National Repository of Grey Literature 43 records found  beginprevious23 - 32nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Evolution of Economic Relations between France and Colonies of The Second French Colonial Empire
Rejmíš, Vojtěch ; Zamykalová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Gullová, Soňa (referee)
This study concentrates on the evolution of economic relations between France and its former colonies. While respecting the chronological order of events, it describes the history of French colonisation from its beginning until now. It seeks common aspects and contrasts in the events in respective colonies or groups of colonies. The aim is to approve the thesis that colonial past has direct influence on today's economic partnerships with France and that these partnerships differentiate depending on the intensity and continuity of business relations during the colonial era. In order to analyse the difference between French-Vietnamese and French-African economic relations, I will use the gravity model of trade.
Role mitochondria and retrograde signalization during development of yeast colony
Podholová, Kristýna ; Palková, Zdena (advisor) ; Heidingsfeld, Olga (referee)
Unicellular organisms such as yeast have been traditionally studied in shaken cultures, i.e., under condition in which they do not grow attached to solid surfaces as under natural conditions. In nature, cells only rarely live alone, but, on the other hand often create multicellular colonies or biofilms. During last years, yeasts started to be investigated also when grown on solid media. Our laboratory has previously developed special techniques for investigation of yeast colonies. These techniques allowed us to describe individual cell subpopulations within the colonies. The aim of this work was to prepare a series of mutant strains, describe morphology and ultrastructure of their colonies with the aim to contribute to understanding ofthe role of mitochondrial retrograde signalling pathway in the development of yeast colonies. This work describes expression of few selected genes (CIT2, RTG1, RTG2, and RTG3) in colonies of the parental strain BY4742 and of other mutant strains with deletion of one or more genes of RTG regulatory pathways. The results of the diploma thesis together with results of other authors became part of the publication (Podholová et al., 2016). Powered by TCPDF (
Geographic variability in the size of maternity colonies of cave bats
Oppelová, Tereza ; Lučan, Radek (advisor) ; Andreas, Michal (referee)
Main goal of this thesis was to compare geographical variability of sizes of colonies in the relationship with the type of roost of 6 models of originally cave bats species: Greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis), Geoffroy's bat (Myotis emarginatus), Common bent-wing bat (Miniopterus schreibersii), Greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum), Lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) a Mediterranean horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus euryale). The selected data set was also analyzed the possible influence of the composition of land cover in roosts around the variability of the size of the colonies. Based on compilation of literature and active communication with regional bat-monitoring coordinators, entries about size of colonies from 2 603 locations in 24 countries of Europe were collected. 1 952 entries were from roosts in buildings and 651 from caves. Based on statistical analysis, conclusive influence of type of roost on size of colonies by M. schreibersii, M. myotis a R. hipposideros was discovered. While in M. schreibersii and M. myotis are human colonies in smaller buildings, in R. hipposideros by contrast, they are larger. Simultaneously, north-west gradient in geographical distribution of maternal bat- colonies in dependence on type of roost (caves vs. buildings): in southern areas...
Spanish-Dutch relations in the New World during the existence of the West-Indische Compagnie
Kubátová, Eva ; Křížová, Markéta (advisor) ; Skřivan, Aleš (referee) ; Marek, Pavel (referee)
Spanish-Dutch Relations in the New World during the Existence of the West Indische Compagnie Eva Kubátová Abstract This dissertation is dedicated to the Spanish-Dutch relations in the New World during the existence of the first Dutch West India Company (1621-1674). On base of an imagological analysis, this thesis presents elements of mutual relations, reflected in hetero-images, together with self-representation of both analyzed parties (thus self-image) within the ongoing conflict of the Eighty Years' War. The imagological analysis is applied on archival material, chiefly the Dutch pamphlets and Spanish Relaciones de sucesos (which can be translated as "Treatises of Successes"). The result of this thesis is then an analysis of development and changes of mutual images, upon the historical events of the Spanish-Dutch war conflict: thus since the beginnings of the Dutch Revolt, passing through the Twelve Years' Truce, until the signature of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. A special emphasis is put to the final phase of the Eighty Years' War, in this thesis delimited by the years 1621-1648, which was marked by the official entrance of the West India Company into the Spanish waters of Greater Caribbean. An important watershed in mutual relations is afterwards represented by the Peace of Westphalia, which...
Autophagy and other processes in colonies of natural yeast strains
Novosadová, Zuzana ; Palková, Zdena (advisor) ; Groušl, Tomáš (referee)
Abstract The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on solid media forms multicellular colonies. Cells within colonies undergo differentiation and metabolic diversification, including formation of two layers of cells called Upper and Lower cells. The metabolic activity of U and L cells is different. For instance a higher level of autophagy was observed in U cells. This thesis includes a literature review of molecular mechanisms of autophagy in yeasts. Yeast colonies, under starvation conditions, produce volatile ammonia signal. This signal allows them communicate over a distance. Studies, revealing cell differentiation within colonies and ammonia signalling among colonies, were performed in colonies of laboratory strains. Strains isolated from nature, so-called wild strains, form distinct structured colonies, termed fluffy. Yeast within fluffy colonies also form different cell types. However the situation seems to be more complex that within smooth colonies of laboratory strains. Strains were constructed during this study, which express marker proteins Icl2p, Pox1p, Mae1p, Pma1p, Pma2p, Ino1p, Met17p and Atg8p fused with fluorescent labels in order to study cell differentiation and other processes within fluffy colonies. Furthermore, a new system for ...
Contribution to the Study of the History of English Colonies in North America with the Special Regard to the Ways of Their Administration
Přívozník, František ; Kovář, Martin (advisor) ; Valkoun, Jaroslav (referee)
The thesis lays emphasis on the establishment and exercise of English colonial policy and authority in Virginia during the 17th century. The thesis deals with the political bodies, administrative structure and framework of political system. Primarily is focused on the character, activity, the causes of conflicts and their resolutions. The thesis concentrates on the relations among the leading institutions in Virginia; e.g. Governor, Council of State, General Assembly, but also between Virginia and England. Further, tries to get hold of the ways of appointment of the governors, councillors and election of the burgesses. The thesis also describes the origin and development of the county and local system. Keywords: England, colonies, colonial administration, North America, the Stuarts, 17th century,
Media Analysis of the Allotment Gardens and Gardening in Czech Daily Press
Pěkná, Ester ; Rynda, Ivan (advisor) ; Hájek, Roman (referee)
Mediální obraz zahrádkářských kolonií ve vybraných českých denících Abstract Abstract The aim of this thesis is the media presentation of gardening allotments phenomena in Czech Republic. The work is in a connection with a series of thesis published during previous years on Social and Cultural Ecology department of Faculty of Humanities, Charles Univerisity. These thesis were focused on qualitatative case studies research of garden allotments. Aim of this theis is a revelation of garden allotments image, based on processing of czech daily press articles mentioning allotment gardening. First, theoretical, part of the thesis is organized into four chapters: hermeneutics, allotment gardening, media and sustainable development. Each of the chapters provides a context of the main purpose of the work. Methodological anchor and the research and its results itself follow on at the third part of this thesis.
Extracellular matrix in yeast populations
Novotná, Pavla ; Kuthan, Martin (advisor) ; Dvořáček, Lukáš (referee)
The microorganisms in a natural environment are frequently found in multicellular forms, most commonly in biofilms. Biofilm is characterized as a community of cells living at the interface of two environments, embedded in the extracellular matrix. ECM is a significant component of biofilms in yeast populations. Extracellular matrix acts as a protective barrier and allows cells to survive under adverse conditions and better compete with other microorganisms. It also forms an effective barrier against antibiotics and other harmful substances, what makes biofilms a serious problem in medicine and industry. Formation of the matrix may be influenced by the morphological forms of colonies. Increased formation of ECM is commonly connected in phenotypic switching in response to changes of their living conditions. The compositeion of the ECM is a genus-and species-specific. The main component of the matrix consists of polysaccharides and proteins.
French language in Indian Ocean
Antropiusová, Andrea ; Kalfiřtová, Eva (advisor) ; Jančík, Jiří (referee)
La Réunion, Madagascar, Mayotte, Seychelles, Comoros and Mauritius are a colony of France located in the Indian Ocean. The target of this bachelor thesis is to outline a situation linguistic and variety of French language in this territory above mentioned. This bachelor thesis is divided into five main chapters that are divided into five lesser parts. The fifth chapter is divided into three chapters include the linguistic discipline (phonetics, morphology and syntax, lexicology). All chapters are chronologically arranged and start with studying the geography, the history, the population, the linguistic situation and variety of French. KEYWORDS the Indian Ocean, variety of French, history, education, islands, colony, overseas
The Netherlands and the motives of the Surinamese independence
Šrámková, Simona ; Váška, Jan (advisor) ; Pečenka, Marek (referee)
The thesis "The Netherlands and the Motives of the Surinamese Independence" deals with the development of the Dutch policy towards Suriname in the period between the Second World War and the 1970s. The main aim of the thesis is to analyze the motives, which led to the Surinamese independence, and based on the theories of decolonization to describe the type of the Surinamese decolonization process. After 1949, when the Dutch lost their crucial colony in Southeast Asia, today's Indonesia, their attention turned to the Caribbean colonies. The important moment of the Dutch- Surinamese relations was the Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1954, which made Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles equal partners of the Netherlands within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The thesis also deals with the political situation in the multiethnic Suriname because two main political parties, the Creole party NPS and the Hindustani party VHP, had different opinions on the independence of their country. However, in 1973 the elections were held, both in Suriname and the Netherlands, and the new prime ministers supported the Surinamese independence. Two years later, Suriname became an independent republic.

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