National Repository of Grey Literature 31,906 records found  beginprevious31897 - 31906  jump to record: Search took 2.76 seconds. 

Comparison of iron-chelating properties of synthetic iron chelators
Zárubová, Pavla ; Mladěnka, Přemysl (advisor) ; Pourová, Jana (referee)
in English Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of pharmacology and toxicology Candidate: Pavla Zárubová Tutor: Přemysl Mladěnka, Ph.D. Name of thesis: Comparison of iron-chelating properties of synthetic iron chelators Iron is an essential element for living cells. Both lack of iron (sideropenia) and iron overload can be dangerous for the organism. Thus, iron homeostasis is maintained on the cellular and whole body levels. Sideropenia may occur as a consequence of increased blood loss/ increased iron need (menarche, gravidity, lactation), lack of iron in food or in derangements of gastrointestinal tract. Iron excess can be caused by acute intoxication, dangerous mainly in children, and also in chronic poisoning, caused by hereditary disorders or especially by frequent blood transfusions during the treatment of some haematological diseases. Iron chelators are a wide group of chemical substances with very variable structure. They have been used therapeutically in different indications for many years and other indications are being researched recently. Traditionally, they are used for chelation therapy in acute intoxication and in chronic iron overload, nowadays they are in the center of research attention in association with cancer and neurodegenerative...

Pupil staying aloof from interaction with classmates - ludic folklore
Mikulková, Gabriela ; Klusák, Miroslav (advisor) ; Kučera, Miloš (referee)
Při zpracování tématu Žák stranící se interakci-hemí folklor, se budeme převážně pohybovat na poli školské instituce, přesněji řečeno ve školní třídě. Budeme pronikat do dětského světa, budeme sledovat, jakým způsobem probíhají interakce mezi dětmi. Předem přijímáme základní fakt, že za dětmi budeme muset vstoupit do jim velmi blízkého světa a to do světa hry. Svět hry není s našimi životy spojen jen tak pro nic za nic. Hra má jistě pro lidskou existenci důležitý význam. S herní aktivitou se setkáme ve všech společenstvích a kulturách. Dle kulturní antropologie je hra nositelkou kulturních projevů lidského života. Vývojová psychologie chápe hru jako jakýsi trenažér pro život rozvíjející se na instinktivním základě a jako prostor pro vyrovnání se s nároky běžného života. Svou roli může sehrát při zdravém vývoji a rozvoji každého jedince. Pomocí hry dítě poznává a reflektuje svět, ověřuje si a procvičuje své nabývající dovednosti, učí se novým zkušenostem, které potom použije v běžném životě. Do světa hry můžeme unikat před všednostmi života, můžeme si v něm plnit svá přání, touhy či určité potřeby. Skrze hru můžeme světu něco říkat. Zvláště psychoanalýza poukazuje na hru jako na prostor pro ventilaci emočních konfliktů a odreagování z napětí. V následující práci budeme však vycházet převážně z poznatků...

Burjatian shamanism
Havlíček, Marek ; Kašpar, Oldřich (advisor) ; Pargač, Jan (referee)
After the political changes in East Europe and Central Asia at the end of 80s of the 20th century some latitude of religious liberty, which had been limited till then, occured. It made possible to restore original traditions and gradually return the religion from illegality back to the public life. Ecclesiastic and confessional institutions started to restore in accordance with those ones operating in the period of Imperial Russia. A very specific situation arose from Buryat shamanism, which had never been under the state and authority control like other confessions had. Buryat shamans began to restore and renew extinct traditions mostly by the way of studying professional ethnographical and religious literature and inspired by the new philosophical currents of the tardy wave of New Age, they complemented numerous gaps and deficiency with their own ideas. During the last 15 years several organisations associtiating Buryat shamans have come into existence. They obviously differ from each other in their specialisation, traditions they gather from, and even in their range. Some of them are local, others try to unite all shamans in the territory settled by the Buryats, but there are also small formal and informal groups gathering disciples of a master. All associations of shamans in some ways use traditional...

Use of computers in German classes
Skalická, Jana ; Rössler, Paul (referee) ; Berglová, Eva (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis "Use of computers in German classes" is to present various ways of engaging computers in teaching German. The trend towards information society has made computers an essential part of our lives. In this regard all language teachers should consider finding new and effective ways of engaging computers in their classes and exploring new areas in which computers might become helpful. Czech educational system as well as educational system of other countries is governed by specific laws. As Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (hereafter referred to as "SERR") had significant role in the proposal of the new Education Act in relation to teaching foreign languages, the first chapter addresses the description and main ideas of this framework. The real implementation of SERR into the Czech educational system is described in chapter called "Framework educational programs". The second chapter deals with a theoretical description of four skills essential for teaching foreign languages, the basis for defining possible options to use computers in German classes. This part also includes media competence, one of the key competences in modern society. This thesis demonstrates that media education can be successfully included even in teaching foreign languages, moreover that...

Salesian Youth Center in Pilsen
Rezek, Jan ; Opatrný, Aleš (advisor) ; Eliáš, Vojtěch (referee)
Salesian Youth Center in Pilsen Annotation This bachelor thesis describes the foundation and evolution of the Salesian Youth Center in Pilsen. It aims to provide the readers with a comprehensive view of how the Center works with specific target groups; how the basic type of work is expanding - the Center, oratory and parish. The work tries to monitor all of the Salesians who have worked for the project during its gradual expansion to its present form. It describes the impact on its surroundings and what specific activities can be practiced. The thesis also describes "Střecha (The Roof)" project, which is still developing, as well as other projects that have been developed. Salesians Don Bosco Center Youth Pilsen

Non-contractual institutions of the use of a copyrighted work
Frantová, Zuzana ; Wünschová Pujmanová, Alexandra (referee) ; Žikovská, Petra (advisor)
Mimosmluvní užití autorského díla 71 Limitations and exceptions to copyright protection The purpose of my thesis is to outline the main limitations and exceptions to copyright protection that exist under the czech copyright law, international law and european law. The reason for my research is that limitations and exceptions are the most important legal instrument for reconciling copyright with the individual and collective interests of the general public. The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of exceptions to authors' rights. Chapter One is introductory and describes copyright in general. The chapter two and three defines the most important international conventions and community legislation. Next chapter is dealing with limitations and exceptions to copyright protection that exist under czech copyright act. This chapter is subdivided into six parts. Part one describe the three-step test, which is a main condition of limitations and exceptions. Part is about making author's work public. Part three describes system for author`s work for which the period of duration of economic rights has expired and only the author's moral rights remain. This work may be utilised by anybody without any further provision. Part four deals with free uses of author's work which...

Women in the role of companies
Fritscherová, Julie ; Hubinková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Kaštovská, Lenka (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the current situation of women in managerial positions in relation to the obstacles that hinder their career progression, as well as naming the features and capabilities that they prefer, and to characterize the possible existence of female leadership style. The theoretical part focuses on the role of women in society, concepts related to gender issues and the difference between management and leadership. I also deal with selected models describing the approach of managers to their subordinates. In the practical part based on qualitative research methods, I find out what opinion managers have to that situation in the Czech Republic. In conclusion, the thesis provides recommendations for a more detailed investigation of the area.

The Creative Vision in the Short Stories of Bunin and Andrejevová
Vránová, Marie ; Hříbková, Radka (advisor) ; Hlaváček, Antonín (referee)
Na základě čtenářské zkušenosti jsem si začala klást otázku, zda je výtvarné vidění v próze vybraných autorů pouze individuální záležitostí nebo zda jde o znak dobového slovesného umění vůbec. Ve své diplomové práci hledám odpověď na tuto otázku, nahlížím do povídkové tvorby obou autorů a pokouším se objevit jejich oblíbené barvy, odhalit, jakým způsobem a v jakém množství je používají, jaké funkce a symboly jim přisuzují. Postupné zkoumání teorie barev, dobových výtvarných směrů, Buninovy a Anrejevovy osobnosti a jejich díla určilo obsah jednotlivých kapitol, v nichž se zaměřuji na symboliku a psychologii barev, syntetičnost umění konce 19. a počátku 20. století a roli výtvarného umění v životě autorů. Dále se zabývám porovnáním Buninova a Andrejevova přístupu ke světelným a barevným kontrastům, k barevnému vyjádření vnějšího a vnitřního světa hrdiny, časovosti a věčnosti, života a smrti. Powered by TCPDF (

Buryat shamanism
Havlíček, Marek ; Pargač, Jan (referee) ; Kašpar, Oldřich (advisor)
After the political changes in East Europe and Central Asia at the end of 80s of the 20th century some latitude of religious liberty, which had been limited till then, occured. It made possible to restore original traditions and gradually return the religion from illegality back to the public life. Ecclesiastic and confessional institutions started to restore in accordance with those ones operating in the period of Imperial Russia. A very specific situation arose from Buryat shamanism, which had never been under the state and authority control like other confessions had. Buryat shamans began to restore and renew extinct traditions mostly by the way of studying professional ethnographical and religious literature and inspired by the new philosophical currents of the tardy wave of New Age, they complemented numerous gaps and deficiency with their own ideas. During the last 15 years several organisations associtiating Buryat shamans have come into existence. They obviously differ from each other in their specialisation, traditions they gather from, and even in their range. Some of them are local, others try to unite all shamans in the territory settled by the Buryats, but there are also small formal and informal groups gathering disciples of a master. All associations of shamans in some ways use traditional...

Animal in Chinese folktales
Šimková, Monika ; Sehnal, David (referee) ; Lomová, Olga (advisor)
Se zvířecími hrdiny se setkáváme v pohádkách všude na světě. Spektrum zvířat a jejich rolí je široké; na různých místech se proměňuje v závislosti na mnoha faktorech, které jsme výše popsali. Některá zvířata jsou pro určité role typická, jiná jsou snadno zaměnitelná a získávají specifičnost až v momentě, kdy se stávají nositeli symbolického či alegorického významu. Předchozí kapitoly se pokoušely vymezit a charakterizovat kategorie čínských pohádek se zvířecími hrdiny, zasadit je do kontextu čínské lidové tradice a širších kulturně historických souvislostí, na základě primárních pramenů zmapovat výskyt jednotlivých zvířat a zachytit jejich charakteristické vlastnosti, které jsou jim tradičně připisovány a toto ilustrovat komentovanými ukázkami z lidových pohádek. Vzhledem k tomu, že čínská civilizace je odedávna civilizací agrární, ve které každodenní život lidí nezávisí na zvířeti jako kořisti či predátorovi, a čínská pohádková tradice tedy není historicky spjata s divokou přírodou, zvíře nezaujímá v čínské pohádce nikterak dominantní postavení. Zvířecí pohádka je v rámci jednotlivých pohádkových druhů v Číně zastoupena okrajově. Prostředí, v němž čínská pohádka vzniká a "žije," je výrazně venkovské. S různou intenzitou se to projevuje ve výše vytyčených motivických okruzích. Vliv venkovského prostředí je...