National Repository of Grey Literature 22,648 records found  beginprevious22639 - 22648  jump to record: Search took 1.50 seconds. 

Alternative educational materials for beginner programming courses
Závěrka, Jakub ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (advisor) ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (referee)
This bachelor thesis creates alternative educational materials for beginner program-ming courses in the Informatics curriculum at the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics, Prague. Specifically, these courses comprise of 4IT101 Intro-duction to programming and 4IT115 Fundamentals of Software Engineering, with empha-sis on the former one. In specific, this thesis analyses the way students are introduced to the conception of software bugs and how these bugs are searched for and corrected. It evaluates the cov-erage of these problems in literature (especially in literature for the course 4IT101) and compares situation among student of the course. The main part of this thesis consists of working up materials in form of text and short videos oriented towards program debugging. This thesis will help the students to learn how bugs originate, how they demonstrate themselves, how they can be detected and ultimately, corrected. As a side-effect of this thesis, the author revised configuration files for the application BlueJ. The messages that are returned to the user by the application in case of an error or exception were modified in these files. These messages were rewritten or expanded to be more comprehensible for a beginner programmer. These materials are accessible as an HTML page on the Internet.

Professional and personal tendency of teacher in Art education
Hajdušková, Lucie ; Slavík, Jan (advisor) ; Fulková, Marie (referee) ; Valenta, Josef (referee)
Autor/ka: Mgr. Lucie Hajdušková Obor studia: Specializace v pedagogice - výtvarná výchova Školitel: doc. PaeDr. Jan Slavík, CSc. Annotation: This work is dealing with personal and professional tendency in role of Art Education Teacher. Specifically is dealing with aspects and motives of teachers acting in his relationship to pupils. Is researching ways how social relationships and its actors are becoming a curriculum (subject and aim) of Art Education. In connection to encountered model curriculum we go through with central categories, which represent relation ship of personal and professional tendency: opened conception of content, personalisation, socialisation and enculturation. This work is also developing linkage between Art Education and cross-curricular subject Moral, Character and Social Education. Key words: Personal and professional tendency, Art Education, Moral, Character and Social Education, opened conception of content, learning content, personalisation, socialisation, enculturation, hidden curriculum, formal curriculum, teacher, pupil, social relationship, Pedagogical relationship

Christian approach toward HIV/AIDS prevention
Krampota, František ; Eliáš, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Matějek, Marek (referee)
Author's name and surname: František Krampota Institution: Department of Pastoral Theology and Law Sciences, Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University in Prague Name of thesis: Christian Approach toward HIV/AIDS Prevention Thesis supervizor: Dr. Eliáš Vojtěch Number of pages: 87 Key words: HIV, AIDS, statistics, way of infection, prevencion, ACET The Thesis analyses: This diploma work deals with AIDS from three points of view: history of diffusion, current situation and medical perspective (etiology, modes of transmission, symptoms, impact on life of a patient and his community, treatment). The issue of prevention is discussed both generally as well as concretely (prevention of HIV). The author also deals with Christian attitude toward HIV/AIDS (educative programmes focused on sexual health and a family life) and the role of the Christian Church in a fight against this disease. A vital part of this work is a field resarch among young people (age 15-18) monitoring their knowledge about HIV/AIDS. The author finally defines important issues that should be a part of every preventive work and based on his quantitative data as well as on his experience he recommends, how to implememt them into a practical preventive lesson. Počet znaků: 133 427

Support and Advancement of Fifth-Grade Pupils' Reading Comprehension
Cachová, Tereza ; Hník, Ondřej (referee) ; Hausenblas, Ondřej (advisor)
My diploma paper deals with the problems of the advancement of fifth-grade pupils' reading comprehension. The theoretical part starts from the specification of the reading literacy conception, within the scope of which the classification of certain reading skills is presented. They form the clear terminology base for the other parts of my diploma paper. After the statement of requirements for the advancement of reading skills in the Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education, the exploration of facts of international researches and one local project substantial for these problems and interviews with teachers follow. On the basis of those explorations and interviews, the skills advanced during the lessons in the practical part are determined. Methods and forms of work the use of which should contribute to the advancement of reading literacy are also described, as well as prepubescent pupils' reading interests. The practical part consists of two closely interconnected units - the preparation of three lessons the aim of which was the advancement of three selected skills and their realization analyses.

Media and Education (based on the material of the selected domestic and foreign surveys of the media educational contents)
Landová, Marína ; Šebesta, Karel (advisor) ; Vedral, Jan (referee) ; Koťa, Jaroslav (referee)
This dissertation deals with the problematics of the research of the educative media content, using mainly the data we gathered during surveys carried out between 2003 and 2011. The paper handles several theoretical and methodological aspects of the relationship between media and education, namely the role of educative media in education as such. In the theoretical part we focus mainly on the interdisciplinarity of the subject, i.e. the differences in the media studies and other social sciences perspectives. After a description of the necessary theoretical/methodological framework, an outline of a classification system of educative programmes is proposed that could be useful both in pedagogical and media practise. In the next part of the paper we discuss the current state of the czech public service media education area. The second chapter itself consists of selected researches results carried out in the area of education programmes and contents, some of which the author of this paper collaborated on. The survey choice consisted of questionnaire and enquiry surveys focusing on the relationship of structured media audiences (students and teachers) towards educative programmes. The other survey then aimed at selected educative programmes, using both content analyses and focus groups as tools to...

Professional development and further education of teachers
Votavová, Pavla Marie ; Šerák, Michal (referee) ; Mužík, Jaroslav (advisor)
The further education of teachers' is a very complex area. Its development started in previous centuries. The importance of this area is not decreasing. On the contrary, it is still rising. In spite of the clear importance of the further education, the fact is that it is one of the least solved areas. Questions connected with these problems touch many branches. One of such questions is who and how should teach teachers and what kinds of methods and forms are the most proper. Very important is also the solution of legal support, either the fact that the further education is not legally established or the certification of training programmes. Teachers used to be respected by the whole society. Without re-establishing of this original view the situation can not change. One of the possible ways is that of introducing the system of attestations. But primarily it is a question of suitable financial and legislative support form the government. Support of the whole society is of the same importance. It is for its welfare that teachers work

Programme reporters of czech television , self-censorship and situation ethics in investigative programme
Klimešová, Pavla ; Lokšík, Martin (advisor) ; Šmíd, Milan (referee)
Bachelor thesis entitled Program 'Czech TV Reporters': Auto-Censorship and Situation Ethics analyzes how journalists of the publicity program 'Czech TV Reporters' proceed when producing their reports. The program aired by a public service broadcaster aims to uncover socio-political issues and cases in the Czech society through investigative journalism. In this work, the reporters face various challenges with regards to the Czech TV ethical code and find different ways how to overcome these issues. The first part of the thesis outlines the basic factual information about the program, discusses program's beginnings including all of its initial setbacks up to the current form as one of the most prominent programs of Czech investigative journalism. The thesis analyzes interesting cases that were broadcasted in this program like for instance a report on investigation of member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament Wolf which led to the fall of Mirek Topolanek's government. The thesis also depicts the development of program's ratings and different prizes awarded to its reporters. The following section sketches out the existing theories on this issue. It explains what the media regulation and journalism ethics is and how it impacts journalists in their work and their final reports. The last...

Innovations in the Education Programme of the Water Safety Servic of the Czech Red Cross in Relationship to the Standard of International Organizations for Water Safety
Novotná, Jana ; Miler, Tomáš (advisor) ; Kaufman, Jan (referee)
Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1 tel.: +420 221 900 111 IČ 00216208 DIČ CZ00216208 Dle čl. 4 Opatření rektora č. 6/2010 o Zpřístupnění elektronické databáze závěrečných prací a čl. 1 Opatření děkana 17/2010 se z časového hlediska závěrečné práce dělí do tří skupin: a. "nové práce", tj. práce odevzdávané k obhajobě počínaje 29. 9. 2010, b. "starší práce", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010, c. "práce před rokem 2006", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě před 1. 1. 2006. V tomto případě jde o "starší práci" odevzdanou k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010. Omlouváme se, ale dokument není k dispozici.

Position, tasks and education of military nurses and medics in garrison infirmaries
Bourková, Kateřina ; Antoš, Karel (advisor) ; Býma, Svatopluk (referee) ; Pudík, Peter (referee)
Title : Position, tasks and education of military nurses and medics in garrison infirmaries. Key words: Miitary medical service of the army of the Czech Republic, military nurse and medic, the law no. 96/2004, it includes for lifetime education, registration, programme of continual military education for nurses after 2006 The main goal was to characterize position, activities and education of military nurses and medics working in garrison infirmaries. To provide a complex view the work was divided into three main parts. The introductory part is focused on the structure of military health care system. The basic element of providing health care in the army, garrison infirmaries, is discussed in detail. The next part is focused on tasks of military nurses and medics in garrison infirmaries and also on their work and position. The last part presents the education of nurses. It briefly summarizes possibilities of education based on the new legislation. The possibilities of education in specific military environment are also discussed.The research part is targeted at specific questions on military nurses and medics serving in garrison infirmaries. Questions deals with knowledge of the Law no. 96/2004, registration and the capability of providing the first aid and to educate this topic. přeložil: pplk....

Euroregions and cross-border co-operation
Kafková, Ivana ; Macháčková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Škoda, Jiří (referee)
Práce se zamýšlí nad významem a důvody vzniku euroreginů.Zabývá se otázkou institucionálního a organizačního zajištění, podrobněji rozebírá finanční stránku rozvoje euroregionů, důležitou otázkou je i postavení euroregionů v rámci legislativy a na co se zaměřují jeho činnosti. Další z otázek, kterou se práce zabývá, je funkce euroregionů a jakým způsobem přispívají k eliminaci disparit vzniklých periferní polohou a jak posilují vzájemné vazby v příhraničních regionech.