National Repository of Grey Literature 28,087 records found  beginprevious28068 - 28077next  jump to record: Search took 1.90 seconds. 

Social Business of NGOs
Nováková, Anna ; Krbová, Jana (advisor) ; Dvořák, Jiří (referee)
The subject of the thesis is the proposal of the work integration social enterprise (WISE) of NGO SOS Children's villages. Proposal shall take form of a business plan and is based on the needs of the Association to reduce its financial dependence on an external sources of funding. A business plan is a proposal of the concrete WISE which fulfils the function of an alternative financing instrument for the main activities of the Association. The thesis uses the method of SWOT analysis to group and evaluate the available information from the external and internal environment of the WISE as well as uses tools of economic and financial analysis to determine the tipping point and the financial needs for the operation of social enterprise in the first three years of operation. The thesis brings new results and knowledge and proposes a recommendation of how the social enterprise could be realized.

The Institution Of Leisure Activities Youth Up To 18 Years Old
Kovářová, Kristýna ; Polišenský, Miroslav (advisor) ; Lörinczová, Enikö (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on an institution of spending leisure time of youth up to 18 years. The theoretical part, firstly, sets out terms, like teenagers and factors. The first describes every phase of a child's age, and the second an influence on child's upbringing. Next, the thesis defines the function of upbringing and it's method, which also includes negative factors influencing leisure time. A certain scope is dedicated to the function and participants of teenager's leisure time, who are integral constituents. The description of nonprofit organizations of spending leisure time of youth, which one can also encounter, is also included in this part. The theoretical part is concluded by funding these institutions, and by possibility to get grants and funds. At beginning, the practical part deals with characteristics of Municipal part Prague 3, the it concentrates on "Dům dětí a mládeže Praha 3- Ulita". The institution is examined by Bronislaw Malinowski's analysis, which was published in his book "A Scientific Theory of Culture and Others Essays". The analysis survey if the institution has enough space for organizing its activities, if the offer of activities is sufficient, if the staff is qualified, and if they have sufficient resources for their activities. The aim of this thesis is to find out whether the institution performs its mission according to its purpose and in accordance with law.

The space and the time in the novel El hablador by Vargas Llosa
Filipová, Martina ; Housková, Anna (advisor) ; Vydrová, Hedvika (referee)
The objective of this work is to focus on the space and time motives used in the novel The Storyteller by Vargas Llosa which is compared with others books depicting the collision of cultures also - The Vortex (La vorágine) by José Eustacio Rivera, The Lost Steps (Los pasos perdidos) by Alejo Carpentier and Jungle (A selva) by Portuguese writer José Mario Ferreira de Castro. The art space theme is discussed at first, mainly from the point of view of its simillarity with the real space and the mistaken interchange with each other. The study continues by researching of the space relations among all the books above and the theory of Jurij Lotman describing the coherence among space, sujet and characters is applied to these. According to this theory the sujet is created by move of the characters from one semantic field (which can be simplified to world) to another. This move - crossing the borders between the worlds - is allowed only for the "floating" characters, as it is the protagonist of the first sujet line in the novel Storyteller, while Mascarita is the moving character of the second line. Of course this kind of move is determined by a certain conditions that have to be fulfilled and when the person joins the new world or returns from it with "prey" the sujet ends. After Mascarita's assimilation with...

CITY HALL - RES PUBLICA, The administrative center of the district of Brno-sever
Šírková, Kateřina ; Rudiš, Viktor (referee) ; Oplatek, Jiří (advisor)
The New Town Hall for Brno Sever is located in a dominant position at the centre of a new residential development at the site of the former barracks. The design seeks to fulfill the principles of a citizen-friendly city hall and Vitruvius perfect scale of construction, durability, utility and beauty. A design is clear, beauty can be an application of timeless solution based on the purpose and simplicity of forms. Permanence means a building capability to respond flexibly to changes in the territory, legislation and society. From the square a visitor passes through a wide portal into the inner public space in to which galleries and offices are open. The most frequently used functions are concentrated in the inner parterre. The building includes all workplaces required by a construction workplan and also a ceremonial hall, restaurant, exhibition space in the atrium and a so- called company nursery for employees' children, where it is possible a short-term babysitting for children of the town hall visitors.

No Jews allowed! Exclusion of the Jewish population from society and public life in years 1938-1943
Hocká, Eva ; Rychlík, Jan (advisor) ; Kvaček, Robert (referee)
This thesis examines anti-Semitic legislation. This legislation affects all facets of public and social life between the years 1938 - 1943. The Thesis emphasizes the historical development of anti-Semitic policy in the Czech territory, starting with The Munich Pact and ending with the foundation of the Genealogical bureau of Bohemia and Moravia. Consideration of the political environment is part of this thesis. It continues to analyze the law enforcement bodies and the realization of the anti-Semitic regulations, including their influence and initiative in this anti-Semitic legislation. There is an analysis of single regulations, which restricted Jews in their public life and self-fulfillment. This thesis also shows real examples and the impact of these regulations in everyday life.

Adiabatic air cooling
Silbernágl, Petr ; Blasinski, Petr (referee) ; Rubinová, Olga (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals deals with the designing and assessment of the two variants of cooling and humidifying the air in the production hall for cotton in Humpolec. The system is proposed to fulfil hygienic, operational, economic and functional requirements for indoor microclimate of the production hall. The task of this system is the transport of cooler air to interior and the covering of heat gains all year round. The equipment is also designed for the regulation of air humidity in the interior. The theoretical part is devoted to air humidification and air humidification device. Calculation of the project and then a specific proposal, two variants for air distribution level studies. Both variants are treated as project documentation. Experimental part is devoted to the measurement on the measuring path containing adiabatic humidifier in the laboratory. The benefit of the experiment is to verify the data from the manufacturer adiabatic humidifier which we can assess the practical use of the product.

Defining and Fulfilling Tasks in 3D Space for Several Users
Kudlač, Boris ; Kršek, Přemysl (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to create system for setting and completing objectives in 3D multiplayer space, in particular for project TankGame. This project is a simulation of tank battles and thesis adds a new feature to it, which is setting and detecting any objectives for single and multiplayer game. In the same time, it demonstrates its capabilities by implementing a deathmatch game for 2 or more players.

Education Computer Program for Demonstration of Colors and Colors Models Principles
Štěpán, Petr ; Jančík, Zdeněk (referee) ; Kršek, Přemysl (advisor)
This thesis describes the principles used when working with color palettes and with the reduction of color space of images in computer graphics. Special attention has been paid to their explanation for educational purposes. It should help even a user not familiar with these algorithms better understand their principles and application. A computer program written in the Java language has been designed to demonstrate and fulfill these goals.

Employment of foreigners
Marková, Martina ; Štefko, Martin (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
Employment of foreigners The topic of my thesis "Employment of foreigners" is quite actual, as the number of foreign workers in the Czech Republic is constantly growing. Foreigners are often very welcomed labour force in many areas of the czech labour market. Despite this fact, the czech labour market is not freely opened and the Czech Republic, just like the other EU Member States, tries to protect its labour market against uncontrolled flow of foreign workers. The most common instrument that states use in an effort to protect their labour markets are barriers of administrative nature, such as a work permit and a residence permit. Only foreign nationals are required to fulfill these conditions. My work is divided into five chapters, of which the first one deals with an international element in labour relations. That is a situation when one party of the obligation (an employee) is a foreigner and the legal relationship is factually connected with two or more legal orders. In this case a choice-of-law has to be made, to select the law applicable to this legal relationship. The choice-of-law rules are cointained in many international treaties, among them is the most important The Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, signed in Rome in 1980. This Convetion was converted into a Community...

Blažovice - rozšíření provozu ZŠ do podkroví
Jakubec, Jan
The thesis is focused on the construction of garret in the building of elementary school. The school construction is two-storey with planned garret. The school is currently used by 125 children. Thesis deals with the designing of project documentation, construction modifications, demolition of the roof construction and the creation of usable garret above the second floor. Then timber frame and brick variants will be compared and evaluated. In the thesis will be included especially a schematic plans of current storeys, current views and photos. The construction will fulfill all valid standards and regulations.