National Repository of Grey Literature 22,021 records found  beginprevious22012 - 22021  jump to record: Search took 2.03 seconds. 

Oganisational culture in retailing company in the Czech Republic
Urbášková, Aneta ; Filipová, Alena (advisor) ; Zeman, Jiří (referee)
The thesis concentrates on the organisational culture of the company Tesco in the Czech Republic. Organisational culture relates to national culture. Therefore the first part addresses the culural differences between parent-british and czech culture. National cultures are described by means of dimensions. There is also included a dynamic point of view on the culture, that talks about how culture evolves and changes. The practical part analyses the web page of the company and qualitative data gathered during research. The thesis conludes that the extent to which the employees identify with the company values depends on their position in the company. There are differences between managers, heads of departments and frontline employees.

Python programming language and the effectiveness of its inclusion in the teaching
Vitásek, Tomáš ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Luboš (referee)
The goal of the first part of this work is to summarize the basics of the Python programming language. Show how to create programs in Python, what are the modules, the basic data types, syntax and the possibility of approach to language. The second part will address the description of the initial programming courses, their objectives and what benefits it brings to teaching Python. Finally, then look at the (in)dependence on the Python platform for running and how to get from Python to another frequently used programming languages.

Students of the Unity of Brethern at the beginning of the 17th century or priests-to-be from the archive of Matouš Konečný
Růčková, Markéta ; Ebelová, Ivana (advisor) ; Hojda, Zdeněk (referee)
In the course of reconstruction works in the area of the former cloister Na Karmeli in Mladá Boleslav in August 2006 the builders found two wooden boxes. The boxes were buried under the backfilling material of the arch of the cloister's ground floor. They have preserved the so-called Archive of Matouš Konečný (1572-1622), one of the last bishops of the Unity of Brethren before the Battle of White Mountain in 1620. The unilateral correspondence dating back to the first two decades of the 17th century constitutes the main part of the excavated archival documents. The correspondence which was addressed to Matouš Konečný is composed partly of letters from students (or to be precise priests-to-be of the Unity of Brethren). These letters constitute the basis of the submitted diploma thesis. Firstly, the author offers the basic characteristic of the mentioned archival findings and resumes hitherto scholarship related to the theme. Then the main core of the thesis is focused on the education of priests-to-be in the Unity of Brethren. This education took place in Brethren houses and was provided by priests. The quality of the knowledge passed on the pupils depended on knowledge and experience of these priests. The organization of this type of education was regulated by the church's order. Despite the fact that the...

Experimental Investigation of selected supramolecular systems by NMR spectroscopy
Šoltésová, Mária ; Lang, Jan (advisor) ; Kříž, Jaroslav (referee)
The thesis describes investigation of two selected supramolecular systems by means of NMR spectroscopy and hydrodynamic calculations. The first system studied was inclusion complex of cryptophane-C with chloroform. Initially, the kinetics of complexation was determined. The measurements of longitudinal relaxation and heteronuclear Overhauser enhancement on carbon-13 nuclei revealed very large motional coupling between the host and the molecular guest bound inside the cavity. Hydrogen bonded clusters of ethanol in a non-polar solvent were the second system addressed. The diffusion coeffcients of ethanol were measured in a broad temperature range (180 - 330 K) by means of NMR spectroscopy. The average cluster sizes dependent upon experimental conditions were determined. At low temperature (around 180 K), the cluster sizes vary from hexamer (0.16 M sample) to octamer or larger structures (1.4 M sample). On the other hand, the average cluster size at ambient temperature corresponds to trimer (1.4 M), pure monomer occurs in the less concentrated sample above 308 K. Experimental results for monomer are in excellent agreement with the calculated values.

Analysis of avalanche activity in Giant Mountains during 1999 - 2009
Veselá, Veronika ; Brožek, Jiří (referee) ; Vomáčko, Ladislav (advisor)
Title: Analysis of the avalanche situation in the Giant Mountains in the period 1999-2009 Objectives of work: Evaluation of weather and terrain conditions in the Czech part of Giant Mountains and the resulting avalanche situation arising. methods: Text analysis and documents relating to the issue lunge avalanches, time series analysis of monitoring weather and snow conditions in the years 1999/2009, the method of interview. results: After each day I announced to assess weather and snow in the winter seasons in 1999-2009. I compared the individual avalanche paths, their parameters and frequency of avalanches falls depending on conditions. Keywords Avalanche, the classification of avalanches, avalanche path, cadastre of avalanche, weather, Giant, climatic conditions

Natural and Artificial Life
Noska, Martin ; Pavlík, Ján (advisor) ; Petrášek, František (referee)
This thesis is about similarities and differences between natural and artificial life. It examines how a combination of insight from the disciplines of computer science and philosophy can be used to address this issue. By applying the principles of evolution to artificial life, the paper shows the perspectives of this life form and its implications for mankind. Human history contains many attempts at constructing artificial creatures; however, this dream only became reality with the advent of digital computers. Although artificial life is built on different principles than natural life, is better to view both as complementary rather than as opposites. It is possible to speculate on symbiosis between artificial and natural elements and on the formation of hybrid life forms that combine features from both worlds. Artificial life is not dependent on biological cycles and its evolution can proceed much faster. It has the potential to overcome the necessity of death, which is characteristic of all biological entities. If we compare the intelligence of machines to that of natural organisms, it is possible to identify the differences between them. Machine intelligence has the potential to create artificial collective intelligence through computer networks that exceed the level of separate entities. Simple forms of artificial life, identifiable at present, will evolve in coming decades and raise a number of unsolved questions (i.e. ethical concerns). These issues are and will remain current.

Measurement of three-phase EMC filters
Tomašák, Lukáš ; Soldán, Josef (referee) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (advisor)
The aim of this semestral project was to propose the measuring system for measuring three-phase EMI filters in symmetrical, asymmetrical and non-symmetrical mode according to information from supplier of the filters. The major part of this project was focused on measuring the frequency dependence of the insertion loss of three-phase EMI filters in impedance systems 50?/50?, 0,1?/100 ? and 100?/0,1?. It was determined that results approximately agree with specifications in datasheets.

The frequency of fractures of the locomotor apparatus in different periods of the middle ages
Krupová, Zuzana ; Velemínský, Petr (referee) ; Likovský, Jakub (advisor)
Focus of this work was to estimate the frequency of moving apparatus injuries in skeletal material originating from archeological research on the site of former Oškobrh graveyard near Poděbrady. Method of five segments was applied - diaphyses of long bone was treated as a single segment. In contrast to other authors, clavicle, scapula and pelvis were also involved in this study. 119 juvenile subjects were evaluated, and in the whole set only one fracture was discovered. In a set of 285 adult subjects, 11 fractures were discovered on skeletal remains of ten individuals, which represents 3,5 % of the whole set, encomapssing both medieval and modern funerals. The set was split in three groups in accordance with archeological dating for further evaluation and statistical elaboration. Two medieval sets dating 13th - 14th century, and 14th - 15th century, and modern group dating 16th - 17th century. The dependance of fracture frequency between men and women in medieval groups was tested, it was however not confirmed on either 5 % and further 1 % of significance level. Also, the dependance between left and right body side, and between men and women group belonging in 13th - 15th century was tested. Neither case has proven to be a significant difference in bone fracture frequencies, again on 5 % and 1 %...

Addressing and standard in translation
Novotná, Kamila ; Králová, Jana (advisor)
Práce se z translatologického hlediska zaměřuje na oslovení, a to na oslovení zájmenné (tykání/vykání) i jmenné (např. vlastní jména, tituly atd.). Klade si za cíl zjistit, zda se překlad mexické telenovely do češtiny v tomto směru řídí normami platnými pro audiovizuální díla ve výchozí kultuře, nebo v cílové kultuře a zda se tedy přiklání k adekvátnosti nebo naopak k přijatelnosti. Teoretická část práce je věnována zájmennému a jmennému oslovení v češtině a v evropské a mexické variantě španělštiny a vymezení vlivu kulturních norem na překlad. Nejprve je oslovení obecně definováno a poté je na základě odborných pramenů zpracován systém oslovení v daných jazycích. Poté je představen model překladu Gideona Touryho, z něhož rámec práce vychází. Empirická část práce se skládá z kontrastivní a translatologické analýzy. Kontrastivní analýza zkoumá oslovení užívané v českých, španělských a mexických filmových scénářích a klade si za cíl systematičtěji zpracovat aktuální tendence charakteristické pro tyto texty v uvedených jazycích. U zájmenného oslovení je výzkum zaměřen na poměr tykání a vykání v různých sociálních kontextech. U jmenného oslovení jsou analyzovány frekvence výskytu jednotlivých forem, jejich kombinační možnosti a celková frekvence oslovení. Provedený výzkum slouží jako východisko pro...

The influence of new natural gas sources on energy security in the USA
Vránková, Jana ; Neumann, Pavel (advisor) ; Vošta, Milan (referee) ; Baláž, Peter (referee) ; Pospíšil, Jiří (referee)
The thesis focuses on the influence of new natural gas sources on energy security in the USA. The new sources include mainly shale gas, but also tight gas and others. The main objective of the thesis is to evaluate the impact of changes in production and trade in gas on energy security and self-sufficiency of the USA. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is theoretic and thus provides the frameworks for the following parts of the thesis. It focuses on the security concept in literature and in the papers of international energy agencies, e.g. IEA. For the purposes of the thesis, energy security is defined as the ability of a state to secure uninterrupted and stable supply of energy at a reasonable price of sufficiently diversified energy sources, which can be flexibly substituted among each other without additional costs by the end consumers. The second chapter concentrates on energy security in the USA, the development of energy legislation and the position of the United States in international comparison from this point of view. The third chapter deals with the technical background of production and its legislative status of the USA. To compare, it also addresses the production legislation in some EU countries. It follows up market implications of increased domestic production, specifically its profitability, changes in energy mix and in trading position of the USA in energy sources. The fourth chapter analyzes price impacts using change in domestic and foreign demand and supply in natural gas, including their price elasticity, and the price development itself. The fifth chapter summarizes, based on the findings from previous chapters, perspectives of the future development, mainly impacts on economy and potential export. The thesis comes to the main conclusion stating that the production from domestic sources shall have a positive impact on energy security not only in the USA, but also consecutively in other countries dependent on import of energy sources through higher diversification of source countries. Better available commodity may contribute to greater price competitiveness of domestic products on international markets and help to substitute coal with gas in energy mix. The biggest risk is seen in the low gas price that makes the production economically unprofitable. However, the gas price should maintain the level which would allow for profit of the producers, reasonable price for the consumers and increased level of energy security thanks to further development of the production technology, its better price availability and increased demand on cleaner energy sources.