National Repository of Grey Literature 28,954 records found  beginprevious28945 - 28954  jump to record: Search took 1.82 seconds. 

Vegetation changes of urban forests
Kučerová, Tereza ; Hédl, Radim (referee) ; Vojta, Jaroslav (advisor)
Urbanization is one of the most intense and biggest factor of homogenization created by human. Cities produce environment which is important just for one species and it is homo sapiens. Very important is also instability of pumping natural resources instead of preservation natural environment. In consequence of cities expand across the planet, biological homogenization increases because the same urban-adaptable species become increasingly widespread and locally abundant in cities all around the World. Synantropic species adapted to intensely modified built habitats at the urban core are global homogenizers, that we found in cities and urban woodlands worlwide. This species consist of early successional plants and edge animal species as mesopredator mammals and frugivorous birds that can utilize gardens, forest fragmnents and many other habitats available in the suburbs. The intentional and unintentional importation of species adapted to urban habitats often produces local species diversity and abundance that is usually equal to or greater than the surrounding landscape. Human populations inhabit richly cultivated suburban habitats with a relatively high local floral nad faunal diversity without awerness of the global impoverishment caused by urbanization. Because so many urban species are immigrants...

Antiviral vaccination - tick borne encephalitis virus
Solarová, Pavlína ; Janštová, Vanda (referee) ; Drda Morávková, Alena (advisor)
Tick borne encephalitis is by one of the most severe disease of central nervous system. Agent of this disease is tick-borne encephalitis virus, which is transmitted mainly by tick. Clinical picture of TBE is considerably different and varied in individuals - from quite infection without symptoms up to severe cerebro-spinal meningitis, in such cases attacked persons by this virus leave hospital with whole-life handicap. We can prevent this disease by inoculation. We can see it in the neighboring Austria, where TBE almost became extinct because 90% of population is vaccinated. Vaccines are commercially available from 1979. Nevertheless only 17% population is vaccinated against TBEV. The reason for it could be fact that insurance companies do not provide the vaccines as well as not very effective health education. One of possibilities how we can this tendency reverse would be higher awareness of pupils at schools. In school educational programs there is contained prevention of viral disease, especially in general biology, biology of viruses and education to health.

Intraspecific variability of Phlebotomus sergenti, a major vector of Leishmania tropica
Dvořák, Vít
"Intraspecific variability of Phlebotomus sergenti, a major vector of Leishmania tropica" Vít Dvořák PhD. Thesis, defended in September 16, 2008 Phlebotomus sergenti is the main vector of Leishmania tropica, a causative agent of human cutaneous leishmaniasis, therefore a sand fly species of great medical importance. As it has a very broad range of distribution, a notable intraspecific variability was expected and a possibility of several cryptic species was postulated with differences in ecology, host preferences and vectorial capacity, meaning important implications in diagnostics, epidemiology and medical therapy. The presented thesis studied intraspecific variability of P. sergenti by crossmating analysis of laboratory colonies with different geographical origin as well as by several approaches of molecular taxonomy deployed on specimens from wild populations collected in the field. We demonstrated that crossing is possible between P. sergenti laboratory-reared specimens from colonies originating from Turkey and Israel. Succesful mating and insemination was observed, viable hybrid F1 and F2 offsprings were obtained from both parental combinations, no statistically significant difference in the egg production was found in the hybrids. Analysis of wild populations of P. sergenti from Turkey, Israel, Syria,...

Gentic structure of isolated populations of the Scarlet rosefinch (Caprodacus erythrinus)
Šašková, Lucie ; Munclinger, Pavel (advisor) ; Bryja, Josef (referee)
Diplomová práce se zabývá původem a demografickými charakteristikami geograficky izolovaných, nedávno vzniklých populací hýla rudého (Carpodacus erythrinus) na západním okraji areálu druhu. Práce je zalo.ena na nově získaných sekvencích dvou úseků mitochondriální DNA (410 páru bazí dlouhá sekvence kontrolní oblasti a 1029 dlouhá sekvence genu ND2) zji.těných u 82 jedinců ze 13 lokalit a jejich srovnáním s publikovanými sekvencemi z kontinuálního areálu. Zjistila jsem, .e geograficky izolované populace ze střední a severní Evropy nejsou významně geneticky izolované od populací kontinuálního areálu. Nově vzniklé populace také vykazují překvapivě vysokou diverzitu srovnatelnou s asijskými populacemi. Tato zji.tění nasvědčují intenzivnímu toku genů mezi populacemi zprostředkovanému pravděpodobně převá.ně disperzí mladých ptáků před prvním zahnízděním. Navzdory intenzivnímu toku genů mezi kontinuálním areálem a středo- a severoevropskými izolovanými populacemi hýli z Kavkazu, Bulharska a Turecka utvořili jasně oddělenou skupinu, která byla podpořena na základě několika typů analýz. Zdá se tedy, .e jedinci z těchto oblastí mohou mít vlastní oddělené zimovi.tě, komunikují jen minimálně se zbytkem areálu a díky tomu jsme zde zřejmě svědky počínající speciace. Klíčová slova: Hýl rudý (Carpodacus...

Germans in the Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1929)
Jansová, Anna ; Jakubec, Ivan (advisor) ; Skřivan, Aleš (referee)
Czech-German relations are influenced by the long history of common age-old traditions and coexistence in the Habsburg monarchy. The work tries to capture the events following the collapse of the Habsburg Empire. It describes the creation of the Czechoslovak Republic, the first steps of political decision-making and their relation with the national question. Furthermore, trying to present the German minority in the territory and its reactions to events in the new republic. Large part of the author analyzes the Czechoslovak economy and contributing to this sphere by the German minority. In the end, the work brings the beginning of the economic crisis and its impact on the population of the Czechoslovak state. The work seeks to look dispassionately at the issues to one side. Is a further contribution to an important topic that is still important due to its proximity of the Czech and German nation. Goal of this thesis is to summarize the events of the first years of the Czechoslovak Republic. It tries to answer the question of how significant the contribution of the German minority to the development of new state was and how these issues were viewed from the Czech perspective.

B2 insertions in mouse population genetics
Kubešová, Lenka ; Macholán, Miloš (referee) ; Munclinger, Pavel (advisor)
1. Prolog Nejvíce zkoumaným savcem (s výjimkou člověka) je drobný živočich, všemi velice dobře známý a provázející člověka odnepaměti. Je to domácí myš. Narozdíl od obrovského množství poznatků o inbredních kmenech myší kupodivu doposud stále víme poměrně málo o jejich blízkých příbuzných - volně žijících domácích myších. Zvláště chybí data o genetické struktuře populací na vyšší škále (na úrovni celých kontinentů). Na této škále se v současné době pro studium populační genetiky využívá převážně mitochondriální DNA (mtDNA) díky svým unikátním vlastnostem (jednoduše izolovatelná, nerekombinující, až na vzácné vyjímky uniparetálně děděná a u obratlovců rychle se vyvíjející). Pro zjevné limitace mtDNA jako markeru (jedná se jen o maličký kus genomu navíc vypovídající jen o mateřském původu) a nejednoznačným výsledkům vyvstává potřeba nalézt pro studium populační genetiky myší vhodné markery z jiných částí genomu. Nejvhodnější možností se jeví být markery založené na SINE elementech. SINE (short interspersed elements) jsou úseky DNA, které se nacházejí v genomech obratlovců (běžně se vyskytující u savců, zejména primátů, hlodavců a kopytníků) ve vysokém počtu navzájem si podobných kopií rozmístěných na různých místech genomu. SINE elementy mají jako markery pro populační genetiku několik výhod. Jejich hlavními...

Cytogeography of Cardamine amara in the Czech Republic and the origin of tetraploid populations
Krásná, Iva ; Koutecký, Petr (referee) ; Marhold, Karol (advisor)
Diskuse ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 100 Neiova genetická diverzita byla u tetraploidních populací na okraji areálu (6245, 6249) nižší, ale jinak nebyla v míře diverzity v geografickém rozmístění populací žádná zákonitost. U triploidní populace nebyla zaznamenána žádná genetická diverzita, což opět poukazuje, že se jedná o klon. Výsledný graf PCoA analýzy od sebe oddělil skupiny diploidních a tetraploidních jedinců. Diploidní populace z kontaktních a izolovaných oblastí jsou rovnoměrně promíšené. Tetraploidi z kontaktní oblasti se objevují v prostoru blíž k diploidům, což by mohlo indikovat omezený ale existující genový tok od diploidů k tetrapoidům. Triploidní populace se nachází v prostoru kontaktních a izolovaných tetraploidních populací. Pravděpodobně díky jejich existenci dochází k sekundárnímu kontaktu a genovému toku mezi ploidními úrovněmi. Bayesova analýza odlišila jedince do čtyř shluků. Diploidní jedinci měli ve svém shluku zařazeného jednoho tetraploida. Další shluk byl tvořen oddělenou triploidní populací. Tetraploidi tvořily shluk v němž byla odděleně vyčleněná populace 6245 Kozolupy. Dendrogram (neighbour-joining tree, NJ) od sebe oddělil větev diploidů a větev, která...

The development of the church of saint Jacob Major in the city district of Stodůlky during the years 1985 - 2005
Černý, Štěpán ; Opatrný, Aleš (advisor) ; Eliáš, Vojtěch (referee)
ANOTATION: This bachelor's work describes the development ofthe parish at the church ofSaint Jacob Major in the city district Stodulky during the years 1985 - 2005. At the same time it tries to prove that the general situation in the parish ofSaint Jacob is improving in the sphere of parochial pastorate. The number of received sacraments including Eucharist increases both in the original church and in the new community centre. The influence ofthe parish on the community ofbelievers (Christians) and as well on the neighbouring population is relatively important considering the period andlocality ofthe parish.

Compare the Cost of Breast Cancer Treatment with Conventional and Biological Methods
Falisová, Katarína ; Lešetický, Ondřej (advisor) ; Jankůj, Miroslav (referee)
The cancer treatment is, thanks to new technologies, very expensive, nowadays. According to demographic data and analysis the Czech population is aging, and it is highly probable that these costs will rise even more. Therefore it is necessary to look through pharmacoeconomic analyzes to find optimal solutions of treatment. The goal of this thesis is to clarify the concept of pharmacoeconomics, cancer and breast cancer. Through the use of demographic data the aim is to assess the status of cancer patients in the future, determine the amount of expenditures for the treatment of breast cancer I have used a model patient, suffering this disease, determine the amount and cost of the conventional and biological method of treatment.

The Ostrogoths and the idea of "renovatio of imperii" in the reign of Justinian I
Adamčík, Petr ; Suchánek, Drahomír (referee) ; Picková, Dana (advisor)
The Goths were among the biggest and most important Germanic tribes of the Migration Period. Thanks to their number and combativeness they were able to maintain their unity in two large groups that later formed empires - Visigoth and Ostrogoth. Ostrogoths established themselves as a new large tribe at the time of their sojourn in Pannonia, where they were dominated by the Huns, but because of their advancement and large population they managed to become the co-rulers of the Hun Empire. The second half of the 5th century was decisive for the formation of Ostrogoths' new ethnic territory because Attila's death and the ensuing disintegration of the Hun Empire allowed a single ruler, Thiudimir, succeeded by his son Theodoric the Great, to concentrate control over three Goth groups in his hands. In the 490s Italy was conquered by Ostrogoths, who founded a barbarian kingdom there. The Ostrogothic kingdom became a major political power in the western Mediterranean. Its ruler Theodoric took over the system of govemment and the religious tolerance ofthe defeated Germanic ruler Odoacer. At the end of Theodoric the Greať s rule no power factor in Europe could jeopardize the Gothic Empire surrounded by a system of vassal states.However, Theodoric's successors permitted a disintegration of these links and allowed...