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Stability measures of optimal solution of LP problems with regards to the target function
Sůra, Jan ; Pelikán, Jan (advisor) ; Sokol, Ondřej (referee)
Real-world systems usually contain some degree of natural uncertainty, their parameters are more or less variable. When seeking optimal solution, optimization models often disregard this variability and consider parameters of the model to be constant. This thesis focuses on methods of post-optimization analysis. Thorough post-optimization analysis should be a part of every optimization process of systems with variable parameters. Post-optimization analysis can identify parameters whose variability poses the greatest threat to the systems performance. This thesis describes some of the basic post-optimization methods and then a new method based on interval arithmetics is formulated.

Application of energetic policy of EU in Czech republic - Photovoltaic plants
Nešpor, Jakub ; Vostrovská, Zdenka (advisor) ; Maule, Petr (referee)
Support for photovoltaic plants that originated before 2014, as well as support for renewable energy in general, artificially increases the price of energy and this measure has secondary effects in the form of rising prices of farmland and thus food. The regulation also creates distortions, for example on coal markets, which reduces the demand for this commodity. This thesis deals with the introduction of regulation and analysis of the motivation for the introduction of quotas in the energy policy of the European Union. Subsequent analysis evaluates the intended and unintended effects of regulation, which are not visible at first sight on this issue. The European Commission has so far not planned reassessment of policy support for renewable energy sources.

Modernization of compressor station
Kocourková, Markéta ; Dlouhý, Martin (advisor) ; Dlouhá, Zuzana (referee)
The thesis is concerned with multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives of modernization of compressor station for natural gas. This thesis is divided into practical part and theoretical part. The theoretical part will introduce historical development of the gas industry and the current state of the gas network in our country. The following describes a method for operating a compressor station, its technology units and existing operational processes. The theoretical part is a chapter that describes methods of multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives and a way of specifying the methods suitable for constructing weights of the criteria. The fifth chapter contains an application example, the aim of which is to choose the suitable way of modernization of the compressor station that would meet the requirements of planned projects. Creating recommendations for the management of the company fulfilled the goal of this thesis.

Importance of Guarantee funds in Microfinance
Němečková, Dagmar ; Procházka, Pavel (advisor) ; Řežábek, Pavel (referee)
Microbusiness is recognized as an important tool for economic growth especially in less developed countries. It is supposed that a lack of access to capital is one of the most prominent constraints of microentepreneurs. To address this limitation, many forms of loan guarantee programs have been established. This paper examines what demands are placed on an effective guarantee structure in this field and how these aims are accomplished by the current guarantee funds. In conclusion, the access to capital is getting better recently in these countries. Guarantee funds have been growing, however, their importance is not so significant yet. Guarantee funds have a potential to draw an attention of investors to microlending but the cost of these schemes seems to be too high.

Vzory pro návrh uživatelského rozhraní
Vávra, Jan ; Kašparová, Alena (advisor) ; Osvaldová, Jana (referee)
Touto prací se chci zaměřit na oblast vzorů pro návrh uživatelského rozhraní. To je soubor vzorů, jenž se snaží pomoci návrhářům desktopových aplikací (respektive internetových stránek) správně sestavit a implementovat uživatelské rozhraní. Cílem bylo vyhledat a přeložit nejzákladnější (a nejvyužívanější) vzory a seskupit je do určitých celků podle oblastí, na které se zaměřují. Vzorům pro návrh uživatelského rozhraní se věnuje zatím jen několik málo subjektů, je tedy poměrně složité najít ucelený soubor, jenž by zahrnoval uspokojivé kvantum těchto vzorů. Každý ze subjektů se navíc věnuje trochu jiným oblastem a přistupuje k popisu řešení problému mírně jiným způsobem. Zájemce o toto téma je tedy schopen najít uspokojivé množství informací, prozatím ale jen za cenu dlouhého vyhledávání a získání výsledků ve větším množství různých forem zápisu. Proto jsem vybral jednu formu zápisu a vzory, které byly zapsány jinak, jsem do této formy převedl. Výsledkem by měl být přehledný a jasně srozumitelný soubor vybraných vzorů ? jenž sice určitě není úplný a vyčerpávající, přesto pokrývá dosti velkou oblast základních existujících vzorů. Každý vzor je v mém podání prezentován ve čtyřech částech, těmi jsou: základním shrnutí vzoru, vhodné podmínky pro jeho implementaci (problém), návrh řešení daného problému a příklady správného (někdy i špatného) použití vzoru. V českém prostředí (speciálně na internetu) je velice obtížné sehnat jakékoliv zdroje či zmínky o vzorech pro návrh uživatelského rozhraní. Tuzemské subjekty se tomuto mladému tématu dostatečně nevěnují, proto jsem shledal prospěšným přeložit základní množství vzorů do českého jazyka a prezentovat je v prostředí internetu pomocí webové stránky, jenž je k této práci připojena jako příloha. Práce samotná sestává z úvodu do problematiky, kde se zaměřuji na vznik vzorů, jejich vývoj, formy a hlavní současné představitele této oblasti. V dalších částech jsou popsány skupiny, do nichž jsem vzory pro návrh seřadil ? pro každou skupinu následuje popis vybraných kompletních vzorů - všechny vzory jsem do bakalářské práce nemohl zařadit - z důvodů jejich velkého množství, ostatní jsou proto přítomny pouze na webové stránce, která je součástí přílohy. Ta je připojena na konci dokumentu spolu s terminologickým slovníkem.

Internet Tools for Lifelong Learning in the IT Sector
Janková, Martina ; Jašek, Roman (referee) ; Roudný, Radim (referee) ; Slabý, Antonín (referee) ; Rais, Karel (advisor)
In the presented dissertation, there is, based on a given topic “Internet tools for lifelong learning in the IT sector”, expressed an appropriate coverage of created partial research tasks with an active solution of them at the Faculty of Business and Management, Brno University of Technology for branch Company Management and Economics, and that in accordance with the defined areas of research and publication activities. For systemic approach to the whole dissertation, it was defined area of theoretical perspectives and expressed methodology for addressing systemic models of education on Internet means and for that practical research work was chosen adaptable (“learning”) Company 1 as a reference (for solving individual practical research tasks) and a methodology of modern approach to modelling was created (“for modern management and information communication between systems”) and also modelling of a required adaptable (“directly also improving with modelling”) Internet (and intranet) environment of companies and its use in the process of lifelong learning of knowledge workers (“teachers”) of Company 1 and possible additional (“knowledge workers and users”) Company 2, 3, ..., m i.e. “businesses as other customers” and all that to actively create an adaptable and new space with the possible use of an evolutionary (“new and also modern and intelligent and self-learning”) means of information and communication technologies (ICT) both from the world and from the Czech Republic and especially new (and evolutionary perspective) Internet tools and resources for business management, lifelong learning in IT sector and necessary monitoring of demanded company's competitiveness operating in dynamically developing IT. By systemically solved modelling on computers, there is expressed an issue of appropriately selected internet tools in a competitive environment of companies, and also there is addressed by computer modelling a new approach to modelling leading to an anticipated modernization of modern electronic lifelong learning forms built on tools and resources of the Internet. The work also includes a creation of models on PCs allowing comparison of expected changes in competitiveness of companies reacting to the benefits of created methodology and that leads to an anticipated improvement in the quality of management and economics of companies in terms of relative improvement of their competitiveness. Solving of these modern issues is conducted based on an appropriate analysis of selected enterprises, corresponding to the solved topic and solved objectives of the work and also obtained information from publications in world information sources on the Internet and from virtual libraries of the world, publishing, seminars, proceedings and conferences. The results of system analytical approach to solving tasks and activities of the research work have been regularly published in articles of professional and peer-reviewed journals and also in conference contributions. In these research results, there is systematically expressed a new essence of solving interface of social and IT technical system with selected resources of internet tools for lifelong learning companies working in IT sector as a possible contribution into modern creation of self-learning organizations.

Mathematical Programs for Dynamic Pricing - Demand Based Management
Hrabec, Dušan ; Karpíšek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Hoff, Arild (referee) ; Haugen, Kjetil Kare (advisor)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá vývojem, modelováním a analýzou poptávkově orientovaných úloh, které zahrnují marketingová, operační a logistická rozhodnutí. Úlohy jsou zvoleny tak, aby mohly být dále rozšířeny o koncept tzv. dynamického oceňování a jiných dynamických marketingových rozhodnutí. V práci jsou využity dvě základní poptávkově orientované úlohy: a) úloha kolportéra novin, která je zvolena pro její jednoduchou formu a která tak slouží jako nástroj pro ilustrativní ukázky rozhodovacích procesů v podobných typech úloh, a b) úloha návrhu dopravní sítě, kde jsou využity některé výsledky a znalosti získané při řešení úlohy kolportéra novin. Kolportér (či obecně maloobchodník) čelí náhodné poptávce, která může být postupně ovlivněna oceňováním, marketingovými (tj. reklamními) rozhodnutími a nakonec jejich kombinací. Poptávka obsahuje tedy náhodnou složku, která je pomocí přístupů stochastické optimalizace modelována ve specifickém tvaru (tj. aditivní či multiplikativní tvar). Závislost cena-poptávka je zachycena pomocí nelineární klesající poptávkové funkce, zatímco (vhodná) reklama vede ke zvýšení poptávky (běžně rostoucí s-křivka či konkávní funkce). Výsledky získané při řešení úlohy kolportéra novin s oceňováním jsou následně využity v úloze návrhu dopravní sítě. Tato stochastická úloha je modelována (reformulována) pomocí dvou přístupů stochastické optimalizace: wait-and-see přístup a here-and-now přístup. Jelikož tato implementace vede na lineární či nelineární celočíselnou (navíc scénářovou) úlohu, jsou v práci zmíněny taky výpočetní nástroje. Autor pro řešení používá (původní) tzv. hybridní algoritmus, což je kombinace heuristického (genetického) algoritmu a nástroje optimalizačního softwaru. Potenciální aplikace sestavených modelů, obzvláště v oblasti odpadového hospodářství, jsou diskutovány v závěrečné části disertační práce.

Treatment of Flue Gas from Waste-to-Energy Plants by Sodium and Calcium Based Sorbents.
Zach, Boleslav ; Pohořelý, Michael ; Šyc, Michal ; Svoboda, Karel ; Punčochář, Miroslav
The paper focuses on the properties of sodium and calcium based sorbents for removal of acid gases from flue gas form waste to energy plants. The emphasis is on the comparison of sorption under 250 °C and utilisation of sorbents in technologies that remove more pollutants in one step.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: SKMBT_C22017011010380 - Download fulltextPDF

Řízení devizové expozice podniku
The first part of this dissertation, entitled Exchange Rate Exposure Management, addressed the question whether there has been a relationship between changes in exchange rate volatility and financial results of Czech enterprises and therefore foreign exchange exposure management is justified. For this purpose, the empirical data of revenues and exports and imports in CZ-NACE sections were used. Statistically significant results were demonstrated in the Section C - Manufacturing, where it was confirmed that profitability of sales declines with increasing volatility of the exchange rate. The nominal exchange rate CZK/EUR was taken into consideration, while a recent thesis (Klecka, 2016) showed that the use of another type of the exchange rate does not provide a statistically significant difference. In the second part a simple model called Estart was created in order to quantify the maximum impact of unexpected exchange rate changes in the profitability of a company and thus in order to start with the management of the exchange rate exposure. The formula for calculating exchange rate exposure is simple and requires only a few inputs as company total revenues, total expenses, the percentage of revenues in foreign currency and the percentage of expenditure in foreign currency. In order to quantify the maximum impact recommended percentage variations dependent on the time horizon were determined from the historical data of the exchange rate CZK/EUR. The company then receives initial information about the maximum impact of unexpected exchange rate change on their profitability and hence for example the potential maximum amount that makes sense to invest in exchange rate hedging. The model is also suitable for calculating the maximum impact for the specific payables and receivables. The Model Estart is for its simplicity usable particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises, which currently begin to address the question of the impact of exchange rate change on their profitability for example because of announcements of Czech National Bank concerning the end of the intervention that has been depreciating domestic currency since 2013 and also the complicated situation in the Eurozone. The next necessary step is to use more sophisticated methods in accordance with the principles of foreign exchange rate exposure management in order to quantify the impact of unexpected changes in the exchange rate on the profitability, respectively on the value of the company, mainly because of the management of the operational exposure, which is crucial and which is not addressed by this simple model.

Estimating the impact of the 2012 liquor prohibition on crime
Krejsa, Jiří ; Dušek, Libor (advisor) ; van Koten, Silvester (referee)
This thesis focuses on capturing causal link between alcohol consumption and one of its externalities, crime. The quasi-natural experiment of the Czech temporary ban on hard liquor following an outbreak of methanol poisonings in September 2012 provides a valuable setting for evaluation of the alcohol-crime relationship. Over the course of the prohibition, violent crime rates fell by approximately 10 %, just like the aggregate of aggravated assault, criminal threatening, vandalism and property damage. In addition, the biggest share of reduction in crime falls on weekend criminality. The number of offenders under the influence of alcohol dropped by approximately 18 % for traffic-related offences and by 28 % in non-traffic offenses. The possibility of the reduction in crime being caused by lower detection capabilities of the law enforcement was examined. The reduction in reported cases of e.g. driving under the influence might be to a large extend explained by lower detection, but it could have reduced only rates of victimless crimes. Finally, the property crime rate was not significantly affected by the intervention, except for burglaries into bars and restaurants.