National Repository of Grey Literature 153 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Classification of board defects in semiconductor manufacturing
Jašek, Filip ; Vágner, Martin (referee) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (advisor)
This diploma thesis focuses on detecting defects in semiconductor wafer manufacturing. It explores methods for identifying faulty chips and controlling yield during production. To classify defects machine learning techniques are used. Initially, ResNet18 architecture was used for inference, but low accuracy was attributed to limited input data. Transfer learning with ResNet50v2 was then attempted, resulting in improved metric with different dataset. Hyperparameter tuning and data augmentations were also explored. The study found that autoencoders for data compression during inference increased speed but led to degraded evaluation metrics.
Automatical plant growing
Stupka, Tomáš ; Dřínovský, Jiří (referee) ; Götthans, Jakub (advisor)
The aim of the thesis is to design and an automated hydroponic station, which will be intended for the cultivation of herbs and vegetables for the purpose of user. The station will be controlled by a Raspberry Pi minicomputer, to which a number of sensors will be connected, which will check pH, EC, ambient temperature and other quantities. Furthermore, an external sensor with an ATMEGA328P control processor will be designed to check the ambient lighting parameters. A web interface will be created for the station, which will allow the user to follow the development of individual measured quantities over time.
Optical position sensor
Jakubík, Tomáš ; Frýza, Tomáš (referee) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis deals with optical sensors used in computer mice and their possible use as a 2D plane positioning sensor system. The first part of the thesis explains the principles and differences in function of individual sensors, as well as a description of the methods used to determine to position of the sensor. The thesis also addresses the possibility of such a sensor connected to a PC using a device to determine the position of the sensor. In the next part of this work the option to build such a device with the use of microcontrollers is described, including a description of the functions of various parts of the device. Last part of the thesis deals with the control equipment and software processing of information by a computer.
Frequency multiplier
Šlesingr, Jiří ; Urbanec, Tomáš (referee) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (advisor)
This work is focused on the possibility of realization frequency multipliers and their use in practice. Along with the dividing of multipliers are presented the basic parameters that are important for the choice of acceptable multiplier. From the offer and the available options is then selected for the basic implementation circuit. This is circuit HMC189MS8 manufactured by HITTITE Microwave Corporation. They made two samples with the multiplier circuit. Finally, it describes the design of a diode multiplier. Multipliers are measured and compared their characteristics.
Differential and Common Mode Conducted Emissions Measurement
Matýsek, Michal ; Soldán, Josef (referee) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (advisor)
This work deals with interfering signals and noises, possibilities of their measurement, their reduction and afterwards with design of LISN. The theoretical part analyzes formation of interfering signals, their types, with possible measuring instruments for each type of these signals and their properties. In framework of practical part LISN for long-term load of 5A, frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz, with possibility to measure symmetrical and asymmetrical noise separately and also with possibility to switch to normal mode of LISN was developed. For better results LISN was realized as two stage LC filter.
Control of Pixel Front Lighting
Kostelník, Pavel ; Vochyán, Josef (referee) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (advisor)
This master’s thesis presents new tendency in automotive lighting – matrix LED headlamp. This thesis consists of description of matrix headlamp construction, main functions of matrix headlamp and controlling by using new integrated circuit, developed by ON Semiconductor Company. The aim of this project is concept of algorithm, which provides correct function of integrated circuit. A part of this thesis is to develop and assembly evaluation kit with this integrated circuit, which will be use to present integrated circuit for customers.
The energy independent flow meter with remote reading
Šindelář, Jindřich ; Růžek, Václav (referee) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (advisor)
The thesis is focused on the design of a self-powered sensor for measurement of water flow rate and temperature in water pipelines. The key block of this thesis is the construction of an electric generator powered by excitation with turbulent flow. The generated voltage should power the sensor's circuits and allow water flow rate measurements. Throughout the development, three prototypes of generators powered by turbulent flow were created. Turbulences were not created by an insertion of a bluff body but by inner geometry of the pipeline elements. Maximum power of 10,66 uW was generated at flow rate of 8 m3/h. Afterwards, a prototype of water flow rate and temperature sensor was assembled. Energy self-sufficiency of the device at common flow rates was not achieved using the chosen procedure. The designed flow rate measurement method is suitable for an approximate flow rate estimation.
Control unit for automatic laboratory manipulation system
Vávra, Tomáš ; Růžek, Václav (referee) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (advisor)
This document deals with devices which are used for the automatic Gram staining. The document starts by a research with the aim to discover existing devices and to compare them to the concept of the device developed by company Biovendor. There is theoretically and then practically dealed with the methods of the rotor imbalance detection and measurement of water-level. The Practical part of this document describes the development of the control unit with the microcontroller ARM Cortex-M3 which will be used for the prototype development of Biovendor’s device. The Last part describes measurement of imbalance of three different rotors with the aid of the control unit.
Portable music player
Rozsíval, Adam ; Šotner, Roman (referee) ; Dřínovský, Jiří (advisor)
The thesis deals with the project of a portable music player with an amplifier in the class D. The device is powered up by connected power supply unit, eventually by built-in accumulator. Audio signal is played by bluetooth module, sound card or headphone output. Switching inputs and power supply of the accumulator is managed by a micro-controller. A correction equalizer for sound control is also embedded in the booster. All peripheries are put into a wooden baffle board. The sound is reproduced by a pair of loudspeakers.
Realization of Measurement System for Analogue Values with Memory
Sabol, Martin ; Dřínovský, Jiří (referee) ; Urbanec, Tomáš (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with transfering analogue values to digital form. Measuring values are saved with the information about time of measurement into the memory and these are ready to processing in PC. The Measurement system is composited from the main digital circuit, which is connected to measuring channel. Whole designed circuit with program equipment is exactly described in this work.

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