National Repository of Grey Literature 29,527 records found  beginprevious29518 - 29527  jump to record: Search took 2.17 seconds. 

Analysis of the value of ecosystem services by stated preference methods: Case study of clearance cairns in the Eastern Ore Mountain
Břízová, Lucie ; Vojáček, Ondřej (advisor) ; Slavíková, Lenka (referee)
During last decade there has been developed concept of so-called ecosystem services (e.g. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005) in matured countries. This concept focus especially on identification of benefits resulting from intact ecosystem and also on various ways of taking all those benefits into account when dealing with decision-making process of market economy. Goal of this concept (among other things) is to keep currently freely available ecosystem services in nature as they are and also to ensure natural conditions for life won't be becoming worse. Landscape of eastern Ore Mountain has its specific character especially because of few unique ecosystems which don't occur in other locations at all; or they are presented there but not in such high volume. We can consider mountain meadows, natural streams and clearance cairns at the most important local unique ecosystems. Main goal of diploma thesis is to analyze recreational and mainly aesthetic values of clearance cairns. Even though clearance cairns are important biotopes there was quite small attention dedicated to them in existing analyses made in Czech Republic. That is in heavy contrast to attention dedicated to those biotopes in other areas, e.g. in eastern part of Ore Mountain belonging to Saxony where local inhabitants appreciate clearance cairns so much that every single section of them is completely documented (resulting into 1.000 kilometers of documented clearance cairns). Diploma thesis is based on methodology using analysis of primary data obtained from empirical research. Research was realized in eastern Ore Mountain during summer 2013 and author of this thesis was actively participated both in preparation phase and also in realization phase. Thesis also uses random utility theory, discrete choice models and also stated preferences methods (e.g. Bateman et al., 2002). Multinominal logit model and random parameter logic model are used for values estimation. Based on performed analysis thesis verifies or disproves hypothesis saying that willingness to pay for clearance cairns is statistically insignificant (i.e. people don't consider this landscape element as having significant value). Diploma thesis results will be used as a suggestion for obtaining clearance cairns management.

Banking fees and commissions, analysis of their real and hypothetical effects on the economy of Czech Republic
Rod, Aleš ; Schwarz, Jiří (advisor) ; Řežábek, Pavel (referee)
The thesis deals with banking fees and commissions in the Czech Republic. Its main goal is to identify real and hypothetical effects that are caused by this element of non-interest banking income. Moreover, the thesis shows that the bank fees and commissions play more significant role than just being a source of banks' income -- diversification and structure of bank income crosses the line of banking system. The first hypothesis on the negative correlation between bank fees and commissions and output of the Czech economy has been proved. Although other two hypothesis have not been sufficiently proved but they have confirmed their relevance for further economic research.

The politics of Edward I. on the British isles and in France
Kovaříková, Šárka ; Drška, Václav (advisor) ; Nejedlý, Martin (referee)
King Edward I reigned in England for thirty five years. The authors of medieval chronicles speak about him as magnificent ruler, capable warrior and politician. Modern historians write about many problems and wars he had to resolve or win, mostly with success. England of Edward I had two more outer parts - Wales and Ireland. Wales was divided among powerfull barons who had to perform homagium to English kings. Between 1272 and 1307 there were three rebelions led by native princes. After last of them, in 1292, Wales was finaly conquered by English. Ireland was supposed to be firmly in English hands; Edward never visited the country nor had to send army to it. In the thirteenth century there were two kingdoms on the British Isles - England and Scotland. English kings tried to obtain influential position in the northern realm; Scottish kings had to perform homagium to them. Question is whether this was for Scotland or only for lands which Scottish kings held in England. In 1290 the dynasty of Scottish kings died out and Edward I took the opportunity. He chose new ruler and after John Balliol failed in his duties to England, Edward entered Scotland with army. The campaigns, thanks to resist in the northern part of the kingdom, continued until the end of Edward's reign. Scotland was never fully conquered. The...

Public support from the point of view of Czech and Community law
Pawliczková, Nina ; Boháč, Radim (advisor) ; Marková, Hana (referee)
54 III. Závěr Evropská rada na zasedání v Lisabonu v březnu 2000 stanovila pro Evropu strategický cíl stát se nejkonkurenceschopnější a nejdynamičtější ekonomikou na světě. Evropu postihla finanční krize a díky tomu, že se nevzdala svého cíle, se také veřejná podpora stala jednou z velmi aktuálních otázek. Chránit soutěž na vnitřním trhu EU, omezit zneužívání podpory, chránit ekonomicky slabší členské státy, transparentnost poskytování finančních prostředků potřebným podnikům a odvětvím a v neposlední řadě ochránit spotřebitele, toto jsou obecné funkce regulace veřejné podpory, které v době finanční krize ještě posílily. Období právě přicházející ekonomické recese zajisté bude testovat odhodlanost řídících orgánů EU odolat "svodům" velkých finančních injekcí a masivních podpor. V této práci jsem nastínila pro i proti a zevrubně popsala mechanismy, které v právu "veřejných podpor" působí. Pro právníky pak bude zajímavé sledovat přístup soudních institucí EU k veřejné podpoře v době krize. Fenomén veřejné podpory, pokud se jím zabýváme okrajově, zdá se být "okrajový", když však začneme tuto problematiku podrobněji studovat, zjistíme, že zasahuje do nesmírné škály činností, dotýká se obrovského počtu lidí a zde tekoucí peněžní sumy jsou také z pohledu makroekonoma mimořádně vysoké. Podle vyjádření JUDr....

Procedural principles relating to evidence
Mikešová, Marie ; Zoulík, František (advisor) ; Smolík, Petr (referee)
77 Shrnutí v anglickém jazyce Procedural principles connected with evidence proceeding are principles, which create character of civil proceeding. They are arranged in pairs, but in concrete part of civil procedure only one principle from the pair is usually used. The first pair consists of the principles that determine which subject of the procedure will start the procedure and which subject will dispose of it. On the basis of this, we can talk about the principle of civil proceedings dealing with contenious cases or of principle of opening civil procedure ex officio. Furthermore, we distinguish a principle to try and the principle to search in accordance with terms that indicates the events that need to be assessed in the proceedings. Whether the facts relevant to the decision of the court is obliged to claim the participant in accordance with the principle to try or whether this is required by the court by the principle to search. The principle of the uniformity of the procedure is another basic principle. Due to this principle the civil procedure is a uniform procedure. There is not arranged when the procedure action during the procedure must be done. This principle is completed with elements of concentration principle. Principle of concentration is the reason, why the participant is allowed to propose...

Organization structure and activity of Probacy and Mediacy of Czech Republic in Prague with focus on activity of section Parole
Charvátová, Dagmar ; Matoušková, Andrea (advisor) ; Günzlová, Iva (referee)
In my bachelor work I'm engaged in questions regarding the probacy service and especially in subject of parole. In the work the are discussed particular parts of the service, however the main emphasis is placed on parole. The important part is also about historical roots, thanks to which we were able to reach the todays levels. And of course the need to move forward, educate and improve current systems. For the practital part of my work I have put together casuistries, which I met during my practice in Prague probacy centre. For each casuistry I'm trying to show its specifity and I'm thing over how they were figured out by the court and how the resulst have influented the clients future life. In my work I'm lininig out the part of the social worker in this sector and his role to improve the whole system. It is importnant to point out the connection with law, that means that working for probacy service is asking high profession demands. It is necessary to be well acquainted with the legal system and be professional in comunication with the client. However the most important role is to make the clients life easier in their hard times and help them to better and upstanding life.

The Ostrogoths and the idea of "renovatio of imperii" in the reign of Justinian I
Adamčík, Petr ; Suchánek, Drahomír (referee) ; Picková, Dana (advisor)
The Goths were among the biggest and most important Germanic tribes of the Migration Period. Thanks to their number and combativeness they were able to maintain their unity in two large groups that later formed empires - Visigoth and Ostrogoth. Ostrogoths established themselves as a new large tribe at the time of their sojourn in Pannonia, where they were dominated by the Huns, but because of their advancement and large population they managed to become the co-rulers of the Hun Empire. The second half of the 5th century was decisive for the formation of Ostrogoths' new ethnic territory because Attila's death and the ensuing disintegration of the Hun Empire allowed a single ruler, Thiudimir, succeeded by his son Theodoric the Great, to concentrate control over three Goth groups in his hands. In the 490s Italy was conquered by Ostrogoths, who founded a barbarian kingdom there. The Ostrogothic kingdom became a major political power in the western Mediterranean. Its ruler Theodoric took over the system of govemment and the religious tolerance ofthe defeated Germanic ruler Odoacer. At the end of Theodoric the Greať s rule no power factor in Europe could jeopardize the Gothic Empire surrounded by a system of vassal states.However, Theodoric's successors permitted a disintegration of these links and allowed...

Imaging styles of American Cameramen in the 1960’s and 70‘s in the 20th century
Chajewski, Jan ; BRABEC, Jaroslav (advisor) ; SMUTNÝ, Vladimír (referee)
An analysis of the changes in style in cinematography during the „New Hollywood“ or „American New Wave“ of the 1960’s and 70‘s is the intent of this thesis. The main context for this analysis is the influence the French New Wave had on American Cinema. We try to look at specific aspects of American visual culture and the progress made in that culture as a result of American cinematographer’s reaction to new cinematic ideas. As a result of new thinking in cinema Hollywood cameramen began making “mistakes” acceptable and using them as visual tools, that their older colleagues where forbidden to use. Bonnie and Clyde was the first widely successful “New Hollywood” film, so in comparison to Jules and Jim, its French equivalent, we can look at the way visual language changed and how differently the same cinematic thought can be brought to life in two very different cinematic cultures. The main contribution of this thesis is the analysis of the new visual tools that American cameramen brought to world cinema. These tools can be observed when watching almost any audiovisual product made after 1967, when Bonnie and Clyde had its premiere. For future cinematographers the knowledge of the historical context of these visual tools can be beneficial for more informed viewing.

A Programme for Teaching - The French Beginner in the Third Grade
Kadlecová, Táňa ; Machleidtová, Silva (advisor) ; Müllerová, Eva (referee)
Dans ce mémoire, j 'ai essayé d'élaborer un programme pour le français niveau débutant en classe de troisième qui corresponde au profil de notre école. Comme j 'enseigne dans cette école depuis cinq ans, je connais déjà le milieu et le style de travail qui y est pratiqué. En rédigeant j 'ai analysé la situation dans ma propre classe, la confrontant avec celle de mes collègues dans d'autres établissements. Après avoir validé le niveau des objectifs généraux et les méthodes pour les atteindre avec la coordinatrice du Programme scolaire Mgr. Naďa Černá, j 'ai tenté de tester la théorie avec mes élèves de l'année précédante en mettant en oeuvre les activités prévues (cf. photos illustrant l'atmosphère en classe) et j 'ai constaté que les élèves parviennent à les remplir sans grands problèmes. Peu à peu, j 'arrive également à baser mon plan hebdomadaire (cours, révisions, évaluation des élèves) sur la décomposition de ces objectifs. Powered by TCPDF (

Figures in Elena Garros work recollection of Things to Come
Novotná Ouřadová, Dagmar ; Housková, Anna (advisor) ; Fousek, Michal (referee)
Téma postava jejich vztahu k ostatním stavebním prvkům románu jsem si vybrala z několika důvodů. Podle mého názoru vděčí dílo Eleny Garro za svoji nadčasovost z velké části právě postavám. Spojením klasického hrdiny s postavou moderního románu vytváří postavy, které přesahují hranice jednoho díla a jedné epochy. Po hrdinech dávných bájí zdědily mytickou nesmrtelnost, z druhé linie se jim dostalo křehké poetiky moderní literární postavy. Toto spojení z nich dělá univerzální literární postavy, které díky svému bytostně lidskému rozměru dokáží oslovovat i naši současnost. Elena Garro stojí jako spisovatelka i jako žena na prahu nové doby. Ve svém díle podává svědectví o začátku nové epochy. Mexická společnost konce 20. let, do kterých je román zasazen, otevírá otázku vlastní identity a po letech cizí nadvlády hledá svoji vlastní cestu. Na pozadí magického příběhu hlavních hrdinek se odehrává drama společnosti, která stojí před svým přerodem. Elena Garro kritizuje šedé maloměšťáctví, sobectví a zaslepenost, které v jejich důsledku přirovnává k neomalenosti velkých historických gest. Mexiko prochází deziluzí z revolučních bojů a touŽÍ po zavedení pořádku. Starý systém přestává platit a nový ještě nenabyl jasných obrysů. Cítíme nostalgii po dobách minulých, ze které je však zřejmé, že již není cesty zpátky. V...