. It is mainly for this reason why it is highly possible that the Czechoslovak experts looked for an inspiration in the already working Yugoslav system whose strong and weak points could already be seen in practice. For the purpose of this comparison, we have chosen five main backbones of both economic systems, as follows: planning, position of enterprises,price system, foreign trade and private enterprise. The selection of the phenomena is conditioned by their existence itself, and mainly by their significant importance for both the Yugoslav experiment and the reforms of the Prague Spring. Keywords: Yugoslavia, self-governing socialism, Czechoslovakia, reform process, 1960s, planning, price systém, position of...

International bus service
Milec, Tomáš ; Zelený, Lubomír (advisor) ; Voříšková, Vladimíra (referee)
This bachelor thesis is concerning about operation of international bus service. In the first section descriptiopning variety of bus services. Next follows showing pacts and regulations, which operations of bus services governs. In practically part it put mind access to occupation of international bus service. In fine presents activity one's Prague corporation, which business in international bus service.

Analysis of Japanese economy since 1990's
Hromádka, Jan ; Labus, David (referee) ; Sýkora, Jan (advisor)
This thesis analysis economic development in Japan in the period between the second half of 1980 s and the end of the last millennium. It reveals main factors which were responsible for the poor performance of the japanese economy in the ninetees and examines macroeconomic measures adopted by the japanese government and the central bank as a response to the prolonged recession. It also analysis implications of the economic stagnation for the japanese post war economic system.

Contemporary e-government politics and digital divide dilemma
Čechová, Kateřina ; Štogrová Jedličková, Petra (advisor) ; Očko, Petr (referee)
Práce se zabývá politikami e-governmentu a problematikou digitální propasti. V úvodní části se věnuje teoretickým východiskům, podmínkám budování elektronické státní správy a překážkám v podobě digitálních propastí ve společnosti. Další část rekapituluje vývoj e-governmentu v České republice a v Evropské unii a představuje současné politiky a řešení. Závěrečná část práce představuje informační společnosti třech vyspělých evropských států - Finska, Německa a Estonska. Jednotlivé kapitoly rozebírají vývoj e-governmentu v těchto státech a zároveň odhalují digitální propasti, se kterými bojují. V případě Estonska jsou navíc popsány i celostátní elektronické volby, které tato země realizovala jako první na světě.

Strategic Analysis of an Enterprise
Křováčková, Martina ; Dvořák, Jiří (advisor) ; Křivský, Tomáš (referee)
The goal of this thesis was designed a complete strategic analysis, both internal and external form of the selected firm LACMAN s. r. o. LACMAN s. r. o. is a small, emerging company, the subject of its business is the distribution of connectors. Thesis is divided into five main blocks: In the first part, called Introduction, describes the basic building blocks for the preparation of the strategy, it is mission, vision and a fundamental target of LACMAN s. r. o. The second part is quite theoretical, it is known as a theoretical-methodological basis and discusses and describes the theoretical facts that I need to apply in practice. The third part is the name and the pictor of the company, how society see the company. This section describes the basic characteristic of information, cultural, sports, and mainly social sponsoring company and the overall culture, norms and standards which govern the company staff. The fourth part is called Practical and is divided into external analysis where I work with macro-economic company's data, policy and legislative factors, and mapping analysis of supplier-customer relationships and existing competition in the market with the connectors material. Internal analysis me serve to evaluace how are the company's resources (material, inmaterial, human and financial) in sufficient quantity, the quality and whether it is used effectively. In this part of thesis, I also included a detailed financial analysis, there I solve the financial health of the company. And the SWOT analysis, which, in my view, contains a large number of strengths, but on the other hand, contains numerous threats from outside the company. The last part is called the Finish, here summarizes the findings from the all analysis. I believe that this thesis is to analyze the company of great benefit and a council, how to overcome difficult times and stay on the market at the time of global economic crisis.

Factual databases in government statistics
Štolcpart, Petr ; Papík, Richard (advisor) ; Ivánek, Jiří (referee)
Tématem práce jsou faktografické databáze používané či produkované v oboru státní statistiky, tedy zejména v Českém statistickém úřadě a dalších státních institucích. Práce se věnuje také teoretickým aspektům faktografických databází a specifikům, kterými se liší databáze ve státní statistice od ostatních. Částečně popisuje i historii informačních a hlavně faktografických databází v Československu a později v České republice. V závěru práce jsou stručně rozebrány vybrané tuzemské a světové statistické databáze a detailněji je zmíněn pilotní projekt výstupní faktografické databáze - Veřejná databáze ČSÚ.

Civil protection is one of the most important activities governments of all states have to deal with. This certainly happens in civilized world, numerous rescue units and armed forces are involved in civil protection and substantial funds are spent on this activity. Fight against terrorism, the activities of which people all over the world have to face, is highly stressed nowadays. Terrorist attacks are most often aimed against civilians. They are most often led by locating explosive systems at places where large numbers of people gather, setting fires at such places or by actions of shooters who try to injure or kill as many people as possible. This is why civil protection has to involve searching for possible means used for these attacks, namely for explosives, fire accelerants and guns. However it is not only terrorism, which endangers inhabitants. Abusing narcotic and psychotropic substances or similar criminal activities are very dangerous too. These phenomena should be prevented as much as possible or investigated very quickly so as the persons committing such offences can be captured. Finally the bodies participating in civil protection have to be ready to search for lost people in large areas, finding people buried under rubble or avalanches. Dogs, the animal companions closest to a man, can be used in all these activities. The animal has such properties that even nowadays it has its irreplaceable position in numerous activities directly related to civil protection. This thesis describes methods used in special kynology for civil protection; it also describes their uniqueness and irreplaceability.

Methodology for determining transfer prices in the Czech Republic and the the United States
Horák, Štěpán ; Tepperová, Jana (advisor) ; Kostohryz, Jiří (referee)
The aim of this study is to compare the methodology for determining transfer prices in the Czech Republic and the United States. The reason for choosing these countries are different models, which are governed by states. Czech Republic sets transfer prices according to the OECD model. United States of America set transfer prices according to own regulations. The theoretical part is focused on comparing models and approaches to pricing methodologies. The practical part compares the creatin of a Benchmarking study in these two models.