National Repository of Grey Literature 43 records found  beginprevious34 - 43  jump to record: Search took 0.08 seconds. 

Language of contemporary czech fantastic literature
Fuchsová, Eliška ; Palkosková, Olga (advisor) ; Chejnová, Pavla (referee)
in English This thesis is a language analysis of the following books: Sladká jak krev and Psí zima written by Petra Neomillnerová and Zlatý kříž and Beton, kosti a sny from Pavel Renčín. Biggest emphasis is placed on the use of the wordage. It throughly describes use of slang, prefessionalism and professional terminology from different enviroments. Further it deals with comparisons, expresions, less traditional word-stock procedures, stylistical peculiarities and other problematics. Examined language phenomenon is always clarified in each chapter. It's occurence and significance is documented with numerous quotations from the above mentioned books. Author's intentions is to demonstrate the richness of language in czech fantasy literature.

Jean Ray, a Belgian author of fantasy short stories
Tauchmanová, Jana ; Jamek, Václav (advisor) ; Pohorský, Aleš (referee)
Raymundus Joannes Maria De Kremer, best-known under the pseudonym of Jean Ray, was one of the most important Belgian authors of the first half of the twentieth century. His contribution to literature is immense, both in its volume and in its diversity, stretching well over sixty years of uninterrupted writing. While he wrote mostly short stories of the fantastic genre and adventure novels, he also published detective stories under the pseudonym of John Flanders. A major part of his work was published in newspapers and magazines. Jean Ray was bilingual, which allowed him to write both in French and Flemish, dividing his attention equally between the two. The majority of his writings was published either anonymously or under various pseudonyms. The aim of our thesis is to provide a monograph overview of the said author. The first part situates his work in the context of Belgian literature written in French and the fantastique genre in general. The second part is devoted to his life, with special focus on his literary career. The third part contains analyses of selected parts of his extensive oeuvre. Briefly, we look at the Harry Dickson detective stories. However, the core of our analysis are his fantastic writings, i.e. selected collections of his fantastic short stories and the only fantastic novel...

Thomas Mann's Myth Concept and Ivan Olbracht's sub-Carpathian Proses
Zitová, Olga ; Holý, Jiří (advisor) ; Zbytovský, Štěpán (referee)
This thesis deals with a myth concept in Thomas Mann's and Ivan Olbracht's work. In regard to the tertium comparationis, which is myth, Mann's novels Joseph and His Brothers (Joseph und seine Brüder) and Doctor Faustus (Doktor Faustus) as well as Olbracht's novels The Bitter and the Sweet (Nikola Šuhaj loupežník) and Valley of Exile (Golet v údolí) are analysed. The concepts of these two authors are being compared both on a genetic level, which includes a possible influence of the tetralogy Joseph and His Brothers on Olbracht's work, and on a typological level. The second one includes analogies, which are independent of the possible direct influence. The thesis is methodological based on interpretation of fictional texts and their continuous comparison considering a literary-historical context and cultural-historical background of that time. Especially in some details, it can be considered that Thomas Mann had a direct influence on Olbracht's work in case of both of the novels. A number of analogies have been found, which exemplify a resemblance between the authors but which don't deny that Olbracht was an autonomous and creative personality at the same time. The specific myth concept of both authors harmonise with a period tendency in the modern literature.

Grimms Fairy Tales and their Reception in the Czech Literature of the 19th Century
Gavendová, Petra ; Zbytovský, Štěpán (advisor) ; Tvrdík, Milan (referee)
This thesis aims to describe the collecting of oral folk literature and the activity of Karel Jaromír Erben and the Brothers Grimm in the fairy-tale area that is connected to it and to highlight the importance of these authors in both Czech and German culture. First, the literary genre called fairy-tale is defined, which is followed by the theories on the origin and production of fairy-tales. Furthermore, life stages of these authors, impulses for collecting and continuation of oral folk literature are explained in the next part of this thesis. Finally, adaptation of similar topics by the above mentioned authors is compared and analysed in closer detail.

Science-fiction as a Picture of the Time Period
Farkaš, Martin ; Vašák, Pavel (advisor) ; Janáček, Pavel (referee)
Velký rozvoj vědy v 19. a 20.století ovlivnil nejen každodenní život člověka, ale i vznik a rozkvět literatury science fiction (sci-fi, SF). Informační a technický boom zasáhl do všech oblastí běžného života. Dá se konstatovat, že lidský život se především v posledním století radikálně změnil. Srovnatelnou proměnu bychom asi v historii lidstva hledali marně. Dnes je vliv vědy viditelný ve všech vrstvách společnosti. V řadách čtenářů literatury sci-fi jsou v převážné většině laikové. Ale je pravda, že sci-fi není psána speciálně pro vědce, není to jakási studnice zaručených návodů pro vědecký výzkum. S úspěchy na mnoha dosud neprobádaných polích vědy (vstup člověka do vesmíru, genetické manipulace aj.) se rozšířil i repertoár témat literatury sci-fi. Na základě bouřlivého vývoje žánru se také sci-fi tematicky velmi přiblížila ke klasické literatuře. Stále se ovšem využívají i základní témata, která vymyslel již Herbert G.Wells, zakladatel proudu sci-fi se zaměřením na společenské a filozofické otázky. Sci-fi za poměrně krátkou dobu své existence prošla složitým vývojem. Zažila nebývalý rozkvět i pád. Období fascinace technikou se střídalo s obratem к člověku, období filozoficky zaměřené tvorby s lacinou akčností. Přesto sci-fi dospěla. Stala se rovnocenným partnerem hlavního proudu literatury. Spolu s ním má...

Allusions of fantastic German literature of the romantic period in fantastic proses of Jakub Arbes and Julius Zeyer
Cingrošová, Veronika ; Brožová, Věra (advisor) ; Mocná, Dagmar (referee)
- Aj In this work we focused on the literary genre of the fantastic short story, a genre that has its specific features, working with mystery and ambiguity, and relying on the interactive relationship between the reader and the text. We looked at terms fantastic literature, fantastic short story and we studied which attributes are typical for this literature (such as individual motifs, composition, atmosphere and language-specific resources). Than we were looking for the presence of these attributes in individual works of selected authors. The most important representatives of Czech fantastic stories were compared with selected German Romanticists who were the inception for our authors who followed them and in whose work we find the fantastic phenomena. Then we tracked the similarities and differences in work of these authors. We found, that despite substantial conformity in the use of specific attributes of fantastic stories, the individual works of our authors differs significantly, not only in the frequency of use of these attributes, but also in the overall tone of the work and its effect on the reader. To better understand all the work, we have included in addition to the parts of the works and typically observed phenomena, the key biographical details of all authors, because as it was finally...

The Mašín Myth. Ideologies in Czech Literature and Culture since the Second Half of the 20th century until the Present Day
Švéda, Josef ; Janoušek, Pavel (advisor) ; Bílek, Petr (referee) ; Bauer, Michal (referee)
This dissertation analyses narratives of the Mašín brothers and their father, Josef Mašín senior. The Mašín brothers established what they called 'a resistance group' against the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia, which between 1951 and 1952 killed three people. The brothers, alongside the other member of the group, Milan Paumer, escaped from the country in 1953, heading for the Western sectors of Berlin. Despite more than 20,000 East German and Soviet troops hunting them, the group reached West Berlin safely. Later, the brothers went to the USA where they joined the U.S. army. The dissertation analyzes a whole range of discourses including newspaper articles, historical papers, books, detective stories, novels, memoirs and also one episode of the Czechoslovak television series, Třicet případů majora Zemana ('Major Zeman's Thirty Cases'), entitled Strach ('Fear'), from 1975. The dissertation is conceptually embedded in cultural studies and critical theory. Drawing on Roland Barthesʼs work on mythologies, Hayden Whiteʼs theory of history and Slavoj Žižekʼs theory of ideology, the dissertation considers the relationship of the Mašín brothersʼ narrative representations with respect to the dominant ideology of the time. The first chapter of the dissertation deals with narratives produced in Communist...

The main charakters of Czech fantastic literature in 1920's
Košková, Silvie ; Vaněk, Václav (advisor) ; Mravcová, Marie (referee)
Předmětem zkoumání v naší práci bude česká fantastická próza 20. let. Přestože autoři těchto děl nevytvořili žádnou literární skupinu, ani jinak necítili potřebu spoluvytvářet společný diskurs fantastické literatury či prózy, myslíme si, že žánrové hledisko a krátký časový interval, ve kterém díla vycházela nás opravňuje z nich vytvořit v podstatě uzavřený celek a ten podrobit společnému zkoumání. Některá z děl byla samostatně zkoumána v monografických dílech věnovaných jednotlivým autorům (např. Fantastika a satira v díle Karla Čapka od V. S. Nikolského či Satirik převratu Jiří Haussmann od P. Pešty) nebo naopak v dílech zabývajících se fantastickou či utopickou literaturou obecně (např. Něco je jinak od O. Neffa). Společnému zkoumání byla tato díla podrobena ve stati D. Hodrové Utopie, do níž je zahrnuta fantastická literatura 20. a 30. let 20. století, a to jak próza, tak drama (stať je součástí publikace Poetika české meziválečné prózy). My jsme předmět zkoumání zúžili, což nám umožňuje rozvinout poznatky z uvedené studie, a zárov~h tu vzniká možnost zabývat se ! jednotlivými díly podrobněji - a to i těmi, která byla v rámci různých studií zkoumána jen okrajově. Východiskem pro naši práci bude typologie postav fantastické prózy, ve které se kromě typů postav zaměříme i na jejich významovou výstavbu,...

The attitude towards popular literature within Czech literary culture of the avant-garde period
Holanová, Markéta ; Janáček, Pavel (advisor) ; Bílek, Petr (referee)
The thesis is focused on the description of the "movement to the periphery". This term is frequently used to characterize the movements in literature in the 1920's. The author describes publistic discourses discussing the popular and the so called folk literature that we can find in the literary journals and miscellanies. The initial part of the thesis outlines the basis of Czech avant-garde movement and it also concerns the problem of popular literature. The theoretical part of this chapter is accompanied by consideration of this topic in the essays of brothers Čapek that are authentic for the time period. The main idea of the thesis can be found in the fourth chapter where the discussion about folk literature in selected journals and miscellanies is described. The final chapter summarizing discourses mentioned above is constructed as a sum of portraits of six personalities whose opinions represent specific contributions to this topic.

Legendary character of Marko Prokliaty, its role in the works of Olexa Storozhenko and in selected works of Ukrainian literature
Čeperová, Olesya ; Morávková, Alena (referee) ; Chlaňová, Tereza (advisor)
Bakalářská práce si klade za cíl zmapovat folklorně-fantastické prvky v tvorbě Valerije Ševčuka, který je jedním z nejvýznamnějších současných ukrajinských prozaiků a zároveň jedním z nejvýraznějších představitelů šedesátníků, laureátem Ševčenkovy státní ceny a držitelem různých literárních cen a ocenění literárních časopisů. Práce se v první řadě zaměřuje na folklorně-mytologické motivy, které jsou pro Ševčukovu tvorbu příznačné a jejichž propojením s prvky současné literatury vytváří autor originální žánr, který v kontextu ukrajinské literatury nemá obdoby. Stranou pozornosti nezůstane ani odraz barokních prvků v Ševčukově tvorbě. Pokusím se rovněž nastínit, jakým způsobem ovlivnila současná politická situace autorův výběr prostředí, v němž se jednotlivé příběhy odehrávají. Blíže prozkoumám folklorněmytologické postavy, které se ve velké míře objevují v románu . Na materiálu románu Příbytek pokory představím filosofii autora projevující se v osudech a myšlenkách hlavních hrdinů.