National Repository of Grey Literature 26,300 records found  beginprevious26291 - 26300  jump to record: Search took 1.23 seconds. 

Theory about the Effects of the Mass Media and the Influence of Society on the Press
Ryšková, Miroslava ; Stracený, Josef (advisor) ; Havlík, Radomír (referee)
Tématem mé diplomové práce jsou média. Masová média jsou jedním z projevů modernizace společnosti a hrají v našem životě důležitou roli. O významném postavení tisku, rozhlasu, televize či počítačových sítí ve společnosti není pochyb. Nabízejí nejrůznčjší informace a podněty k zamyšlení a prožívání, podílejí se na strukturování času v každodenním životě, posilují či posunují významy slov, zvuků a obrazů a předkládají vzory chování a společenské hodnoty. Ze sféry masových médií se práce konkrétně věnuje jednomu z nejatraktivnějších a nejpřitažlivějších problémů a to jejímu vlivu. Dnes již není sporu o tom, že média mají vliv na chování jednotlivce a společnosti, na životní styl a dokonce i na politické rozhodování. Právě proto jsou s fungováním médií ve společnosti spojovány nejrůznější naděje a obavy a právě proto veřejnost odborná i laická tolik diskutuje o onom vlivu. Nicméně hned na počátku se setkáme s problémem, který nás neopustí po celou dobu studia vybraného tématu. Masová média se stala nedílnou součástí naší společnosti, s ostatními společenskými institucemi a ději jsou natolik provázaná, že je téměř nemožné je od těchto vzájemných interakcí izolovat a zkoumat samostatně. Nadto by bylo chybné, pokoušet se o oddělení vlivu médií od sociálního prostředí, protože média vždy působí jako součást...

Continuing education in the context of lifelong learning. Analyses of the system of continuing, education and the participation of the Czech population in its particular kinds
Kamínková, Jana ; Růžička, Richard (referee) ; Duffková, Jana (advisor)
Rostoucí význam informací a inovací v dnešním světě spustil proces vzájemně provázaných změn s dopady do individuálních životů i orgamzace celé společnosti. Vyžaduje nové schopnosti, mění pracovní životní podmínky, dynamizuje konkurenční boj, ovlivňuje nerovnost mezi skupinami obyvatelstva. Rychlý rozvoj odborných poznatků a šíření informačních a komunikačních technologií zcela přebudovaly trh práce. Zanikají nekvalifikovaná pracovní místa a vyvíjejí se nová s vysokými kvalifikačními nároky. Zvyšuje se tlak na flexibilitu. Mění se způsob organizace práce a roste nestabilita pracovního prostředí. Pracovní síla Je soustavně konfrontována s novými úkoly a problémy a Je mnohem častěji nucena rozvíjet nové kvalifikace a dovednosti. Nemění se však Jen výkon práce, inovacemi procházejí celé orgamzace. Řízení procesů i struktury podniků se přizpůsobují jednak nejnovějším poznatkům managementu, jednak proměnám trhů a vnějšího prostředí. Klíčovou roli pro přežití a rozvoJ hrají inovace, tedy aplikované nové znalosti jako klíčový zdroj pokroku. V globalizovaném ekonomickém prostoru soutěží nejen podniky, ale i celé země a jejich konkurenceschopnost už nezávisí jen na materiálních zdrojích, ale převážně na znalostech, jejich vytváření, akumulaci a použití. Těmi, kdo vytvářejí nové znalosti i s nimi dále nakládají, jsou...

Techniques of teaching general English vocabulary at secondary school level
Nohlová, Kateřina ; Nováková, Soňa (referee) ; Mothejzíková, Jarmila (advisor)
The starting point of this thesis is the author's personal experience with English education at Czech secondary schools. Its task is to point out several concrete problems of this area, especially ln the domain of vocabulary teaching. The paper does not alm at providing its readers with universal solutions of the problematic issues. Our purpose is rather to put emphasis on the wide range of possibilities of approaching the situation. Since one of our tenets was to cover the real current conditions, we decided not to formulate many initial assumptions. Instead of doing that we reI ied fully on the results of our research as a basis for further considerations. The problems of English (vocabulary) teaching have been observed at two distinct Czech grammar schools resulting in two main types of their possible causes. First of them is undoubtedly recent rush social development. Numerous changes in Czech society have been connected first with the Velvet Revolution in 1989, later with the growing influence of the European Union. Out of these shifts, the opportunity of personal contact with English speaking countries is the most significant. Further, Czech learners can profit from easier access to current foreign educational materials, TV and radio programs in English and original English literary and music...

The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their families and friends in the town of Humpolec
VESELSKÁ, Kateřina
Abstract The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their families and friends in the town of Humpolec Aging and senior citizens are currently topical subjects. The population is aging and society should be prepared for this phenomenon. This shall bring about changes in various spheres and fields, such as health care and social services, and also in the relationships in and functioning of today{\crq}s family. The thesis ``The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their children and friends in the town of Humpolec{\crqq} is devoted to the functioning of intergenerational relationships between senior citizens and their families and friends. The theoretical section deals with, first of all, the definition of the term senior citizens, their standing in society and the increasing number of senior citizens of a greater age. It emphasizes important health and mental changes that accompany old age and also characterizes the importance and types of activities and aging. It presents the results and findings of up to now research dealing with intergenerational relationships. For greater clarity and distinction, it divides these relationships into intergenerational relationships between senior citizens and their children, senior citizens and their grandchildren, senior citizens and their siblings, and senior citizens and their friends. Intergenerational relationships are primarily formed within a family, which is why one chapter is devoted to families, their functioning, and their importance. The next to last chapter in the theoretical section emphasizes the importance of the quality of life, which significantly influences and affects intergenerational relationships. The last chapter is devoted to retirement homes for senior citizens, and also the important changes that were brought about by Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on Social Services. The empirical section is devoted to the carrying out of qualitative research. An in-depth interview was the method that was utilized. Interviews were carried out with ten senior citizens in two retirement homes; in the Blessed Bronislav Retirement Home and the Humpolec Retirement Home on Lužická Street. Interviews with six senior citizens took place in the first named retirement home and the remaining four interviews took place in the latter named retirement home. The findings of the research reveal how intergenerational relationships function, and what affects and forms them. The findings present the relationships between senior citizens and their children, their quality and frequency, their relationships with their grandchildren, and in some cases their great grandchildren, and with their siblings and friends. The findings show the stress of first coming to a retirement home and the importance of a family and/or friends when taking this step in life. The findings of the research emphasize the importance of activities in old age and the important areas of changes in one{\crq}s health and mental state, when changes in one area affect other areas and the quality of life of senior citizens. The quality of life is also assuredly affected by the financial situation of senior citizens, which this thesis also deals with. Another factor is the surroundings in which senior citizens living in retirements homes live in. This thesis also deals with this issue.

Possibilities of cognitive development in preschool children
Černá, Klára ; Krykorková, Hana (advisor) ; Volf, Petr (referee)
This thesis aims to create an elementary task situation for preschool children, which would allow the development of cognitive functions and facilitate the child's understanding of relationships and connections between objects and phenomena. Task situation also reflects the wider social and cultural context where the process of learning and cognition takes place. Preschool age is a period when shaping the personality of the child and his cognitive apparatus necessary for preparation for school and future life.

Minimum Weight Triangulation (MWT)
Charvát, Pavel ; Kolingerová, Ivana (advisor) ; Ferko, Andrej (referee)
For a long time, it has been neither known whether MWT is solvable in a polynomial time nor whether it belongs to NP. As we now, its status still remain unknown. We present severalknown approaches to MWT such as modifications of the problem with known time complexity or various heuristics and approximations which allow us to find an exact or at least an approximate solution in a reasonable time. We compare the approximations in some particular situations. The main part of the work is devoted to a description and implementation of an efficient heuristic with (almost?) linear expected complexity for points uniformly distributed in some convex shape. The algorithm is a modification of Drysdale's algorithm for finding GT candidates and Beurouti's computation of the modified LMT-skeleton, where we add some proofs of the correctness. We are able to complete MWT from the graph of candidate edges in O(n · d3 + n · d2+k), where d is the the maximum degree and k is the maximum number of inner components of some skeleton face. Further, we suggest a new approximation of MWT with polynomial complexity in the worst case and (almost?) linear expected complexity, which only rarely differs from the optimal triangulation and has O(1) approximation factor in the worst case. This approximation combines the LMT-skeleton...

Image as a New Type of Reality
Aimová, Irena ; Bystřický, Jiří (advisor) ; Petříček, Miroslav (referee)
The text deals with the problem of the image and focuses mainly on evolution of different techniques of depiction and on transforming forms of visual representations. Images have a considerable impact on individuals and society because they can affect our ways of thinking and acting. They can also work as modes and schemes of visual perception and thus constitute our "image" of reality. Particular emphasis is given to contemporary transformation of the nature and function of images, as well as modes of reception related to new advances in communication technologies.

Gradient Boosting Machine and Artificial Neural Networks in R and H2O
Sabo, Juraj ; Bašta, Milan (advisor) ; Plašil, Miroslav (referee)
Artificial neural networks are fascinating machine learning algorithms. They used to be considered unreliable and computationally very expensive. Now it is known that modern neural networks can be quite useful, but their computational expensiveness unfortunately remains. Statistical boosting is considered to be one of the most important machine learning ideas. It is based on an ensemble of weak models that together create a powerful learning system. The goal of this thesis is the comparison of these machine learning models on three use cases. The first use case deals with modeling the probability of burglary in the city of Chicago. The second use case is the typical example of customer churn prediction in telecommunication industry and the last use case is related to the problematic of the computer vision. The second goal of this thesis is to introduce an open-source machine learning platform called H2O. It includes, among other things, an interface for R and it is designed to run in standalone mode or on Hadoop. The thesis also includes the introduction into an open-source software library Apache Hadoop that allows for distributed processing of big data. Concretely into its open-source distribution Hortonworks Data Platform.

Economic aspects of health in modern society
Mertl, Jan ; Krebs, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Slaný, Antonín (referee)
Předmětem zkoumání jsou specifika zdravotní péče jako ekonomické kategorie, zdraví a jeho determinanty, význam a postavení zdravotnictví v moderní společnosti, ekonomické a institucionální charakteristiky tří odlišných zdravotnických systémů (Německo, Spojené státy americké, Velká Británie) a zejména vývoj a perspektivy českého zdravotnictví. Cílem práce je analyzovat ekonomické aspekty zdravotnictví v moderní společnosti v kontextu historie a současnosti zdravotnických systémů a zhodnotit relevantní implikace pro české zdravotnictví. Práce vychází z vlastností zdravotní péče jako ekonomického statku, konceptu investic do zdraví a významu zdraví pro lidský kapitál. Diskutuje rizika a příležitosti rostoucí potřeby a spotřeby zdravotní péče vyplývající z ekonomického rozvoje, stavu determinantů zdraví a změn v chování lidí, které sebou přináší rychlý vývoj současného světa. Přibližuje měnící se roli státu ve zdravotnictví a zkoumá otázky obecné dostupnosti zdravotní péče v moderní společnosti. Zabývá se vymezením vazeb ekonomických aspektů zdravotnictví ve vztahu k souvisejícím medicínským, etickým, sociálním a institucionálním aspektům, jež zpětně determinují prostředí a podmínky pro racionální rozhodování a jednání aktérů zdravotnického systému. Identifikuje a srovnává významné ekonomické a institucionální charakteristiky zdravotnických systémů v rámci zvolené typologie, včetně zhodnocení problematiky jejich konvergence. Ukazuje logiku jejich vnitřního fungování a příčiny jejich typických problémů (čekací seznamy, deficity, nerealizovaná péče). Zjištěné poznatky jsou využity v diskusi o perspektivách českého zdravotnictví a vyúsťují v analýzu možností využití ekonomických nástrojů se zaměřením na implementaci spoluúčasti pacientů a na další rozvoj pluralitního prostředí zdravotních pojišťoven (variabilní sazba zdravotního pojištění a stropy pro spoluúčast).

Measuring Sovereign Bond Spillover in Europe and the Impact of Rating News
Claeys, Peter ; Vašíček, Bořek
Although there is by now strong evidence that sovereign risk premia are driven by a common factor, little is known about the detailed linkages between sovereign bond markets. We employ the VAR method by Diebold and Yilmaz (2009) to analyse the strength and direction of bilateral linkages between EU sovereign bond markets using daily data on sovereign bond yield spreads and a common factor. The forecast-error variance decomposition of this FAVAR indicates a lot of heterogeneity in the bilateral spillover sent and received between bond markets. Spillover is more important than domestic factors for all eurozone countries. The CE countries mostly affect each other. Only Denmark, Sweden and the UK are rather insulated from spillover. The spillover has increased substantially since 2007, despite starting from a high level. We use this framework to measure the impact of sovereign rating news and analyse the dynamic linkages between spreads and the ratings of the main credit rating agencies. We find a two-sided relation between rating news and sovereign risk premia. The spillover of rating news is very heterogeneous, and it is substantially stronger for downgrades at lower grades. The impact is often weaker domestically than on bond spreads of other sovereigns. JEL
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