National Repository of Grey Literature 34,648 records found  beginprevious34629 - 34638next  jump to record: Search took 3.06 seconds. 

Bacillus subtilis ribosomes: regulation of ribosomal RNA biosynthesis and identification of the new ribosomal protein YbxF
Sojka, Luděk
1 Abstract The biology of the bacterial ribosome of gram positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis is the central point of this thesis that includes studies of both ribosomal components - ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and one of ribosomal proteins. The first part of the thesis focuses on the regulation of rRNA synthesis and the second part focuses on the identification and characterization of a new ribosomal protein, YbxF. rRNA synthesis is mostly regulated at the level of transcription initiation. Initiating nucleoside triphosphates (iNTPs) are important molecule effectors that regulate this process. Varying iNTP concentration in the cell directly affects RNA polymerase (RNAP) at rRNA promoters as these promoters are sensitive to [iNTP] in vivo. Most of the knowledge about this regulation is derived from Escherichia coli, where the rRNA promoter sequence is key for this regulation. Nevertheless, sequence characteristics of [iNTP]-regulated rRNA promoters from gram positive bacterium B. subtilis do not emulate the sequence characteristics derived from [iNTP]-regulated rRNA promoters from gram negative bacterium E. coli. Using a combination of in vitro and in vivo approaches, we determined promoter DNA elements that are responsible for [iNTP] sensitivity of ribosomal and non ribosomal promoters in B. subtilis. The second...

Bacillus subtilis ribosomes: regulation of ribosomal RNA biosynthesis and identification of the new ribosomal protein YbxF
Sojka, Luděk ; Jonák, Jiří (advisor) ; Valášek, Leoš (referee) ; Lichá, Irena (referee)
1 Abstract The biology of the bacterial ribosome of gram positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis is the central point of this thesis that includes studies of both ribosomal components - ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and one of ribosomal proteins. The first part of the thesis focuses on the regulation of rRNA synthesis and the second part focuses on the identification and characterization of a new ribosomal protein, YbxF. rRNA synthesis is mostly regulated at the level of transcription initiation. Initiating nucleoside triphosphates (iNTPs) are important molecule effectors that regulate this process. Varying iNTP concentration in the cell directly affects RNA polymerase (RNAP) at rRNA promoters as these promoters are sensitive to [iNTP] in vivo. Most of the knowledge about this regulation is derived from Escherichia coli, where the rRNA promoter sequence is key for this regulation. Nevertheless, sequence characteristics of [iNTP]-regulated rRNA promoters from gram positive bacterium B. subtilis do not emulate the sequence characteristics derived from [iNTP]-regulated rRNA promoters from gram negative bacterium E. coli. Using a combination of in vitro and in vivo approaches, we determined promoter DNA elements that are responsible for [iNTP] sensitivity of ribosomal and non ribosomal promoters in B. subtilis. The second...

Relationships between children
Němcová, Radka ; Koťátková, Soňa (advisor) ; Loudová Stralczynská, Barbora (referee)
The Thesis is focused on development of social relationships' need of a preschool-age child. The Thesis deals with theoretical information about relationships to a family and adults, siblings, children of the same age and differences among them. It deals with issues of relationships and opinions on a favourite child, inappropriate friendships, behaviour and a child without friends. It declares characteristic relationships resulting from games, when emotionality and bonds among children of the same age show spontaneously. These bonds arise in cooperative games. It deals with a group of children, positive and negative features of age-heterogeneous and age-homogeneous group and development of subgroups.In a final part it introduces preschool framework educational programme and the part "Child and the other" concentrates on mutual relationships among children. An action research in the practical part of the Thesis finds out what relationships among children prevail, what they like and dislike in a nursery school, how they accept, whether positive or negative relationships prevail, whether the negative ones are adopted by a children's group in the long term. It also concentrates on nursery school teachers' perception of children's relationships. A pedagogical programme supporting relationships among...

Jednorozměrné difusní stochastické diferenciální rovnice s aplikacemi ve finanční matematice
Zahradník, Petr ; Štěpán, Josef (advisor) ; Vošvrda, Miloslav (referee)
In this thesis, the aim is to employ some of the advanced probability and calculus techniques to financial mathematics. In the first chapter some major facts from continuous - time probability theory are presented. In the second chapter, one - dimensional stochastic diferential equations are introduced, we touch upon the questions of existence and uniqueness of solutions in full generality, construct a weak solution to the Engelbert - Schmidt equation and thoroughly present a known procedure called a Feller's test for explosions. In chapter three, focus is directed to a brief presentation of the well known Dirichlet problem. The problem is also interpreted financially, applied to options valuation and related approximations are implemented. The fourth, final, chapter concentrates on the Cox - Ingersoll - Ross model. Techniques derived in the second and third chapters are employed to thoroughly study the model properties.

Properties of k-interval Boolean functions
Gál, Pavol ; Čepek, Ondřej (advisor) ; Kučera, Petr (referee)
The main focus of this thesis is on interval Boolean functions. The thesis presents some fundamental knowledge about Boolean functions, their representations and, in particular, concentrates on positive boolean functions. The thesis quotes several known results about interval functions, such as their various properties, some recognition algorithms and their complexity. Then the thesis introduces commutative Boolean functions and studies the properties of commutative positive Boolean functions and some derived forms. The thesis formulates several propositions about their structure and number of intervals. The most important and new result is the algorithm for recognition of positive 3-interval functions. Finally the thesis analyzes the structure and number of intervals of a few particular general Boolean functions.

Use of natural science museums and collections for educational purposes
Jandová, Jana ; Rajsiglová, Ina (advisor) ; Drda Morávková, Alena (referee)
Nowadays there is a considerable tendency towards encouraging students to seek for information and deepen their knowledge themselves rather than classical frontal educational methods. Thanks to this trend teachers tend to use i.e. museum collections for educational purposes in order to present life in the past as well as at present to students in a more enjoyable way. Everything that students learn by their own experience is sure to be remembered more vividly. The aim of my Master Thesis is to propose excursions to four selected museums. Worksheets are to be provided for each excursion and shall be tested in practice as well. The conclusion of the Master Thesis is that museums strive to attract schools with various educational programs, lectures and excursions. Nevertheless, they concentrate mainly on social sciences. Educational programs, intended solely for natural sciences or biology, are very rare. However, biology teachers may - to a considerable extent - use wide variety of expositions and collections of museums. Key words: excursion, educational program, worksheet, museum, children's museums

Chemical Composition of Indoor and Outdoor Aerosol in Prague Suburb
Smolík, Jiří ; Schwarz, Jaroslav ; Ždímal, Vladimír ; Lazaridis, M. ; Dohányosová, Pavla
Epidemical studies show higher concentration of aerosol particles in the air influencing negatively human health. Although majority of today’s population spends its time inside buildings, less attention was focused to study behavior and composition of indoor PM. Chemical composition of size resolved indoor/outdoor aerosol from campaign in November 2002 is presented in this work.

The prepartion for accreditation with the intention on the safety at work and the occupational hygiene and the future medical personnel level knowladge in this section
Nejedlá, Zuzana ; Holubová, Václava (advisor) ; Dvořáčková, Ivana (referee) ; Drašnar, Jan (referee)
The topic of my final project is "The prepartion for accreditation with the intention on the safety at work and the occupational hygiene and the future medical personnel level knowladge in this section". This is a theoretical and research project. In my theoretical part I have described the accreditation as a proccess, which is neccesary for quality patient care. I have focused on the changes which our hospital goes through during the preparation of the accreditaion proccess including the claims on safety at work and occupational hygiene. Research part has focused on finding the level of future medical personnel mainly in the safety at work sphere via questionnaire. These students become the part of the medical team during the practical lessons and it is necessary to keep safety work rules and in this way they safe themselves and others. Subsequently, this final project has been concentrated on the concept of the corrective measures during the safety training for students and occupational hygiene.

Coalition Behaviour in Poland 1989-2009
Skopová, Adéla ; Šušlíková, Lada (advisor) ; Mlejnek, Josef (referee)
In this thesis the behaviour of the coalition in Poland in 1989 - 2009 is analyzed. The work is focused on the most important factors that have influenced coalition behaviour. Thesis concentrates on the influence of social cleavages. It notes the phenomenon of Polish Catholicism as a specific character, which affects the party system and consequently the nature of coalition behaviour. The form of the electoral system was the subject of widespread reforms, significantly influenced the election results, and therefore the subsequent coalition negotiations as well. Another interesting phenomenon is the division of political parties according to their relationship to the past, which has now weakened. This work deals also with the position of President of the Polish political system and its influence on coalition behaviour. The aim of this paper is the analysis of coalition behaviour in that timeframe. Analytical and descriptive method is used mainly. The result is the determination of various types of Polish coalitions, the average length of their duration, the duration due to the ideological orientation and direction of their opinions. It also includes an explanation of why some parties cannot form a coalition, even though it would seem logical without deeper knowledge of the Polish political situation,.

Employees motivation in selected company
I have concentrated my diploma work to the system of motivation and stimulation. As a subject of my study I chose the company AISIN EUROPE MANUFACTURING CZECH s.r.o. that currently employs 270 people. Its motivation and stimulation system has got very sofisticated structure for motivation and stimulation of the employees. As a method of my work I have chosen investigation by questionnaire, interview and observation. The questionnaire that became a starting point of my study was based on theoretical knowledge and features important for evaluation. The goal of the investigation was to analyze attitude of the employees to the individual motives and motivators and herewith to find out how they perceive fulfilment of those factors by the company. Answers to each question are displayed in a graph and a chart which are accompanied by the results and discussion. Inquired group of employees covered all the departments in the company. Getting to know the wide range of motivation and stimulation means in the company, I found out that the company AISIN EUROPE MANUFACTURING CZECH s.r.o. prefers material remuneration and offering benefits to the employees. Regarding remuneration, I would propose to apply flexible component of the salary that a manager could use to valuate a subordinate more often, respectively in one month period. Regarding communication and information flow, I would recommend to install digital mean of sharing information and also to place it close to the employee entrance in order to announce the changes to the employees as soon as they enter the plant. Another proposal for improvement is to start operation of company buses for the employees. Thereby the company might recruit qualified manpower also from locations close to premises of the company but currently without good trasportation service.