National Repository of Grey Literature 30,397 records found  beginprevious30388 - 30397  jump to record: Search took 1.57 seconds. 

Human Rights in Private Law
Ondřejek, Pavel ; Gerloch, Aleš (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee)
121 Summary Shrnutí v anglickém jazyce The presented work challenges traditional view on human rights as rights guaranteed only against the state. In contemporary world, in which states delegate powers either on supranational structures or on private entities, it is hardly acceptable for the individual to remain unprotected against comparable interferences with his constitutional rights caused by private persons. The classical doctrines of human rights protection lead in this situation to the decrease of level of protection of individuals. Therefore certain models of application of human rights norms in private law are to be scrutinized. How public and private law intertwine in contemporary law was shown on the examples of private military contractors that accompany modern armies in wars as well as transnational corporations operating in the Third World and exploiting indigenous peoples there. Notwithstanding the aforementioned it is clear that it was primarily private law that determined various areas of the "constitutional" status of individuals before modern constitutions of states came into force. From various models of application of human rights norms in private law, the example of models of direct and indirect horizontal application as well as non-application of human rights norms was described and...

Srcappage and its incidence on the economy of Czech Republic
Marcol, Aleš ; Písař, Pavel (advisor) ; Ježek, Tomáš (referee)
The main aim of this thesis is an analysis of incidence of scrappage on the economics of Czech Republic. I will sum up all the arguments from both protagonists and opponents of scrappage and reasons why is most of all economists against the scrappage. This thesis is especially Czech Republic-oriented, because scrappege is quite a new idea, but I'm also going to use the facts from other counties, in which the scrappage has ended. I will try to find the answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning the scrappage, if the scrappage is really dissocial, if the scrappage only postpones future problems, which could be much more bigger, if the scrappage is only a zero sum game and, if the government donations to new cars only forces the poorest people, who cannot afford to buy a brand new car, to contribute to the richer people and if the government has been taken captive by the middle sphere.

Selected issues of public procurement
Weigl, Jiří ; Plíva, Stanislav (advisor) ; Liška, Petr (referee)
Thesis: SELECTED ISSUES OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT My thesis concerns selected issues of public procurement procedure which is codified in the Act no. 137/2006 Coll., on Public Procurement. The reason why I chose the topic is that I consider public procurement as a very interesting branch of law, in which the public sector cooperates with business. Compliance with public procurement rules in my opinion contributes to prevent the corruption and other fraudulent practices. To achieve this goal, new European public procurement directives were adopted by Czech legislator. The main purpose of the thesis is to analyse legal regulation in the field of personal application of the Act on Public Procurement and to analyse exempts from the operation of this Act. Very important method of my work is comparation of the Czech way of adopting the European directives with the German way. I often use Czech and European judicature and commentaries to demonstrate the correct interpretation of the relevant provisions. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter contains introduction to the relevant issues, historic development of public procurement in the Czech republic, list of laws and regulations in force, basic principles of the Act and explanation of other relevant provisions concerning the issues. The...

Ceske zdravotnicke forum as a tool of public awareness
Svobodová, Martina ; Říhová, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Durdisová, Jaroslava (referee)
Non-governmental organisation (NGO) are being established in the Czech Republic as the reaction on "white dots" in the economics, the number of NGO is increasing rapidly since 1989. The founders of NGO know that there is a need of NGO, to rely on invisible hand of market would not be forceful enough. This problem is characteristic for healthcare. There are governmental organisation and in branch organisation focus on narrow range of problems of their members and partners. But there are mainly NGOs focused on improvement of the position of the patients, insured citizen in the Czech healthcare system. Is this goal for NGO realistic and performable?

Active Employment Policy
Pajmová, Lenka ; Soušková, Milena (advisor) ; Spirit, Michal (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of the active employment policy, especially with the instruments used by the state to decrease the unemployment rate and to increase the quality of the labour force. The subject of the bachelor thesis is the analysis of the active employment policy realized in the district Vysočina. The first part of the thesis defines the terms connected with the issue of the thesis, for example the labour market, unemployment or disadvantaged groups of the labour market. This chapter describes also the state employment policy and its dividing into active and passive employment policy. The second part of the thesis deals with the active employment policy instruments according to the law. The third part is focused on the description of the labour market in the district Vysočina and the analysis of the instruments used in this region, on their application and effects.

Active Employment Policy
Vaňková, Lucie ; Soušková, Milena (advisor) ; Spirit, Michal (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of the active employment policy - mainly the instruments that the state uses to decrease an unemployment rate and to raise a level of qualification of the labour force. The first chapter defines the terms connected with the subject of this thesis, for instance the labour market or unemployment. Then the state employment policy and its dividing into active and passive policies is described. The second part is focused on the instruments of the active employment policy, their application and comparison. The third and last chapter deals with the analysis of the application and effects of the instruments in Pilsen region and includes also graphs.

In the shadow and background: general Antonín Hasal (1893-1960)
Hubený, David ; Maršálek, Zdenko (referee) ; Kuklík jun., Jan (advisor)
1960), whose activities left a significant vestige both in military and political course of Czechoslovakian public life. The first chapter focuses on his youth, academic education and precocity. He finishes his secondary school education in Rakovnik, from which he moves to Russia shortly before the beginning of the First World War. In the course of the First World war he enters Česká Družina (Czech Retinue) as a private. The chapter focuses on the growth and development of Czechoslovak forces in Russia and studies those military operations in which Hasal participated. One of the fields of interest is also the Civil War in Russia, into which Hasal intervenes already as a commander of 2nd riflemen regiment of Jiřího z Poděbrad. The chapter terminates with the return of Czechoslovakian Legions to Czechoslovakia. The second chapter concentrates on Hasal's career in the first Czechoslovak Republic. The chapter begins with the characterisation of the restless events of December 1920, when the uproar between moderate social democrats together with the state powers and the radical social democrats, later to become communists, begins. Following are the passages dealing with Hasal's career development, an account on his studies on several military universities and the foundation of his family. In the course of 1930s...

State transformation in postcolonial Mozambique
Jelínek, Petr ; Kropáček, Luboš (advisor) ; Kandert, Josef (referee) ; Fiala, Vlastimil (referee)
The case of "State Transformation in Postcolonial Mozambique" is set into the context of African postcolonial state research in the introductory part of the thesis. The concepts of africanists Mahmood Mamdani, Patrick Chabal and Jean François Bayart are presented and used as an conceptual framework for the analysis of the postcolonial state in Mozambique. The origin and development of the postcolonial state in Mozambique is analysed in the wider historical context. The pre-colonial political systems in Mozambique are presented, as well as the first contacts between the pre-colonial Mozambique and the Portuguese and the establishment of the Portuguese presence. The description of the formation and consolidation of the colonial state includes the issue of colonial border demarcation, conquest of the territory and establishment of the colonial administration. The Mozambican independence struggle is analysed as well as its impact on the colonial administration. The development of the leading force of the struggle, the FRELIMO party, is analysed including its origin in the union of three nationalist movements, its internal disputes and divisions and its gradual radicalisation. The creation of the postcolonial state in Mozambique is described and the constitution of the People's Republic of Mozambique of 1975,...

The Act Of Civil Service from the aspect of related legislation
Horová, Jana ; Matula, Miloš (advisor) ; Louda, Tomáš (referee)
The master thesis analyzes the Act No. 234/2014 Coll., On Civil Service, from the aspect of related legislation, Act No. 312/2002 Coll., On Public Officials of the Local Self-Government Units. When the Law On the Civil Service came into force, at the beginning of last year, two categories of officials were created. On the one side there are civil servants who are in service of the Czech Republic, on the other side there are officials who are employed by local self-government units. The analysis is focused on five areas, where it is possible to compare the method of legislation under both laws. After review of these selected areas, the application problems of the civil service are identified. At the end of the thesis, there are legislative proposals for changes that are inspired by relevant legislation.

Service relationship of members of law enfrocement units
Orel, Jan ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee) ; Hůrka, Petr (advisor)
71 Service Relationship of Security Force Members (Summary) Since 1st January 2007 the Service Relationship of Security Force Members Act No. 361/2003 Coll. has come into force. The Act arranges legal relations of The Police of the Czech Republic members, The Fire Service members, The Customs Service members, The Prison Service members, The Security Information Service members and Office for Foreign Relations and Information members. The Service Relationship of Security Force Members Act is a complex norm setting the material-law and procedural-law aspects of service relationship affairs. The act arranges not only basic institutes as creation, change and end of the service relationship, service conditions, basic duties of a security force member, income of a security force member, service duration, retirement rights, and proceedings in service relationship affairs, but also institutes traditionally adopted into previous service relationship arrangements from the Labour Code (e.g. deputizing, time measurement, its end and passing of demands in the case of the death of a security force member). The service relationship of the security force members, being a civil service relationship, has several characteristic features, refering to the public nature of the service relationship. This nature is strongly formed...