National Repository of Grey Literature 31,573 records found  beginprevious31564 - 31573  jump to record: Search took 2.31 seconds. 

Economic and political aspects of integration of Turkey into the EU.
Lorková, Aneta ; Hnát, Pavel (advisor) ; Tunkrová, Věra (referee)
This thesis in three chapters, objectively and impartially summarizes the key economic and political integration of Turkey into the EU and refers to any present or future pros and contras associated with joining the EU. First chapter focuses particularly on the economic situation of the country, current and future important energetic position of Turkey and Turkish demographic projections. Second chapter analyzes the army's role in the country and its potential ability to protect the EU external borders. The chapter also seeks to offer a comprehensive look at the circumstances and causes of the Cyprus question, turkish good-neighborly relations and the persistent instability in the underdeveloped regions of the country, coupled with Kurdish separatism in the southeast and the so-called "Armenian genocide". For better understanding of the benefits and risks of selected political and economic aspects are tables in the beginning of chapters. Final chapter outlines the current situation of Turkey's accession process, briefly acquainted with the Copenhagen criteria, analyzing the Commission's progress report on Turkey in 2009 and finally outlines the probable developments of the possible variations of the Union and Turkey relation and describes the potential impacts on the EU and Turkey in case of refusal of membership.

Analytical Evaluation of Biologically Active Substances by Chromatographic Methods
Pasáková, Ivana ; Sochor, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Nobilis, Milan (referee) ; Holčapek, Michal (referee)
Introduced dissertation thesis deals with the development and validation of the chromatographic methods for analytical evaluation of selected biologically active substances. HPLC coupled with UV and MS detection was chosen for determination of analytes, because of the dominant role of the HPLC in pharmaceutical analysis. The theoretical part is focused on the theory of chromatographic methods and topics of the experimental work. At first, summary of all the chromatographic methods is briefly introduced and subsequently, the most common analytical method HPLC is described in details. The next part deals with the mass spectrometry. Thank to its high sensitivity and ability to provide structural information about the analytes, MS became an indispensable tool not only in modern pharmaceutical analysis. Besides MS theory and instrumentation, its applications and new trends are also mentioned. Last chapters deal with the transdermal application of drugs, specifications of antiretroviral therapy and especially they provide basic information about the physical - chemical and biological properties of analysed substances. The experimental part is consisted of the original research papers with appropriate comments divided into two thematic sections. The first one is composed of three papers focused on analytical...

The relationship between theoretical and practical lives in H. Arendt and Aristotle
Holub, Štěpán ; Kouba, Pavel (advisor) ; Pechar, Jiří (referee) ; Čapek, Jakub (referee)
The Relationship between Theoretical and Practical Lives in H. Arendt and Aristotle The first part of the work deals with the relationship between thinking, philosophy and political action in Hannah Arendt. The research includes the following: an evaluation of the distance Arendt takes from philosophy; a portrayal of what she herself calls "political theory"; analysis of her critical stance towards the philosophical tradition; and, finally, an outline of her conception of an authentic thinking. The second part is devoted to Aristotle and his position within Arendťs work. It assesses the extent to which Arendt justly ranks among neoaristotelians. Some aspects of Aristotle's philosophy are studied as for their usability within Arendtian approach to politics, as well as for their contribution to the formulation of the ideals of theoretical and practical li ves. In particular, the analysis concerns the Nicomachean Ethics (including reflections on its coherence) and some parts of the Politics. The focus i s on the concept of TÉAos and on the connection between concepts of rrpo~ts and ' I EVEPYEICX.

The analysis of the insurance of domestic animals in the Czech republic
Čahojová, Lucie ; Ducháčková, Eva (advisor)
The aim of this work is to analyze the insurance market of domestic animals in the Czech Republic. Intermediate objectives are the definition of specific features of the insurance product, an analysis of the status of the product on the Czech insurance market, an offers analysis of insurers offering insurance of domestic animals and compare these offers. Finally, assessment of the situation in the field of insurance of domestic animals in the Czech insurance market.

Agent in limited liability company
Pažmová, Kristína ; Kalinová, Miluše (advisor) ; Kropáčová, Marie (referee)
The thesis is describing agent in limited liability company. First part is about the company in general, second about the steps that has to be taken before becomming and agent and also how the post can be disolve and then main part of the thesis is focused on the rights and obligations of an agent.

Property insurance in the czech insurance market
Malcherová, Yvona ; Ducháčková, Eva (advisor)
The main aim of this bachelor work is the analysis of the inhabitants property insurance in the czech insurance market. Firstly, the property insurance content is defined and characterized for the fulfilment of this basic aim. Then, the possible forms of the property insurance products are analysed and finally, the analysis of the property insurance position in the insurance market of the Czech republic is performed, mainly in the structure of the general insurance products nad the factors influencing the insurance. The work is primarily aimed for the insurance of household and buildings from the individual points of view and it should provide some general summary of important necessary information and findings about this kind of insurance. At the end of the work the insurance products of our three biggest insurance companies are compared and their priorities, lacks and differences are emphasized.

The history, present and future of school libraries in the United States of America
Emmer, Jan ; Stöcklová, Anna (advisor) ; Vášová, Lidmila (referee)
Diplomová práce se zabývá historií školních knihoven v USA, nejdůležitějšími aspekty jejich současného fungování a naznačením trendů, které budou v budoucnosti pro jejich postavení a rozvoj určující. V práci jsou analyzovány základní statistické údaje, které se vážou k problematice školních knihoven v USA. Těžištěm práce je rozbor všech základních oblastí školního knihovnictví. Jde o financování, programy školních knihoven, jejich personální zajištění, architekturu a prostorové vybavení, nové technologie a jejich dopad na činnost školních knihoven, jejich akviziční politiku. V jednotlivých kapitolách porovnávám statistické ukazatele s "ideálním" stavem, který je pro činnost školních knihoven doporučován příslušnými institucemi, které mají tuto problematiku ve své gesci. Závěr práce je věnován výhledu do budoucnosti, základním problémům, trendům a výzvám, se kterými budou školní knihovny v USA konfrontovány.

Czech Feminism.
Čálková, Klára ; Janošová, Pavlína (advisor) ; Vágnerová, Marie (referee)
The subject of my thesis is feminism, on which several points of view are applied. Theoretical part deals with reasons and place of its apparing, evolution and consequences, which results from this trend of though. Major part is concerning on feminism in territory of Czech republic. Hypothesies are improved in practical part, which come out from analysis of questionnaire. Questions are set in way to find out general knowledge about feminism and ability to reflect status of women and men.

A Book in Two Languages
Soustružníková, Irena ; Špirk, Ivan (advisor) ; Fulková, Marie (referee)
The dissertation contains as a basic analysis of bilingual book, which is one of the book form with already crucial position on the Czech book market. It describes its major functions and categories that are indicated from one-language book and contains information about bilingual books production in the time of communist period of the Czech Republic history (samizdat). Work consider as a first bilingual textbook Orbis Sensualium Pictus from Jan Amos Komenský. Final part of theoretical investigation is trying to answer a basic question if this book form can be used in multicultural/ intercultural education in the Czech Republic and Europe. Part of the work is disclosing outcomes of analysis, which aim was to find out what is the standing and prediction of bilingual book in publishing houses and also talking about usage and position of the bilingual book as an education tool in schools in the Czech Republic. Education part offers methodology and conclusions from two art themes realized at basic school and one proposal of education procedure, where book (bilingual book) could be used as a tool in intercultural education. Process of bilingual book size copy creation based on the poets from Benny Andersen closing the dissertation in. Key words Book, bilingual book, multicultural/ intercultural, multicultural...

The influence of new natural gas sources on energy security in the USA
Vránková, Jana ; Neumann, Pavel (advisor) ; Vošta, Milan (referee) ; Baláž, Peter (referee) ; Pospíšil, Jiří (referee)
The thesis focuses on the influence of new natural gas sources on energy security in the USA. The new sources include mainly shale gas, but also tight gas and others. The main objective of the thesis is to evaluate the impact of changes in production and trade in gas on energy security and self-sufficiency of the USA. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is theoretic and thus provides the frameworks for the following parts of the thesis. It focuses on the security concept in literature and in the papers of international energy agencies, e.g. IEA. For the purposes of the thesis, energy security is defined as the ability of a state to secure uninterrupted and stable supply of energy at a reasonable price of sufficiently diversified energy sources, which can be flexibly substituted among each other without additional costs by the end consumers. The second chapter concentrates on energy security in the USA, the development of energy legislation and the position of the United States in international comparison from this point of view. The third chapter deals with the technical background of production and its legislative status of the USA. To compare, it also addresses the production legislation in some EU countries. It follows up market implications of increased domestic production, specifically its profitability, changes in energy mix and in trading position of the USA in energy sources. The fourth chapter analyzes price impacts using change in domestic and foreign demand and supply in natural gas, including their price elasticity, and the price development itself. The fifth chapter summarizes, based on the findings from previous chapters, perspectives of the future development, mainly impacts on economy and potential export. The thesis comes to the main conclusion stating that the production from domestic sources shall have a positive impact on energy security not only in the USA, but also consecutively in other countries dependent on import of energy sources through higher diversification of source countries. Better available commodity may contribute to greater price competitiveness of domestic products on international markets and help to substitute coal with gas in energy mix. The biggest risk is seen in the low gas price that makes the production economically unprofitable. However, the gas price should maintain the level which would allow for profit of the producers, reasonable price for the consumers and increased level of energy security thanks to further development of the production technology, its better price availability and increased demand on cleaner energy sources.