National Repository of Grey Literature 22,243 records found  beginprevious22234 - 22243  jump to record: Search took 1.58 seconds. 

Soil changes after land use changes
Stehlík, Martin ; Janderková, Jana (referee) ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor)
Práce se zabývá změnami vybraných půdních znaků a vlastností na plochách bývalé orné půdy přeměněné v lesní plochy ve středočeském Plutonu v dolním povodí řeky Sázavy. Jsou zkoumány časová období 8, 15, 25 - 35, 50 - 55, 100, 160 a 235 let od ukončení zemědělské činnosti. V práci jsou dále hodnoceny dostupné zdroje pro sledování změn v krajině a analyzovány jejich přínosy. Výsledky vykazují pokles hodnot pH ve všech studovaných hloubkách půdního profilu a růst mocnosti humusového lesního horizontu. Podíl půdní organické hmoty (SOM) postupně narůstá v čase v hloubce 3 - 5cm oproti ostatním hloubkám. Znaky dřívější zemědělské činnosti jsou znatelné až 100 let po jejich ukončení. Klíčová slova: Land use, historická geografie, zalesňování na orné půdě, pH, půdní organická hmota (SOM), barva, středočeský Pluton, dolní povodí Sázavy Abstract The thesis concerns with changes of soil features and characteristics on the areas of former arable land transformed to the forest area. The research took place in the region of central-Bohemian pluton in lower basin of the Sázava river. Time periods of 8, 15, 25-35, 50- 55, 106, 160 and 235 years since the abandonment of farming (agricultural activity) are explored. Furthermore, available sources for monitoring of landscape changes and their contribution are also...

VII Photo agency
Horký, Petr ; Lábová, Alena (advisor) ; Chuchma, Josef (referee)
This Bachelor's thesis explores the origin and structure of an independent photo agency VII. It derives its name from the number of photojournalists, who founded the agency in September 2001. The VII photo agency is collectively owned by its members, world renowned photojournalists. Alexandra Boulat, Ron Haviv, Gary Knight, Antonin Krutochvil , Christopher Morris, James Nachtwey and John Stanmeyer were joined in 2002 by Lauren Greenfield and in 2004 by Joachim Ladefoged. Eugene Richards joined in April 2006. Together they document conflict in the broadest sense of the word: political, social and cultural, both violent and non-violent. The idea of the VII photo agency is based on a tradition of other independent picture agencies such as Magnum Photos, whose members work on long-term "picture stories" instead of covering "spot news", as wire services do. This tradition of so-called "picture story", "photo essay" or "photographic reportage" was founded in Germany between the world wars and was then brought to the USA, where it was further developed within the Life magazine. As the market has been dramatically changing with the expansion of the Internet in the last decade, big stock agencies such as Corbis and Getty Images have been buying out all available archives. This quantity allowed them to lower the...

Three ways of expressing future time in modern British fiction and non-fiction (will/shall + infinitive, to be going to + infinitive, present prograsive)
Mikuláš, Martin ; Jančovičová, Ivana (advisor) ; Pípalová, Renata (referee)
This diploma thesis analyses three selected ways of expressing futurity in modern English: will/shall + infinitive; the to be going to construction; and the present progressive tense. The expression of futurity is explored in fiction and non-fiction separately. However, this thesis concentrates only on written English. In Part One, several approaches to the phenomenon of futurity are introduced. In Part Two, the selected expressions of futurity are presented and analysed as to their meaning, distribution, syntactic and Contextual factors. Attention is paid to the proportion of occurrence of these expressions, their meanings, and how these are affected by context (situation, subject, negation, voice) and style. Analysis is made separately for fiction and non-fiction corpus; their comparison is included in the last chapter. The frequency of the occurrence of future expressions and their meanings in the two registers are summarised in tables at the end of the work and in graphs included in the text. Powered by TCPDF (

The Material Culture of the Mediaeval Farmstead. The Deserted Village Spindelbach in the Ore Mountains.
Hylmarová, Lucie ; Klír, Tomáš (advisor) ; Měchurová, Zdeňka (referee)
Anotation This work refers to metal items discovered in detector exploration carried out in 2009 at several homesteads in deserted medieval village Spindelbach in Ore Mountains in Northwest Bohemia. This site is the object of research of the Institute of Prehistory and Early History at Chareles University of Prague, Faculty of Philosophy with cooperation with Institute of Archaelogy and Preservation of Historical Monuments in Most. Detector exploration was the one phase of research in the site and wider neighborhood. Typical research of metal items is the basis of this work. Plans, lists of gained elements, tables and illustrations are included in the text part. Information about material culture, life of villagers or whole village are reconstructed at the base of the founded metal items. Because of ongoing excavations, this work is one of the partial goals and its continuous update is necessary. For more accurate image, it is essential to overwork other parts of material culture except for metallic element, especially ceramic fragments in following seasons of archeological research. Keywords deserted medieval village - Ore Mountains - Spindelbach - detector exploration - material culture - metal artifacts - middle ages

The Magdeburg law in the towns of northwest Bohemia in pre-Hussite period
Mareš, Jan ; Žemlička, Josef (advisor) ; Bobková, Lenka (referee) ; Sulitková, Ludmila (referee)
The beginnings and propagation of the Magdeburg Law in the Czech lands in the Middle Ages are in the centre of attention of historical sciences since the second half of the 19th century. The period of great interest in this theme ends in the middle of the last cen tury and there i s a change in the direction of conservation of older knowledge. A detailed look on notorious development trends in connection with use of different types of sources can open new possibilities for efforts concerning deeper cognition of one of the most important components of the so called medieval transformation. The Magdeburg Law is a phenomenon transgressing borders of contemporary as well as medieval states in Centra!- and Eastern Europe, which is the reason to study it in the context of wider regions. Presented study incorporates three themes. The first chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the initial situation that existed in the thirteenth century in one of the most important cities of northwest Bohemia Litoměřice, the later head of a great family of cities of German town law. The starting point for an attempt to explore the Litoměřice law in the 13th century is a not preserved compilation of various legal regulations sent directly from Magdeburg to Litoměřice in 1282. This is a rare case in Czech lands, which could be...

Business Management and Environment
Romaňáková, Dita ; Dvořák, Jiří (advisor) ; Syrovátka, Oldřich (referee)
The Thesis provides an overview of environmental management issue and its practical application. The aim of this work is to find out the readiness of a particular company to establish Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and to review, whether the company is prepared for such a change, able to keep and improve the systems. The Thesis contains theoretical background of environmental management including all demands necessary for a company to introduce environmental management into a practice. Acquired information is applied to a selected company, which is a transport company VK-SPED spol. s. r. o. Practical part comprises a study of ecological status of the company via defined analyses and exploration of the environmental profile of the company. This process discovers the potential and ability of the company to implement EMS. Furthermore, the instruction for implementing EMS into a particular company follows. Finally, the results of the work are summarized and a recommendation for a proper environmental management is offered.

Transformation textile company Fezko in Strakonice in 19th and 21st century
Vlčková, Gabriela ; Jakubec, Ivan (advisor) ; Skřivan, Aleš (referee)
The Bachelor's Thesis deals with the south-Bohemian textile company Fezko situated in the city of Strakonice. After founding in the beginning of the 19th century, the company was in progress and changed differently over the years. It became famous mainly as a manufacturer and a supplier of fezzes, a kind of red headgear worn largely by Islamists. Fez was exported to distant places, especially in Turkey. The company was not only specialised in fez production, but there were also made other headgears, such as berets, and common pieces of clothing, such as coats, suits and scarfs. At present, the company focuses on the manufacturing of textile interiors for the automotive industry. In the thesis, there are also stated the reasons why fezzes were produced in the city of Strakonice and its surroundings. Last but not least, the thesis explores the life conditions of company workers, their wages, working time, in what way the company influenced their lives and, finally, the possible reasons why the workers went on strike.

Strategies promoting the political participation of women in the Czech republic: the case study of the NGO Fórum 50 %
Bačová, Veronika ; Havelková, Hana (advisor) ; Havelková, Barbara (referee)
Strategies promoting the political participation of women in the Czech republic: the case study of the NGO Fórum 50 % The political participation and representation of women is an important indicator of democracy. In the Czech republic, the underrepresentation of women in decision-making is considerable. Moreover, the czech political representation is not favourable for active promotion of women in politics. The only organization engaged in this issue is Fórum 50 %. It promotes women participation and representation in all decision-making positions. This case study explores this NGO. Based on the examination of documents on six interviews with its members it presents the basic information on the organizational structure, on its goals, activites and strategies. Further, the study identifies barriers like gender blindness of political parties, gender stereotypes, financial dependency of the organization restraining its activities. It presents how Fórum 50 % is legitimizing its existence as well as the whole issue of the political participation of women within the antifeminist atmosphere of the czech political arena. Finally, the study presents how Fórum 50 % advances the public discourse about the issue and how it succeeds to a certain degree in "breaking" the conservative attitude of some politicians....

Psychological Aspects of International Migration and Integration of Foreigners to Majority Society
Kušniráková, Tereza ; Drbohlav, Dušan (advisor) ; Janská, Eva (referee)
8 ABSTRACT__________________________ _______________________________ "Psychological Aspects of International Migration and Integration of Foreigners to Majority Society" This thesis deals with psychological aspects of international migration and psychological background of adaptation to the new environment. The thesis combines general psychology, individual psychology, cross-cultural psychology and behavioral geography. The author applies knowledge of psychology disciplines to the research of creation and forming of mental maps of residential desirability, place perception discovering and exploring knowledge about alternate destination for long term or permanent residency. It searches for relations between character profile according to Big Five personality traits - resilient, overcontrolled, undercontrolled and migrational and adaptive propensity. This thesis consist of two blocks, first part is dedicated to theroretical issues about psychological background of migration and adaptative process. Main topics are: personality theory and its application to migrants personality, theory of motivation within context of international migration, job of psyche and its influence on creation and forming of mental maps of residential desirability in perspective of international migration, process of adaptation,...

Nuclear power phase-out in Germany
Koňasová, Alena ; Nigrin, Tomáš (advisor) ; Dvořák, Pavel (referee)
The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to explore the nuclear power phase-out in the Federal Republic of Germany. The core part of this thesis focuses on the process which had led to the signature of the Atomic Energy Act Amendment in 2002. Since the way how the German public and some political parties came to the nuclear power phase-out is of significant importance, the development of opinions on atomic energy in the German public between 1955 and 1986 is described at the beginning. The next chapter presents the attitude to the nuclear power phase-out in the elections to Bundestag in 1998 on the basis of election programs of political parties (CDU/CSU, FDP, SPD, Bündniss 90/Die Grünen, PDS). The second part of the thesis deals with the process which resulted in the Atomic Energy Act Amendment. Firstly, the creation of the new government and negotiations about the new coalition agreement are explained. Consequently, the thesis deals with the suggestions of the two coalition parties how the nuclear power phase-out should be arranged. This is pointed out at the concepts which both government parties prepared. Also the reasons for founding the forum "Energiedialog 2000" are presented. The end of this part deals with the negotiation between the government and energy concerns which resulted in "die Vereinbarung...